Sunday 31 August 2008

Kevin Keegan is bang out of order!!!.....

Let me start by saying that I admire Kevin Keegan because he likes his football teams to play decent football. He gets them to play attacking attractive stuff and he is a great guy.

I like the Geordie public, they are great people and are starved of success in a football sense. This is not a direct pop at them.

I wonder who does Kevin Keegan think he is? He embarrassed himself at the end of yesterdays match by shouting and pointing his finger at Nasri and then having a go at Gallas.

I know that Mr Keegan is an emotional guy. That was proved in his infamous interview. But I think he over-reacted and made himself look stupid with his rants in the aftermath of the game.

Why did he even put Joey Barton on? The little prick sat there with arrogant smirk on his ugly chops all game and to even involve him was asking for trouble.

There is no doubt in my mind that Barton tried going through Nasri in that challenge. It was a lunge and could have been dangerous.

Keegan has taken a big risk on Barton and don't be surprised if Barton fucks up again. I know Kevin is trying to save Barton's career but I don't see why he has bothered. It isn't worth the trouble.

Nasri was rightly booked for the tripping of Barton but who's tackle was the more dangerous? A lunge or a trip?

I'm sorry Mr Keegan, I realise you are trying to defend your player but you can't defend the indefensible. I think that you are out of order for your attack on Nasri.

Keep it Goonerish.............


Anonymous said...

no nasri embaressed himself by lowering himself and his team by tripping up barton. keegan is right as it could be seen as an off the ball challenge which is a red card. keegan was only doing what was right for his team. you are a cunt sucker

Anonymous said...

Of course all you see is red you fuckhead.Nasri is a little french twat and gallas don't get me started. NOthing wrong with Bartons tackle simple as that. It's too bad he didnt break The frogs leg.

Anonymous said...

Well, Barton won the ball, and cleanly. Nasri then rather nastily and cynically took him out in retaliation. I'm not condoning Barton's previous actions (one of which he's served time for, the other of which was while he was a Man City player), but in this particular case, Nasri was the guilty party... although I agree with Wenger and think a booking was fair.

Anonymous said...

Fuk off bartons a mental twat he shouldnt be alowed on a pitch nasri was rite to trip ova da evil cunt if onli he craked his skull wen he got triped nasri is a badman end of he got barton bak at his own game

Anonymous said...

ooh anonymous,.. u'r so tough

Anonymous said...

Could you answer a couple of questions so we're sure where you stand on this:

1) Was Joey Barton's challenge a foul? i.e. was it dangerous, or did he simply get the ball (in a manner which you consider aggressive but which was still inside the rules of the game)?

2) Why did Nasri trip Barton? Was it an accident or was in an intentional trip to take revenge on something the referee did not consider a foul?

In my mind it was a full blooded yet fair challenge and he won the ball. Nasri took the law into his own hands. That simply cannot be tolerated by premiership referrees - it undermines them. Given the changes that have recently been made and discussed with managers with regard to respect to referees, I can see where KK came to his conclusion about it being a red card offence.

Anonymous said...

OMG They are 100% percent right.
Nasri is as bad if not worse,
ARSEnal one sidded view.
Although cunt sucker? cmon

Cock sucker surely.

Anonymous said...

the thing that really annoyed me was that stupid smirk
on bartons face and nasri was right to trip him up

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"Fuk off bartons a mental twat he shouldnt be alowed on a pitch nasri was rite to trip ova da evil cunt if onli he craked his skull wen he got triped nasri is a badman end of he got barton bak at his own game"

I think that could be a touch hypocritical, your condemning a player for assault and then wishing a fractured skull on him...sounds like you and Joey would get on famously.

Anonymous said...

The article is about Keegan being a cunt. Get over it you Geordie fucks.

Anonymous said...

got to say i enjoyed nasri retaliating and tripping barton.. especially after the little smirk after the tackle! He got his own back on that jailbait who was clearly covering up the stress caused from dropping the soap!

Then Clichy nutmegged him.. he will need to get used to things between his legs!

Nasri is fast becoming an arsenal legend!

Anonymous said...

Barton made a perfectly fine tackle. If it was anyone else, it would have went unnoticed.

Nasri was just trying to get a reaction. The dickhead.

Anonymous said...

ohh yeah , bang out of order for defending his player from obvious baiting within a few mins of him stepping out onto the pitch .

you giving your opinion where its not wanted is bang out of order .

Anonymous said...

OH i forgot ARSE have a perfect dicsiplinary record horse face adams was in jail and i suppose wenger did'nt see nasris trip SOUTHERN COCKNEY WANKERS

Anonymous said...

Completely biased rubbish I'm afraid. Keegan was dead right about Nasri though maybe not so right about the penalty.

Anonymous said...

Love the way Wrighty has dangled the bait and it has been bitten!

Good banter Wrighty7.

Anonymous said...

