Sunday, 15 February 2009

I'm sure Gooners AND Liverpool fans will back me up on this!

That Harry Redknapp. The things he does and says. He is just a rogue!

The man can say what he wants and it is eaten up by the English media. He scratches their backs and they scratch his.

I've never known a football manager who taps players up so publicly as him. He is at it again. Now he is "admiring" our very own Armond Traore from afar. Well its not that far from Shite Hart Lane.

Perhaps he forgets that Traore was arrested entering Shite Hart Lane with a knuckle-duster but I'm sure Armand would rather stay at Arsenal.

Of course Redknapp will escape criticism again for tapping up players because he is such a nice bloke.

I'm sure I'm not the first person who is annoyed by Redknapp's antics. He does it all the time yet is never punished.

He did it when taking Robbie Keane back to Tottenham from Liverpool and he will do it again. And again. And again.

Perhaps the FA have no bollocks and the English media will never mention it because it enjoys a "special" relationship with Redknapp.

Its about time Redknapp was punished. His lovable ways maybe loved by the media but all he does is publicly unsettle players.

And there was me thinking that was illegal!

Keep it Goonerish.......


  1. Guys a total wanker in estimation.

  2. fair point that harrys a cunt.

  3. Redknapp gets away with murder coz he gives good copy to the hacks and they lap up his cheeky chappy persona! Just like Venables is some how lorded by the media hacks. Im sure its got nothing to do with his bar he runs that they usd to go to!

    Of course his tapping up will not be punished by the grey suits at the FA.

    And when the spuds are relegated come the end of the season, they football hacks will pin all the blame on ramos, Commoli, the tea lady and not dear old Arry.

  4. He's not even a good manager: got west ham relegated, saints relegated, would have got pompey relegated if gaydamak hadn't come in with his money half way through the season a couple of years ago and now he's working at taking the spuds down. I have no idea why people think so highly of him! And he's a wanker!

  5. Only good thing about harry the tit is his daughter in law. Fucking asshole...........

  6. I am a Liverpool fan and coulnt agree more. He constantly moaned about being given the opportunity to manage a big club so he gets a medium club in Spurs and does next to f**k all. The 3 points he got against us was a total fluke....Would really like to see them go down.

    Best of luck for the season boys...Would be great to see you pip chelsea for a champs league spot

  7. The fa have no bollocks

  8. Traore oooh oooh oooh
    Traore oooh oooh oooh
    He went to shite hart lane
    to cause the scum some pain.

  9. Sean;

    I think we will finish top 3 fella! But thanks for the good luck message!

    You never know, we could stuff Everton for ya in the Fa cup final!

  10. Harry knows where the bodies are buried hence why the FA are reluctant to have him investigated to closely. He's been doing his dodgy stuff for so long too many people are involved in one way or another.
    He lacks moral fibre for me. He has shat on Pompey twice. He has won 1 trophy in 20 years as a manager. That was only because the top 4 had all got themselves kicked out of the cup. I look forward to Spurs sacking him as they will inevitably will.

  11. Yeh the fookin press love him cos he's English innit!
    I think the back page headlines should be Harry Who? not Harry Houdini - cos what he's done with that calibre of squad is absolutely shite!
    He'll be back at Pompey if they stay up - no integrity!
    All the best against the Scum and Chavs (oh and neverton) in every competition.
    PS I love zonal marking and rotation!

  12. mate im a liverpool fan and you've just hit the nail on the head, i've never known someone to get away with so much. All because he looks like he's had a stroke

  13. He's a twat.

    His son is an even bigger twat.

  14. Redknapp is an over-rated tosser who simply gets by because he's English and half-decent. Every club he leaves he leaves up the shitter in financial problems.

  15. I can't thank Harry enough for taking Keane back. Harry speaks his mind and it's refreshing to hear his no-nonsense interviews and post match comments.

  16. can I just say I think Harry makes a refreshing change when he is interviewed compared to all the other miserable c**ts that are our EPL managers. Just look at them fantastically paid, worshiped yet you get Rafa et al coming out looking as if there nearest and dearest had just died. Get a grip ffs!

    I miss Fergie's mad rants when Man U were not winning. I fear we may have seen the last of these as his side are head and shoulders above everyone else.

  17. I heard harry only moved to the spuds cause of the bunse. Nothing else. He was desperate for the cash to get him out of his personal financial mess. Think he was having the plug pulled on his properties the banks own. Cunt!

  18. i hate redknapp as well but the comments made about troare were actually made before he took him on loan at portsmouth.. the web is just re hashing old quotes.
    but harry is scummy for his pursuit of every player he has tried to sign since moving to the spuds. I thought his comments about kenwyne jones were totally out of order on sunderland.

  19. should be selling fruit n' veg from a barrow and slipping dodgy fivers into the change

  20. Hi,

    I'm a Liverpool fan and have posted articles about the media bias.
    Harry and Ferguson get away with it because they write the articles for them.

    Wenger Benetiz gives them very little in terms to talk about.

    Look at the facts ...Wenger...Benetiz..and Grant are not going to give them easy stories or headlines so they make them up.

    Compare that with Ferguson...Redknapp..Mourinhio and how they mouth off.

    It's not gonna change but we can always highlight the lazy journalist comments and so called pundits.

  21. Let's be honest, any player he successfully "taps up" only ends up at Spurs. Good luck to him I say, and good luck to the players too. Keane, Traore, Chimbonda, blah blah blah. Who cares?
    I'm a Liverpool fan and my only concern would be if "Arry or Spurs" were big enough to tap up Torres, Gerrard, Mascherano etc and they clearly are not.
    As an Arsenal fan especially, any player of yours, who would be prepared to go to Spurs, is probably a player you dont want!!
    Ask yourself honestly, do Fabregas, Van Persie, Torres, Gerrard, Ronaldo, Messi, Villa etc etc, really want to be playing for Spurs at the M.K Dons next season? I didn't think so!! :-)

  22. every team taps up the players they want to sign, saves all the pissing about of agreeing a fee with a club to then find out the players not interested.

  23. fair comments, but to be honest Keane wasnt good enough for Liverpool and he wasnt good enough for Inter Milan when he had the chance, so he is better off at spurs who are a very average club with no ambitions apart from the carling cup which we all know is for our managers to play reserve team footballers and give them the chance.

    Harry also got busted by the FA the night before he was due to become England coach so i think since then they have given him a bit of leeway.

    Neways, Ive heard a rumour that Hoddle, Jennings, Ardiles and Ricky Villa are all on their way back to play for Spurs.

  24. Tony Adams got the sack cause he inherited Redknapp's weakened team at Portsmouth in my opinion. He probably thinks he can challenge for the title next season with Spurs. What a joke

  25. 99.9 percent of all the people who talk smack about anybody of such standard, doesn't even have a right to critisize in the first place. The people that critisize are the people who don't even have a right saying anything in the first place. Redknapp on the other hand, is a epl manager who does this for a living. Most of them could'nt even hold a candle stick to the man.
