Friday, 30 December 2011

Perhaps The ACN Can Rejuvenate Marouane Chamakh

Maybe I am clutching at straws here. Or maybe I have completely lost the plot in more ways than one.

But I am really hoping that Marouane Chamakh will come back to Arsenal, after the African Cup of Nations, a completely rejuvenated player.

Fingers crossed, hopefully he might even come back as Lukas Podolski.

Who knows though? A change of scenery might do the Moroccan the world of good. A couple of goals definitely would.

It's fair to say that Chamakh has had a bit of annus horribilis. 

2011 hasn't been the greatest time for him. In fact, I've even seen it mooted that he is the worst striker to have ever worn the Arsenal shirt.

Now I wouldn't go that far. Clive Allen gets that honour for me. At least Chamakh's early form lasted longer than a pre-season. Just.

The question is can Marouane turn his Arsenal career round?

I'd like to see it because in his early days with the club he looked quite good. And that is not just his slick hair looking good either.

He was an asset to the team and I could see why Arsene Wenger wanted to sign him.

Then came along 2011 and the next thing you know, he not only looked like a giraffe, but began to resemble how one would play on a football pitch.

It looks like the striker will be at the club until the summer at least. Wenger never gives up on his players easily.

So I am hoping, wishing, that Morocco have a great tournament and that Chamakh comes back to North London completely full of confidence.

It could be like signing a new player.....

Follow me on Twitter @_Wrighty7

Keep It Goonerish..........



  1. You always clutch at straws, so why change the habits of a lifetime.

  2. terry henry? hahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahhahhhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahhahhahahahahhahahhahahhhahahahhahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahhaahhahhahahhahahahahhhahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahh breath hahahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhaha

  3. Please dispose chamake this January, no need keeping him offload him.

  4. ***Fact: Chamakh is the record holder for the most goals in consecutive matches in the CHAMPIONS LEAGUE (6 matches in a row).

    1). This is not a feat a mediocre player can accomplish, nor a mentally/technically weak one.

    2). The ACN will be the most regular football he has had since the beginning of last season which saw him show good form.

    3). Form is temporary, class is permanent.

    4). I'm sick of the fans that need a player or two to pick on and at the moment is it Marouane and Arshavin... they're both gold.. and Arsenal fans will see it in the future - preferably still in a red and white shirt.


  5. Chamakh is a Natural Born Gunner.... I believe you'll all see that one day.

  6. You are ignorant and don't know about Siccer. In case you don't know it, it is thanks to Chamakh that Arsenal is even in the Champions league having scored 11 goals before November last year. Oh, he was ranked above Diddier Drogba and Essien in the African players of the year. He entered history when he was the first player to ever score in 4 successive champions league games.... He was once named the deadliest stricker in Europe before Arsenal purchased him. Wenger had to convince him and pursued him for over 2 years. He came to arsenal and rejected offers from Chelsea, Man U, and Tottenham. Why don't you blame his form on the lack of playing time!!! That Giraf is the best stricker with his head. I am not saying he is better than Van Persie, but he has a different type of games. Has Van Persie ever scored when playing only 10 minutes!!!! The wide players should cross balls to the central stricker instead of driblling and they are rated by the number of crosses per game. Yes, Morocco will do good with the likes of Taarabt, Kharja (former Inter Milan and Fiorontina Midfilder) and Mehdi Ben Atia (udinese) and yes, chamakh will the top scorer of the African Cup. Just thinck, why replace a striker that PSG, Tottenham, Roma, Udinese, Bordeaux, Malaga, and Atletico Madrid wants to buy. In case you don't know, a year before the free transfer, Arsenal offered 13 million Euros and teh offer was rejected. So, I think, if Chamakh leaves and Van Persie gets injured, no matter who Arsenal brings, they will wish for a Europa league finish.

  7. He looks terrible everytime he comes on - wenger also uses him at as an absoutle last resort which obviuosly cant feel good. We defo need a new striker and also need to get rid of Arshavin and play Benayoun before Rosicky in the pecking order.

  8. Thoughtful blog thanks for posting.