Hi Wrighty, spot on, Keegan is putting other player at a very high risk, someone who would not be hired in any other profession after a Criminal bureau check. Also football is watched by millions of kids, especially the Premier League, being a footballer is a public job, the attitude of putting Joey Barton (who got a light sentence and didn't even serve it in it's entirety) before keeping players away from a criminal who has not undergone full rehabilitation and completely ignoring setting a good example to Newcastle junior fans, and others around the world.
Well done for standing up Wrighty......Keegan is acting like he's a goody two shoes social worker.....that's what Barton needs, not a public job. Keegan is now tarred with the same brush as Barton, he shrugs his shoulders at thuggery, and displays it against opposing players. Keegan has gone down in my estimation, the man is a merc, he doesn't care for Barton's victims, he's selfish.
It's all about the money Keegan, don't try the mother Theresa act, talk about Barton's victims.....oh but you'd rather brush that under the carpet........not on your payroll are they....
Ashley gave it the "bad man" with his pint at the Emirates, I bet if he was confronted with it he'd say it was apple juice.....
And I know most Newcastle fans don't support Barton's inclusion, you're stuck with SuperKev and fat pie muncher, and you'll have many seasons of dreaming ahead of you.

Anonymous said...

Arsenal do not need any lectures from KK on player conduct. KK lost that priviledge when he dedcided not to sack Barton. The fact that Barton is playing is an insult to all who love the game. Newcastle have no class. Enough said.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Typical Arsenal comment, is anyone actually allowed to tackle an Arsenal player ?, you sound like what Ronaldo and Rooney look like when they get tackled fairly.

Ahhh the top 4 always so sporting and modest.

Anonymous said...

Fuckin a Wrighty. Barton could fo broken Nasri's leg with his challenge even though he got the ball and Keegan has no right to angry. People should be angry with him for sticking with a scumbag like Barton. He's not gonna change one bit. The smirk says it all, he feels no shame. In fairness as well Newcastle have a lot of trouble attracting payers to their club they might just be stuck with him cause no one better would join them.

Anonymous said...

Great article Wrighty.

I was laughing my head off at KK.

Let me ask you Barcodes a question.

Do you think KK would have reacted the same if it had been another player other than Barton?

I doubt it.

Anonymous said...

Well, the FA rules state that if a player reacts in such a way that he's "getting a player back" then it's a straight red, I'm a referee and sent someone off for it a couple of weeks ago - and it was off the ball, so really, it's a stone wall red. As for Gallas, he talks a big game, but think back to the Birmingham game, when he gave away a penalty, shouted and stamped his feet, then sat in the oppisition penalty area and burst into tears. Nasri was the one of the out of order by the rules of the game and generally bad sportsmanship....

Anonymous said...

I would like to know how 60,000 Arsenal fans can suddenly be judgemental against Barton; I don't agree with what he did at all but lets look at a bigger picture, i.e. Tony Adams, ex-players who were/are alcoholics, gamblers and even wife beaters (not just Arsenal).. do they receive the same abuse?

No doubt all the Arsenal boo-ers, and all other fans around the country who will abuse him (including Toon fans) are perfectionists, have NEVER been involved in fights, been drunk or lifted their fists at some point in their life.

"let he who is without sin, cast the first stone"

Matt. 7:1 "Do not judge, or you too will be judged."

Anonymous said...

(I'm not really anonymous, I just don't have an ID...)
Barton's smirk was because of cynical boos from the stadium for his seemingly aggressive (he plays that way) and appropriate (not the way he always plays) tackle. You twats bring the shite and then you whinge when someone calls it. Barton's done nothing wrong in a Magpie kit and if being a an evil cunt was reason to kick someone off a pitch then there'd be nobody allowed to play football.

Anonymous said...

how did it feel warming the bench for england all those years ?
and you somehow think you have the right to slag off one of the countrys best ever players ?

p.s your a shocking tv presenter , the wideboy image does you wonders .

Anonymous said...

and for the record, KK will defend Barton, I have it on good authourity they're quite close, so its a friend sticking up for a friend really.

Anonymous said...

Keegan is a Cunt and the geordie birds are slags.

Anonymous said...

Bartons Challenge was a two footed lunge and was dangerous. Nasri was lucky to get out of the way. as for the trip. from the replays it does not even look like he touched him. And what about those dirty little challenges from Butt.

Newcastle were outclassed yesterday and resorted to dirty tackles to try and rough up the opposition.

As for Barton, once a thug always a thug.

Anonymous said...

Superb stuff Wrighty. Love your attitude to Arsenal. Very very passionate indeed my kind sir.

Anonymous said...

dont even worry about it, barton will be back in trouble soon, his brothers an axe murderer and barton stiill couldnt try earn his family name some respect, keegan was just hurt coz his team are shyt and that bloke aint the new ginola!

Jimmy C said...

Come on now Northern ladies! We all know you don't get much sun up there, but there's no need for such illiterate/idiotic comments!

Barton, as all people with half a braincell know, should have been banned from football! His challenge on Nasri was over the top and the smirk that followed illustrated his intent!

