Saturday, 4 October 2008

Cheers Arsene, thats two weeks f*cked up for me!

I'm gonna be seriously fucked off for two weeks now and it's all Arsene Wenger's fault.

This result has left me even more pissed off than the defeat to Hull. We have to win games against sides like Sunderland or we can kiss the title goodbye.

Wengers tactics were wrong, AGAIN. We had an excellent win against the Portuguese champions on Tuesday so why try fixing what isn't broken?

It's not the first time it's happened, in fact I'd go as far as saying that Wenger's tactical know how is not his strong point.

After Hull City we played Porto almost straight away and that helped get the shock of that defeat out of our system. We don't have that luxury again with the international break coming up so I hope the players and Le Boss brood over this game for the next two weeks. I know I will.

I really hope the result hurts the players as much as it hurts me. Because I am seriously pissed off right now and want to punch someone, hard in the face.

I fucking hope that when they come back from international duty they buck up their ideas and that includes Wenger too.

Keep it Goonerish.........


  1. The result is a shame - we need to be more clinical and the officials need to develop a level of competancy beyond under 5 park football - it's getting silly now. What has really upset me is your violent outburst - hinting at physical violence being a cure to your anger in simply irresponsible blogging. There will be 12 year old boys fighting in London's suburbs due to you being a negative role model !!

  2. how insightful...

  3. No one gives a shit about you. Stop writing shit - the amount of self involvement of some bloggers takes the breath away, though this isn't nearly as bad as the shite at Le Grove.

  4. I think Wrighty is spot on.

  5. I don't care if no-one gives a shit about me.

    I write what I feel, its my blog and I'm pissed off with Arsenal today.

    Dont start knocking Le Grove either, this blog isn't there for that.

  6. Sorry mate, but you're a retard. You're not very clever and clearly not well educated. I hesitated clicking this blog because you always talk a load of shit. Will never come here again.

  7. I am feeling the same Wrighty, shame we can't be together in a moment like this. I want to beat some CUNTied/Spurs fan with some other true Gooners along me, shame......I have to prepare for my tomorrow-morning test, which offcourse would be poor.

    BTW for the first time in my life, I have felt that Arsene doesn't know what he is doing.

    My week is ruined....People around me tell me that when I smile it bring a smile to them too, now its not gonna happen for another weak.

  8. oh dear get a life or throw something at the tv when MOTD shows the lino getting the decision wrong that cost us a goal. The thing is bad blogging will just mean people won't bother clicking on your page anymore on Newsnow, at least Arseblog makes his anger funny!

  9. Tactics is not Arsene's strong point? C'mon Wrighty... Let all those emotions aside. We deserved to win. I wasn't impressed when I saw the formation with both Denilson and Song in either, but still i think that Arsene's aim today was to keep it tight in the defence while relying on counter attacks... In the end, I would prefer this years start of the season to the end of the last one. Cheerz!

  10. my insightful comment was sarcastic by the way.

    you are a moron. i suggest in future you wait until the day after before posting such brainless thoughts.

  11. well,you cant really act surprised can you.I could fill a textbook on what is currently wrong with Arsenal but i am not gonna.A performance like the one today just makes Wengers statement that this team can be as good as the invincibles laughable bordering on insanity.When certain players are allowed to part take in wearing our wonderful jersey it makes me cringe and feel ashamed but hey that what is what you get when your Manager refuses to address more then one elephant in the room.I would hold my hand up if Sunderland had outplayed us but once again that isnt the case it almost never is but it is a shame that we shoot ourselfes in the foot time and time again.

  12. Well dont click on here then! You did and you left a comment! TWAT!

  13. Manuel,


  14. I love all the fucking know-alls on here.

    Wrighty is a moron, you are shit!

    Have a decent argument about the article, don't keep writing the same crap.

  15. my point is proved by your immature response...

