I swear that some Gooners spit more venom than a King Cobra.
The abuse that I have seen with my very own eyes towards Arsene Wenger is a sick joke. It sickens me more than Sambuca.
Here is a man who has provided Arsenal Football Club, our club, with some of the best moments in its history.
Yet that doesn't stop people slagging him off with the kind of hate I would say should be reserved for the likes of Tottenham Hotspur or Chelsea though.
Why has Arsene Wenger become so despised by some sections of Gooners? I really can't get my head around it.
Sure the man can frustrate. He has done my head in on more than one occasion but that doesn't mean I will subject him with the kind of insults and vitriol I see thrown his way on a regular basis.
Of course Arsene Wenger isn't above the club, nobody is, so constructive criticism of him is fine in my book.
However, he deserves a lot more respect from certain Gooners than he is currently getting at the moment.
Listen, I'm no Wengerite. I don't have a shrine to the man. But what I will say is be careful what you wish for.
We are lucky that he doesn't just walk away. I bet if he read half the shit written about him on the interweb he probably would be tempted.
Who would blame him?
I'm telling you now, if Wenger became available every club in the world would love to take him on. Even before the darling Jose Mourinho.
Arsene has his faults. Even Stevie Wonder can see that but please show the man a bit more courtesy.
I accept these are frustrating and annoying times. Its been a difficult two weeks but I bet these fans who slate Wenger will be praising him to the hilt if we win the title.
Just like they did when we beat Barcelona at the Emirates.
If you don't think he is doing a good job that is fine. That is your opinion. I think he could do some things better too.
But don't slag him off. Don't insult him. There is no need for that. He deserves so much better.
Keep It Goonerish.............
Never has there been a better post, Wrighty.
ReplyDeleteKeep it up. Couldn't have said it better.
Bring back Rioch!
ReplyDeleteI dont understand this my self wrighty but it is unbelieveable, why on earth would you sack a manager( arsene wenger) who has brang some great memories.Yeah i understand arsenal fans get frustated but we gotta get behind the team rather than shout stupid abuse and shocking comments about the team and the manager.
ReplyDeletebury your heads in the sand 6 years and counting
ReplyDeleteGreat post, exactly what i've been saying to every doubting gooner!
ReplyDeletePlus, i dont get the constant moaning and whining of some plastic fans. Whining at this stage isnt going to do our season any good. So why dont we just get behind him and our beloved team! If the fan's are real fan's they'll support the club irregardless! OhToBeAGooner!
...tatical rigidness...Diaby, Rosicky, Denilson, Bentner etc etc....5 years of not correcting obvious weaknesses.....using the club as a experiment in ego...persisting with injury prone player or not planning for their inevitable injury...elimination at the same stage against the big boys....ticket prices increases for no investment in the team...Pat Rice...no bottle, fight, stasi like control of Arsenal..lack of pragmatism.....making us a embarrasement among top teams and fans..
ReplyDeleteHe deserves everything and more cos he sold us the future for 6 years now. We pay top dollar to support this shower of shit with the promise of a bit of glory after six long years of heartache. Its not good enough. I would much rather Arsenal go mid table than take us to the summit year on year only to slip at the end and watch mancs and chavs take the prizes as usual. I am fucking sick of it. so much so that i refuse to watch anothe match this season win loose or draw. So bitterly dissapointed. Cant take any more of this hurt. So have desised to fuck off and give up onthem
ReplyDeleteGood post. I agree with you. It's just that he is too lenient to our non-performing players such as Denilson and Diaby. These players seem do not care how much criticism Wenger receives because of them. So I hope our manager realises, sooner rather than later, he needs to get rid of the non-performers.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said. He was ashamed to leave his name. If AW does not sell a couple next season and buy a a few then we have the right to moan.
ReplyDeleteTed The Cabbie
I have also heard somethings I beleieve that are really over the top. The knee-jerk reaction after 3 cup exits in a couple of weeks is "Fus@, Sh&^, fire the manager, this team sucks, just not good enough blah, blah, blah"
ReplyDeleteI think that is wrong and dilussional, but we do at some point have to ask some big questions.
I do not know what theproblem is but your headline made me respond. Does he deserve more YES. Do WE (the collective fan base including you Wrighty) hell yes we do. We have been dragged.... we followed. We have been lauged at, but we believed in something bigger. When do we get what is owed to us?
The fan club relationship must be a balance, not a never ending smoke screen.
Wright for me it is simple.... I am behind the team, and Wenger, but if we do not win one trophy considering the posistion we were in a month ago..... It failed.. It did not work, it allowed us to survive while we built a stadium. That is done this is it. They take the league, and it is worth it Arsene was right. If not we need a different philosophy so probably that means another manager.
It hurts to be this close for four years..... Arsene has said each and every year it is the time. Well this is the time....... Win the league or lets try something different.
Life is short...... So come on Arsenal win a fucking trophy.
That is it. I am not a Wenger hater or anything. This it deliver or go home.
wrighty, never realised what these blogs were about until now, the freebies from the club, merchandise, tickets etc,sell your soul to the devil and he wont let you go that's for sure. go to the dumb drinks department now and get bladder-ed,it kills the pain for a few hours, but some day you might get the guts to call it like it is
ReplyDeleteI don't get fuck-all from Arsenal for doing this blog.
ReplyDeleteI do it for the love of Arsenal.
good balanced post, i don't think wenger deserve the abuse, he's still a quality manager.
ReplyDeletei don't understand the fans that slag off manager and players yet we are second in the league, it must be down to somebody.
Their is a divided opinion with the fans at present, some still love him whilst others don't. For me he should go this summer, how anyone can see that Denilson is good and is going to win us matches is a joke, we are not that far away but we do need that extra bit of quality to push over the finishing line. He is stubborn, he has also lost his ally in Dein, maybe he is too big for the club now
ReplyDeleteYou always get the balance right Mate. I think Wengers time is up to be fair but there are so called Gooners shitting on him and that's not right.
IMO the reason for replacing Wenger is because he is hated in this Country by the media.
I even heard bollocks on Talksport today say RVP got sent off at Barca because of lack of discipline.
They quoted the number of sending offs his teams have had over the years and even knew how many ther were.
The thing I really hate is when Scholes should have got sent off but didn't yet we get players sent off for nothing .
Wenger is French, he has tried to change the way football in this neanderthal Country sees it. He is a dirty foreigner no matter what.
This is not my opinion but what I see in others, the media praise that cunt Twitchy yet he has won fuck all, he spends millions on average players, he is bent as fuck yet we lost GG for less. They praise that Scottish shit bag Fergie even though they know that his team can do whatever they want without punishment.
Scholes being banned would have benefitted us on the run in for the title but he got away with four two footed tackles with one yellow card.
That's my reason for wanting Wenger replaced. We need. Manager these counts love a lucky Manager who doesn't draw the Mancscum AWAY And BARCA away in the same week.
El Tel
no one is bigger than Arsenal..no one is above criticism!the man has worked wonders for the club 15 years ago but for six years has spouted shite about belief,mental strength,best team ever blahblahblah...i dont think any other manager would get away with not delivering the goods for so long.why do people remain in the past?& before u start on about how much money he has made 4 the club..i dont wanna hear it.he only makes money for the board.THE FANS DESERVE BETTER..WE DESERVE A GK,WE DESERVE A DESCENT DM,WE DESERVE A COUPLE GOOD CBS-&-I DONT WANT TO HEAR ABOUT VERMANATOR-WE DESERVE A STRIKER WHO KNOWS HOW 2 SCORE WITHOUT BEING INJURED HALF THE SEASON..ETC ETC
ReplyDeletethe reason the fans are upset is becos enough is enough!this season is ther for the taking yet we are watching us slip out of all competitions.the spuds are breathing down our necks & we capitulate unless its some lesser opponent & even the we are not guaranteed victory....
come on arsen show some cahoonas & strengthen the squad with proper players or fuck off!!
Its clear there is a split between Gooners.
ReplyDeleteI hate to see it.
Only 1player should go denilson,diaby has the ability to be a great player.true gooners stick together and support our club through thick and thin,our last two games have been hard to swallow but success I truly believe is around the corner,all gooners must support wenger and the players to help achieve this
ReplyDeleteNice post wrighty
ReplyDeleteI agree that personal abuse of Wenger is out of order. However, I think it's his egotistical arrogance that pisses people off. You just get the impression that he doesn't give a shit about the supporters, as he constantly feed us patronising media lies year after year after year. This is really what really turns people against him in a big way.
