Saturday, 2 May 2009

So where are the gobby Aston Villa fans now then?

It seems to be awfully quiet in one half of Birmingham this afternoon. You know why? Because any chance Aston Villa had of snatching fourth place from us has vanished. It's over.

A few months back I seem to remember plenty of Villans coming on this site and giving it large. Where are they now?

You see, the problem with giving it large it that there are always consequences. It tends to come back and bite you square on the arse and unfortunately my Brummie buddies, you have been bitten badly!

You should have listened. I told you that Arsenal would go on a long unbeaten run, Aston Villa would run out of steam and Arsenal would claim a place amongst the top four. It fell on deaf ears.

I'd like to mention that Aston Villa have had a season of playing out of their skins (mostly) and Arsenal, despite our long unbeaten run, haven't hit the high heights of last season and still Arsenal came above you.

This may even shut that muggy dogger Stan Collymore up now!

Rant over.............

In truth, despite Arsenal finishing in the top four comfortably it was quite refreshing to see Aston Villa make something that resembled a challenge to the top four.

Aston Villa will be about next season make no mistake about that and it's down to the Arsenal gaffer to strengthen our squad because Martin O'Neil will definitely strengthen his.

Villa need to take it step by step. They have a good squad, a great manager and the foundations of potentially making the Premiership top four a top seven alongside Everton and maybe Manchester City.

For Arsenal, yes, we have finished in the top four again but it's clear that we need to strengthen to become challengers for the title again. Arsenal have no divine right to be a top four side but its something we have become accustomed to in recent years. Is that enough? For some yes. For others no.

The threat of sides like Aston Villa and Everton won't go away. The Premiership has become the most difficult league to win and the standard raises every year. We need to move forward too.

Keep it Goonerish...................


  1. I agree i got nothing but stick over arsenals perormances but now i'm giving it back

  2. man city and spurs will get stonger also, so signings is a must from wenger, but will he?

  3. If Aston Villa had finished above us I'd have lost faith in the value of quality in football. We're so much better than them. They don't have one single player who's as good as talk less of better than the Arsenal equivalent.

    They just had a long run in which refs gave decisions for them. Everton will still beat them to 5th place.

  4. all the so called fans must be kicking themselves when they wanted wenger out. tossers

  5. Love the blog Wrighty. Sometimes it's like the rantings of a mad man but I say you're just passionate about your club and you don't sugarcoat your words.
    Now job done today and lets get on with the pressing matter of beating Utd on Tues. Let's get out of the blocks quickly and get a quick goal or two so that if Utd do score then we don't have to hit the panic button. We are good enough to keep a clean sheet against them we just have to keep our nerve.
    I was delighted to see Toure, Fabregas and Nasri given rests today and hopefully we can get Van Persie back and go 442 and have a real go at them.

  6. In fairness Villa had a great run, a couple of more decent signings should set them on another good run

    In arsene we trust

  7. Cheers Marko!

    I'd say it was the rantings of a mad man to be honest pal! LOL

  8. There were some right mouthy Villans on here a while back. I got told a few times to prepare for the Europa league and that we were finished! Looks like Villa won't even make the Europa League and given the way that Genius O'Neill threw that competition in his desperate attemot to over haul us, thats probably a good thing for them...

    Saying all that, finishing 4th is nuffin to shout about, of course I want us to play in the Champions league as it will keep players we have happy and attract new ones, but we should be aiming higher....

    Hopefully our participation in the CL aint over yet.