Fair play to Nasri for not shying away like too many Arsenal players since the invincibles. He dished to Barton what he was dished himself, and rightly was booked. If Nasri had been exerting any weight on his standing leg, it may well have been broken by Barton. Yes, Barton got the ball, but it was a wreckless challenge and deserved a card!

You Barcodes should just be grateful that you weren't beaten 6 or 7 nil- if the Arsenal strikers had their shooting boots on it would have been!

Peace out.

Anonymous said...

Fucking hell wrighty, you have stirred up a hornets nest here

I did not even realise the World Wide Web had hit Newcastle.

Anonymous said...

TOPGUN, I think the entire point is that Keegan was reacting the same as if it was any Newcastle player.

Barton has done some seriously unsavory things and obviously most NUFC fans wish he had been sacked. Obviously though, the lawyers have said that if we release him then he will be able to sign for someone else without us getting a transfer fee. And believe me, somebody would sign him - there's that much money at stake, a club in relegation trouble would want him for what he offers as a footballer.

Barton's been wrong, I don't like him, but the fact is, it doesn't matter how nasty someone is, if you deliberately take them out off the ball then you should be red carded. They are the rules, and should have been applied - maybe they would have been, if we hadn't have had a cockney ref who favours the top four.

Good luck to Arsenal, I like the football you play and hope you have a good season. I just hope you realise we're not all thrilled by Barton playing for us, but it's a reality and if he's getting a new chance, let's all try and make it a proper one. That way, if he does mess it up as you all think he will, it genuinely is only a reflection on him and he'll be the only one to blame.

Anonymous said...

barton was tripped,eduardo was CUT down,thats the difference! like its not something that happens in plenty of games,keegan blew the whole thing out of proprtion, how many people has rooney kicked off the ball and alan shearer,how many people did he do? forget about it,barton best stay locked up indoors or the next off the ball incident could see him dead!

Anonymous said...

wrighty7 u r a stupid twat who knows fuk all. the worst person in football for wearing rose tinted glasses and defending his players is wenger so dont have a go at kk, get your head out of the sand u patronising prik

Anonymous said...

so it is wrong to tackle a player who plays for so called BIG FOUR.

because nobody expects a mid fielder to challenge him like that....

i wished kk should have brought him early on, or should have started him it could have shaken the arsenal midfielders just like the old ways

and for those who believe barton should not play coz he did something in past and has paid the penalty.....
get a move on

Anonymous said...

Baton's a cunt, keegan's a cunt and geordies are cunts. That fuckin smirk on Bartons face told eveybody (apart from the Geordie cunts)exactly what a cunt Barton is.
Nasri should've kicked him in the cunt!!

Anonymous said...

Somebody should bite william gallas nose off then we will see what a coward and useless captain he is,and by the way no trophies for 4 seasons.

Anonymous said...

loook at all these anti arsenal
internet hooligans

Anonymous said...

keegan was just over reacting to show barton he has his back and he doesnt have to worry about picking up soap coz if ameobi try's to get some manlove off him he will have to ask keegan first!

Anonymous said...

The reason why he put Barton on is because he knew that he would receive this sort of reception so he might as well ease him into it to help him get used to it.

Anonymous said...

Poor Joey Barton.

You have to feel for him really, no man should suffer the indignity of being tripped up.

After all, if he hadn't been tripped up, or Nasri had been sent off, the bunch of Geordie jobless fat fuckers might have actually won that game. No, really.

Anonymous said...

I hear someone asked how can we be so rough on Barton. Well he put a cigar out on a youth players face or eye at a christmas party back at Man City, beat up a team mate when he turned his back on him and then late on a friday night outside a MaDonalds he knocked the shit out of a kid aged then 16. Oh yeah he's a fucking model citizen.

Anonymous said...

barton is free because the system failed the public , im an arsenal fan and i think him and nasri were having nothing more than handbags,keegan just got over emotional ,they players probably laughed it off in the lounge after!

Anonymous said...

It says it all about the average IQ of Arsenal supporters that in most of these comments you have run out of words over 4 letters long and had to resort to using the word "c*nt" over and over again.

What massively mature and insightful comments you all offer into the latest events in British football.

Wrighty7 said...

It seems that I have caused offense to some of the Newcastle public.

Believe me the article was not intended to offend.

I just feel Mr Keegan over-reacted. Had it been another player would he have reacted the same?

Anonymous said...

Barton went in with a strong challenge...which was fair...though just how strong it was was unnecessary, that and the horrible smirk were supposed to intimidate a KID. Nasri wrongly reacted in the way he did, as a way to show he's not there to be walked over, not intimidated. He got the card he deserved, and i'm certain he will be dealt with internally about his conduct. Keegan was out of order in the exact same way, he reacted to Nasri's foul in the wrong way and "took the law into his own hands" as someone said previously which is entirely unprofessional as well.

If Keegan expects anything more to happen to Nasri he should expect the same upon himself and in fact feel worse as he's a fully grown adult, not a kid like Nasri.

To those idiots that said "it's too bad he didn't break the frog's leg" and so on, don't chat shit. Posting comments is to make genuine comments, make a point in what you say.