  16. I dont see why everyone is having a dig at wrighty?
    I know its just a game but wen arsenal loses it ruins my week as well coz i baddddly want to see the club do well as im sure everyone else on this blog does.
    personally i wouldn't be so harsh on wenger but wrighty's right, why did we change from wednesdays winning team? to be honest i cant understand why nasri was on the bench unless he was injured?
    keep it up wrighty i dont comment alot but i read all ur blogs and its nice to have a straight honest opinion

  17. I dont see why everyone is having a dig at wrighty?
    I know its just a game but wen arsenal loses it ruins my week as well coz i baddddly want to see the club do well as im sure everyone else on this blog does.
    personally i wouldn't be so harsh on wenger but wrighty's right, why did we change from wednesdays winning team? to be honest i cant understand why nasri was on the bench unless he was injured?
    keep it up wrighty i dont comment alot but i read all ur blogs and its nice to have a straight honest opinion

  18. The one thing that i cant come to terms with is why Wenger changed a winning formula... He said it was the most complete performence against Porto and yet he elected to change it. It baffles me to be honest. I have never doubted Wenger but his team selection recently has been suspect... I just can't understand it.

    I could start ranting now but I won't but it is blatently obvious that van persie isnt a winger, Nasri should have started and Denilson should have been dropped. He was dismal against Porto. Song always seems to impress me and I don't know why he doesn't start.

    I just can't wrap my head around it.

    Lets hope our internationals come back with victories and a new found confidence.

  19. it's not his opinions that are the problem, it's the aggressive and unnecessary manner in which he put his latest post across.

    sure we are all annoyed, but be mature enough to deal with it in the correct way.

  20. Punch yourself in the face then kick wenger in the nuts.

  21. Nothing wrong with the tactics you mug! In those conditions (you obviously weren't there you armchair muppet!) it was SPOT ON to play Song and sacrifice either Theo or Nasri. We dominated - scored at a crucial time disallowed and now found out that the goal should have stood. Once again we're caught by a long range rocket. THAT'S GOT NOTHING TO DO WITH TACTICS! Its one of those things.

    We're Arsenal fans - we read EVERY blog! But you are a prize idiot who just spouts non-stop shit. And you're embarrassing yourself because its clear you're very dim. To paraphrase what Disraeli once said - better to say nothing and have people think you're a fool - than to open your mouth and confirm it. (this is where you go to Google to find out who Disraeli is!)

  22. Punch yourself in the face then kick Wenger in the nuts.

  23. u fukin priks wat wenger has done 4 arsenal is great priks like u r not tru arsenal supporters fukin wankers

  24. manuel's got a point but we all end up being disappointed and im sure wrighty doesnt feel like hitting someone in the face now.
    and blogs arent always meant to entertain you just to give an opinion so i still dont see why wrightys being bagged here. if u dont agree with him then fine but were all arsenal fans so no need to have a go at him

  25. Wrighty I understand ur frustration mate, but I think that's all it is, frustration. When u calm down u'll see it was a difficult game in super difficult conditions. when a team packs the midfield and defends the way sunderland did its not easy to carve out chances esp with the way we play. Wenger's tactics were correct he had to favour physical power as he knew sunderland would get physical themselves. We should have clearly had a goal, and lets be positive we won't be going to places like sunderland on a chilling wet day everyday. I believe the desire was a lot better than against hull and we proved what a force we are by destroying porto so theres plenty to look forward to this season. We didn't lose the game, it was an away game, difficult conditions, not the worst result in the world. All u lot slating Wrighty tho need to realise he's just pissed off his team didn't win, just like u all are. atleast he has the balls to let it all out and take all ur flak.

