Tuesday, 28 December 2010

Some Chelsea Fans Are Just Bitter W*nkers!

I've thought this for a long time but I have to say that it was finally confirmed to me about 22:34 last night; Chelsea fans irritate me more than any other.

I'm not knocking all Chelsea supporters. I'm sure that there are some nice ones out there. This fella on the Chelsea Daft blog seems like a reasonable bloke. He even gives us some credit.

But most of the others (not on that blog in particular) are just bitter wankers.

You have to admit that their recent silverware collection is quite impressive but with that trophy haul the Chelsea fans have developed a very arrogant attitude. Fuck knows why. They were fuck-all until a Russian gangster saved them from extinction.

To be truthful I'd have thought that maybe they would be a little more humble considering they were on the brink of going more skint than MC Hammer. I might have thought being humble would have been a good option after being outplayed for 90 minutes and soundly beaten, but no. The arrogance and bitterness still shone through.

Especially at 22:34 last night.

I have to hold my hands up here, I did begin the wind-up as soon as the final whistle went at the Emirates. I had typed a text message into my mobile phone ready to be sent to two Chelsea supporters I know. It simply stated; "Too easy".

Now this may seem as arrogant as those mugs but there was a reason I sent it. Earlier in the season when Chelsea beat us I received that exact message myself from one of those pals of mine. So really me sending it back is just a bit of friendly banter right?

What I got back made laugh and realise that I can't stand Chelsea fans, even more so than Spurs supporters. It was solid abuse and to be honest they made themselves sound like spoilt little brats. They proper spat their dummies out.

You know the funniest text I got? That we were lucky. Now I'm not sure what game the sender of that message watched but to suggest that Arsenal were fortunate to win is at best deluded.

It's this arrogance and mugginess that I can't bear and Chelsea fans have both in abundance. I know that the Gooners sworn enemies are Tottenham but I'd say that I hate Chelsea fans more than them.

In the Gunners pub last night I saw a Gooner with the words on back of his Arsenal shirt saying "You can't buy history". That couldn't be more true and unfortunately though it appears that you can buy pure 100% unadulterated arrogance.

The bitterness shone through last night. I can understand being disappointed at being beaten, especially by a club they usually rob three points off every game but just show a bit of decency and admit defeat. It might even endear people to you a little bit.

Keep It Goonerish.......


  1. To be fair all the chavs I sent wind ups too said we deserved it
    Arsene knows

  2. Wrighty you're spot on. Most Chavs are a bunch of muggy cunts who let these years go to their heads. They have no history of the highs and lows of football (all they have known is the lows up until now). I agree that I hate them more than the spuds. Roll on a few years of spanking those new money monkeys, can't stand em.

  3. on my way home last night i heard some chelsea fans calling abramovich a wanker and demanding he did not care about the club because they needed at least 150million spent on an overhaul, absolutely amazing how dumb some fans are (at all clubs)

  4. booooooom

    watch it all kick off now..nice one wrighty this should be interesting..

    bring em on lol..

  5. and the moral of this story is that you should choose your text buddies more carefully in the future...

  6. Jonjon!!!!!!

    How are you buddy?

  7. Someone last night behind me on row 21 upper tier block 124 said this " You fucking Monkey dont lose the ball" when Song misplaced his pass. I, my self am Black and proud and when i heard this i was shocked and couldnt believe it. I looked back and back again n shook my head. As soon as Song scored he started jumping like a mug and i turned back and told him " a monkey scored and you are jumping, what does it make you?" and he was soo apologetic and told me couple of time he never meant it in that way. Now i want to know if calling someone monkey has any other means??? That really ruined my night and the win!

  8. In the Gunners pub last night I saw a Gooner with the words on back of his Arsenal shirt saying "You can't buy history". That couldn't be more true and unfortunately though it appears that you can buy pure 100% unadulterated arrogance.


  9. Ignore it mate, just some mindless donut.

    Unfortunately comments like this are still in existence.

