Being a Gooner these days is becoming a very frustrating time.
It seems to me that Arsenal fans are torn more than a Michael Owen hamstring.
The Arsenal faithful appear to be at each others throats and it is a sight more disturbing than watching Harry Redknapp perform a lap dance.
We used to be so united.
Of course difference of opinions is more than welcome. Debate can be healthier than an apple a day.
But most of the time these days Gooners don't debate a thing. We argue.
Some of the things we say to each other disgusts me. We slag each other off like we are talking to a lippy Sp*rs fan.
All because we have a difference in how we think!
I've been accused of being an 'AKB' so many times that I've lost count. Well, I can't count past 1285 but that's not the point.
Because I believe that Arsene Wenger is still the man for the job I have been slated in the past.
Listen, I know that the situation we are in at the moment is down to Wenger and I know for a fact that he has made many mistakes in the past.
I just think he is still the right man for Arsenal.
Just as there are people who insist Arsene can do no wrong there are others who think his time is up.
That's fair enough, it's that persons choice.
But for airing their views they don't need to be vilified more than a person who has just let rip in a packed out elevator.
I want the best for Arsenal Football Club because I love the damned thing more than I love my own country.
No matter what I will always support the club through thick (Rooney) and thin (Crouch).
What gets me down lower than Paris Hiltons thong is watching my fellow Arsenal chums take lumps out of each other. Every day.
Of course seeing, before my very own eyes, Arsenal struggle on the pitch pisses me right off. It pisses me off more than actual urine.
But flicking through Arsenal websites and seeing actual civil war between people who all want the best for Arsenal destroys me.
One of the reasons I haven't written much over the past few months is because I can't handle seeing the infighting. It almost primal.
I'm actually debating whether to continue writing the blog. I want too but it does my nut in when I see Gooners calling each other 'cunts' and other obscenities.
Writing a blog I am there to be shot at. I understand that and can take it but witnessing the way we talk to each other is badder than Michael Jacksons Bad or a bad ass rapper.
There is hardly any respect these days for each other and that is so terrible to see.
Keep It Goonerish........
The reason is we are shambles on the pitch.The team never looked so dysfunctional in a long long time..
ReplyDeleteRespect your sentiments..
Spurs fan in peace! Just wanted to say that your Harry lap dance comment was just pure comedy gold! :o)
Wrighty you have a point mate, but is the football at the moment really worth the most expensive tikets in the world? the fans are being neglected
ReplyDeleteBRING BACK KEOWN as defensive coach!
ReplyDeletelast time he was in this position as Arsenal, we got to the Champions league final without conceding a goal.
Wenger is setting new records for stubbornness :(
Mate although I don't agree with you always , no one can discount your passion , no one can say that you have not tried to do the best for the gooners and just as wrighty might feel down now , I know you are too , but I belive you are still the man , you compete in a unfair world , hands tied behind your back but you don't bitch u just get on with it and that's why u should be the man for arsenal and wrigty to keep writing for arsenal . If people don't like what is happening tell kronke to give the club direction like fizzman did . Its not wenger its the tight board .
ReplyDeleteLike you, I have never felt such frustration for many a year. i completely agree that our family is more like one of those "Old Testament" family feuds! I believe Arsene is still the man to get us through the shit we are going through at the minute. To anyone who really believes it is time for him to go, please metion one of your preferred replacements...and also how much their transfer budget will they require? The club has been set up for the next generation of players ie. Miyaichi, Alex O-C, Gibbs, Jenkinson, Wilshere, Ramsey, Walcott (50/50), get my drift? So, assuming Arsene does go, will all these leave as well?
ReplyDeleteWrighty7. I don't think I have ever agreed with you, but if you blog then you are entitled to express your opion. I couldnt blog about Arsenal because of the abuse I see other bloggers get. It's not right, they wouldn't talk to someone in the pub in that way so why do they think it's acceptable to behave that way on the web.
ReplyDeleteI don't believe Wenger is the right man for the job and you haven't given me any food for though to convience me otherwise. 28 games with just 8 wins is pittyful. Just what do you see that makes you think Wenger is suddenly going to turn it around?
Chin up Wrighty don't stop the good work brother.
