Monday, 6 April 2009

Watch out Chelsea

After the weekends results our hold on fourth place is looking more and more certain everyday. It's almost as certain as Harry Redknapp having a twitching fit after yet another Spurs defeat. Put it this way, the fat lady hasn't sung yet, but she is beginning to warm up her voice with a reassuring hum.

Just like Mystic Meg, I can predict the future. A while back I said that Aston Villa would run out of luck and form while Arsenal would go on a run that would see us claim fourth spot. I'm proud to say I appear to be right. So far. And I'm going to use my powers for this weekends lottery for the first time.

I'll be truthful, I'm still wary but only a little. But at least now its Arsenal place to lose and that is a relief after some predicted we would struggle to get there. Of course, I never.

Sometimes a little calm is needed. I admit, there have been many times in the past that I have panicked and gone ape-shit, and I've done so on this very blog. But fourth place was something I was always confident Arsenal would get. We should aim even higher and try to take Chelsea out.

I can't see any reason why we shouldn't aim for Chelsea third place position. And it would really piss them off. Beating them to third, knocking them out of the FA Cup and finally, maybe, even beating them in the Champions League final.

Yes we are six points below them but we can do it. We are bang in form, at the business end of the season and are still to play them at the Emirates. I'd love to see John Terry crying again. His crocodile tears in the Champions League Final was quite funny. It reminded me of Charlie from EastEnders. And don't tell me you don't watch EastEnders.

Despite Chelsea having more success in recent times than us, we are still the number one London club. That cannot be taken away from us. EVER. Those dirt-bags may be able to buy Buckingham Palace but unfortunately for them they can't buy history or class. Something Arsenal have in abundance.

Keep it Goonerish................

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  1. arite wrigty,what you think of the 4-2-4 formation the weekend? must say often dreamed of it

  2. great post wrighty as always

    up the gunners ^^^

  3. nice on Wrighty....lets hope the boys can turn it on tomorrow. I am very confident. I feel we are really strong again, mad how its all changed since Stoke got those two late goals against Villa.

    Good to see Adebayor back as well. I think he is our best attacker, not all will agree I know but when he is on his game there are few better.

    Come on you Gunners!

  4. welcome back wrighty! The blog world has been relatively quiet since your last post.

    Great to see the gunners doing well, the unbeaten run is adding heaps of confidence.

    Could you predict my lottery numbers also then please?

  5. hahahahah you arse fans are a riot. so confident after finally putting together a few decent performances against poor opposition. you have to first get by vilarreal then man u to get to the cl final and you have no shot of that. you scum beat us at the bridge thanks to a linesman who must have bet on you lot that day. ktbffh up the chels!

  6. We're in a good position in 4th but we still need to play Liverpool, Man U and Chelsea in the league on top of Chelsea in the FA Cup and twice against Man U in the champions league. We need to stop losing players to small injuries and keep rotating. Nasri should be saved for the champions league since arshavin is cup tied. Cesc should also be bought back slowly (not play 100% of all games) to avoid him breaking down. If we manage the players well and keep them fit then we have a great chance of finishing 3rd.

  7. And you scum beat us at the Bridge last season due to a Chav Linesman!

    Remember Drogba? Short memory my friend!

  8. I like the formation, its got a great balance between defence and attack.

    I thought it was a 4-2-3-1?

  9. IT IS 4-2-3-1- with song denilson sitting, cesc arshavin walcott roaming, tomorrow the same but nasri in for arshavin
    cant wait to see walcott vs cygan in a foot race

  10. Oi oi Wrighty..

    Short memories .. how far was that ball over the line on Saturday?..

  11. this one is for that chav bastards comment earlyer...

    we did get some help from the linesman that night, but we scored all the goals (whip!)