  10. im good thanks mate

    just basking in the ambiance (or however it is you spell it lol)

    good to speak to you again your on form as usual.. ;-)

    think we turned a corner yesterday mate..

    1..weve beaten both city and chelsea... the big game hoodoo has gone and

    2..if we win the CC the trophy hoodoo goes as well...

    ppl have got to start recognise us as serious contenders..the momentum of 1+2 combined could carry us over the line come may

  11. we still need another defensive minded player though in jan

    either a Cb or a DM will do me..

    just to make sure ;-)

  12. Maybe it was some person with the name G. who runs his own blog and who hates Song... ;-)

  13. anon 19.34

    If it helps and I am not trying to make light of a potentially racist remark, but I use the term monkey loads. mainly as in cheeky monkey etc...

    Hope thats what the fella behind you had in mind when he said it, but I doubt it.

  14. weve been to anfield, weve been OT, weve been to the bridge and eastlands

    weve only got to go to shite hart lane after new year the rest of them have to come to us

    its so fucking on i tell ya

  15. and barca better be shitting themselves as well cos if we are top of the league and in the first final of the year by the time the CL fixture comes..with all our players back we'd give them a real run for their money...

  16. Sure Chelsea could spunk another 50m on players like Ramires and Zhirkov but with the financial fair play rules coming into effect they won't be allowed to play in the champions league. Only bad times await these cuntmuffins and to be honest I'm going to enjoy watching them slide down the league immensely.

  17. chelsea dont even own their own ground..

    bad times

    stamford bridge is falling down

  18. chelsea will definitely go fishing in the transfer market.

    i know a couple chelsea fans or so who are actually "good ones"

    would love to see the majority of chelsea fans reaction if they lose to bolton tomorrow night.

  19. To the person with the 'monkey' story, I've used that word quite a lot to mean someone brainless or clumsy. I'm hoping that this is the sort of context in which it was used behind you last night. Sadly there are still people out there who think colour is some sort of issue but I like to think they don't go to The Arsenal.

  20. Wrighty7... You sound like a 5 year old, you're writing about YOUR mates (they must be as you had their mobile numbers) and calling them childish names on a blog... What a nice mate you are .... and as for the other bloke complaining about the word monkey.. Dear oh dear... If you've never heard of the saying being monkey then you really must have lived a sheltered life.
    I bet you and Wrighty didn't work until you were both 21, that's the trouble at our ground, too many nerdy fans!

  21. Do the best thing wrighty and fuck them off,all the cuntski's i grew up with I have fallen out with because of this very matter,still tho they got a long way still to go to catch us up.

  22. So hang on, you sent a bitchy text to one of your mates and he responded with the same vile as you and you call him a wanker?

    Being good winners (not something you have been used to granted) is just as important as being good losers. You will often find that when you are humble, you will get the same treatment back.

    I also love the way you Arsenal fans are celebrating beating chelsea like you won the league yet when spurs beat inter milan, it was all about how inter were not the same team they once were.

    No that's not bitter at all either.

    And Chelsea of course are so full of spring chickens.

    great performance it was yesterday but the circumstance were exactly the same as when spurs played inter. Just be decent if you guys actually saw how hyprocritical you all are.

    not to mention, when we beat you at your ground, he only excuse you could muster was 'you only beat us because we were shit'.

    yet when you used to turn around 2-0 games, it was all about your tactical genius of a manager or your quality shining through.

  23. How sad a spud must you be to come onto a Gooner blog chatting about a game vs the chavs?

    get a life you bitter little man!

  24. To the spud

    You mean the Inter side who were managed by that perenial loser Benitez? Who is no longer there because he turned them into a shite team?

    No ones going over board as far as I can tell. Its 3 points that we need and as Theo says will count for fuck all if we dont beat Wigan tomorrow.

    But if we were spuds, we'd all be queueing up to buy the dvd.