  26. f,n true my man,if i had a dog id put the boot in in we were piss poor the day no hart at all

  27. wrighty7 ur going on like wenger is tryin 2 please u forr wat eva reason. his tryin 2 get results even tho todays performance wasnt good Mr.wenger does owe u nothing u can go ahead a complain about 2 weeks of ur life u been sulkin but at the end of the day ur jus a fan in his eyes. i hate it when Arsenal fans are quick to blame wenger for having faith in his young team and playing the style of football he choose to play. but at the same times fans are so quick praise the guy when he is spot on about buying talent,ways of winning matches and the type of football he plays. if u still blaming him ur sulking about for 2 weeks do something esle like find another or even have sex to cheer u up coz for me ur a sad person

  28. You set of twats. Wrighty mate you are spot on. We trounced porto then wenger drops nasri instead of that overrated piece of shit denilson. We were shit today we dominated possession but did nothing with it. its wengers fault for not having a proper winger in the side. when we play a team that plays 5 in the middle we are fucked cos we still try to go through the middle when what we need is natural width, so how was the tactics spot on you prat. We were lucky to draw. You AKB mugs make me laugh. we lost the title cos we had injuries, we lost the title cos of bad luck!!! what will it be this year, we lost the title cos of wonder goals. face reality, wengers losing his touch in his experiment with the club. thats all it is. an experiment with youth. but it hasnt worked in the past 3 years and its gonna be the same this year but you mugs will still listen to the dribble that comes out of wengers mouth. maybe the problem isnt the attitude of the players its that of the manager. lay off wrighty at least he has the guts to speak the truth, instead of you twats that are so far up wengers arse it untrue.

  29. anonymous 21:36.

    you write so well...

  30. manuel your one of the prats i was on about. you write so well. you muppet am i in a test or summat, does this post count toward my final mark. you can understand it cant you so stop moaning you sarcastic prick. you only say the shit you say cos you cant defend the teams lack of silverware. do you think chelsea or manu would go 3 seasons without winning anything and say, oh its ok cos we still play beautiful football. no, they wouldnt have it. we play beautiful football but we always seem to pass side to side against the ugly teams and go nowhere. 1 point from games against sunderland hull and fulham is not good enough. but its ok cos we still have potential and youth. bollox.if we keep this up we'll be lucky to qualify for europe. you know it. for all the good football we play, you cant tell me you dont get jitters before everygame, every corner and set piece. do you think chelsea and manu get jitters before games and at corners. do they fuck. do you think they get scared before they play hull at home afer wigan have battered them 5nil. do they fuck. face it we aint the team we think we are. but if your happy with 1 point from 3 shit teams then your passion for the club has become an obsession with the manager. you prat manuel.

  31. manuel your one of the prats i was on about. you write so well. you muppet am i in a test or summat, does this post count toward my final mark. you can understand it cant you so stop moaning you sarcastic prick. you only say the shit you say cos you cant defend the teams lack of silverware. do you think chelsea or manu would go 3 seasons without winning anything and say, oh its ok cos we still play beautiful football. no, they wouldnt have it. we play beautiful football but we always seem to pass side to side against the ugly teams and go nowhere. 1 point from games against sunderland hull and fulham is not good enough. but its ok cos we still have potential and youth. bollox.if we keep this up we'll be lucky to qualify for europe. you know it. for all the good football we play, you cant tell me you dont get jitters before everygame, every corner and set piece. do you think chelsea and manu get jitters before games and at corners. do they fuck. do you think they get scared before they play hull at home afer wigan have battered them 5nil. do they fuck. face it we aint the team we think we are. but if your happy with 1 point from 3 shit teams then your passion for the club has become an obsession with the manager. you prat manuel.

  32. anon,

    your intellect clearly knows no bounds.

    thank you for your kind words.

  33. and anon,

    to answer your post. no, obviously i'm not happy with the way we have played and the 1 point from 3 supposedly easy games.

    my prior posts have not been criticising wrighty's opinion's, they have been criticising the manner in which he expressed them. he was over aggressive and gives us gooners a bad name.

    you are not much better.