  9. But what exactly does Arenal need. Please post a blog concerning what we need for next year, if possible while being realistic.
    WE cannot be foolish, we have to compare ourselves to teams that win trophies, and the ideal candidet is man u. what is different with them than with Arsenal concerning squad, coaching, tactics etc.
    So what does arsenal need? I think if we can be better concerning injuries, having fewer, then that is one step up for us.
    Earier in the season i said in tears, if arsenal could only go in the top for, then next year we would have learnt from this season and be much stronger. that was when teams parked the bus infront of us.
    now in my view arsenal needs Solidity, and have a togatherness, so that we attack togather and defend togather. Also we need sharper forwards. The forwards we ha ve are not in the class of torres , drogba, rooney presently. And their best form is not always achieved. plus van persie and eduaro are frequentyl injured.
    Another desire of mine i s a real BOX to box midfielder that has a never ending supply of energy that drives the team forward.
    But my greates desrie is to see arsnal togahter, with a similar squad mathc after match, being fit and plyingtogather. That we diver for every ball, and make challenges keeping lots of clean sheets and scoring Lots of goals. Having no mercy even when we are 3-0 up. I belvie its in arsenal, the tactical togatherness and battling that chelsea and man u have, the drive that liverpool have. Arsenal have the potential.

  10. And I'm not even sure we need that many signings in the summer, It's more about us keeping our players fit for me. But I do think we need to buy a good competant centre half, someone like Sahko who can be 3rd choice behind Toure, Gallas and Djourou. I don't see Silvestre being there for much longer with his age and all. We don't need a defensive midfielder I think Song has seen to that and if they do decide to sell Adebayor, I think we should stick with him and hope he gets back his form, but if he does go we should buy this Dzeko from Wolfsburg he is simply a goal machine and young too.

  11. Only player id take from them would be Gabriel Agbonlahor and maybe Ashley Young for backup for the first team

  12. Come on guys, its all banter. I did remember reading some of the Villa fans giving it large but thats what football is about. We were on a terrfic run while you just wasn't at the time. We deservedly beat you at The Emirates and should have beaten you at Villa Park. The thing is, we've had a terrific season. At the start of the season if you asked me would we be flirting with the top four i would have laughed at you. We've improved immenseley over the three years under O'Neill. From 16th to flirting with the Top Four. He's done such a good job and this season, with another 3 players and a fully fit Martin Laursen i think we would have sustained our challenge right to the end. The fact is, we haven't got a big squad and it has caught up with us ( like many of us feared) but we were living the dream, in 4th for so long, we were entitled to a bit of glory and gloating then. Truth is, the squad isn't good enough for top four yet but with a summer of strengthening i'm confident for the future. The top four cartel will be broken within the next few years, could be any of the 5th-9th teams to be honest. Lets just wait and see. Enjoy the Champs League all the same.


  13. you guys should check this link:, you'll like it.

  14. Aston Villa Here We Go
    Aston Villa Here We Go
    Aston Villa Here We Go
    Aston Villa Here We Go
    Aston Villa Here We Go
    Aston Villa Here We Go

  15. hahaha

    we had you scared for a while though

    bring on next season

  16. We have got a new medical team now, so, hopefully we will have better luck with injuries to players.

    We still need 2 or 3 signings in my opinion, plus a few kids to play more' Vela, Wilshire, lansbury, Ramsey and possibly a surprise one like Keiran "England's future Left back" Gibbs!

    I cannot see both Kolo and gallas staying, 1 or both will leave. Even tho he is by far the better defender, Gallas might be the 1 to leave as he really fucked things up earlier in the season and possibly Adebayor will be sold too? So, if that happens, then we'll need 5 players!

    I'd like that Hangeland from Fulham, Sakho from PSG, Micah Richards, Mammadou Diarra from R Madrid and a top striker to replace Ade IF he goes...

    Not much to ask eh???

  17. Sorry Villans, some Gooners mightve been worried, but I wasnt for a second. Sure you wont wanna believe me, but who cares?

    I'll be collecting my cash from a stoopid United supportin mate who bet me Villa would finish above us earlier this season!

  18. Ole Gunner said...

    If Aston Villa had finished above us I'd have lost faith in the value of quality in football. We're so much better than them. They don't have one single player who's as good as talk less of better than the Arsenal equivalent.

