Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Hull City stand in the way of destiny

Hull City surprised a lot of people at the Emirates earlier in the season but not me. I wrote that if Arsenal underestimated Hull then it would bite us on the arse.

Many Gooners still have scars on their bum cheeks.

This time its different. Hull were flying as high as Pete Doherty back then and Arsenal were as cocky as Wayne Rooney before the Liverpool game. I don't want to sound cocky; but I'm fully confident that Arsenal will win this game.

The FA Cup has Arsenal's name on it. The draw (until Chelsea in the semi's) has been as kind as Snow White and Arsenal have taken advantage so far.

I think Hull have bigger fish to fry. Like staying up. I hope they do stay up because at the Emirates that day they played some great football and that is always good to see.

Hull have been great for the Premiership and achieving Premiership status again for next season will be their top priority.

Arsenal are hitting some real form and I expect that to continue tonight.

Keep it Goonerish.........


  1. Good post Wrighty

  2. Evening Wrighty..

    How's the Divide going mate?
    I stuck it in my links for you..
    I'm going to have to think of an alias to post on there as I don't want no marshlanders on my site.. lol

  3. Destiny my ballz bruv....arsenals shit...2-3 seasons back u lot acted like u didnt give two flying fucks about the F.A or the Carling Cup....now its the only trophy chance u douchebags have...sad...just sad...

  4. "Destiny my ballz bruv....arsenals shit...2-3 seasons back u lot acted like u didnt give two flying fucks about the F.A or the Carling Cup....now its the only trophy chance u douchebags have...sad...just sad.."

    ...Another sad Spurs fan annoyed because their season is over.

    "sad...just sad.."

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I wish the season could be restarted right now, and we could have a go at the league. I'm in the mood for goals tonight. destiny beckons!

  7. Evening Avenell!

    The Divides quiet but I expect that because it isn't on any feeds yet.

    How are you mate?

    Thanks for putting a link up!

  8. I'm not too bad.

    Just debating if I should crack a can open or wait for KO..

    What's the team anyone know?

  9. Ave,

    Crack one open now and then another at K-O.

    Problem solved!

  10. i have to agree with the anonymous above me. since the season where arsenal gone unbeatened. they had this idea of they are the best in europe and they have more than a chance winning the champions league. so they can ignore the other competitions, as if they aren't good enough for arsenal. now Henry left, no trophies in 4 years, some sence is kicked into that pedo's head. lower your expectations you goons, because another trophyless season is your only destiny

  11. i have to agree with the anonymous above me. since the season where arsenal gone unbeatened. they had this idea of they are the best in europe and they have more than a chance winning the champions league. so they can ignore the other competitions, as if they aren't good enough for arsenal. now Henry left, no trophies in 4 years, some sence is kicked into that pedo's head. lower your expectations you goons, because another trophyless season is your only destiny

  12. I'll be asleep by half eight Wrighty.. lol..

    I had a post in my head this morning and got up at 5.30 to write it then went back to bed..
    This blogging is dangerous to my health..

  13. never mind spurs' season, arsenal's future will be over soon when that little spanish toddler and "candy-man" him self leaves

  14. "never mind spurs' season, arsenal's future will be over soon"

    sounds like a stereotypical spurs fan.

  15. when are you lot going to learn? At least I stay strong to my points. Arrogant Wenger is at it again tonight. Compare this to the squad Man U put out against Fulham a couple of weeks back. This is our best chance of winning a trophy and going to Wembley which would be great for the fans.

    Come on Arsenal ffs sort it out at half time you lazy fuckin pre madonna pieces of shit.

    They need a fkin rocket up em.

  16. Gallas wearing the 10 shirt. What a fuckin joke. Winds me up.

  17. lol...who says Bendtner's poor first touch and crapness can't work to our advantage!!!

  18. Bendtner has completely changed this game. No matter what I think of his finishing he has to be 1st choice now.

    Arshavin pure class and great awareness.

  19. GET THE FUCK IN...no.10....ffs

  20. sickener of a goal for Hull you have to say but we are due a bit of luck to make up for all the shit last season.


  22. fuck off Tim Sherwood you cunt....

  23. That phil brown is a jumped up mo fo.

  24. dont care what anyone says though Wenger should shake hands. Poor.

  25. Wenger - I love you.....brilliant post match interview.....the smile as he said that goal was perfectly ok....the master...I couldnt see him to shake hands....lololol


  26. That thing with Cecs,very strange indeed.Why would he do it,wasnt playing,didnt lose and looked happy coming on the pitch.

  27. I watched the game in Shanghai at 4am.My impressions of Arsenal have not changed with regard to scoring goals. Arsenal shd have won by at least three to five goals.
    I'm afraid this profligacy will come back to haunt Arsenal.In spite of the massed numbers,Arsenal persisted in trying to weave a way thru.They weere then thwarted by the goalie and bodies.
    If the gunners want to win any trophy they must take their chances.While pressing for the equalising goal the gunners were exposed and against a top team could have been severely punished.
    So watch out .

  28. Another win. We need to keep marching on. 2 more step for the FA cup triump. A win at wembley really welcome. Come gunners. You can do it.

  29. just to remind all you benders (not sure why I have to do it) that Arsenal Youth play their FACUP Semi 1st Leg tonight against Man City at Eastlands.

    I think it is being shown at arsenal.com. Will probably take my boy to the return leg.

    GL to Steve Bould and the team.