ReplyDeleteI remember as far back as 2001, certain people were calling for Wenger to leave and take Vieira and henry with him......
ReplyDeleteSmall minds with small penises, Wright7!
ReplyDeleteSo what you're saying is that you're happy we won't win anything with him in charge and that change has no chance of working. That is what you are saying. Guardiola took barca to a sextuple stepping up from B team manager and has made them play double total football. They may be cunts, but they can sure play better than us. You may
ReplyDeleteNot good enough to win the league, With Squid back, gord help us. A blind man could see that TV5 was not going to return, and yet he turned down buying a defender, we allways seem to get injuries, but face it we are the team more likely to drop points then Man u
ReplyDeleteGreat post andi am sick of people going on abouth this drought to be honest there has been longer times in this clubs history without a trophy and their will be longer times after this. teams go through fazes and arsenal are coming to the end of the just their or abouts faze to becoming winners again and as long as someone puts on an arsenal shirt i will support them whether its fabregas or osama bin laden arsene is a genius and has proved it on many occasions you just wait and see because whether you like it or not 4 comps was always going to be too much and that has told like it does with 99% of other teams
ReplyDeletein arsene we trust
the thing is,we all love arsenal wrighty....just hurt some of us to the fans being exploited..
ReplyDeleteimagine all your hard earned money paying for rosicky,diaby,denilson & so on..we want our team to be successful.
people say go support spurs or chelsea if you dare question le mad professor..its crazy
This reult was not a wake up call or even a reality check but sadly entirely predictable. Signs have been compelling for last 2 yrs . . . buying MU OAP's like Silvestre for instance. Short term irrational decisiond that favour the balance sheet. The club needs a massive culling from the top down. None so blind that cannot see. RIP
ReplyDeleteThanks Wrighty.
ReplyDeleteWhen the tide will turn for the positive, and that will happen.. let all those opportunistic negative so-called fans stay well away from all the pride.
It's for better and for worse you see... and now are the 'worse' times so the team and Wenger need the fans more than ever to back them and give them power to get the title because sure as hell they want to win that one now.
Have you noticed all the anti wenger posts are annonamous! Wise up guys these are not arsenal fans but other fans stirring, I know this because I know a couple of guys who do it and they are spurs fans
ReplyDeleteshut the fukk y0u idiot. Wenger lied and it is our bloody right to insult him.
ReplyDeleteI'll lay odds that the vast majority of the spoilt brat anti-Wenger brigade have only known one Arsenal manager. They have been so spoilt by the fact that under Wenger they take it for granted we'll be playing in the Champions League every season. They take it for granted that we can go a whole decade undefeated against our local rivals.
ReplyDeleteThey don't know of a time when we regularly knew we would be out of the title race before the leaves were falling from the trees and waiting for the FA cup to start just to have some hope of something to play for.
They don't know of a time when even qualifying for the UEFA cup was seen as a successful season because it was so rare.
They don't know of a time when a cup run of any kind was seen as exciting, rather than expected.
They don't know of a time when we didn't reach some kind of semi-final every season.
They don't know of a time when the Spuds would finish in a higher league position than us.
They don't know of a time we had managers called Wright or Neill.
Well if they get what they wish for, they might just get to know such times again (apart from the last point, of course).
Of course Wenger isn't perfect, he's only human, but he's by far the best manager we've had in the 40+ years I've supported Arsenal, and even if we win nothing again this year, it will still have been a better season that most of those I experienced in the 70's and first half of the 80's
Yes, he does.
ReplyDeleteIn Arsene we rust.
What's funny is that arsene has built a squad with 97 million where as you have spurs at 190 and yet if we don't win the title its a failure but when they come 4th its like they won the world cup. I really dono how some people think, our squad is the 7th most expensive in the premier lueague after city,chelsea,united,tottenham.liverpool,villa and yet the only thing people talk about is arsenal havnt won a trophy. Well if people think its easy finishing in the top every season having a smaller budget than the other teams then they just don't understand anything about football. Arsene wenger has done an absoultely great job and that includes the last 5 years. I'm sure a lot of people will realize that once hees gone
ReplyDelete18-0 in chances for Barcelona,limp surrender at Manc Utd,enough is enough,either he cant motivate them or they might just not be goods enough but any CEO who have overlooked the building of a team will in the end be responsible when it fails and Wenger simply have to be accountable,Arsenal is no third world country.
ReplyDeletetop post once again wrighty pal!
ReplyDelete'I'm telling you now, if Wenger became available every club in the world would love to take him on. Even before the darling Jose Mourinho.' I have to say i didn't expect to see you quoting the great Paul Merson, but I couldn't have put it better myself! ;)
Danish Gooner = Most negative Gooner ever.
ReplyDeleteIve read your opinion Wrighty and I respect it. In the same way You have your beliefs I wish you would accept that some of us want better for Arsenal. Arsene is a proven liar and Im amazed the way people like you defend the indefensible game after game. Will you answer me one question please, How long do you support Wengers failure, how many more years of these chokers are you prepared for, some of us want to win so please dont say thats wrong. Wenger wont win again so he has to go, he wont change. Whats the point in his philosophy of spending no money when we pay the highest ticket prices in Europe and all of our opponents spend anyway.
No way - we need to get a grip. Why?
ReplyDelete1) A full strength Arsenal can beat anyone on there day i.e. even Barca. The team are reletively young and are challenging at the top.
Not sure if the hating fans can see but the team is almost there, I mean don't get me wrong the team needs fine tunning, maybe letting one or two go and getting in the right type of striker but apart from that everything else is there and it is just mental strength needed now.....
2) Arsene Wenger is the best manager bar none. Why? just look at what he is doing! Ripped up the invincibles and has built a totally new young team. Competing at the very top on a shoe string budget. Wenger continues to Transform the heartbeat of the team with Arsenal quality English players....and in fantastic style.
3) Because this team has improved dramatically year on year and I beleive was/is strong enough to win if not challenge for the title up to the final day. Come on - you can not seriously tell me this team is not close to winning silverware?
14 years 3 league titles worst place 4th, bad manager lol, u freaking had 40 years for 4 tiltes
ReplyDeleteThe above pro Wenger post just proves how deluded some of our fans really are
ReplyDeletemake that the above 2
ReplyDeleteFolks that put up the "In Arsene we trust" banners should realize that Wenger and Arsenal FC are different things. Go and start a Wenger fanclub if you worship the guy and please follow him to his next club when he leaves eventually. I go to the Grove to watch my team play and win!, not to express faith in the great leader.
ReplyDeleteNo,i am seriously frustrated by Wenger,i used to love the cool ,calm and collective Wenger but something went seriously wrong or he was found out but it has made Wenger look like chemical Ali when he tells his porkies and overly confident spin,i think we can all see that it is realy a case of the emporers new clothes.
ReplyDeleteAll the anti wengers stop posting under annonymos,come out under your real names wankers
ReplyDeleteBest quote Ive seen in a long time, "When Wenger goes please take these Arsene knows fans with him" We are Arsenal fc not Arsene fc despite what some of you would have us believe. We were great long before this liar even heard of us so f... off Wenger and take the shit with you
ReplyDeleteWell said Cyburton. Too many fans on hear that did not sit through the mid-late seventies and early eighties when we were winning nothing and not even competing and the football was crap. Too many fans think it is our right to win every year and do not take account of the other teams we are competing against with bigger pockets. We are 2nd in the league, runners up in the league cup, out of the Champs league to Barcelona and FA cup to Man Utd. I see nothing to be embarrassed about their. lets get behind the team and hope we can push them on to win the league.
ReplyDeleteHow stupid of people to say post in your own name. What does it matter, its an anonymous blog where nobody knows anybody else anyway so go figure
ReplyDelete@danishgooner: ok let's say you get your wish and arsene leaves at the end of the season... Who would u suggest to be our new manager who can do a btter job? Can u suggest a few names please
ReplyDeletei love arsene wenger for everything he's done for the club, and i really hate to say this, but i have to admit i'm starting to think it's time for him to go.