    Thats why we completely outplayed you home and away......

  19. Anon; 18;19

    Yes, you maybe shudve beat us home and away, but you didnt.

    Then again, we beat United home and away the season before last, but united won the league, did that mean we were better than them?

    Nope, course not and it dont mean Villa are better than us now, you deluded, anonymous fool...

    No offence!

  20. Maybe you arsenal fans should worry about your own team who are clearly on the decline.

    Leave us villa fans alone, we have had a great season and are perfectly entitled to crow abit after so many years of underacheivement.

  21. Hahaha! Shit, if we are on the decline, what the hell is Villa doin??? Hilarious!

    Wrighty, you've really hit a nerve with these over sensitive villans fella!

    Awwww diddums!

  22. Well... it was not only the villa fans that say bad about us... one of their players by the name of agbonlahor... said something about Villa going on to be the fourth team and claim champions league football next season. Well well well.. Big talking and where is villa now?? 13 points behind arsenal. 4th place? Well.. secure ya 5th position first before you try going to snatch 4th place.

    And well agbonlahor, let me remind you something.. even your villa fans booed you. You sucks and you have not been scoring since i dont know when. Having O'neil as your manager, isnt that great a deal!

    So please watch what you are saying the next time, champions league football? Try winning some games first my friend, and end ya winless streak..

  23. I don't see Toure leaving now that he has rediscovered his form and I think Wenger will look to keep Gallas for another season cause let's be honest there's not a great deal of quality out there available you know. I don't think we need another midfielder except maybe one of those guys from St. Etienne like Matuidi or Dabo but just as far as numbers. If all our midfielders were fit then we'd be beating 99% of teams. I know people don't rate Diaby and Denilson but as squad players they are good enough just now for the starting 11. And forget Santa Cruz if Ade leaves we should sign Dzeko or Gervinho not a crock.

  24. I'm an arsenal fan and I hoped Villa would get 4th, if we got 3rd or above. They must have around 15 Englishmen in their 20 man squad. I like the villa.

  25. What people dont relise is we have had a slow season with lots of major injurys again
    We still have a chance to europian cup.
    Liverpool and chelski still have not one anything either in fact it looks Liverpool for all there luck with last minute goals wont win anything for a 3rd season
    So if we dont win anything who would be the more dissapointing team ????
    We have a lot of potential i think we need maybe to buy four players 2 defenders a defensive midfielder and a decent striker

  26. You Arsenal fans are making right tits of yourselves! We aren't as good as you at the moment and the second half of this blog did make some sense. You gaining 4th was down to our weaknesses not your strengths, a very poor run has given it to you and it has to be said you deserve it more than us. But instead of giving it the big time charlie think about just how close you were to losing champions league to a team who were lucky to get into the intertoto last year. We're on the up and you cockneys won't have it so easy next year. Up The Villa....

  27. Villa - they came, they saw, they failed...

    Now we have to put up with a summer of those fat little Spuds bursting out of their XXXL Keane shirts saying they'll break into the top 4 next season - until September that is when their in the bottom5 again.

  28. Villa's BEST ever Prem season ........
    Arsenal's WORST ever Prem season .........
    13pts ahead.

  29. pjvilla

    You're the one makin a real tit of yourself fella.

    No Gooners are acting the big un, why would we? Finishing 4th aint a great achievement for the club.

    Face it, you had your best chance and effin blew , even when your manager threw games in Europe! You played out of your skins and had the kinda luck that only united usually get and still you are currently 13 points behind us...

    Fuckin idiot! And sayin you are on the up and we are on a downer??? Really? What are you basing that on? Sayin "oh if it wasnt for ...yadda yadda, we;d be ahead of you" Is an excuse a child would make... Shit, if we had Eduardo, Rosicky, Theo, Ade, Cesc, Gallas, Clichy, Rvp fit all year we'd have won everything...!

    You sad like a bitter spud.