  25. spurs fan

    come back in 10 years time when your shabby lot have finished in top four for over a decade..

    oh wait..arrys the next england manager aint he??? whats spurs gonna do then??

    and if you dont finish top 4 bale modric and vdv will be playing for teams like inter cos you'll find once your a top 4 club you have to remain a top 4 club or your top players huff and puff and go play for someone else..

    id just enjoy the ride mate cos it will be over sooner than u think..

  26. Stop crying about 'racism' where there isn't any. We're all monkeys, it's our DNA mate.

    In any case, racism is a state of mind, a way of thinking, not a few ill-considered words.

    PS Song is Blanka.

  27. "Now i want to know if calling someone monkey has any other means???"

    Over sensitive there fella. I call anyone a monkey if they fuck something up, be they white, black, brown, yellow or green.

  28. i mean i now your an arsenal fan nd i respect u fr dat bt in fairness football fans allways mock eachodr nd no one shud lose d pride in their team nd admit defeat..like look at arsene..oh and d fella hu has a probelm wt ong ben called a monkey in fairness if dat reked ur night ten ur very childish...... i know iam im sure i am im arsenal till i die..

  29. Arsenal played like dons.I just pray for consistency. Wigan then Birmingham get through these games then We're on a roll. Score six without reply without reply tonight then the boys will be at the Apex!

  30. Much like the English cricket fans! They go out of their way to insult and gloat when they win.


  31. You are spot on about the Chelski arrogance. I to, hate them more than the Spuds, The Manc’s ( both of them). I am the bloke you saw in The Gunner’s pub sporting the shirt “YOU CAN’T BUY HISTORY” I have had that message, on my shirt for 4 years now and I get my people saying a BIG Like and taking pictures for their phone. I so want to stuff it up their Kings Rd this year, come up and say hello next time you are in The Gunners. I’m , there every home game

  32. I also sent a text to my chelsea mate. The convo went a little like this:

    A "Mate... Re-watch that match it was sick..."
    C "No..."
    A "Ha"
    C "Iv giving up watching football after the shit I watched Chelsea play today"
    A "WOAH 'name' just cos your team is doing bad dosnt mean you give up supporting them... Then again thats typical chelsea"
    C "Shut up you barely supported Arsenal when they were doing shit"
    A "....SO the last 5 years then?!"
    C No reply.

    This sums up the overall chelsea fans attitude for me. They all claim they are a life long supporter, but their fan base has nearly trippled in size since abramovich came in. Therefore, this is impossible. This friend lives in Reading....

    He will probably support Man City now. I see a trend.

  33. Spot on yet again Wrighty mate! was waiting for your blog after the chelsea game, waiting to see the gloating about the win and you didnt let down pal ;) bring on the pie munchers tonight, im thinking a 6 goal win to take us to the top?? ha

  34. Words like monkey are flying all over anywhere nowadays with varying meaning. I personally call howard webb 'buttocks' at least 90times a match. It obviously hurts manure fans to hear this but who cares? Hurt is after all, that state which you subject yourself to by being too stuborn to admit occurences or the fact that you share some semblance with what you're called. I'm still a grateful african. Arsenal won this league, we're just confirming.

  35. That's the reason a lot of decent people stay away from football grounds. It's as if some folks use the stadium to say all the things that they can't say elsewhere. The idiot that called Song a monkey won't dare do it to Song's face but because he's in a crowd and most of the muppets around him thinks it's funny to call a black man a monkey it's OK.

    Even more stupid are the folks who come on here and say "oooh don't be sooo sensitive"... the same bastards were saying the same things when John Barnes was having bananas thrown at him... Oooh black people are just so sensitive.. Eff that! Criticise the player, even call him a w**ker if it makes you feel better but leave the monkey thing alone. Because if you say it near me there'd probably be a fight. Gooner or NOT.

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  37. This comment has been removed by the author.


    Nice one mate, I'll introduce myself next time I'm in the pub!

  39. I'll settle just for a win Danny!

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