ReplyDeletewhy? because the problems aren't just a knee-jerk reaction anymore.i said to myself at the end of last season, i'd give him the benefit of the doubt until the end of next season. here we are, and it's like deja vu. it's the exact same defensive errors, mental frailties, lack of offensive penetration , bad tactics and injuries that have been happening season after season.
lets address some of those:
arsene needs to go back to what brought him success. we have never, EVER been the same team since we've changed our transfer policy. but it's not completely down to the age of the players. it's down to the type of player.
the players we used to go for had the majority of these=
age around 25-28,
5'10 to 6'4 in height,
(vieria, petit, campbell, henry, gilberto, overmars all spring to mind)
these days we go for:
age between 16-24,
height anything up to around 6'1,
(nasri, fabregas, hleb, vermaelen)
we need to go back to what works for the premier league, instead of trying to be spain/barcelona lite. as crazy as you may think i am for saying this, i think we should cut our losses with fabregas and build a build a bigger, faster and stronger midfield with the money.
defensively we are not up to scratch and haven't been since our invincible season. you could argue we've always been bad defensively under wenger.
manuel almunia should've never, ever been anywhere near playing for arsenal, end of story. there is no excuse for that undermining the last 3 or 4 seasons.
arsene always goes on about the mental strength of the team. but it's nowhere to be seen when push comes to shove.
the injury situation has been going on for around 5 years now. there is no excuse for not clearing this up, or realising that we are going to need more players than the average squad over the course of a season. one of wenger's major flaws is that he always thinks he has enough players....where in reality we all know this is always going to be the opposite. our season died last year when cesc, rvp, rambo and gallas all got injured. same happened in the season where eduardo and flamini got injured....and so on.
in the january transfer window, arsene had a huge and obvious chance to address the fact that we only had 3 fit first choice centre backs, and there was undoubtably enough money for a centre back. he didn't buy. now we have only 2 fit centre backs for the rest of the season (who knows if vermaelen will be back or not?). sorry, but that was just plain stubborn of wenger....and it may well cost him his job at the end of the season.
as for tactics....who the fuck can explain some of the guys substitutions this season? who on earth would've started rosicky in the cup final AND at the nou camp? absolute madness.
in closing, i'm not going to say it's time to cut our losses with wenger, but it's getting close to that time unfortunately. however, we do need to address the squad and give it a proper overhall. denilson, rosicky, arshavin and diaby have all had enough chances. they aren't up to standard and in my opinion, borderline lazy players who don't give enough to the team. rosicky and arshavin inparticular are experienced players who should be showing more leadership too. this can't continue season on season. even if aaron ramsey and frimpong and henri lansbury take their places, at least i know that those guys are going to try and give 100% to the cause.
anyways, let's get behind the team for the rest of the season.
why do you falsely and sensationally state that its either love or hate wenger????
ReplyDeleteA few will resort to abusive references to AW, however the majority (inc myself) will state clearly that we believe his time is up as manager of arsenal, BUT that we have a great appreciation for what he has done for our great club. I stress the word HAS,,,,,past tense...is that understood?????
Would love to know these "lies" Wenger has told Arsenal Fans?
ReplyDeleteFind me a quote of Wenger telling a lie.
cris808, words fail me mate. Have you been in a coma for the last 10 years and just woke up mate, if so welcome back mate, if not then you really are a lost cause
ReplyDeleteThanx mate,cheers mate,well done mate.
ReplyDeleteMy theory is that many fans feel fooled. Wenger is actually very good at spinning. It has helped him to buy some time or to distract attention from problems. But it can also backfire at some point. And then people who feel disregarded start hating. I think more honesty may help Wenger, but it may be too late already.
ReplyDeleteMy theory is that many fans feel fooled. Wenger is actually very good at spinning. It has helped him to buy some time or to distract attention from problems. But it can also backfire at some point. And then people who feel disregarded start hating. I think more honesty may help Wenger, but it may be too late already.
ReplyDeleteMy theory is that many fans feel fooled. Wenger is actually very good at spinning. It has helped him to buy some time or to distract attention from problems. But it can also backfire at some point. And then people who feel disregarded start hating. I think more honesty may help Wenger, but it may be too late already.
ReplyDeleteMy theory is that many fans feel fooled. Wenger is actually very good at spinning. It has helped him to buy some time or to distract attention from problems. But it can also backfire at some point. And then people who feel disregarded start hating. I think more honesty may help Wenger, but it may be too late already.
ReplyDeleteMy theory is that many fans feel fooled. Wenger is actually very good at spinning. It has helped him to buy some time or to distract attention from problems. But it can also backfire at some point. And then people who feel disregarded start hating. I think more honesty may help Wenger, but it may be too late already.
ReplyDeleteMy theory is that many fans feel fooled. Wenger is actually very good at spinning. It has helped him to buy some time or to distract attention from problems. But it can also backfire at some point. And then people who feel disregarded start hating. I think more honesty may help Wenger, but it may be too late already.
ReplyDeletei agree that wenger is a liar. the guy is just a money grabbing has been. thanks for the memories now off you go fellow
ReplyDeleteStill waiting for these "lies".
ReplyDeleteJust because a manager says this team is going to be great and win something and then they do not.. That doesn't make him a lier.
It's as much down to the team as it is him.
I agree we need some quality players brought in but he is still a top top manager.
QUESTION: "Does Arsene Wenger Really Deserve Such Hate"
ReplyDeleteANSWER: Yes most defnitely and a lot more as well, hes destroyed or club
QUESTION: "Does Arsene Wenger Really Deserve Such Hate"
ReplyDeleteANSWER: Yes most defnitely and a lot more as well, hes destroyed or club
Fuck off you twat. Undercover Yid surely?
Wake up gooners, we need someone like big sam or roy hodgson or why not steve mcclaren to take this club forward and start winning things hahaha I mean 6 years without a trophy is tooo long. Even though liverpool who are hostorically the biggest club in england havnt won the league in 20 years and counting, we should all go crazy and demand wenger to leave for the crimes hee's committed. How pathetic really
ReplyDeleteWe're not insulting or slanting Wenger off, we're merely making valid points based on what we see & hear. We all know the fantastic & miraculous work Wenger has achieved for our beloved club, even the most frustrated of us genuine supporters acknowledge that.
BUT, the years of pruning the wage bill & lack of funds (stadium move) are behind us. We have the financial muscle to compete with all but Chelsea & man city but instead of buying quality we reward mediocrity. Handsome contracts to average squad players, we all know who they are. In addition Arsene promised as last year we would win something, we didn't.
For an intelligent articulate man that was a huge statement and he only said it because he knew he couldn't spin us the same line & keep gettin away with it. Here we are one year on and it's groundhog day, injuries, lack of depth in squad, oppositions goalies, referees, bumpy pitches etc, anyone to deflect his own shortcomings
To me the man is as close to deity footballwise as anyone, we owe him so much but split his reign into two (1st 7 and last 7 years) and there's a pattern.
After 40 years I dis not renew my season tickets because I could no longer bear big heads (b52) and poor players (Denilson, Diaby etc) earning in a week what it takes me a year or more to earn, it's insulting.
Reward mediocrity & you get more of the same.
I love my club, I love Arsene but I fear it's going to end in tears.
The media and some Arsenal supporters tirade of BULLYING ARSENAL and Wenger is insensitive and heartless.
ReplyDeleteI aver, wholeheartedly, that ARSENAL are run, second to none. Superlative.
I FACT that AFC have NOT won silverware for 5 years and counting cannot be denied. But it is not like FC have been inthe doldrums in that period.
3 times runners up in finals, always in the top 4 is enough to to give creedance for that period in AFC's history.
To be rational, the club are trying hard. They are not a Man U, Chelsea or MAn City. They are not trigger happy in the transfer market.
They will win silverware when they deserve to win silverware. All clubs have the same realistic approach i HOPE. But soem clubs tend to try and buy their silverware. Good luck to them.
Wenger needs to be admired and respected. Not ridiculed. Note well.....He will end up winning much more more. This is just the new begiining of silverware for AFC.
The media and some Arsenal supporters tirade of BULLYING ARSENAL and Wenger is insensitive and heartless.
ReplyDeleteI aver, wholeheartedly, that ARSENAL are run, second to none. Superlative.
I FACT that AFC have NOT won silverware for 5 years and counting cannot be denied. But it is not like FC have been inthe doldrums in that period.