    Jog on

  30. Congratulations gooners, Villa fan here. At the end of the day, come the end of the season, you will have more points than us and the league table doesn't lie. When we were above you, we deserved to be but as many gooners pointed out, it is a long season. You deserve your spot and all the best. Hopefully, when Gaz Baz leaves, he goes to you instead of plop. One thing the Arsenal are missing is an English spine and you wouldn't go far wrong starting with Gaz Baz. We'll be back next season, but for the rest of this season, all the best.

  31. Brilliant decision by O'Neill to buy that lump Heskey and destroy Agbonlahor!

    cheers Mate!

  32. anon 20;12

    Top one fella! Thats how it should be! Nuff respect!

  33. 4th place this year means a tougher pre-qualifying CL match..we could face someone like Bayern Munich, Villarreal etc etc.I hope we can sneak 3rd but it looks unlikely.
    As for Villa, it wasn't soo much Arsenal's good run..but O'Neill fluffed his lines big time firstly by signing Heskey and then playing a reserve team in the UEFA Cup.
    The league will be much tougher next year but so will Arsenal. Watch our Premiership.

    You too Wrighty!

    PUT ALL YOUR CASH ON ARSENAL 3-1 V MANURE ON TUESDAY!!!! I dreamt it last night - and before you laugh - the last football dream I had was the 3-1 v Juventus years ago. HOW WEIRD IS THAT!!!

    Think i saw Walcott celebrate in the dream - so he might score, but just bet Arsenal 3-1. it's 20/1.

    EASY MONEY!!!!!!

  35. Gloating about finising 4th says alot about Arsenal at the moment.Nowhere near challenging for the league and totally outclassed by man u during the week.Villa were the better team both times we played each other,try aiming up the table instead of celebrating another year of standing still.

  36. I've read a lot of your stuff this season Wrighty , and found it good stuff, but this however is just rubbish. Not all Villa fans came here gloating infact i've had some good convo in the past about how it would be a good run in. Unfortunatly for the Villa we blew it big time, but to be honest, any true villa fans knew it would happen, we still love the villa as thats whats being a true football fans about, come on lets be honest, how large is Arsenals fan base dependant on league position, I reckon chinese airlines must drop to half profits when the arse are having bad times of it. Go back to your old style of writing, you know the stuff when you wernt so childish, I liked that. And well done to the Arse for a deserved (in the long run) 4th. Villa couldnt hack it in the champions league just yet, next season though, with some money ploughed into the club we will be able to.

  37. Wrighty doesnt need me to fight his corner, but, to the Villans having a pop;

    The post is entirely aimed the Villans who came on HERE, giving it the big un, gloatin and goin on about how they were 100% guaranteed, nailed on, sure fire bet to finsih above us, tellin us how shite we now were, our time was up and it was all there for Villa to take, they had the future of Englands football team, yadda effin yadda....

    So, Wrighty7#s post is for them...

    Now, kindly do one!

    PS; And once again, we beat United home and away 2 seasons ago, they won the league, but we must be better than them goin by some deluded Villans logic eh?

    And, again, no Gooner is gloatin about finishin 4th, thats no achievement for this club...

    Winning the Champs league would be tho!

    Thing is, ive always liked Villa, remember em winning the Eoro Cup, and my best mate was a Villan, but am rapidly goin off em due to warped fans...

  38. That's so fickle to go off us just because of a few. I wonder if you were one of the one's calling for Wenger's head not so long back! Truth is you are all really sighing with relief because we had you worried for a while. As someone pointed out earlier you havn't moved forward but Villa are making progress. This season will stand the younger players in good stead for next year an so on. With a little more investment things will only get better. Young won the young player of the year and Gabby came second! The future's bright, the future's Villa..

