Monday 28 July 2008

The right decision.........

Gallas will be kept on as Arsenal skipper this season and I believe that this is the right decision.

Many Gooners are calling for Fabregas or Toure to be installed as Arsenal captain. Although I understand why, I still feel that Gallas is the right man for the job at the present time.

We are fortunate that we have Fabregas or Toure as possible future captains. They are Arsenal through and through, and Le Boss will have a difficult decision to make in the future when Gallas is relieved of his duties.

Gallas made mistakes last season but the important thing is that he will learn from them and be better for it this season.

It cant have been easy for him succeeding Henry in the role and lets not forget it was his first season as a captain.

I felt he led a young side very well and inspired them. He is a winner and that attitude rubbed off on the side around him.

Lets not forget that when Arsenal were top of the league last season people were saying that giving Gallas the armband was an inspired choice. I think so too. Its only when we began to struggle the appointment was questioned.

Gallas is the leader of the side but cannot be held responsible for Arsenal throwing the title away last season. The whole team managed to do that and I doubt even the Maldini's and Terry's of this world could have stopped what happened last season.

I say get behind Gallas. Toure and Fabregas will get their chance one day, its their destiny's to be the leaders of our club.

Until then we have Gallas and that's alright with me.

Keep it Goonerish..........


  1. I think Toure should be given the armband. I know Gallas would leave but I really, really believe that Senderos is ready for Arsenal this season so Gallas wouldn't be a great loss.

  2. To previous comment about Senderos.........WHAT??!!!!!..........

  3. I agree with you. Gallas will be better this season. Just no more Birmingham outbursts please!!!!

  4. Top stuff again wrighty. keep it up mate.

  5. I agree he would have learned a lot from last season and it makes sense for him to carry on rather than disrupt the team further. Toure and Fabregas will get their chances to captain the team before too long.

  6. Gallas is a blue nose and always will be

  7. I am filled with such anger at the moment at the lack of respect by Marca in regards to the bullshit they came up with about Cesc. How can these fucking people get away with lying like that and nothing can happen to them?

  8. I kind of agree with you Wrighty, as it looks like we're stuck with him there is no point in slagging him off. That's not going to help us at all, however Gallas needs to understand what it is to captain the Arsenal.

    Tony Adams would never have reacted like Gallas did at the end of the Birmingham game. Even Vieira, who was far more temperamental, would have handled it better.

    My choice would be Cesc, although he is young he is passionate about the Gunners, he also has the respect of the rest of the squad. Something that I'm not sure that Gallas has, I hope heproves me wrong though.

  9. To the person complaining about Marca, they are pretty much a Real Madrid publication. They are constantly used to unsettle players Real want to sign.

    I agree that it's bullshit, but it doesn't appear there is a great deal that can be done about. If everyone realised what a bullshit paper it was and stopped paying attention to it, it would soon go away.

    However crap British papers like The Sun/Mirror etc love using their quotes to fill out crap like the Ronaldo situation. It's just Cesc's turn now, but he's already spoken out against it.

    I just hope bullshit like this only serves to put him off ever signing for them. He really is too good for that bunch of wasters...

  10. there no dought that gallas is a winner and does not take losing very well but he is going to have to learn if he is going to be captain, it would be my choice, i would have given toure the arm band

  11. I agree. Gallas has been made a scapegoat by many fans. What happened at Birmingham was a one-off, not likely to happen again. It would be interesting to see other captains' reactions to a similar situation. I doubt they'd be much different. JT would be abusing the ref - so would Ferdinand for that matter.

  12. Top marks Wrighty, i enjoy reading your blog but who said Galls will still be captain next season!

    AW has not confirmed it, infact Wenger has not said a word about it, personally i'd give to Toure but does Gallas being Captain make him undropable?!

    He is yet to convince me if i was honest.

  13. I agree with Wrighty, Gallas is a good defender and he will have learned from the last season.

    I think Le Boss may have decided against buying a centre back because he has faith in Senderos and Song, and I do as well. Song sounds very determined and he's made his way up ahead of Djourou and possibly Senderos in the last couple of years so I'm expecting big things from him in the future.

    I just hope that Gallas-Toure works this year.

  14. With regards to our DM position - it's simple. Gareth Barry is without a shadow of a doubt the man for the job. He is an incredible passer, has a crackin shot and cross, brilliant engine, is tall and strong, good tackler, gets stuck in, and is English. Considering we desperately need height, experience, leadership and some English blood with pride in the dressing room, it would be rediculous to pass up the oppertunity to sign him. Not only that, but it would mean Liverpool don't get him (and their relationship with Villa will have soured for no reason). If we sign Barry we WILL win the league. If Liverpool get him, they will definately challenge. If he stays, Villa will threaten us more. As a side note, he would be a fabulous captian next season if Gallas leaves (and it looks likely). Please make your voice heard that Barry is the man for us.

    (PS. Diaby might be good enough to play DM, but we need two in that position anyway. Denilson isn't strong enough, just compare him to Vieira and Keane...)

  15. arsene has a penchant for three things: foot-speed, youth, and reasonable prices, barry is zero for three. generously speaking senderos is not ready to start, he's got to prove his reliability, there's ability in him, it's just mental - sort that and he could have a say. as for gallas he's as good as rio, and more versatile, it's just our team defense is lack lustre. i don't like saying this but manu play team defense better than everyone, we need to take a page out of their book, does tevez ever stop running? tevez is an attaching midfielder and never rests when manu loses the ball and the whole team follows suit. as tony adams has stated the team with the best defense usually wins the epl. we need to improve our team defense. gallas aint' perfect, who is? i'm all about second chances, gallas go get 'em son!!

  16. That's one of the reasons we need Barry - we have plaently of little, nimble players. We need someone with some strength, height (he's marginally taller than both our centre backs) and guile - not to mention all his other strengths. I'm not suggesting Wenger will buy him - partly because he is too stuborn - but he is definately the man we need.
