Monday, 23 March 2009

Cesc Fabregas, William Gallas and Wayne Rooney treated differently; I expect no less

Could you imagine the uproar if Cesc Fabregas threw the ball at a ref, refused to leave the pitch and finally when deciding to do so, punches the corner flag. It would be like World War 3.

We make excuses for Wayne Rooney. By 'we' I mean English people. Rooney can do it because he is young, English and has an explosive temperament.

Fabregas walked onto the pitch after Arsenal beat Hull City in the FA Cup, dressed like something out of a fashion catalogue and is taken apart. I despair.

I have no doubt that had Fabregas done the same thing as Rooney did it would have been included in the ref's match report. Little innocent 'Wazza' won't be condoned.

If Arsenal do such things, we are 'spoilt little brats' and Arsene Wenger can't control the players. Remember William Gallas last year against Birmingham? Of course you do, he (and Arsenal) were destroyed.

The media will never say Fergie, The King, has lost control over his players because he will simply ban the press and press conferences. Just the same as we won't hear or read endless debates at Rooney's petulance like we did when Fabregas or Gallas were involved in something the press could sink their teeth into.

Stop making excuses. Rooney is not a kid anymore. He is a 23 year old married man for fucks sake! Fabregas doesn't go out shagging 67 year old prostitutes, like Rooney did, yet he is hung, drawn and quartered. Gallas was petulant at Birmingham but didn't we get to know about it!

Its double standards of the highest order!

Keep it Goonerish................

PS. Check out


  1. QFT, my friend.


  2. What does QFT mean?

    Nice blog Wrighty.

  3. Dead right. And ronaldo should have been sent off too. He got booked for a horror tackle after he lost the ball, which could easily been red. And for the rest of the game he blatantly dis-respected the ref. It was plain to see for anyone watching but was never mentioned by any pundits or press. Had it been an Arsenal player, i shudder to think what would have happened.

  4. How do you know Fabregas is 'hung', Wrighty?

  5. Too fucking true Wrighty.
    I was not suprised to hear your namesake sticking up for Rooney in whatever pisspoor article he has. Always has to have his say.

    Rooney is just a fat headed child inside with no maturity what so ever. Remember he also but petrol into a diesel car and ruined the thing. Brains galour!

    If tha isnt proof that the media love the Mancs than i dont know what is!

  6. Stu,

    Ian Wright is fast becoming just a distant memory to me!

    I used to love the bloke but I'm starting to find him hard to stomach!

  7. Shocking but are you really surprised...he gets away with it all the time, hence the reason he doesnt stop it.

    Masherano got an extra ban last year for having a go at the ref.....

    And yes, you lot seem to be the worst treated of the lot by the FA

  8. Nice to see you Sean,

    It never fails to amaze me the amount of shit Rooney gets away with!

  9. GoonerPete, it means "Quite Fucking True" ;)


  10. It's "Qouted for truth".

  11. was anybody watchin the scouse game yesterday? gerrards lunge on the villa defender where he studded his heel should have been a straight red. jamie redknapp says after the match "thats another part of his game". fuck that. and why o fucking why does nobody mention that thug steven taylor lashing out on arshavin? the media in this country is a piss take of the highest order.

  12. i'm from ireland so i dont view rooney through the same rose tinted glasses as you english men. he is a talented player (maybe not as talented as you english think) with a huge immaturity streak running through him, there cant be any excuses of immaturity for him anymore, i wouldnt have got on like that when i was his age.

  13. Phil Brown Interview: Why I love to lie

  14. It was interesting to hear that Scholes picked up his 8th red card on Saturday. Man Utd have had 3 red cards in the past week. When Eboue got a red card at the Spuds, we got all the shit about "Arsenal's roll of shame - the umpteenth red card in Arsene's 12 years at Arsenal - appalling disciplinary record" etc etc from the media, Sky Sports in particular, but there is no comment about Man Utd. Do you remember all of Roy Keane's red cards?? You are so right about the biased media.