  39. IM going to be honest here and say villa gave us a run for our money for fourth spot, some gooners forget we were 3 minutes from being 8 points adrift from 4th place but with luck and some desire to pip villa to fourth spot(which we lacked from the beggining of the season to january). No point crying about this season we got fourth spot although it is not good enough for my beloved arsenal and two semifinals which arsene has lost because of his tinkering tactics which dont work. Overall this season was a failure but with positives. A failure because of wengers stuborness not to strenghten the squad. Players who were lazy and knowitalls because wenger refuses to bench players who play bad and also a lack of players who push for the first teamers spots, which meant players got away with murder on the field and would not get drop. The positives are with all the things going on we claimed 4th spot and have been in two semifinals while one is still going on. Finally this season of dissapointment is over but we can still win the champions league if the players bother to turn up at the grove. Moving on to next season i have high high hopes if wenger recalls all loanees, if he buys 4 players, sakho,veloso, ninis,crouch and sell adebayor and if every1 on the treatment table comes back we will be the best team in the world

  40. Victor Ifon (Nigeria)2 May 2009 at 21:44

    I would say that Aston Villa were thinking too high.You should know that Arsenal must come first before Aston Villa,I am not saying it is impossible but you must know that we would not sit and watch you guys get in front.Hope you dream more but do not think you would be above Arsenal

  41. Anon 20:20,

    I had a vision in the shower the other day of 3-1 to the Arsenal! We'll be 2 up, they'll get an away goal in the 80-85th min and celebrate going to the final then in the dying minutes/seconds Nikky B's going to poke his leg into a goalmouth scramble and knock it in! Boom! We're going to Rome!

  42. guys were sweating tho..for a team of Arsenals size and quality its kinda embarrassing that your so proud to nip Villa to the post for 4th spot..I thought you had title aspirations?!?

  43. Hang on, don't get giving the whole Arsenal are a massiveley bigger club than Villa mate. You might have competed in the European Cup/Champs League but you've never won it like us have you? You may have won premiership titles and all that but this is what pisses me off, so called top four fans. I'm talking about the ones who only recently starting supporting Arsenal and Chelsea etc. Older Arsenal fans this doesn't apply to them but when i read this whole Villa have got no right finishing ahead of Arsenal rubbish it gets me irritated because these fans don't know any of our history. We've had a terrific season and lets hope we keep improving. Been a marvellous season this year. Villa have excited people. Everyone was worried at a time, no one can deny that. I like to see that Villa have contributed to one of the best seasons this league has ever seen. Up the Villa.

  44. Aston Villa....

    They'll be crapping themselves not getting 4th

  45. You must really enjoy chanting Arsenal for your Foreign team with foreign manager. Give me The Villa any day of the week.

    As for the people posting comments about players you would take off us as back up for your 1st team. One, we dont possess any greasy Frenchmen or Dutch Nancy Boys, two we have no intension of selling our best players and three Ashley Young, Gareth Barry and a fully fit Martin Laursen would quite easily walk straight into your team and deep down you all know it.

    Good luck next season. We'll be "gunning" for you again.

  46. Martin Laursen I'll compare to Senderos. Went to AC Milan, barely made it. Certain to move on.

    Laursen? With Toure and Gallas still alive? Even Silvestre?

    And Djourou who in two years will be World Class.

    Laursen would walk straight into our Carling Cup team!

    ha ha ha ha ha

    Funny how you start out demeaning all the foreigners, and once it comes time to boast about your players, who do you pick? A foreigner.

    You just need more foreigners. Good luck keeping 6th place.

  47. Martin Laursen I'll compare to Senderos.

    The point at where I stopped reading.

  48. Firstly, Anon 23:40 is a racist wanker and should fuck right off ever speaking again, you dead-brain-celled cunt!

    Secondly, Fuck Villa. They're history!



    2-0 , 3-1 , 4-2 , 5-3 !!!!!

    B E L I E V E !!!!!!!!!