ReplyDeleteIt is a mare at the moment, this constant arguing betwen fellow fans is really not helping the cause, we are in a battle and we need everyone pushing in the same direction. Our current situation seems very similar to the scousers before Hicks and Gillete left, but i don't remember them calling their fellow fans cxxts and wxxkers?
Always been behind Wenger but i hate to say that i am starting to have doubts, its like your favourite uncle loosing his marbles but you can't come to terms with it!!!
Where's Wally (sorry Kroenke!) his lack of leadership is pathetic, bring on the Ruski i say!
The defensive really should of been sorted by now, he needs help here and Bould would be perfect. What really worries me is that i don't even think we would of bought meatpacker if Vermalen hadn't got injured. On the German i'm sure he will improve but what i can't understand is that if your gonna leave it why not bring in a centre back with Prem experience so he doesn't take as long to bed in???? Cahill, Jags or Samba would of been much more suited to what we need. Also Santos, why not Enrique? he has prem experience and would of slotted straight in, the brazilian looks like he needs to lose a few pounds!
On the other hand fans need to realise WE CANNOT COMPETE with Manure, the chavs or Citeh - FACT! and before i get the universal response of thats why we built the Emirates, no one knew that a dodgy Ruski would buy Chelsea and wash his dirty money through the club or a Minted Sheikh would buy Citeh.
You have to remember wages are a big issue, we currently pay no more than 80k per week for our top players compared to the 200k+ Manure and Citeh pay.
We really need to catch up commercially we are seriously falling behind just look at the warm up kit deal that Manure have with DHL its worth more than our main kit deal! Lets get some heavy hitters in like Dein and get rid of Gazadis and the other yanks.
What i would like is some suggestions on who could do better job than Wenger on the same budget (and who would want to come to us)so don't come back with Mourinho, Hiddink Etc.
Lets hope Sat brings some joy to us Gooners, no matter what i'm sure i'll be debating this with boys in th Eaglet before the game.
Come on you Gooners
Just like you thought that Cesc wouldn't leave.
ReplyDeleteI hear you Wrighty. Like you, I believe Wenger is still the man for the job. Don't give up the blogging mate, still one of the best bloggers out there, along with me ;)
ReplyDeleteKeep the faith. Wenger will turn this around. Our confidence is rock bottom right now, and a few decent results will soon change that.
Bring back Keown? No way wenger will let another take the glory i guess.
ReplyDeleteWe appreciate you setting up the Blog and there is no defence for abusive langauge but i think you set yourself up with some of your posts, your seemimgly blind loyalty to Wengerism and sarcastic comments towards the critic of Wenger and the whole Arsenal system.....if there is a problem...a very obvious in defence...then why can the whole world and it's mum see that and yet the man who is known by some as 'the Professor' can't or rather wont recognise it????...enough of the excuses we are being taking for a ride and i believe deep down inside you know that too
ReplyDeletePlease don't stop writing, Wrighty. Think about the solace you bring to people (me included) who think like you. Just like you I'm frustrated about reading these other blogs and then I read your blog and I feel better. Sensible Arsenal bloggers are almost becoming extinct now. You are one of them, so please don't give in
ReplyDeleteDivided fans ?? Excuse me Wrighty but everyone bar you are asking for Wenger to step down before it gets embarrassing.Shite hart lane will be his Waterloo when that filthy cunt mercenary Adebawhore sticks a couple past Chezzer it will be over.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I think its okay to have a different view. But at the end of the day we are all Gooners. And we should support this club at a time like this. The team need us more than ever now. Our season might be over, but if we boo and neglect the team, we have no chance of turning it around. If we support this team whatever happens on the pitch, then maybe, just maybe we can come out on top.
ReplyDeleteThere 11 men on the field, and 60,000 just a few metres away, we CAN make the difference.
Bollocks, pure and utter bollocks Wrighty. Wengers not the man to lead us anymore. The fact that he has divided opinion these much is a testament of that. The problem with arsenal isn't the players on the pitch, there have been many games in the last seasons when messrs Cesc and Samir didn't play, and we still won. It's not down to thier departures. Its down to training, tactics and the backroom staff. Its so so simple!!! And there are people to replace him, what would happen if Wenger had a heart attack and dropped dead? Would the club cease to exist? Sorry Wrighty, but he has lost touch and needs to go!!!!