  15. Rooney does indeed get away with a lot.. But what he did on saturday was blown way out of proportion. Had it not been rooney nobody would've probably mentioned it. To compare it to mascherano's incident is laughable.. Mascherano was up Bennett's arse the whole half. Also it took mascherano 2 minutes to get of the pitch, Rooney left the pitch in a matter of seconds.

  16. What about that northern tosser Taylor and his forearm smash on Arshavin ? Nothing said as per usual. Fabergas spits on the floor allegedly and there is a throw him out of England campaign..

  17. I fear their may be some truth to this, alla Keane and Ruud This news has been a slowburner on some of the United sites, abit like the Keane MUTV interview and the Ruud bust up and whilst accounts vary, the most consistent account is this one.

    The rumour is that after the defeat, Fergie was attending to interviews post match and instructed Phelan to give the players a strong dressing down for the result. Phelan immediately called the players to task and particilarly focused on Rooney due to his post game comments, stating that he had given Liverpool needless motivation. The atmosphere got heated and Rooney is rumoured to have retorted:

    "You can't talk you bald cnut. We never lost to that lot with Carlos about."

    This led to some knowing nods from the foreign lads and a stung Roo is reported to have followed it up by calling Phelan a 'poor man's O'Shea'. The United coaching staff all rounded on Rooney for these comments and Gary Nev as club captain and well known for his commitments to his fellow players tried to back up Rooney and the rest of the lads.

    Phelan took this as a lack of loyalty from Gary Nev and made some sarcy comment on his run of injuries. Angered, Gary Nev is rumoured to have given Phelan a 'funny look' retorting with a 'we never lost 4-0 at Anfield on my watch', reminding Phelan that he was the right back last time Liverpool stuck 4 past United. Things got more personal and Phelan accused him of 'shitting it' against Vieria.

    Apparently Fergie has laid the blame on Rooney for this episode as the instigator and his lack of discipline today is not going to help matters.

  18. Blimey - I'm actually staring to read your stuff with more interest Wrighty7. Shows how a good unbeaten run can bring us bickering Gooners back together.

    What I want to know is: Will the UK press give a similar amount of column inches as they did to Cescgate to the fact that Rooney turned and spat at the floor/in the general direction of the ref when leaving the field on Saturday. DISGUSTING BEHAVIOUR! Clearly seen by MILLIONS on live TV (yes Phil, not imagined up down some dark tunnel you lying imbecile). What? Oh.

  19. at last a post from Wrighty7 I can 100% agree with. Been saying the same kind of thing for years. Its a disgrace the way Man U seem to be treated differently. And why are the press on our backs so much ffs? We play great football. Makes me sick they must all be yids and manure fans.

    Please don't dis Ian Wright you muppets, he is Arsenal through and through. What would I give to have a modern day version of him at the club. An Arsenal legend and also my favourite Arsenal player of all time.

    ps. Did I mention Spike is Wrighty7's homosexual alter ego.

    Much love all.


  20. Can you imagine the reaction if the Taylor on Arshavin incident had been Gallas on the angel that is "Stevie G"?? It would have gone on for weeks and there would have been suspensions all over the place! As it was most match reports in the papers didn't even mention it!

  21. yes this is true wrighty7, the media decided to give more attention to how liverpool could close the gap on Utd rather than focus on how awful utd were in terms of their discipline. Rooney's sending off was petulant whereas Ronaldo was more cold towards his communications with the ref. He should have been sent off. As for Scholes, I have never rated the player. He can't tackle and has been sent off twice for handling the ball. enough said!

    amazing how these stories come out when teams go off on a bad run. I'm a strong believer that these things should stay inside. Let it get sorted there and then. Obviously it didn't and it showed because there was a restleness to their play.