  49. o'neil made u huge mistake and im so happy for that. he abandoned the uefa cup which i think they could win to be in CL next year. he thought that villa can make it to the top 4 but he wrong. o'neil is a good manager but never be good to be in the Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool and Manchester United as a manager. that's the different between the top 4 an the other teams. the top 4 always want to win everything not simply throw away an opportunity to race for the other 1. sorry villans, blame your manager rather than moaning here.

  50. Guys - all missing the point. Although none of the big 4 have been that impressive this season -(Chelsea changed manager, many Arsenal fans calling for Wenger - they did), Lpool fans booing their own players, Man U winning but loads of 1-0s - two things remain the same:

    1. no other team will finish within 10 points of them
    2. Only ManU and Chelsea will win anything again.

    In terms of competition, Eng Prem is as predictables as Scottish Prem.

  51. villa fan with 4 arsenal shirts...3 May 2009 at 08:49

    To the guy that said it was villa best ever season in the Premiership, how about 92/93 when we finished 2nd? And arsena;s worst ever season in the Prem? 94/95 12th? Get your facts straight buddy.

    Back to the original post, I agree with every word you've said, fair play.

  52. Firstly, Anon 23:40 is a racist wanker and should fuck right off ever speaking again, you dead-brain-celled cunt!

    Ha ha ha amazing response you say he has no brain cells and then you come back with that response, oh the irony.

    A cockney team with no cockneys in it. You must be so proud to cheer on your boys.

  53. As a Villa fan, I think we've had a fantastic season, we are NOT top 4 quality YET. We have suffered badly with the loss of laursen, as you guys have also suffered with injuries. Personally I think the "wenger out" bunch are total idiots,
    you have a quality manager there, as we have with martin o neil.

    Watch you backs in a couple of years though, because if we don't break top 4 someone else will.
    All the best for tuesday.

  54. You must be delighted with 4th place....

    A real step forward eh.

    Also to get another point across - Villa fans DID NOT boo Agbonlahor. They ironically cheered the manager's decision to sub him, as it should have happened weeks ago but instead MON decided to deflect the criticism away from him and onto the player - hence why everyone else thinks we booed him, we did not.

  55. Your a better team who have more quality. We had alot of luck for a while and punched above our weight. However Iam happy to be one of the best of the rest. We have a long way to go.

    Up the Villa.

    Arsenal keep playing that beutiful football

  56. As a villa fan I think the blog is fair, there are idiots on both sides, thets just the way it is the country and football is full of idiots.

    For the remaining fans who actually know something about football and accept both the highs and lows with some sense.

    Truth is Villa blew it as Arsenal began to show their true potential, Villa are not ready for Champions League football, we havent the squad or experience in European foorball in recent seasons, it could have been embarrassing.

    Arsenal can not challenge Chelsea or Man Utd for the Premiership in the near future, their resource and squads have become so deep it will be very difficlt, I think Arsene will abandon his stance and will spend this summer, look at Arshavin, you messed around so long before signin him at a bargain fee, where would you be now if you had signed him earlier, he is pure class.

    Get rid of Adebayor, Bendtner and Van Persie, sign a couple of decent forwards and Arsenal will truely be a force again. Wenger is a great manager and any fan who calls for a manager like that who has done so much for your club and resisted so many good offers are just very foolish.

    Arsenal can beat Utd over 2 legs in the champions league, the are a very good cup team on their day and I genuinely hope you beat Man Utd, they are truely horrible supporters, aragant with a manager who has become untouchable and can effect referees with pure contempt.

    Villa will continue to build and will remain in the top 6 for a while to come fighting with Spurs, Everton, Man City and so on.

    Thats it, rant over.

    Good luck tuesday.

