Thursday, 26 March 2009

Phil Brown, Sam Allardyce and David Bentley are all the same breed

Phil Brown has already made himself look a fool over 'spit-gate' and I'd advise him to just leave it be.

It's gone far enough. He is now saying the truth will come out. Is that the same 'truth' as when he said Arsene Wenger never shakes his hand or the same truth as when he said the incident occured down the tunnel or was it on the pitch?

Pinocchio has nothing on Phil Brown. Brown even lies in bed.

I believe some people have an agenda with Arsenal and Phil Brown is one of them. If he thought deep down then he would realise that Arsenal have never harmed him in the past. He is just following the herd. And what a herd it is.

His mentor Sam Allardyce is one those people that wouldn't mind his team being relegated as long his side did the double over Arsenal. I really believe that. Brown is trying to impress 'Fat Sam' and the anti-Arsenal brigade.

David Bentley is another. For some reason he really, really has it in for Arsenal. He only joined Tottenham to try to get back at Arsene Wenger and Arsenal for releasing him. His career is over now. He is happy because he scored a wonder goal against Arsenal, in a Spud shirt, at the Emirates. He wouldn't care if he never played another game of football again. Sad bastard.

I suggest that they all form a new football club with 'Fat Sam' as the gaffer, the Bronze Pinocchio as his boyfriend, I mean assistant and Rat Boy as the captain. They could call the club FOAFC, Fuck Off Arsenal Football Club or something along those lines.

What they don't realise is while their chat and front may impress a biased media or a mug down the street, what they are really doing is just embarrassing themselves and their obsession with all things Arsenal.

Perhaps if they take a step back they would realise that Arsenal have never meant to purposely hurt them if they have and that their hatred for the red and white is uncalled for. Twats.

Keep it Goonerish...............

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  1. So Brown has said that the truth will out.

    Is this the truth , the whole truth and nothing but the metaphorical truth. ?

    Idiot. !

  2. im normally a fan but this seems like a pretty pointless article.
    this seems a bit extreme, i hate them as much as you do but i think your exagerating a bit too much here.
    brown is a twat
    fat sam is a twat
    bently is a twat
    but i think there are better things to write about

  3. Mourinho described Wenger as a "voyeur" for supposedly discussing Chelsea all of the time. I know that was completely unfounded but in this instance I think you would have to day that Phil Brown and Sam Allardyce are "voyeurs" who look at Arsenal with green eyes as a club that is situated so far from their little sausage fingers that they are angry because they'll never reach our level.

  4. A pointless article all the same but you try writing during International week!

  5. I hate all three. Nice article Wrighty.

  6. A:

    You are perfectly entitled to write about Liar Brown because he is still living off the media hype of this non-event. Before this "incident" I couldn't care less about Hull, but now I wish and hope they are relegated and Liar Brown sectioned under the mental health act...

  7. I know what you could try writing in the international break. How about a piece on how great Ian Wright was (your namesake) when he played for Arsenal instead of sinking to the same level as those who try and put down the great name of Arsenal down. They are not worth a wank in my opinion. Who the fuck is going to remember Phil Brown or Fat Sam when they look at the history of the game. Arsenal are bigger and better than that.

    Ian Wright - Legend.

  8. It's true that Arsenal are bigger than these petty men, they love to hate and they are bitter about a lot of things.
    Certain sections of the press love 'good english' men like Brown and Allardyce and will always go along with whatever they say, including Spitgate.

  9. The reason why Bentley is so mad is because he wish he would have stuck around. The boy is hurting LOL. Sam and Phil well their just Wenger wannabe, either of them will ever be legends.

  10. i agree with king kolo.. he would have continue to improve and be a world class player if he has stay for 1 more yr. dumb asshole.. he has just got himself to blame.. if he had not pissed the fans off,, i think wenger might just offer to take him back he wanted to leave blackburn

  11. Bentley really have lost the oppurtunity to become a world class player. With Bergkamp as your idol and mentor and just a bit of patience, he will be playing for arsenal first team for sure. But no, he so impatient and want to play for the first team to improve his England call out chance. So see what happen to him. And this is the message to all current Arsenal players. Whenever you leave Arsenal, you will regret it and might have your carrier hanging on the noose. There aren't many of them are as successful as they are at Arsenal unless you talk about money. Below is the list of the top 10 arsenal player which flop after transfer out from arsenal.
    1. Ashley Cole
    2. Emanuel Petit
    3. Marc Overmars
    4. Patric Vieira
    5. Sylvinho
    6. Alex Hleb
    7. Mathieu Flamini
    8. Matthew Upson
    9. Reyes
    10.Thiery Henry (Almost. Lucky for him he find his form but almost to late now.)

  12. I really like your blog, i'm also arsenal's fan. M from Cambodia

  13. "bentleys career is over"

    what a sad ignorrant item you have become. i guess its the company you keep on here. a little irregular to say the least.

    there is a reason why people dont like your club, and the really scary thing is i dont think you understand what it is.


  14. So Summerspur what's the reason then?

  15. only someone truly ignorant can't spell 'ignorrant' ! Summerspur = Wonker :)

  16. I dont mind reading another article pointing out what an idiot Phil bown is. I feel sorry for the Hull players, who have tried their upmost all season, but have to put up with a twat like Brown. Jealous, narrow minded, pathetic and orange, that's what he brings to the premiership a pure embarrasment.

  17. ...and another Mark Mody listed some players, who have under performed since leaving, but I would like to add some shouldnt be mentioned in a list containing Cole, Flamini Overmars, Petit, Sylvinio, Viera all played there part in an Arsenal shirt and gave there that was a good team!