3 times runners up in finals, always in the top 4 is enough to to give creedance for that period in AFC's history.
To be rational, the club are trying hard. They are not a Man U, Chelsea or MAn City. They are not trigger happy in the transfer market.
They will win silverware when they deserve to win silverware. All clubs have the same realistic approach i HOPE. But soem clubs tend to try and buy their silverware. Good luck to them.
Wenger needs to be admired and respected. Not ridiculed. Note well.....He will end up winning much more more. This is just the new begiining of silverware for AFC.
ReplyDeleteIts obvious why these cunts slate the manager mate. They are tabloid reading, talkshite listening, sky sports watching feeble minded idiots.
Like Arsenal have never gone thru lean spells in their history before FFS. They twat whose name asks for Graham to come back? Fuck off you imbecile.
I am gutted after the recent cup exits and the manager carries the can, he cannot go on forever and trophies are what its all about. BUT, the man desrves respect, no matter what you think of him. And that is sadly lacking from a load of spoilt children, who wouldnt know what its like to be a proper fan if it killed em and I hope it does.
Fucking embarrassing to be associated with these brats. Whining and moaning all te time.
They are constantly fed tripe from the media and they lap it up, sad brainless cunts, I despise them all.
Bertie ended 17 years of hurt and no trophies. 5 years of nothing after bringing the double to Arsenal and he was gone. Past glories can only count for so much and you only look at what happened to Clough at Forest to see how a legend can be tarnished.
Though I can't understand why he fielded weakened teams in the Ch L group stages that meant we didn't win our group; nor why he didn't buy a CB in the January transfer window....I do understand that AFC
ReplyDeleteare far better off with him than without him.
anyone who says something as dumb as "he's destroyed our club" is a fucking muppet.
ReplyDeletebut....i think that there is definitely this mental problem within the arsenal team.
birmingham 2-2 (eduardo/gallas-gate)
spurs 4-4
wigan 2-3
spurs 2-3
newcastle 4-4
birmingham 1-2
you start to look for the consistencies of the first 11 in those games (i think clichy is the only player to have played in all of those...but i could be wrong). you realise that the only real consistency in these games is the manager, his lack of defensive nous, not knowing how to wind a game down, bad starting 11's and substitutions at the wrong time.
I sincerely hope that AW can turn things around, but he makes it so easy for some fans to lace him by persisting with players who may be to blame for letting his faith in them down, but are his players.
ReplyDeleteI have had enough of that twat Denilson in our team, but he does not pick himself, AW does and consistently so.
This persistence with certain players, added to his reluctance to spend decent money on the kind of quality players we need in a few positions is what has got us to this point where the Gooner nation is squaring up for a face off!
J.W...... If you're still here yours was a brilliant comment, passionately put!
Some of you may want Wenger out but dont hate him but some of us want him out and actually do hate him.
ReplyDeleteI'm with Visionary. Clearly Arsenal are bunging Wrighty7 a few freebies for him to write this.
ReplyDeleteShocking :)
Spot on Wrighty. Big thanks from Norway!
ReplyDeleteIf I had my way, i will send him away simply because he is the only one who doesn't see that the club needs better quality players than Diaby, Dinilson. Arshavin,Brentnar and Rosicky.Let him sell all these and get quality replacements and the club will win trophies.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with you but the buck stops with arsene this is his final season of project youth with 6 years of breaking up our fantastic team and saying that he feels this is his best squad and has so much mental strength and believe. When we all know is insulting to our last great side as well as the fans that pay to watch the usual suspects make the same mistakes year in year out and never learn. This summer is when he has to look in the mirror and question himself because sadly there is no one to question his decisions. We all know that at least 10 players should not be at our great club but if he got rid of 5 and replaced them with proven quality and men not boys than we will turn the corner. A defence coach keown is my shout is badly required and a whole revamp of training methods and medical staff that can deal with problems more than a sprain. Sadly this season is going the same way as the past 6 and just cannot see us having the mental strength to over take utd, even if arsene has it on a loop how this side has mental strength well sorry just can't see it.
ReplyDeleteWell here goes...
ReplyDeleteSadly I have come to believe it is time for Arsene to go...
Let's not forget he is a fantastic business manager and our club has never been in a better financial state. But thats the problem, for 6 years all we have heard is give it time, lets get our house in order and then we will spend and be a in a great position to challenge for years to come. Well time is up Mr Wenger.
It was widely known to everyone on the planet Arsenal needed a goalie and 1-2 maybe 2 centrebacks prior to the season-what did we get? 2 french CB's whou should be used for depth only. So what do we need still need? A goalie and a couple CB's. That has killed us all year. Where are our big signings? We waited a year to sing Chamakh for free-last year we played Arshavin at striker because we wouldnt sign a striker.
I believe Wenger is what is impeding us from getting to the next level. His insistence on using players who dont deserve to wear the jersey like(Denilson/Diaby/Rosicky/Almuina/Fabianksi/Squillace/Koscielny and add to them a captain captain who doesnt wanna be here, and a top striker who cant stay healthy and we are in a sad state. The fact we are in the running for the premiere leage title isnt a reflection of our skills-but more a reflection of a weaker league this year. I cant remember a season with so many dissapointing losses.
Anyways, I can go on forever. Thank you for what you have done Arsene, but its time for someone else to take the helm to get us to the next level. No one man is bigger than the club.
I wrote a piece about Arsene the other day; http://www.themightygooners.co.uk/2011/03/10/in-arsene-i-will-always-trust/ I am honestly appalled at the behaviour of some of these 'fans'
ReplyDeleteDoes Arsene Wenger Really Deserve Such Hate?
ReplyDeleteYes. Yes he does.
And the time for 'constructive criticism' is past. He's had years, literally, to work this out, and he hasn't. He still gets beaten in the same way as he always did.
ReplyDeleteWe may move forward, we may move back without Wenger, but if there's one thing that's guaranteed - under Arsene, we're going nowhere fast.
Just because people have different opinions on the current direction or leadership of the club doesnt make their affection for the club any less than those of you with the self righteous cracks about being appaled about those who dont support Wenger... If you were truly objective about it you would view things differently. Its been 6 years without winning anything, and correct me if I am wrong, but a managers job is to win anyway they can.
ReplyDeleteSpot on! I am from Holland and support the Arsenal because it is a top club (and because of Bergkamp of course...).
ReplyDeleteThe only thing that matters in professional sports is results. That's it nothing more... So based on that do you think Wenger should have the same power he has? He should be forced by the board to buy he should have people that question his tactics and if he doesn't want that then he should leave.
ReplyDeleteWhen we lose at West Brom next weekend will the "In Arsene we Trust" brigade still be so supportive?
ReplyDeleteWhen Spurs start to regularly out perform us in Europe and in the Premiership will the "In Arsene we Trust" brigade still be so supportive?
When we go 7, 8, 9, 10,11, 12, 13 years without a trophy will the "In Arsene we Trust" brigade still be so supportive?
Because people this is what is happening slowly but surely. We are going backwards because Wenger is too stubborn and wants to feed his own ego with this vanity project.
1)He is tactically retarded and knows nothing of defensive coaching, set piece coaching (attaking or defending wise)& only makes subs on 70 mins (which must be some sort of Rain Man/OCD/Psychological Disorder) no matter how things are going
2)For every decent player he buys 3 or 4 duds; For every Fabregas theres a Denilson, Diaby & a Rosicky - For every Vermaelen theres a Stepanovs, Cygan & Senderos - For every Henry theres a Bendtner, Chamakh & Adebayor - For every Lehman theres an Almunia, Fabianski & Manninger
3)He surrounds himself with yes men and has assigned himself as Lord Arsene Wenger High Ruler of the Serfdom of Arsenal. And because he has done this we, the serfs, have every right to revolt against his dictatorial tyrrany. How does he sleep at night in his fucking London mansion whilst knowing that in the six years we've WON NOTHING he's earned himself over 30 million sterling?!
How fuckin dare he lecture us about economic frugality whilst he lords aroung in his vast wealth whislt serving us up the bowls of shite that are Bendtner, Rosicky, Diaby, Clichy, Almunia etc!!! Whilst hiking up our rents!!
Its time for a revolution.
Wengers worse enemy is himself -if it were not for that he would have at least two league trohies in the last 4 years. What a pity he is spoiling his magnificent reputation by not allowing himself a stronger assistant. If anyone should go it is Pat Rice. Arsene needs someone around to give a few players a forceful appraisal of their dolly weaknesses.