  22. "Ronaldo raped me" says Rooney

    Star striker for Manchester United 'Wayne Rooney' has stated that fellow team mate and world player of the year Cristiano Ronaldo, sexually assaulted him in the changing rooms of Carrington after practice on thursday afternoon. "His weapon is as bigs as it looks" states Rooney. Rooney 'who was on the United bench till half time against Fulham' states that Ronaldo had cause severe damage to his rectum, disallowing him to run freely.
    "When the Gaffa told me to warm up on Saturday, I feared for my anus" states Rooney. "Lets just say that with those kind of free kicks, Ronny has no problem swinging his balls in behind the back".
    Rooney 'who was sent off in the 88th minuet' was said to be so violently scared by Ronaldo's tantrum, that he thought he was going to be bent over the goal post, and given it right then and there.
    Manchester United are yet to comment on the issues, buts its felt that John O'Shea may be linked to the dispute.

  23. All you gooners are the same, always blame somebody else, the media in England aren't biased, they dont care who they write about as long as they're selling papers, london is their target market so they write about arsenal, so stop making excuses for the shitty season you's are havin and realise that arsenal are not the top team you fools think they are

  24. Anit that the truth,people go on about having to have a core of English players.Only advantage there is they get away with fucking murder.Even Poll the clown admitted the fact

  25. Joppa,

    I hate to burst the bubble mate but Ian Wright doesn't seem like a Gooner to me.

    I used to worship the bloke. I was even going to get a tattoo with his name and the amount of goals he scored for Arsenal.

    The truth is he is bitter by the way he was outted by the club.

  26. Heehee!

    Even when Im not about, people just wanna chat about me....

    Ian Wright is a sad shell of a bitter old man... A media slag, renta-quote cunt who has said on more than 1 occassion he'd be playin for the chavs if he was playing now, that henry shouldve fucked off to barca A YEAR before he left and has slated the club, players and Wenger time and again.

    He WAS legend, but now is no better than the likes of Richard Keys and the other agenda driven cunts in the media.

    Anyone who thinks he's a Gooner must be a thick cunt...


  28. I have layed into the like of Bendtner, Denilson & Eboue. But to say that about one of Arsenal's greatest ever players is a fucking disgrace. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

    What a bunch of jokers. Nothing you say from now on can be taken seriously. You are not Arsenal fans.

  29. Hahahahahaha!!!

    Awwww diddums... Funny how the likes of Keown, parlour, Henry, Vieira, Pires dont feel the need to make money from slating the club they pretend to love eh?

    Nah, wouldnt expect a clueless plastic to understand the fact that Wright is usingn his association with Arsenal to increase his bank balance; writing in the Sun, hand wringing about the club he loves, yadda yadda... what a load of bollocks! This is nthe cunt who said he supports EVERY effin London club FFS!

    He's a meida slag, corporate lackey, you dont get it? well that aint a surprise numbnuts, you dont like it? Bothered... you wont be missed....

    You think its nice to see an ex-legend turn into such a sad 2 dimensional cartoon character??? The fuckers brought it on himself tho, sad but true.

  30. Yes Spike I agree ,joppa is certainly a thick cunt

  31. fuck off dickhead...I couldnt give a fuck about all that shit you pathetic weasel. Its what he did on the pitch that counts and he will always be a legend. There aint one player at Arsenal now who even comes close to him and you are slagging him off. What a disgrace. Utter dickhead, you should be ashamed you clueless cunt.

  32. In all seriousness Wrighty7 are really going to allow the slagging off of one of Arsenal's greatest on here? Its not on. We are not talking about Eboue etc. The amount of pleasure I. Wright has given us over the years and you are going to allow your blog to run him down? Shocking.

    You should say something or lose all credibility.

  33. If you two bitches, yes Spike and Joppa, stopped bitching then the stupid argument would stop.

  34. Well said Wrighty7,Rooney can do no-wrong as he is english and plays for manure whereas Cesc and Gallas are both foreigners and play for the Arsenal, I'm afraid it really is that simple.

  35. cannot believe I am the only one defending Ian Wright. No wonder there is never an atomsophere in the Emirates with fans like you.

  36. Just gotta say it amazes me how brave some people become on these blog's, it's embarressing. As for the press getting on our backs, I completely love it. I think it bring's out the defiance that is inside our amazing club, the 'lets show these bastards' attitude. Wrighty, well he's earned the right to say whatever he wants in my eyes. He is a proper Gooner and just gets pissed off like the rest of us. He doesn't come out with comments about other clubs because he probably doesn't give a shit about'em......Just Arsenal.