Anonymous said...

That's your only shitty tactic you shitty barcodes...put on someone to wind up other players, cos you're shit, you play shit football.....
When have you ever won a trophy? You wer jumping for joy when you got Sam Allardyce.....muppets......
go back to kicking your dogs about the house.................fuck off to the tyne and go whine oh whine.....

Anonymous said...

Funny how there's all these people here pretending as if they wouldn't have done exactly what Nasri did, unless of course they would've actually been intimidated by Barton.

And the only reason Barton 'won the ball' was because Nasri pulled his leg back at the last minute. The tackle was cynical and intentional and I've seen Rooney get booked plenty of times for things like that.

Anonymous said...

you're a bunch of soft southern twats... you don't like it up you.

Whining cockney arse-holes - you're worse than those other fickle bastards from Shite Hart Lane.

Where will you all go once you win nowt for a few years; down the bridge no doubt, or suppot Barcelona or Real Madrid.

53 years and we're still here - eat that!

Anonymous said...

who gives a fuck! newcastle were embarassed ,lets talk about how shit they were!

Anonymous said...


geordies piss off you lost and your manager can't take it, your little thug tried to take out nasri and nasri retaliated, by even playing that jail doging cunt your club have shown there complete lack of class and have proven that geordies really are thuggish animals :)

Anonymous said...

Don't see what the issue is - this is all just handbags. The main issue is that Arsenal were brilliant and Newcastle are shite and sadly now resort to thuggery.

Anonymous said...

keegan your lucky bruce rioch wasnt there to smash ur head in like he did to mcdermott!

Anonymous said...

soft southern twats we dont like it up us,hahahaha

Anonymous said...

Sad as well that a club with Newcastle's past class has now lowered itself to employ role madels like joey Barton. I'm sorry that Keegan has been taken in by the evil little scouse twat. I think Keegan is class but this one may come back to bite him.

Anonymous said...

How anyone can defend that menace to society is beyond me.Joey Barton is a walking liability.Remember how he cried in jail when the inmates taunted him.Well,now he is back doing a very good imitation off a complete tosser and he could easily have broken the leg off sammy if he had been a little more violent going in.He should be back in jail with his brother and then they should throw away the key.Northern cunt.

Anonymous said...

It must be said also it seemed the only person who was angry about the whole thing was Keegan. It didn't even make the match highlights on Match Of The Day. I think what was disappointing about the whole thing was Kev's reaction to something fairly unimportant. Great to see little Nasri standing up for himself and living on his own as well. Makes me proud.

Anonymous said...

My Eyes have seen the Glory of the cups at White Hart Lane,

My Eyes have seen the Glory of the cups at White Hart Lane,

My Eyes have seen the Glory of the cups at White Hart Lane and the Spurs go marching on.

Glory Glory Tottenham Hotspur,

Glory Glory Tottenham Hotspur,

Glory Glory Tottenham Hotspur and the Spurs go marching on.

Anonymous said...

Wrighty - proof that the rest of the country is correct. arsenal fans no NOTHING about real football!

It was a fair tackle, but I suppose if you accepted that fact you wouldn't have got your sick little pleasure of pissing your knickers!

Anonymous said...

Barton's challenge on Nasri was borderline legal...just borderline.

The issue is something everyone knows goes far beyond that one challenge. The guy is a convicted thug and it's questionable that a decent football club should pay him to play the game.

Now considering that, the guy should be thinking about being sqeaky clean to rehab his image -- and EARN a spot back among the public, let alone as a millionaire footballer.

OK, given that background, Barton comes on with the game long since lost and hurls himself violently at Nasri.

He was making the point -- to Arsenal, to his teammates, to the world -- that he's a hard man with no conscience and that's how it is.
He was loving it.

So he stands over Nasri and smirks, a big foolish grin that was basically a sneer at everybody.

Now consider Nasri -- ever walked alone at night around Marseille? I promise you that little guy is a tough bag of nuts and can take care of himself just fine.

And so, yeah, he made his own personal statement -- not just for himself but remember, Arsenal has the reputation that they can be pushed around.

So Nasri makes it quite clear that he's not going to take Barton's stupidity quietly, seeks out the guy and retaliates. Nasri knew exactly what he was doing and I believe he left it as a harmless trip simply as a good gamble that the card wouldn't be red for something that carried no danger.

Sometimes you have to make a point and hang the consequences. If you don't, you might as well wear a sign that says: "Knock me around."

Nasri did it and good for him. At least he's an excellent football player and not a menance to society.

Keegan's an emotional guy and all that, but when you've gotten thrashed without putting up a fight -- and then you have a go defending poor Joey Barton?

That's crap.

Calm down, Kev. If you put a brainless felon on the pitch and he's grinning at everyone after scything down a player, don't be suprised if something comes back in the other direction.

All you morons with your anti-Arsenal, xenophobic rants -- invite Barton over for dinner and a little quality time with your kids, why don't you?

Anonymous said...

barton is a serial thug who went in trying to be "hard".