ReplyDeletei love your blogs wrighty n i'l be damn if you stop writting them...but lets face it,wenger n his tactics have proved to be impotent n i dont see the reason why you as an arsenal fan as you doesnt see his flaws,get your head outa your ass n think sraight,the mr.bean looking old retarted faggot by the name wenger is deluded n shud b handed a sack...n you can stop writting blogs as well n join him in ruining our beloved football club good luck on your new carrier,you will be missd but forgoten at the same time damn if you stop writting them...but lets face it,wenger n his tactics have proved to be impotent n i dont see the reason why you as an arsenal fan as you doesnt see his flaws,get your head outa your ass n think sraight,the mr.bean looking old retarted faggot by the name wenger is deluded n shud b handed a sack...n you can stop writting blogs as well n join him in ruining our beloved football club good luck on your new carrier,you will be missd but forgoten at the same time
ReplyDeletei love your blogs wrighty n i'l be damn if you stop writting them...but lets face it,wenger n his tactics have proved to be impotent n i dont see the reason why you as an arsenal fan as you doesnt see his flaws,get your head outa your ass n think sraight,the mr.bean looking old retarted faggot by the name wenger is deluded n shud b handed a sack...n you can stop writting blogs as well n join him in ruining our beloved football club good luck on your new carrier,you will be missd but forgoten at the same time damn if you stop writting them...but lets face it,wenger n his tactics have proved to be impotent n i dont see the reason why you as an arsenal fan as you doesnt see his flaws,get your head outa your ass n think sraight,the mr.bean looking old retarted faggot by the name wenger is deluded n shud b handed a sack...n you can stop writting blogs as well n join him in ruining our beloved football club good luck on your new carrier,you will be missd but forgoten at the same time
ReplyDeleteThe disrespectful comments all come from one side-those wanting Wenger out.
ReplyDeleteTo hear people claim to love the club,who say they are acting out of passion,then call the players useless c**ts kind of tells you the mentality of those posting.
Seriously,these are the same people who yelled from the rooftops that Wenger would sign nobody during transfer season,yet when 9 players came in,their tack changed to the quality of the signings......nothing will satisfy them.
Seriously,the club is struggling,to state the obvious,but now is the time to stand behind the club,and too many Gunners fans are proving that they are only fans in the good times........better off without them!!!
Does Wenger know best...that's for everyone to decide but it matters not-he IS our manager,and debating the point is wasted time.
The disrespectful comments all come from one side-those wanting Wenger out.
ReplyDeleteTo hear people claim to love the club,who say they are acting out of passion,then call the players useless c**ts kind of tells you the mentality of those posting.
Seriously,these are the same people who yelled from the rooftops that Wenger would sign nobody during transfer season,yet when 9 players came in,their tack changed to the quality of the signings......nothing will satisfy them.
Seriously,the club is struggling,to state the obvious,but now is the time to stand behind the club,and too many Gunners fans are proving that they are only fans in the good times........better off without them!!!
Does Wenger know best...that's for everyone to decide but it matters not-he IS our manager,and debating the point is wasted time.
The disrespectful comments all come from one side-those wanting Wenger out.
ReplyDeleteTo hear people claim to love the club,who say they are acting out of passion,then call the players useless c**ts kind of tells you the mentality of those posting.
Seriously,these are the same people who yelled from the rooftops that Wenger would sign nobody during transfer season,yet when 9 players came in,their tack changed to the quality of the signings......nothing will satisfy them.
Seriously,the club is struggling,to state the obvious,but now is the time to stand behind the club,and too many Gunners fans are proving that they are only fans in the good times........better off without them!!!
Does Wenger know best...that's for everyone to decide but it matters not-he IS our manager,and debating the point is wasted time.
we dont care about your opinion writghty7 or whatever you call your self,even the blind knows arsenal r struggling n the manager is at fault,you r just blinding us like he is doing to us,we dont need blogs to know the problems,you can stop writting,who cares? The fact is we all want the best from our beloved club,we pay the highst ticket price does tht not get sense to you? We r having the worst run than derby county when it came to the premier leage,wrighty7 join our camp or stay away from bloggin nkt!