  34. No probs mate, i value your opinion. The thing is though i always thought the best fans that give the best name are those with passion, we all know wrighty's and its his blog he can say whatever he wants. What puzzles me is the fact that your more bothered about wrightys blog than the state of the team, which leads me to the question, whers your passion??? your severe lack of it leads me to the conclusion that it is you who gives us fans a bad name, but each to there own fella. and tell me this, do you always have to have the last word??????

  35. look im not happy with how we are playing. please don't think i am.

    i wanted arsene to drop van persie and adebayor and bring in the in form duo of bendtner and vela. the fact that some of the players who disgraced our club against hull have been allowed to keep their places today has infuriated me.

    the reason why i'm not threatening to punch people is because i have got it into my head that we will not be winning the league this season. it is annoying, but as arsenal fans we need to realise this and just thank god we aren't bottenham fans.

    we have more chance of winning the CL than the EPL.

    the pressure is growing on arsene, but i truly believe we have a rich pool of talent that will win us the premiership again in the near future. obviously it wont be happening this season, but it will do soon.

    that is why im not going around wanting to punch people, and is obviously why i don't condone it.

  36. Wenger is shite on tactics, usually blows it when when we need great tactics most.




  38. Obiviously you do. Listen mate we are all gooners and i agree with you that we aint ready for the title yet. I think wrighty just said what he said to show how upset he is, and its been totally taken out of context. I think deep down we all feel like that after a bad run of results cos i know my weekend is ruined. football is skin deep in many of us we all just show our emotions differently.

    War of words over though chief
    lets talk football.

    I think we all know we aint ready for the title yet but what annoys me is why do we have to wait. We have been a top 4 side now for how long and we play some of the best ball known to man yet we win something every blue moon.

    We all know where are weaknesses lie, yet season after season other teams strengthen when at the same time we weaken then wenger has the cheek to fill us with shit and say we will win the title with youth and we dont need new players, when its so obvious we do.

    Commanding goalkeeper, ballwinning defender,holding midfield hustler, tricky winger and lethal finisher are all players we lack.We all know this yet nothing has been done.

    The youth in our side isnt good enough for premiership level. the carling cup is a totally different ball game.

    We are the arsenal, we shouldnt have to wait god knows how long for a trophy just because the manager thinks he is untouchable and is using the club as an experiment. Yes the youth policy is good but how many of them are going to make it, honestly.

    Denilson and song aint good enough and the team cant carry them all season.

    Wenger knows this but he is too stubborn to back down. The board wont say anything because they are money grabbing dicks who are happy to see us just to qualify for europe whilst at the same time flogging our best players for profits. Wenger suits them.

    Yes he his a great manager and i aint calling for his head but Arsenal are bigger than any man at the club. Player or manager. We are the fans we make arsenal what it is. I dont pay the money i pay to go and support my team that i have loved for god knows how many years, just to be left frustrated because its an experiment.

    Its not like were a shit team with no money and shit stadium that cant attract the players. Its not like we have to rely on youth is it?

    We have the mangager. We have the stadium. We have the money and thats what annoys me. We have the foundations there, we just need reinforcements in certain areas. Wenger needs too take a long look at himself in the mirror, yes he made the club what it is today, but the club as helped him too.

    He'd be nothing without us just like we'd be nothing without him, but he needs to get over himself, buy the right players instead of wasting the money on 17 year olds that we'll have to wait 10years to come good, pick the right team, and give the fans what we deserve.

    Footballs about the fans. We pay for the season tickets and the T.V licenses to watch our team week in week out. This money pays their wages.

    4years without a trophy for a team of our stature isnt good enough, and its all because of a stubborn man who wants to prove something by using the club as an experiment.

    David dein was right with all the investors at this rate we will get left behind. And dont give me any tradition crap. If we were that bothered about tradition we wouldnt have a french manager with one english player in the team would we?

    We play good ball but we have nothing to show for it. You dont get recognised for anything in football unless you win something. Good ball or not. Without investmenting in new players we dont have the squad to win something an personally i couldnt go 4 years without winning naff all. At this rate and with the youthfulness of our side it could be 6 or 7. Thats pathetic.