It was a lunge with his studs up.

If Nasri hadn't got his weight off his standing leg that could have been very unpleasant.

The only place on the planet that would be considered a "good" tackle, is England.

In any sane part of the world, that could well have been a red for intent.

The disgusting little smirk on the oxygen thief's face tells us one thing, barton hasn't learn't anything (a bit like Keegan, if the truth be told).

So Keegan, having managed him at Citeh through at least some of the shocking behaviour this thug has exibited, is now trying to convince himself and the rest of the world that this blight on humanity deserves his umpteenth "2nd chance", which he is clearly not intelligent to take advantage of, otherwise he would have got on the pitch and gone about his business quietly without trying to thug it up yet again.

Nasri let the little pullock know that he's not the only "hard" kid on the block.

Nasri comes from a pretty tough background himself btw, so the moron who thinks he's some kind of French dandy knows a little less than f-all.

I sincerely hope the FA grow a pair and take away this piece of sh!t's registration.

Keegan and NUFC should have had the balls to sack barton and sue him for breech of contract.

The fact that they didn't leaves them no moral ground whatsoever, and the idiots trying to defend barton here are no better.


Anonymous said...

Keegan is a cunt defending that sociopat.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see Sunderland take aprt the barcodes that'll be class m- Ekie Thump an all that !

Anonymous said...

Although i agree that Barton is a violent thug, his past record proves it.

If a plummer, chippy or a sparks commits a similar offence, they are still allowed to carry on their chosen profession, like it or not he served the sentence given to him, a sentence to which he had no say in, we just have to accept it.

Just a thought, i'm not sure which England rugby player it was but i know he is up in court for a serious violent assualt, he was at a wedding and was being loud and rude and was asked by a fella who works a Sky to quieten down a bit.

Later in the car park he beat 10 shades of crap out of the Sky fella just for asking him to quieten down, if that was Barton it would be all over the papers, yet hardly a mention of England International rubgy player doing similar things that Barton did.

Hmmm go figure !!!!!

Anonymous said...

fukin arsenal, u r such priks. u will win fuk all this year ..........again. when u loose u whinge about havin a young team and u have used this same excuse for at least 4 years. face up to the fact u are not good enough to compete in europe or to challenge for the premier league trophy. uve got no passion because most of your fans have probably supports mk dons, watford or northampton first and have ended up as glory hunters

Anonymous said...

You arsehole lot give me a laugh. most of you's dont even care about the tackle. your more concerned that he smiled after it. are things that gloomy down south. no trophies for 4 years. or is it that if you smile wenger will anal rape you.

Anonymous said...

Most people seem to be missing the point of this article, it is about Kegan and not Barton.

How a Newcastle fan can come on to an Arsenal site after the game yesterday is beyond me.

We tonked the toon for 90 mins. There was a massive gulf in class, and I thought you had started well.

The point is, Kegan over-reacted as it was Barton. If Nasri had done that on say N'Zogbia would he have been so vocal.

Nasri is new to the Prem, and he has shown his worth already. Lets hope he does not get kicked out of the league.

Up the Arse

Mark C

Anonymous said...

Newcastle are so desperate for a trophy they would employ Hitler and call him a humanitarian if it served the toons cause.

Anonymous said...

Now it is possible to win the ball and take the man, something Patrick Viera was often booked, and occasionally sent off for. When you look as the smile from Barton, definitely made contact with his opponent, he did look smugly happy. Happy to win the ball? Sure. Happier to clatter the opponent into the bargin? Well he certainly like hurting people, he has so much previous, not to mention coming from a familly containing a convicted racially motivated murderer (perhaps he shared the break the frogs leg sentiment of a previous comment).

Was Nasri cynical in his response? Yes.

Did he deserve his card? Certainly.

Is he anything like the kind of psycho Barton is? Geordies which one would you be more scared of drunk doon the big market last night?

Oh sorry you were probably still stuck on the M1 at closing time.

Nasri - Petulant
Barton - Dangerous

Anonymous said...

bottom line is we won and we've beat you lot 3-0 everytime we've played you under your so called 'king kev' so fuck off and realise your shite

Anonymous said...

I'm a softy southerner and i luv it up me!!!
you Geordie cunts. I going to fuck your mothers one by one in her smelly norther fanny and watch her her toes curl as i fuck her through support tights

Anonymous said...

Nice earlier stud work by Butt on RVP calf by the way !!Sad when that has beeb thug is your man of the match. Oh, sorry forgot Given - why oh why won't he join a proper club (Mind you Sunderland already have a good keeper)

Anonymous said...

Dear KK and fans

Learn to lose - you should be used to it by now - watch the video. Nasri made NO CONTACR with the Jailbird

Anonymous said...

Hail Hitler. Just like rhys

Anonymous said...

top teams play in red and white, Arsenal and sunderland :)

Anonymous said...

fair article wrighty.

If i remember correctly Tony Adams was sacked and Arsenal fans supported that decision. 4 times over the limit - everyone at arsenal agreed that was so bad he had to be removed from the game.