  37. Mate, I respect you for this; "you have hit the nail on the head"!

    Out of all media people and football fans alike, you are amongst the few who can stand up and get counted.

    We're double standard big time! How many times Eboue got 'slaughtered' for things Rooney does time and time again?

    We need to change, really!

  38. You are absolutely right. Referees treat English stars differently. I remember not too long ago, Rooney was cursing and swearing at Graham Poll, but the English official just accepted the abuse. Maybe he liked to be f...ked. Henri questioned the same referee, and he got 3 match ban! Go figure.

  39. today's blog is dead-on. it is absolutely inexcusable what the media have been doing to cesc, and yet its so typical of them to berate arsenal players that us fans can no longer really be surprised. meanwhile, rooney and anyone else who is english (except one who plays for arsenal of course) really get away with just about anything. sad, but true.

  40. im sorry as much as love ian wright he has also lost a lot of respect in my book,some of the crap he spouts on talk shyte is unreal!
    what gets me is he seems to jump on everyones bandwagon.
    i'll tell you players who come close,how about ADAMS,BRADY,BERGKAMP,HENRY?

  41. Media!!!!!!! What can we say? Thay really dislike arsenal. If walcott are at Manu, Chelsea, Liverpool etc.., the media will call for the head of the manager for not playing him. As an arsenal players, his ability are always question by the media until he score hattrick for England against Croatia. So what can we say? And one more thing, have clichy play for france senior team? Will he eligible for british citizenship? It almost like he have been here for a long time. Maybe if we have Almunia and Clichy play for England the media might love us. That if MAYBE???

  42. Nice one Wrighty - completely agree

  43. Ian Wright is first class twat.
    Ive lost all respect for him. there were times when aresnal were never given a hope in hell of winning certain matches but i still supported the team and believed in the players - no matter what! Now wrighty stopped playing he is quick to slag of the team and big up their rivals. He even went as far as backing liverpool last yr for the league and saying David (rocky) Rocastle would be turning in his grave cause we didnt sign anyone - wat a prick! rocky, micheal thomas, paul davis, steve bould. adams , keown, dixon etc are the real legends - Ian Wright is just a bitter C*nt!


  44. Wright has become a media whore...sad but true.

  45. Good to see everyone agrees with you joppa

  46. I just have to laugh at how pathetic you all are. When you have done what Ian Wright has done for Arsenal then maybe you can talk. You aint fit to lace his boots.

    Showing Arsenal fans for what they really are on here. Makes me feel a little sick to be honest knowing you lot are so called fans of such a great club. And you lot have a go at me? You aint got a clue.

    The fact that Wrighty7 has kept quiet on all this says alot too. How can you be so quick to forget what he did for the club? Next you will be telling me George Graham was a useless cunt. You lot have no idea of history of what has helped to get the club where it is today. New fans, must be. No fan who had stood every week on the north bank would come out with such shit.

  47. This time I agree with u joppa. A legend is a legend no matter what he done now. The things that really matters is what his contribution for the club in the past. He cannot favor arsenal all the time now. He have to be professional in his job. So how if DB10 become coach for other club? Will we suddenly forget him and his contribution to the club? Of course not. So give Ian Wright a room. He have to be professional. He only do what he paid for. So like all of us. We do what we are paid for to earn a living.

  48. A stupid comparison if you ask me, Fabregas had no right to be on the pitch, he was not in the maych day squad due to injury so should be in the stands.

    As for Rooney, I thik it is generally felt by most that episodes like this are his undoing and teams can see how easy it is to wind him up when things are going as he likes. I don't think he'll ever learn totally, but I'd rather him have that temprement than one of a big poof like Heskey for example.


  49. why have they given hull more time to compile evidence? surely all it takes is asking people what they saw.

    if cesc didn't do it phil brown should have to come out and apologise to cesc and arsenal.

    if they get relegated i will LOVE it.