  39. Wenger needs to be ruthless in dropping players.I tell you,if ade/eboue were to be under fuckface fergerson he would be fucked upside down.
    You sometimes need to be fierce to get the point to the players.

  40. Comeon guys get behind the team... if u gonna sulk then go to Man UTD who win every game... I've been a gooner supporter nearly all my life...Wenger's tactics were excellent. The problem was:
    1We didn't use the sides enough
    2 Sunderland had 9 players behind the ball.
    3 Had RVP's goal been allowed we would have won 2-0
    4 Remember we are missing Rosicky, Eduardo... Players who make a differencce.


    Galls may be the captain but Arsene must understand that Djourou is playing much better.

    Alex Song was probably our man of the match... powerful good passer

    Denilson for me is a great passer of the ball but tries to make it too perfect.

    Van Persie Was good but was tightly marked which is why we put him in the centre later on

    Niclas Bendtner needs to start now if Ade or Theo or RVP slip... He's in

    Starting Lineup Against Everton

    Sagna Toure Djourou Clichy

    Theo Fab Song Nasri

    Captain RVP) Vice Kolo)

  41. ,,If fucking ARSEBLOG wrote this you mugs would piss your pants. Fucking mugs. Keep it up Wrighty7, at least you have the balls to say the truth not like these fucking sheep.

  42. RVP captain? You can't be serious. You think he'd be a unifying force. Don't make me laugh. He's always getting into little handbags at dawn rows with his team-mates why the hell do you think Fabregas had to bring Ade and RVP together.

  43. I agree that the tactics were dodgy, and I can appreciate your frustration, however there are ways of saying things.

  44. E_gunner

    its amazing how the rude tossers never leave there names! don't worry wrighty ! like you said its your blog and i concur !
    Poor squad selection from wenger
    and pathetic substitutions ? vela on at 88 minutes wot the fuck was that about ? was wenger taking the piss ?

    the inability to get our strike options right is the problem .Wenger's failure to experiment !
    No end ball finishers .If you cannot convert possession into goals your always going to lose !

    Also take out theo ! fucking smart move ! song in the middle !

    Useless !

  45. Camper, I totally disagree with you. RVP as captain??? Are you mad? Song was our man of the match?? Denilson is a great passer? His ball retention is terrible everygame..

    Wengers tactics were crap. Drop Nasri? We dont have any natural width in the squad, we have no wingers, so we didn't use the sides enough cos we couldn't. What we needed was Nasris and Cescs creativity in the middle, song and Denilson just passed from side to side.

    So why on earth would you neutralise the threat your best players by playing them out of position (RVP on the wing, Cesc in the hole behind the striker, Ade alone upfront feeding off scraps, and Nasri on the bench).

    Every year we hear the same excuses. We've had injuries, we had goals disallowed, we had bad luck or we would of won. It doesn't wash with me mate.

    Disallowed goal or not we should of been winning by then anyway. Wenger had all summer to find players to replace the one's injured, and i aint talking about inconsistent youth players. And teams always play with 9/10 men behind the ball when they play us.

    Our games been sussed and the players can't adapt but Wenger wont drop any1, no matter how shit they play. He continues to play players out of position so we dont see their best game, and he continues to baffle us with the wierdest team sheet, week in week out. The tactics are crap.

  46. hey gooners

    i dono wt to say on the those 2 games where we lost 5 points and i m scared we wont be able to get this top four spots and honestly tell u i wud be happy if arsenal dont win anything and dont get top 4 spots.its sounds rubbish but i have got my reason.all these fukcing boses at arsenal board dont care about arsenal wining or losing or about the frustration of of fans.the get money from premier leauge and get money from champions leauge and get all there proift and make there acounts full so who cares about wining and losing and fans.if we dont finish in top 5 we wud get less money and wont get anything from champions leauge than these boses would realise that the team need rebuild and arsen wenker would stop this fucking song of talentd are talend no doubt about tht but thy r not capaable of wining trophies we shud understand tht in last three years.