And if i remember rightly Me Wenger always says it as it is - he never missesz an incendent and never makes of fool of himself:)

I am sure you would agree hypocracy stinks in life so great to see you are not a victum of it.

Anonymous said...

We shouldn't knock Barton for smiling coz there won't be many more smiles up there this season - mind you we should have a good laugh when we play you at home !! Eye by gum, can't wait

Anonymous said...

Fucking soft headed Geordie shit for brains're only hard when you're on viagra.

Your Downs Syndrome accent reflects your stupidity in supporting some stupid prick whose only role is to antagonise the crowds. Pathetic, but then again you're used to it after 53 years, you don't know any better and never will. Enjoy your hovel St. James park. You'll get whipped by the bacon Mackems, oh yes.

Anonymous said...

I've watched this a coupke of times in slow motion. I cannot see where Nasri even touched Barton. I think he just weny over like the light weight he is.
I was a little disturbed by the manic look on Bartons face when he jumped in on Nasri

Anonymous said...

Its ok to cry your only the third biggest club in london. Shit i forgot FUL HAM. Make that 4 forth biggest. My mistake

Anonymous said...

Shut up you geordie mugs.. Go bum Alan Shearer

Anonymous said...

Oh dear Owen's seen the light and jumping ship soon. I see your talented winger gas gone to Villa. Maybe you could get some young offenders on a community service scheme. Barton could mentor them and teach them them had to disable an attacker with a black pudding.

Anonymous said...

Why do you have loads of fat blokes standing around with no shirts on ?? are they worshippers of Buddha. Fuck you guys will try anything to try and get success. What next a fat shirtlass twta nailed to a giant black pudding cross ??

Anonymous said...

we'll leave wenger to sign the youngins cause they taste the best.

Anonymous said...

really, have ne of the non gunners even read the article. all wrighty said was that as manager Keegan went way out of order. thats it, its got nuthin to do with barton, or trophies or nethin. if neone is frustrated take it out somewher else.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha, just watched it again, and Nasri never actually breaks his stride and doesn't obviously make contact...this is why Wenger pulls the "I didn't see it" thing, so he doesn't make the clown of himself Keegan has for making accusations that are it seems unfounded.

Some of you go on about Gooners being blinkered, Keegan blindly assumed his player was right rather than checking the evidence....silly bugger

Anonymous said...

Such a bunch of hypocrites. My old grandma can see even without her glasses on that Barton's tackle on Nasri was excessive and made with ill intention. Agreed, he got the ball, but did you not see him lunging against the poor guy's legs? You're nothing but a bunch of liars and hypocrites if you didn't see that. And doing all this at the time of making a comeback from prison smacks nothing but of arrogance and unrepentance. The smirk on his face was nothing but him making a statement that the jail did him no good, he hasn't learned his lesson yet.

Anonymous said...

Don't any of you realise that keagan's behavior at the end of the game was all a contrived act.

It was the only way he could send a message to the Geordy fans that he was still up for the fight. The alternative would have been to go in front of the cameras with the ususal defeatist look on his face after yet anohter tonking at the Emirates.

I bet as soon as he got into the tunnel he told to Gallas to relax: that was just done was all for the cameras.

Unknown said...

lol i have to laugh short memories people have fair enought i agree barton did bad things and serve his debt, but some didnt Woodgate and Bowey to the leeds (oh another two that got off lightly) and they are still playing football no nw memtions them any... oh just for you gooners Was'nt Van persie accused RAPE...

The fact is that Keegan was just being passionate about his team and rightly so if it was the other round your manager would have do the same..

Anonymous said...

Mai' al OOOOOwin....
ai 'ope OOOOwen scores.....
Mai' al OOOOOwin!!!

Anonymous said...

well said Scotland Steve

Anonymous said...

Nice to see that some of the toon army can read. I've watched it a few times and Nasri's foul was definitely un-intentional. Now i love a good tackle but Barton lunged in on Nasri's standing let and you could clearly see that his leg nearly buckled underneath him. Barton doesn't even deserve to play sunday league football let alone for a prem outfit. Getting into trouble once is bad enough but Barton is a repeat offender and should be banned for life for his appalling actions.

Anonymous said...

Fuck off you cockney twats, and that little shoe bomber Nasri can go fuck his self

Anonymous said...

To my mind, (from a completely unbias view), Bartons tackle was two footed and should have been called as a foul.He wanted to do damage.
Nasri's trip was accidental. He wasn't even looking at Barton who ran into him then preceded to make a meal of it.

What a team performance though. Wow.
It's good to see the lads growing up together and watching each others backs together. Just wathed the other Sunday games. What a struggle to watch they were after seeing Arsenals performance.
I'm loving it.

Anonymous said...

Sorry I thought the headline for this blog was about Kevin Keegan -

This name calling is hilarious and oh so grown up.

In my mind KK was a tad juvenile himself for bringing on a player that has done injury to his fellow professionals and actual time for attacking members of the public. Don't you all think Joey Barton has had enough chances. Hopefully the FA will deal with him in the correct manner.