ReplyDeleteHe deserves no hate at all, the last few years we've been cast off that we would even make the top 4 and we are consistently in the Champions league and challenging. This year we were in more competitions the longest and while we had a few tragedies happen, its not the time to hate on him.
ReplyDeleteIam an Arsenal fan who love their way of playing football they dominate the whole game but there is onething you cann't buy in any where LUCKy.you can buy big plyers,Names and Coaches Lucky U cann't buy.
ReplyDeletealways love reading your articles wrighty and agree with what you have to say. i myself love wenger and always back him but it's just so frustrating year in year out to see us, the better team lose against united like what happened the other day. something has got to be done, but then again barcelona were the better team against us and every pundit criticised our performance, talk about double standerds. i'm just very sad that yet again we are paying the price for not buying a cb in january. to think we are so close to winning the league but have to do so by playing a defence of almunia, koscielny and squillaci for the remainder or the season. it just sends a shiver down my spine seeing that...
ReplyDeleteThe reason for so much rile against our best manager of all time is because he is FRENCH. If he is British, he would be worshipped by all including the opposition and press.
ReplyDeleteSome said he is stubborn, arrogant etc etc etc. Same qualities as Ferguson, Daglish ......, but because he is French he is riled, especially when the chips are a bit down. Stupid bigotry and history.
ABOVE: Has Wenger taken Arsenal as far as he can? Arsenal played neat and tidy football yet there was no sniff of a goal.
ReplyDelete14th March 2011 By BRIAN WOOLNOUGH
NOT for one minute did Arsenal look like knocking Manchester United out of the FA Cup on Saturday.
It was a poor response to the bitter disappointment of going out of the Champions League last week.
Yes, they played neat and tidy football yet there was no cutting edge, no sniff of a goal.
There was also no leadership and it was left to Jack Wilshere to drive the side on from midfield.
Watching was manager Arsene Wenger, who had the resigned look of someone who knew the season was collapsing around him.
He said afterwards his players still have the mental and physical strength (a favourite phrase of his) to go on and win the Premier League.
Being able to concentrate on one last trophy is an old chestnut in football and I’ll be surprised if the Arsenal fans buy it.
They are fed up with watching pretty football come to nothing.
Trophies are what big clubs are about and Wenger is not delivering.
Arsenal should ask themselves if the Frenchman has taken this club as far as he can.
He has done so much for them in their development into one of the richest clubs in the world, yet that means nothing to supporters.
They want to celebrate and boast. They want to be winners.
Wenger will no doubt tell them to be patient and that this young side will develop.
Sorry, it’s no longer an argument.
Arsenal fans have waited too long for one of Wenger’s sides to break the wretched record of winning nothing since 2005.
The time is approaching when someone else might have to try.
Woolnough must have been drinking the free champagne if he couldn't see our players have a chance at goal.
ReplyDeleteThere Keeper was MOTM and made a stunning save from Koscielny.
Racist bigoted Cunts
El Tel
Yes AW deserves the hate! Absolutely no doubt about it. It has been all about his personal EGO trip for the last 6 seasons! He doesn't give a shit about the club or the fans. Its all about HIM. He refuses to see the obvious, gives us media spin like there's no tomorrow and thinks that the teams ills are everybody else's fault except his! He has to go! We need someone with more passion about football and about winning.
ReplyDeleteWe cant keeping gloating about past glory...yes, he has done a lot, but no one gave him the right to take us back to the where we were. Yes, thank you arsene for all the good memories. But its time for you to leave. i am sorry.
ReplyDeleteyou support a team because you want to. You support a team because you want to be part of football. You support a team because you have to. I support arsenal because i want to. You will win and you will lose! That is the way peeps! At the end of the day you have your lives..you go to work..struggle through life..the shit we have to put up with..thimgs wont change if arsenal won something!!!!it does not matter!!! at the end of the day you support ARSENAL!!! Support them and enjoy supporting them no matter what!!!! because you want to enjoy the beautiful game! its not always about winning a cup!!!
why because at the end of the day you will go back to your shitty life and winning a cup would only make you happy for a few seconds!!! Arsene gives us that pleasure of sexy football and trust me it will get better!!! SO BE PROUD! BE ARSENAL! BE POSITIVE!!!!!
I too think he doesnt deserve all the vile stuff spilling from arsenal fans recently.
ReplyDeleteHowever, i do agree with some criticisms. Those recurring mistakes we see every year and how denilson manages to start. Couple of seasons ago it was okay for him to be given a chance to develop or in smaller less meaningful games but now when thats adequate cover... why does he still play? Ramsey, lansbury etc. I would love to see a top class cb signing and we get an option of testing koscienly or vemelen in DM.
Every team has good and bad time. Although our bad time last for 5 years, but we must say that Wenger did a fantastic job with limited resources. He is not a guy would blame the club, but we know the truth. When the finacial is back to right track and he can spend, but he already had a lot of commitment with the young players. You can see the other team spent a lot but also without any trophy, the only teams can win the titles in these few yrs are Man U and Chealse, look at Man city, Liverpool, Spurs, compare to them we are excellent. I'm also lose some of my patient but I will still support Wenger. Of course, please strength the team this year, we need a good keeper, more physically strong left back and mid field, a better reserve forward, with all of these, I trust we can win the title.
ReplyDeleteTop Posting Wrighty Keep It up Bro...
ReplyDeleteWrighty i am not an Arsenal fan but i find it unreal taht people blame Wenger. cast your minds back to the summer the shareholders say Wenger has money to spend and Wenger said he is looking at getting some players in. Schwartzer was supposed to be the one replacing Almunia but because the board would not put in the extra mil to get him. The deal falls through...who gets the blame Wenger. If even jose came to Arsenal they Shareholders who lets face it are only interested in keeping the share prices up. I think you will see players being sold for huge amounts and Wenger being given peanuts to spend. If Wenger leaves i fear for Arsenal. Blame the real villains here. Usimov and Kronke. who both have said they are just investors and have no desire to be owners.
ReplyDeleteWho will want to come to Arsenal if Wenger leaves knowing they have less than Avram Grant to spend. maybe Big Sam would take the job or even worse Mclaren.
Back the man and blame the people who make you pay the highest prices in the premiership.
ReplyDeleteThis was in a vancouver newspaper...
Arsene doesn't deserve hate, if anything he deserves our praise for all that he has achieved; however, he does needs to change if he wants to stay manager of Arsenal.
ReplyDeleteEven Xt said; 'John came neither eatin or drinkin-he is pocexed they said. The Son of Man came eating & drinkin with sinnerz & they say he is a glutton'!
ReplyDeleteThez pple are all trash, evrybody is agrieved bt this negative approach wil only worsen the situation.
9ce piece Gunnerate-teach them to learn-cos it taks a million pple to earn the respect u deserve!
I can't even be bothered to read all the comments here. Too many fans are talking absolute bollocks, they are only spoiled by what Arsene has brought to Arsenal. No trophy in 6 years? How do you think Liverpool feel? Obviously glory supports from the Invincibles and Arsenal are better off without them. Can't take it anymore? Can't bare to watch the team because we might not win every week? Go piss off and support Man U or play your PS3 you pathetic tossers. The glory of supporting Arsenal is being part of the best footballing team in England, watching the best football week in week out. I agree completely with you Wrighty, everyone has their imperfections but the only reason people want trophies every year is Wenger's doing. What's saying the next manager would be better? What happens when the next manager isn't as astute financially and we have to sell the club to pay debts? We have been in the top 4 EVERY season, champions league EVERY season and still built a £300 million stadium to build our FUTURE stability, look at the bigger picture or go support another team, you wouldn't be calling for Wenger's head if you could remember the football we played before Wenger arrived.
ReplyDeleteAll the LYING!! Is why he should go!! + the stubburness!! He says he's looking and will buy if he's see's the right player! Then he won't buy and say that he's concentrating on the players we already have! Or wait right 2 da end of the window and say he couldn't find anyone good enough!! (this lie hurts me da most!!) And that it would kill off the kids!! But he's rigid tactics, poor man/kid management, rewards failure buy giving these kids ridiculous wages!! And gives them excuses 4 there poor performances which in turn makes them spoilt!! And his lack of being able to take sensible critism!! And why would u change the invinsible formula??