ReplyDeletewrighty, feel your pain, but the ststs dont add up for wenger to remain the manager
ReplyDeleteScot , heard you the first time.
ReplyDelete7 years on and he hasn't managed to get the team to defend,
120 million wage bill pffffff
In 1966 the supporters were haughtily informed by the father of our current Chairman that he would leave the club before he would sack Billy Wright. Supporters were so incensed by the dreadful level of management and the condescending attitude of Hill-Wood(like father, like son!) that the Gunners fans boycotted matches. We were down to 7000 against Leicester and 4000 against Leeds and, with money no longer coming into the club, Hill-Wood sacked Wright, but completely forgot to resign! All of the clubs subsequent success comes from that decision to rid us of a manager who was performing badly. Bertie Mee signed George Graham after 2 months in the job and people from that era have contributed enormously to Arsenal since - Bob Wilson, Don Howe, Pat Rice and, of course, Graham himself. If Hill-Wood had not gone back on his word and sacked the manager then we could be Charlton Athletic by now having won nothing for over half-a-century. Blind support is stupid support. Blind support is highly damaging to Arsenal because, by its very nature, it is non-critical and, as now with Wengerites, servile. The damage being done to our club by those who have an entirely illogical worship of our manager is enormous. The longer Wenger stays, the greater the damage and the messier the parting will be. The passion for our club will always lead to heated debate but the name-calling is moronic and self-defeating. I am afraid that that is the nature of modern life, but it is not my style.
ReplyDeleteOne final point regarding something that is repeated ad-nauseum on here and other blogs is the infuriating answer to all Wenger-must-go people (like me) that nobody could replace him. How utterly ridiculous. In 1966 nobody thought Bertie Mee would be manager. In 1996 nobody thought Arsene Wenger would be manager. Lots of people could do the job - some better than others, but are those 'Arsene only' supporters suggesting that the club will have to fold when their hero is too old or dead because nobody else on the face of Planet Earth can manage Arsenal? - Ramgun
I think things will get worse if Wenger leaves...
ReplyDeleteThere is something wrong with the squad, I am not sure what it is...
If I had to guess I would say that the players feel that Wenger does not talk to them enough.
I feel that the departures of Nasri and Cesc really hurt Wenger.
Cesc has said that Wenger is like a second dad to him, doesn't this mean that Cesc is like a son to Wenger too?
If your "son" decided he had enough and wants to leave and Nasri as well, how would you react? I think Wenger is trying to avoid getting attached to some of the players and this is backfiring as the squad are not united.
I bet you managers like Fergie and Mourinho get very close to their squads, specially Mourinho, the players love him because he just seems like a likeable couch and amusing.
Wenger at the moment is not motivating his players the way he must have done in the past, it seems like he wants the squad to "work it out" between them without too much guidance.
When the players are low in confidence they need their coach to talk to them, make them feel better, motivate them.
I believe this squad is good enough to secure 4th and perhaps get close to 3rd and maybe nick it.
Secure 4th place? I wouldn't trust this squad to secure a sexual encounter in the red-light area of Amsterdam.
ReplyDeleteTo the anonymous guy who called wenger a retarded faggot! What is your problem mate?!? Wenger may have had his day but he is still the best manager we've ever had and i think he deserves a little bit more respect than that!
ReplyDeleteGuys the reality is, it will take few more seasons before this team can perform.. i don't think we or the players will wait that long. I think AW will leave after the derby game. I hate to say this but retarded houdini has a better team than us.
ReplyDeleteYou guys are just c**ts! Arsenal is past it and we've waited 6 years for this coming. They say it takes years to build something good but seconds to destroy the good built. Funny it takes so long to finally reduce Arsenal to a relegation fighting team. Shows you the incompetence of the whole club in actual fact! Can't even do the bad things swiftly!
ReplyDeleteA big F*** you to the board. They have trouble selling tickets and that's what you get when you have rubbish an trash on the pitch! I have gone canceled my EPL TV subscription and will be saving at least 500 bucks a year! Sweet..
Maybe try offering the tickets to homeless. They could use a posh seat to shit on seriously.
what dare u think.
ReplyDeleteAW is the right man for the job still.
Stupidity. Arsenal is not going anywhere under AW. He is gone case. He can not do anything from this situation.