Anonymous said...

all i'll say bartons like his brother!

Anonymous said...

Completely agree with Sue. Why does Barton continue to get chance after chance? He beat Dabo on conscience, poked a lit fag into a kids eye and....... what was the other thing? I forget but my point still stands.

Anonymous said...

Andrew 20:13 van persie was accused of rape by some oppurtunist who only wanted money out of him. he was never convicted!!!....barton was convicted of his crime.

Anonymous said...

should talk with your mouth full sue.

Anonymous said...

Barton is at the right club......... he should be right at home with a load of inbred twats.... geordies.....we piss em !!!

Anonymous said...

For those of you that want a laugh, watch Sky Sports on Sat 25th October (Early kickoff). I will love it, LOVE IT when the black cats decapitate the Magpies !! Barton will be running around trying to break everyone's legs after that match

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

should talk with your mouth full sue.

31 August 2008 20:27

when you get past puberty anonymous then give me a call

Anonymous said...

Sue ur a fucking slag

Anonymous said...

Under achieving geordies that still think they are a big club, its bloody ridiculous, you wont even finish above Sunderland and Boro !

Best fans in the land my arse, you can even half fill the ground for a european game

Jog on you mugs

Anonymous said...

Eye by eye by eye by gum, eye by gum eye by gum, eye by eye by eye by gum, eye by eye by gum on a little dishy

Anonymous said...

i dont see why joey barton him self gets as many chances he has harmed several people and that lad outside of mcdonalds he was lundged over the top braying the fuck out of him yes he is a bad person. i disagree wif keegan on that one why he has kept backing the thug up but on saturday he done nothing wrong yes he might have dived in but he got the ball but then nasri tripped him up the french lil fuck no one like the gunners anywa

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sue ur a fucking slag

31 August 2008 20:31


I forgot to add I'll get out the magnifying glass and tweezers for you

Anonymous said...

could barton be a racist like his brother?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Fat beer swilling shirtless cave dwellers

Anonymous said...

...and that's the owner of NUFC

Anonymous said...

u's come up here u'll get battered

Anonymous said...

...we must remember that all in life is relative. To the fans of NUFC Barton is an erudite, intelligent gentleman with a cheeky grin

Anonymous said...

I ain't goin nowhere near your pie and chip shops

Anonymous said...

Sue thats Mr Anonymous to you and you wont need tweezers TRUST ME. By the way take out the false teeth i like it like that.

Anonymous said...

That's what you get when you have shitholes like Newcaste being subsidised at the expense of prospering cities. Take their subsidies away! Take away the subsidies for their prized asset northern effect the taxpayer is paying for the sponsorship of Newcastle football club. If you really had to compete, you couldn't, live in your comfortable little soup, hope you get something for nothing, stick a pound on a scratchcard....thats the type of fuckers Geordies are.....a good time is watching a thug rough up a bit of hot talent, eating a pie and downing brown ale and chatting in your mushy subsidised track suit bottom pit, go for a shag in the metro centre toilets with your cousins

Anonymous said...

In Arsene I trust, anything past the Watford Gap gets checked out and guess what - you failed!!!!

Anonymous said...

at least where not a city full of shoe bombers

Anonymous said...

Poor poor Joey 'victimized' Barton. The lad's just a really nice guy who has the habit of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Kegan has some nerve even giving yet another chance to this thug. What little respect I had for him, has now gone.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ur just a city of lager louts like a certain newcastle fan!!

Anonymous said...

it has fuck all to do with u cockney cunts keep ur fucking noses out

Anonymous said...

it has fuck all to do with u cockney cunts keep ur fucking noses out

Anonymous said...

That's only coz you peasants ain't got no shoes

Anonymous said...

at least shoe bombers have a reason to get out of bed

Anonymous said...

The Barton tackle coud have been horrible. It was a malicious and delibrate attempt to hurt Nasri. The smirk afterwards told you all that.

The Nasri trip was practically nothing, I had to rewind and watch it a few more times to see if he actually tripped him on purpose or accidentally clipped his heel. He seemed to be looking the oter way so i'm not convinced it was delibrate. Hope it was though, Barton is a little thug who deserves all he gets.

You could read Keegans lips at the end, he said (several times) to Nasri "You be careful, you be careful". Was he threatening Nasri, trying to intimidate him? Very uncool, he needs to be careful himself, especially with Barton aroud.

Anonymous said...

The point with KK was the attack on barton, was it to get a reaction from him so he gets sent off. It is irrelevant if you agree with barton playing after prison or what he's done in the past at man city not the toon. Most Geordies won't disagree what he did while at city was disgusting and he deseerved to spend time in prison, however he served his time and life goes on. Yes he was a prick and like some of your players of past drink driving which to me is worse than a fight. In charge of a lump of metal on wheels pissed yes very impressive so wind ya fcukin heeds in.
Good game by the way on your part we were piss poor, and barton was brought on cause we had no one else. Nothing but good to report on the game until nasri tried to get a reaction.
No point slagging each other off on a point which is plain to see, barton put in hard tackle on nasri, very hard tackle but fair all the same then nasri was a tit and took the sheen off what was a very good win by trying to get a reaction frombarton for two reasons
1: to get him sent off and
2: to affect the fa ruling coming up.