ReplyDeleteWhy do think Wenger gets so much abuse? Its because that he constantly sells us the future without it ever arriving.
ReplyDeleteIt all started to go downhill with the sale of Vieira. He asked us to trust him but it started a policy of not replacing star players. Although we got to the ECL final it masked a terrible league performance that season.
Time and time again we have come up short when it really matters. No-one teaches defence properly. Certainly GG's teams would never concede such soft goals.
Normally every January we take a gamble - hoping that a player comes back from injury - it always backfires.
We have one of the most expensive wage bills in the country. I think we would be shocked if we found out how much Diaby, Denilson, Rosicky are all being paid. We've moved to AG to pay the players more.
I won't slag him off, but he has been too long at the club and surrounded by "yes" men. He stayed 2 years too long at least and its time to part company. Although the Board will never do this because of the profits he constantly makes. I think Wenger signed a contract until 2014 and unfortunately he will be around until then.
Fans this time we just be quite and Wait for the end of may. We been too much talking but no Action. the action must to boycot the match. untill the Mr. Wenger leave the team he has destroy the team with his baby boys, not include Arshvin and Wilshey those are a players with heart for the team and fans.
ReplyDeleteYou hit the nail on the head .......... MEMORIES !! It's his stubborness & now would go so far as stupidity bearing in mind the repetiveness of his failure to deal with obvious weaknesses that have cost Arsenal lots of silverware. He is managing the club driven by his own vanity & ego to prove critical pundits wrong rather than being pragmatic. Whilst he continues to be ' FINANCIALLY ' the greatest manager of all time, the board will kick back & accept failure to win silverware. If we were to win the Premier League it could be a poisoned chalice as it would only further deepen Wenger's committment to his approach that inevitably will bring loads more heartache & disappointment than joy. All I would say to Wenger is look back at your winning teams as it will make todays weaknesses blindingly obvious to the only man who is unable to see them or in truth refuses to acknowledge them.
ReplyDeleteHe is being isolated by his own de scions he needs to listen to the fans get some strength in the side
ReplyDeletePersonally we should be happy he is there...can arsenal pay the bill of hiring JOse, and Pay Messi or ronaD0 the huge bucks they earn... we relly hugely on him and we should sing his praises always......if we can get someone like wenger in 10 clubs in the world soccer will be a beta game
ReplyDeleteif we were to let him go today.. will come for him
Arse anals wage bill 120+million,spurs 60+million.value for money or what :-),forever in are european shadow,wengers fooled you mugs again,fact wrighty7 is a bum boy,kebtheyid
ReplyDeleteVery true. We're still very much in the title race and we need to a united front (pardon my choice of words!)
ReplyDeletePeople dont realise how much Wenger has personally sacrifised to stay at Arsenal with the small budget he has cos of the new stadium. How many times has he said no to Madrid, Barca, Milan and Munich?
Its not his choice not to spend as such, its the club knowing that with him at the helm we can still be competitive on a shoe string during this period. The day he does go we will need every penny we can get to give to a new manager cos no one else in the world would have kept us up there on the rations he's been given. Honestely on the same budget most managers would have us mid table at best.
Real gooners love the man. I was at the nou camp and old trofford and the supporters there dont moan about him once - we sang his name several times.
Arsenal till I die
change your background dude its fucking with my eyes!
ReplyDeleteWrighty7 u look like a bull root I beat up on the holloway rd at the quays,he done sunbeds to and was a gay gooner like u,was it you?If it was no hard feelings man I am a true yid and thats just what we do.
ReplyDeletePeople are sometimes extremely deluded when constantly knacking on what Arsene have done for us,he is paid to deliver trophies for Arsenal Football club....period not to be some scrooge like character.Several board members have stated that money is available and he never spends them,May i remind you that Mourinho won the Cl and Uefa cup on a shoestring in Porto,the same did Van Gaal in Ajax etc.There are countless examples of managers spending nothing and still winning.Koemans PSV who knocked us out of the Pl cost zilch and almost won it,wenger is not some sort of Messiah on not spendoing money but he is seriously failing because he have failed to instill a plan B in these players and replacing gold with silver and making us the must one dimensional team in the Pl.For gods sake i can produce a Phd in 5 minutes on how Arenal play football.
ReplyDeleteTo many so called "supporters" out there trying to ruin the club
ReplyDeleteGood post Wrighty ... to anyone who reads this I have one message: get behind the team.
ReplyDeleteOh my giddy heart.
ReplyDeleteAll this passionate vitriol to the highest degree from some of you.
To redress the balance let me say a few things (1) Wenger is NOT going nowhere fast, so live with it people (2) Find another outlet to release all that frustration, just look at Japan, radioactive dust can travel, so much more important drama in the world (3) Arsenal are second in the EPL, not at the bottom three (4) Our team has played the most exhaustive 10 weeks of football since November (5) Many of you many not remember the 1988/89 season, but Arsenal was up for 4 trophies and failed to win. They played 70 games that season. Who was the Manager...? Google it. (6) We need a Hero for the next ten games, a Freddie type of hero. Little Jack alas will not do because he rarely scores goal, we need a goal scoring HERO (7) Football is about passion and bragging rights, I understand all that, but such personal insults towards a man who clearly was seen on Saturday evening LOOKING almost dead beat. We as supporters do not have the only fountain of pain when the team loses you know. Arsene feels it and so does all the support staff at Arsenal Football Club, and I’m one of them. (8) On Saturday against Man U, all I heard from the television during the game was our away supporters singing their hearts off, I liked that, because added to a HERO from the team and our support... we will win our final 10 games and win the EPL. Then all you naysayers please write a letter of apology to AFC (not Arsene) and we will re-start next season with a new and fresh team because Arsene will release some of the deadwood. Next season you may actually get your British Central Defender and British Bull Dog Midfielder, although you have one already. Frimpong anyone! (9) Yes its hard at present supporting your team, and it’s even harder because most of you became supporters when Arsenal Football Team was at its peak, oh those glory days of Henry , Vieira, Bobby and Adams... they never lost a game, never lost a championship, and never lost a EPL... yes they did. (10) Every team has its time... 1970/80 was Liverpool, and 1990/00 was SAF. He is a master tactician I grant him that, but he will not live forever... and Man U will flounder, and our time will come... Everyone will have their 15 minutes of fame... I guarantee this. END OF
P.S. I am not and have never been a supporter of the “Arsene We Trust “mantra. I support AFC through the storm and the calm, because I see football as a sport. Sometimes you lose, but it’s wonderful when you win... Barcelona at home everyone... I beat most of naysayers were bragging like hell.... Oh it’s the hope that kills you... Tayo says.
Yes for sure, I hate Arsene Wenger
ReplyDeletewrighty, an apology for what i wrote,seems you are not pocketing the freebies from the club but rest assured some are.
ReplyDeletefor those who are afraid of change and those who spin remember the years before wenger theory, well i do and in the early 80ies under don Howe protested after a home game by staying back when the game was over demanding better along with thousands of other gunners. we got our photo in the news of the world the following day. what came of that action, well let me tell you wrighty, we eventually got George graham who assembled a squad that finished top 5 times in there career, a group of winners and its always better to be a follower of a winner than a looser
again i apologise and thanks for not banning my contribution to the blog, others have sensitive souls that they are
Good post i understand some people getting frustrated but think about Arsenal before and now. 60,000 all seater stadium we were challenging on all 4 fronts this season . A team which has alot of talent coming through and no aging players like giggs or scholes to replace.
ReplyDeleteA few seasons before Wenger came we finsihed 12th in the league and i swear Graham got less stick ! Most of these new fans don't understand, we've consistently been there even under financial pressure and also with the emergence of billionaire's so i'd say Wenger has done us proud. I just wished we actually had fans who cheered on the team instead of slating them at every chance.
And seriously just because you've played Football manager in every spare hour of your life still means you know f**k all compared to Wenger so hide your head in the sand and go support a different club.
Cracking post Wrighty and a lot of great comments as a result.
ReplyDeleteI feel a lot of the bad comments come from frustration & 'youth/plastic' fans.
Personally I think AW lost his momentum about 3 years ago when he failed to buy the DMF & GK we all knew he needed.
Now we still need that DMF, a TOP striker & someone to teach our 'wingers' how to cross a ball and drill the defense.