We arsenal is gone case now.
Hey Wrighty7
ReplyDeleteKeep doing the great work son. Now more than ever its so important that you keep going because we need objectivity and reality checks.
Caught between a rock and a hard place I think in the past 5-6 years Arsenal have tried to find balance between two uncertainties.
The global financial crisis and ensuring Arsenal come out of the end of it with financial sustainability AND achieving success on the football pitch without overcapitalising (Player purchases and extravagant wage demands to appease fans.
I am certain the powers above Arsene have structured a financial model that could only work with Arsene as Manager. Who else could of maintained a competitive team and qualified for CL every year for the past 5-6 years with the financial constraints the board has imposed to pay off our debts?
Make no mistake Wenger would love to buy some top class players and agree to pay their high wage demands to lure them, ala Cheski and ManC, but sadly Arsenal cannot.
Imagine if we matched Na$ris demands of paying him 160K? Pretty soon Wenger would have to match the Salary demands from other players, something that right now Arsenal cannot sustain.
You dont lose 5 key starters from a side and expect their replacements to be better straight away (Cesc, Na$ri, Clichy, Wilshere and TV). It really does takes time.
I also dont think Barca and ManC have helped waiting until the last minute to confirm their purchase of Cesc and Na$ri, which left Wenger with no time to negotiate the best avaialble replacements. Be greatful he got what he did with what little time he had to work with I say. (Arteta, Benayoun, Merts)
Whilst I think we have been poor we have also been very unlucky. Two own goals, one offside goal and a clear cut (absolute) 100% penalty that should of been given to Walcott that wasn't is just a few examples of poor decsions that cost us valuable points. I wont mention the shite ref work against us when we opened the season against Newcastle (Joey (FUKWIT) Barton.
Wins require a fair chunk of luck as well, and to date we have been well short of it.
Keep it goonerish!!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteTHIS is the time... The time we find out who the true fans of Arsenal are. I'm not talking about the "Wenger years", i'm talking about the fans that remember names like Charlie George, Alan Sunderland and Liam Brady.
ReplyDeleteI love Arsenal, come hell or high water and this is the time our team needs TRUE fans the most. Not when we are winning but when we are at our lowest.
Wrighty is right. This is a tough test and if you "sunny come lately" fans don't have the stomach for the fight... Fuck off to Chelsea/Man U or the all new Man City.
arsenal have the worst goal difference in prem l, nice!!! it says it all
ReplyDeleteThe problem Wrighty is that Wenger has become the divisive point. Everyone could see we were falling behind over the past 5 seasons - everyone except Wenger and the AKB sycophants. The frustration has now boiled over with the ridiculous loss to a team that was bottom of the table. If this poor run hasn't woken up AW and the AKB crowd, then God help the Arsenal and us gooners - cos we're gonna go down if we carried on like this. Every EPL team now fancies its chances against us. AW and his boys are in for a very hard slog this season and they had better be up to it.
ReplyDeleteEven Eurosport has brought in Rafael Benítez alongside Wenger, (future replacement?) for their CL tv program.
ReplyDeleteIt is obvious that AW, whether he is solely to blame or not, is going to be ultimately responsible for what is happening at AFC.
It is his job to bring the club to success by bringing in players, coaches, staff, hell even the kit preparers to help him do his job, and he has failed at that at this time. This is a business after all, and if he is still manager, then they either have a master plan, or they are bad business people, and we all know where that will take the club, dont we?
Wrighty, you and I both. I'm pissed off with the in fighting between us fans. I was at the recent Dortmund game, and friendly banter did on a few occasions turn sour, it's sickening..........
ReplyDeleteIt's the AKB minority that usually end up resorting to go and support xyz proving that idiots can't argue.
ReplyDeleteAt least some who is anti Wenger can hold an intelligent conversation
Wrighty, don't chuck it in pal - its at times like this blogs like yours are needed more than ever. Whatever your opinions are at the bad times its better just to take a step back, and a blog from a normal bloke with a sense of humour who can do that is much more meaningful and interesting than some "expert" and their stupid theories on how firing Wenger will lead us to a glorious new era.
ReplyDeleteThe most spiteful commentators are the ones who can't detach themselves and need someone to take it out own, don't let them bring you down, rise above.
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