  57. most of the gooners that i have had contact with this season, have been brilliant... had some great banter with them, and it has been a brilliant laugh...

    obviously, there will be some gooner and villa fans who will take the banter a little too seriously, but on the whole, i think the challenge from us, has been in brilliant nature between the two sets of fans...

    i personally, have really enjoyed it, and while i have stated all along that we wouldnt have enough in our locker to sustain such a challenge, the fact that we have been up there within 3 years of having new direction both on and off the pitch, is brilliant for us...

    congrats on finishing above us, and good luck!

  58. If finishing above Villa defines your season, then there is something very wrong with your aspirations as a fan.

  59. So who won the points when we played each other? I think the arses got 1.

  60. Was someone a wee bit worried about losing there precious champions league place..........

    Boo hoo


  61. you arsenal fans talk out your arse u was slaggin wenger off saying he is not good enough tatically and not enough signings made slaggin off your performances week in week out cuz uv hit some sort of form u think ur invicible but u cnt be tht good can u rely i mean after all u did let Zat Knight and u was 2-0 up aswell got 2 add tht well we will see next season dnt become tottenham fans to soon

  62. Right, Arsenal are a far better team than my beloved Villa. That's a fact. I'm gutted as to what has happened in the last 12 or so games but what Arsenal / Wenger has to realise is that teams like the Villa / Everton e.t.c. will have a complete season sometime soon and if you lot slip up (Or any team who is receiving regular champ league money) like you did at the start of this season and someone pips you to fourth, you are up shit street!

    The bubble will burst... mark my words.

  63. Names - Aaron,

    i personally knew after the one nil win at Pompey that Villa were gonna screw it up!

    They were not finishing off games like they have to (2-3 goals) and i knew we were eventually going to start paying for it!

    Martin O`Neill needed to address the situation but he didnt! he can only blame himself...

    Anyways, good luck in Champions League, you deserve it! you guys have a bit of character in your team!

    Villa for Life!

  64. Hilarious. You've still had a bad season by your standards and villa are an ever improving team. To say the Arshavin transfer papered over the cracks would be an understatement - if you don't heavily invest and improve the team in the next few years then you will be further and further away from the top 3 and the teams chasing will catch you.

  65. when u get mouthy fans/players larging it when things r going their way, i think its just as important that someone reminds them when the tide turns the other way .. So, bully for u wrighty .. spot on as usual ..

    Now, lets read a similar one on anelka after barca has finished with them on wednesday (esp. if we beat united) ..

    By the way, why do you persist with 'wrighty' .. why not try a mashup of db10, overmars, vieira, adams, henry, other deserving legend, etc .. ian wright is a disgrace to arsenal and has lost his legend status. Sometimes I get tempted to skip your blog just because of the name reminding me of that w***er.

  66. Ha ha I use the name Wrighty because it is my surname matey!

  67. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    You too Wrighty!

    PUT ALL YOUR CASH ON ARSENAL 3-1 V MANURE ON TUESDAY!!!! I dreamt it last night - and before you laugh - the last football dream I had was the 3-1 v Juventus years ago. HOW WEIRD IS THAT!!!

    Think i saw Walcott celebrate in the dream - so he might score, but just bet Arsenal 3-1. it's 20/1.

    EASY MONEY!!!!!!


    Shows what you know, the Arse are already being buggered by Man U 2-0.........

  68. I'm proud of my team and it's English players.

    Good luck in the Champs League, bit of a waste of time entering the competition if your not capable of winning it (typing this while your getting spanked by Man Utd).

    Have you won the European cup? No? Shame.............

  69. Well done tonight, that was a performance of a side light years ahead of villa :D fucking awfull, you could'nt string two passes together, paul daniels wants to know how you lot made 60000 little plastic flags vanish instantly.................NOW THATS MAGIC!,

  70. well i'm here, chewing on a fat cigar knowing your 'wonderboys' have won as much as we have once again. well done!

    although the local poultry farm has run right out of eggs now they're all over Wenger's face. "WE WILL WIN AND BE MAGNIFICENT" i think his pre-match words were this morning ... tut tut

    oh how the mighty have fallen :-)