In short AW needs some help & ideally someone who can stand up to him & modify his tactics as he has to realise the rest of the EPL has caught up on WengerBall & when we're not on our game we're in trouble!
Great blog Wrighty.
ReplyDeleteI am not usually anti-Wenger, but if we are not challenging for the title up until the last day of the season then something has to give.
How many years have we watched our seasons crumble at around this stage? There is no shame in losing to Barca or Man Utd, but the way in which we lost was unacceptable. No shots on target against Barca and far too much fucking around outside the area with no end product against United.
There are far too many passengers in the current squad; Rosicky, Denilson, Bendtner, Diaby, Almunia and Squilacci would be nowhere near the first team in past Wenger teams. Wenger has been a great manager for us, but it has to end at some point.
The reason we get the bad media etc is AW is French, showed the EPL how diet, skill etc could benefit a team rather than huff-and-puff & used foreign players until he had developed some 'English' players with those skills.
ReplyDeleteHe is also too truthful & arrogant for his own good which is why he needs someone (Dein did the trick before) to stand up to him. Pat Rice has been a great servant to the club but it's time to bow out
I hate Arsenal fans and I am one myself!! The majority of you haven't got a clue about the club! I go to emirates and every person I hear speaking don't have a clue and ask such stupid questions, only been fans for 10 years and now are greedy greedy greedy, what Wenger and Arsenal have achieved is a miracle which is why every club in the world would love Wenger, he could take over Real Madrid any time he wanted! On to support.. thats what the new stadium has given us, unpassionate home support, middle class families going just to watch the best footballing team in the premiership claiming to support them cos theyve been to a few games. Hardly any local fans attend anymore due to prices, we need better support at home because the away following is one of the best!! People always slagging off the likes of Denilson, Diaby etc. saying how they are not good enough for the first team... they are not in the squad as first team players!! They are squad players and our squad is a lot better than most, trust me! Id rather have Denilson in my team than O'Shea or Ramires, same goes for Diaby! Plus Ramsey is back so we could be seeing the back of a few of them players anyway. I agree investment is needed but sort it out Arsenal!! We need to get behind the team like supporters do who are fighting relegation, the players feel the fans passion and when they are booed and slated obviously it effects them mentally!! Win all our games in the league and its ours! Have faith and stop MOANING!!!!!!!! Fed up with it!!
ReplyDeleteramsey will be like a new signing although he doesn't play as a defencive midfielder, central defender or goalkeeper, but still he will be like a new signing
ReplyDelete'carefull what you wish for' is exactly my view. a change of manager is the last thing we need. important players would leave, and it would probably take another couple of years to adapt to new management. if the new manager fails to stay in the top four he'd probably get sacked then we end up goin round in circles tryin to find ourselves like liverpool, once redknapp leaves the spuds for england i'm sure they will be back at square one aswell.
ReplyDeleteSome Arsenal fans loved the club before Wenger me being one of them. I love the club with him there and i love the club when he will be gone. Arsenal is Arsenal football club not Wenger Football club no matter what!
ReplyDeleteId support arsenal no matter what legaue they are in and no matter what they win BUT....
Find another club who has spent as little money as Arsenal in the last 6 years and is up there in the top 4 and quarter finals AT LEAST of every competiton. That is all Wenger and any of the fans stupid enough to not see the bigger picture dont deserve to call them self Arsenal fans.
Everyone is entitles to there opinion but i wonder when any of you have a bad day at work how you would feel if you were subjected to the same small minded shallow abuse!!
Fans only want to be fans when we are winning.....become a Chelsea fan...thats their thing.
Arsene doesn't deserve any hate, but he sure does deserve all the criticism he gets. That is part of the job. If you get praised for a good job, you will get criticized for a bad job. That is how it is. I wonder why people complain about that. You can't say that he did a great job 10 years ago, so he is untouchable. It is ridiculous. Think about your current jobs. If I don't perform for two years (let alone 5), I will be kicked out.
ReplyDeleteWell said
ReplyDeleteIs it coincidence that even though we have been in the CL for 11 seasons a miracle with a young team that takes time to blend and have been very close to winning trophies the drought has been since David Dean was kicked out.
ReplyDeleteI too am fed up with the ungrateful so called supporters who would rather Arsenal bankrupt themselves or sell to some Middle East petty cash merchant who knows the only thing about football that it is round.
Arsenal are the envy of most of the clubs on how it is set up and what has been achieved todate.
I am not saying Wenger always gets it right but his track record with or without trophies is up there with the best
I'll start by saying fair play to Wrighty for saying it how he sees it.
ReplyDeleteThe way I see it, some fans have been on his back from day 1, even when we done the double they were on his back... I saw it written that he was always seen as the "dirty foreigner" and that's how the media treat him and our club as a whole. How many times in the past did an Arsenal player get sent off or be told he should've been sent off, or called divers. Yet English players (we know exactly who they are, no need to name names) get away with being punished, and there's no mention in the media. I'm not going to say we're always innocent, no club is completely blameless, but it don't help. And when Wenger speaks out, they belittle him and say he knows nothing, cracking up, losing the plot etc etc but when Fergie does it he's hit the nail on the head... Benitez done it, and it was then claimed he was mental... HE USED STATS AND THEY STILL SAID HE WAS WRONG!!! Says it all!
Wenger has to do something soon, Denilson needs to be shipped back to Colombia, that's his true national identity I'd say... He's about as Brazilian as Alan Hansen for fuck sake. Diaby, didn't this lad say he dreamed of playing for Barca or Real? At this rate he wouldn't even be allowed in them city's he's so shit! Rosicky, victim of circumstance, in the time we've gone to pass and move tactics he's basically been injured for all of that transition period, but he has to go too... And why hasn't Eboue's pace been used on he wing since Theo got crocked, it could've helped against Barca against Maxwell and against Man Utd.
I trust in Wenger to come good, he's done OK so far this season... Quadruple was always a pipe dream being that we are in the most challenging league in the world. Anyone who thought we could we're more delusional than, I don't know, Rafa I suppose! All jokes aside, we gotta get behind Wenger and OUR team, through thick and thin.
Gunner #1
Is the problem with the manager or Arsenal FC? Let's start with Arsenal FC. They have always had a problem with parting with money. I remember GG getting frustrated with the lack of funds at the club and very little activity in the transfer market when it comes to buying established players. Bruce Rioch did manage to get Bergkamp though. We rely to heavily on buying young unknown players and trying to turn them into world class players. This has worked in the past but the sucess rate isn't as high as it was. When you look at the high price you pay to see a game you expect to see your money well spent on the team and not just to generate profit for the club to sit in a bank gathering interest. If they could find away they would charge you for breathing the air at the grove. As for Mr Wenger, well, i get bored of hearing in post match interviews that " We are strong, resilant, showed great mental strength. This team is growing we showed passion, determination and commitment. This is the best team i've ever had" blah blah blah! The truth is these aren't the best players i've seen in an Arsenal shirt over the last 15 years, but probably the worse. I think it shows great disrespect to past players. Are any of our keepers better than seamen? Are any of our present defence better than Adams, Bould Keown, Winterburn, Dixon, Cole and Campbell? Wouldn't you rather see Viera, Petit, Overmars, Pires and Parlour playing in an Arsenal shirt [ Wiltshere is an exception. If only the rest of the team had his attitude. Great player] As for forwards aren't Bergkamp, Henry and Wrighty better than what we have now? Wenger has gone down this path of sticking two fingers upto what everyone else thinks and he is going to do it his way what ever the cost. He has an awful stubborn streak which nobody is going change. He has been at Arsenal for 15 years and the first 9 years were fantastic but the last 6 years have got worse with evey passing season. Is the problem with the board or Wenger? I honestly think it could be both.
ReplyDeleteEvening Wrighty - Good post. My take on the situation that Wenger is a fine manager let down by over paid average players and no plan B. Denilson, Diaby, Arshavin, Rosicky, Squillaci, Eboue, Bendtner, Almunia and Fabianski are simply not good enough and HAVE to go. The general rumours are that prices are going to go up six per cent for tickets and that means fans will have more ammunition to want him out if he fails next season. Wenger has to admit things have gone wrong and players have failed - he needs to make a statement of intent in the summer otherwise he is doomed - assuming of course if we win the league.