  47. i have to agree with you Wrighty and when i watched the game it seems we're missing something up front. After the international break Arsenal should come up with something if we'll ever want to win trophy. Again good post, mate.

  48. I like your post Wrighty, shame about some of the cunts you get reading it.

  49. It's time to show wenger that money is really important in football and his policy of youth is piece of shit!i think this is half wenger fault and half arsenal bosses fault! how does wenger think he can win titles with 20 years old... with talent u can win some games but not all the games needed for the title because it's clearly we r lackin' a lot in midfield i mean there's no strength in midfield i saw 2 or 3 arsenal players follow one sunderland player and couldn't even grab his ball or throw him down at least. denilson is pissing me off i can't bear him anymore and i can't bear either wenger when he says we were not sharp enough or they were defensive or we didn't have the wish to win . those r fucking reasons to keep his policy of talented players. and the thing that is bothering me so much is seeing gallas and toure! they can't even have a good header to clear the ball from set pieces , and gallas is not agressive while he's in front of a player he just look at the ball don't make any tackles.

  50. i feel wenger went went this formation because he assumed sunderland playing at home would alot more offebsive and it did not happen,he was clearly looking to keep things tight,i feel from denfensive point of view arsenal were pretty solid but sunderlands aproach made it very difficult and we very sharp, and thats something that needs to adressed and it is clear that wenger not decided of were to put delinson but clear to see he can handle it, ade and rvp have not realy played together that mush,rvp has been injured so mush but having said the are to inconsistant and song ahs not realy played with fab that mush and fronm defensive point he looked very solid its nothing that cant be solved , wenger will buy another midfielder i feel, and we are clearly misiing risisky amd edwardo,are arsenal out of title race i say no but it very important that arsenal are mush more consistant,i know sundernads takticks were negative but its nothing new and arsenal need to able to handle that, but arseanl strikers need to alot more clinical because sometimes were goinng to play crap

  51. I agree with most of your posts wrighty but I feel there's too much emotion involved for clear and concise thinking on this one. I am pissed off as well but Wenger is an exellent tactition. He is trying to sort out our defense while ballancing it against or offense. I think we will have a string of wins when we come back after the break.

    the first goal at hull could not have been saved and Sunderlands goal was just as good. Those players might hit one or two shots like that in a season, unfortunately it was against us.

    We need to stick with the team. Support them, I hate this shit when we have bad results everyone is so quick to turn on the team and Wenger. Those people are the same ones who will be praising Wenger when we win a trophy.

    Benitez gets more support from Liverpool fans and he has single handedly ruined their chances at a premier league title.

    Wenger lost two key players and couldn't get in a signing before the end of transfer. He had a plan and I suspect things didn't fall his way. But I believe the team will come good this season.

    Keep the faith!!!

  52. Some of these posts make me glad I'm a Yid, even on 2pts!

  53. Record breaking team spurs! Worst start since 1912! Congrats, u tooled up inbred shit!!

  54. Superb, another well written, intelligent comment from a Gooner. You helped reinforce my point, thanks sweetheart xx

  55. Well as long as your happy with 2 points, that's all that matters. Your ambitions for spurs are in line with the team's.

  56. Wrighty any chance of putting up a link to my blog it's just started up.

  57. i feel for you wrighty.

    i was dishing some serious amount of abuse towards wenger when i saw the team sheet, i could tell he's trying to be smart fielding 4-3-3 before the game started. WTF. you f*king played a team off the field, with a thumping 4-0 in the midweek, and you decimate everything with a stroke of brilliance during the weekend. nice. i blame wenger for the draw. just not good enough.

  58. well said wrighty...inore the dickheads who slate you.. nice to hear someone with an honest opinion