ReplyDeleteJesus, there's some fucking retards in the world.
ReplyDeleteGood post Wrighty.
All you're saying is the abuse is over the top, not that criticism is misplaced.
Yet still some simpletons can't even grasp that. When you consider it's these people desperately wanting Arsene out, it's hard to credit their arguments.
ReplyDeleteThanks for all the comments.
lolcat hits the nail on the head. That is exactly what I've tried to do here.
"All you're saying is the abuse is over the top, not that criticism is misplaced."
I'm not saying Arsene Wenger isn't exempt from criticism.
But when I see people just down right abusing him I think it is a liberty.
Personal abuse of Wenger is not on. Professional abuse absolutely is.
ReplyDeleteWenger is finished. His excuses are transferable from week to week, season to season. Keep the faith he says today. In what? Denilson? Diaby? Those two, plus a whole host of others, do not belong in the premiership, let alone the club.
Worst Man U team I've seen in ten years and they still turned us over (as usual) without breaking sweat. But hey there's always next season, and the next and the next and the next...
Wrighty... Another thing you have to realize is that Wenger often shoot himself in the foot, by picking the wrong line up, not making timely changes or adjustments to warrant the situation, and often times bringing the wrong player in. I sometimes feel that he is the reason for the players under performing. Not all players can play in every position or has the ability to adopt. You have to play a player according to their strength. Example danielson is slow there for he has to play with a fast player in midfield. pair him with a slow player like Cesc or Diaby its diaster waiting to happen. Diaby is an attacking minded player and not good at coming back back. Pair him with a bulldog in defense you will see results. Diaby seems to play better for France than Arsenal these days. Nasri is a dribbler who needs space and can shoot from distance playing him on the wings can decrease his impact on the game especially in the perm. AW often have players not suited to certain positions playing in those positions that they are not accustom to. This also have an impact on the team performance and can make certain players seems like rubbish.
ReplyDeletewhat a crap post - if you think Wenger would walk in to any club, you are deluded - Man Utd wouldnt have, Barcelona wouldn't have him. Lets face it also - no other club, would allow any manager to go 6 years without a trophy - so get your head out of sands and better still out of Wenger's arse and see what is really happening at Arsenal FC.
ReplyDeleteWe have become a club that is content on losing - it is instilled from the top to what it would seem like now to the fans.
Wenger doesnt have that edge/mentality to instill a winning mentality in to his players - he was fortunate that he had the likes of Adams, Bould, Parlour, Keown, Seaman.
However like world class players, great managers do not grow on trees - I think Wenger either needs to get in a couple of pedigree players or he will find the tide turning against him
5-6 more weeks and we will be out of the league but still Wegners bleaters will keep their head in the sand..Its over. maureen called it right last season...Wegner has no pressure to succeed. Thats why he cant manage big names.
ReplyDeleteWrighty the frustration is 5 years of not correcting obvious weaknesses. Im a 25year + Arsenal fan. Wegner has had his day. His work is admirable but he needs to pass the torch to a manager with the cojones to accept pressure of winning. He is coasting in a bubble and the board and gazidis are culpable for letting this culture percolate. Jeeess even the AST were taking issue and AGMs, a fairly passive loyal group.
ReplyDeleteTheir is a severe groundswell of miscontent from the most short term to long term Arsenal fans. I mean when I see Tomas Rosiky wear the shirt of Rocky7 it drives me insane to see a passive, past it player try to convince us he is worth a place on this team. Diaby, god help us, the boy just does'nt have it between the ears. Denilson, a nice kid but not born aggressive. Jack W would have beat him up at 14 years old. Why cant we buy a striker of quality. Look at Suarez, he is quality you can see it already. will do damage. We are left with Bentner, the touch of a Rhino. not top qulaity. Injuries same time every year!!! EVERY YEAR on cue. Not prepared enough by half. The player dont care. Look at our captain - feeling sorry for himself in the middle of the Nou Camp when we needed him most. Your injured? Get off the Fu***kin pitch.
Its a culture of reward for mediocrity. comes from Wegner. I give anything to have Red Nose manage us for a week. You would see a nuclear cloud above Colney and a bus packed with the deadwood.
Wrighty thank you for common sense to all the pratts out there support your team or go and watch stoke play also stop listening to radio progs like talkshite who seem to dislike anything Arsenal and tv pundits who change opinions like the wind cmon Gooners
ReplyDeleteWenger is legend. If we lose him say bye bye to all our best players. All you haters need to piss off to south London
ReplyDeleteThe problem is simple. For years, since selling Vieira (which I was against btw), Arsenal have needed a new spine. A fast striker to replace Henry, a holding midfielder to replace Vieira and a new keeper to replace Bob Wilson. Arsene is too stuboorn but he doesnt see that any team that cancels out the midfield play defeats Arsenal because there is no plan B. plan B should be fast wingers with width and a more defensive central midfield , like ManU did this weekend. He needs to spend the money or this will be repeated every season until he or the management changes. (In Arsene I used to trust)
ReplyDeleteOk. I was joiking about Bob Wilson. it should read "goalkeeper since Lehmann or Seaman"
ReplyDeleteMy first comment here. U can argue that he has won nothing for 6 years but this is my take remember Charlton Athletic for so long a mid table team under Alan Curbs but some fans wanted a step up and the finally got rid of him. Kindly tell me now what those fans will do for that mid table now. Banji from Nigeria
Well said Banji. You can only replace Mr Wenger with a proven manager. who replaced Curbishley ? On the contrary, how many years will Arsenal remain and "also ran" team as Spurs, City, Chelsea, Utd, Liverpool and whoever is next in the league of big spending sides invest to oevrtake Arsenal. Fans aren't paying top dollar for season tickets to be told they will win something and then hear "well we didn't win anything but we exceeded the doubers expectations" Fans aren't benefitting from the profits the club's making either. I think Diaby, Rosicky, Denilson & Fabianski need to go. All of them squander position and make costly mistakes. Wenger needs to commit to getting in some good proven players and admit that his approach over the last 5 years has not worked. that would be better than sacking the manager.
ReplyDeleteThe best thing for Arsenal and Wenger is for him to leave now. He is a miracle worker and a brilliant manager but he is hated by the media in this country who see him as too much of an intellectual and of course he is French. They grudgingly praise his style of football but secretly would love nothing more than for him to be sacked, and will then blame the Arsenal fans for it.
ReplyDeleteWenger trying to win honours with Arsenal is like a boxer trying to win with one hand tied behind his back. People say that he should get some hard ball winning players in his side at centre back and in central midfield but how long would they last before getting sent off every week. As it is at the moment whenever our so called 'soft' players so much as trip an opponent they are booked immediately, whereas opponents are allowed to commit acts of assault on any Arsenal player they see fit without so much as a booking (which is why we regularly have the worst injury list in the Premiership). And when Wenger complains about the treatment his players receive he is ridiculed by the media and his players called 'Jessies' because they don't 'like it up em'. Can you imagine how long a Joey Barton, a Michael Essien or an Anderson would last in the Arsenal team ? They would probably be facing a season long suspension within 5 games of their first appearance ! Like it or not the media have a massive power and influence over the general psyche of English referees.
The only real alternative for Arsenal is to give the press what they want and sack Wenger and bring in an English manager, preferably an ex-player like Tony Adams or Martin Keown thereby diluting some of the anti Arsenal agenda in the media. Of course we are never going to be the media darlings like Manchester United are (thanks to Andy Gray – now gone, thank god - and Sky who seem to hold some sort of absolute power over the rest of the media in general) but with an English manager surely it wouldn't be half as bad as the current situation.
I fear that next season Cesc Fabreags will be off back to Spain where at least he will be appreciated more by opposing fans who appreciate good football.
wenger should fuck off, the mentally weak stubborn frog. he turned arsenal into a creche for french players...fuck him and this is from a man that used to respect him...his time is up and i wont shed a tear if he left today...with him in charge, we will never win anything...yeah we'll entertain on many levels, but winning isn't part of his plans believe me. wenger, fuck off our club your miser git if you're reading this....SERIOULSY, FUCK OFF OUR CLUB YOU JOKER.
ReplyDeleteYour a knobhead you need to fuck off you disrespectable wanker
ReplyDeleteFUCK ALL THE WENGER HATERS. You all dont have a fucking clue on what is happening. Go support some other team if you are a glory hunter.
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