KK even said we had been played off the park by a top 4 team so he didn't have a problem with the result just the attitude.
Yes barton is a twat but hes our twat til he steps out of line again or moves.
Howay the Lads

Anonymous said...

well i hope those shoe bombers come to there senses and take out the emirates since they like to bomb the planes.

Anonymous said...

I'll hsve you know that Newcatle has a great team who have won loads of awards and are loved but most people.

Anonymous said...

.. Ant and Dec that is - shit footy team really though to be fair...

Anonymous said...

y wud they bomb emirates when thats a saudi company and the implcations would be alot worse as there are ties with oil etc

Anonymous said...

Is sue away to kings cross working the streets, i'll give u a couple of qiud for a knee trembler sue

Anonymous said...

It's a fact that Newcastle is the 2008 city of exceptional culture

Anonymous said...

...apparently over 200000 different strains were found in one of their pie shops

Anonymous said...

Don't waste your weeks wages you dyslexic w****r.

Evening Wrighty

Anonymous said...

Barton got the ball but he also leant in unecessarily with his body on Nasris standing leg. That was nasty. He then sneered at Nasri. If he's going to behave like an idiot he's got to expect some afters.

I applaud Nasri for doing what he did. Crafty. remeber, the boy's french/algerian from marseille; he's not going to roll over.

I also loved Clichy's nutmeg a minute later.

Anonymous said...

Lright you fuckin nob jockeys can't have a sensible conversation with you fuckin morons.
I always held Arsenal in high regard but you are showing yourselves in the same light as them inbreds at shite half lane.
Fact bartons tackle was legal hard but fair as they say.
Nasri was a cunt for what he did to get a reaction offbarton which is what KK reacted to. end of
As far as his smirk that is gamesmanship or would you rather he just twated him ffs

Anonymous said...

nutmeg reminded me of when Fab nutmegged rat faced Savage. Haha

Hejaz Kar said...

It was wrong of a manager who's been in the game for many years to confront Nasri(21) in the way he did for a small trip. Even the commentators said that Bartons smile was out of order.

Keegan also hit back at us for the boos sorry but what did you expect?. His clear affection for Joey Barton is sickening to be frank.

Nasri acted sensibly by not responding to him

Anonymous said...

Oh so that was you picking up your mother and sister at Kings X after the game.

Yes my small hands would certainly make you look big.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone see that fat cunt giving it large as he knocked back his pint, I reckon he's from up north, he had that thick retard look.

Anonymous said...

I wanna suck king kevs big cock................

Anonymous said...

There looking for a vast space to build another prison up north.

It has been suggested that the St James's trophy room would suffice.

Anonymous said...

KK has history of hanging around naughty boys - didn't he get batted once for hanging around car parks late at night ?

Anonymous said...

Wenger is a peado

Anonymous said...

Why don't you all just grow up and enjoy what was a good display of football by Arsenal and thats from A MAG..............

Anonymous said...

ARSE fans go on about Bartons smirk what about Keowns after Van Nistelrooy missed that penalty god you have very short memories TWATS

Anonymous said...

I fucking hate Arsenal

Anonymous said...

Don't take it seriously, only having a laugh. Of course I wanted you to beat Fergie back then - don't hate NUFC - I hate Spurs, Chavski and the Mancs !! Geordies is good people.

Anonymous said...

I have read through pretty much all of the points put across here and have came to the following conclusuions...

1. KK shouldn't have even included Barton whatsoever, it was always going to become hostile.

2. Newcastle were well out classed by Arsenal, you can't deny that fact.

3. Arsenal fans have short term memories, when running their mouths about 'Barton' and 'Jail'.

The following Arsenal players have all done time in the their recent history...

Tony Adams
Jermaine Pennant
Robin Van Persie
Marcus Artry

All KK was doing is defending his player, after all isn't that what Wenger does when he 'accidentally doesn't see something'.

Nasri got a booking, end of.

Geordie for life.

Anonymous said...

Keegans alright too - should have stayed at Fulham and not taken the poison chalice of managing England.

Anonymous said...

You only hate Arsenal because they have the success you crave, you buffoon

Anonymous said...

Success Newcastle crave, what did you win last season you mug? Nothing!

Got humped of Spurs, that must have been tough!

Wenger is a paedo.

Anonymous said...

Forgot to say Well Done Gallas shutting Keegan the f*ck up yesterday.

Good captaincy. : )

Anonymous said...

What did Newcastle win last season?

or the season before ? x40

Anonymous said...

Kevin Keegan!!!!

He drove home from France and decided to stop for a kip in a lay-by that is known throughout the area as a gay pick up joint, an area he had lived in for a number of years. Obviously wor Kev was particularly tired that night because he couldn't drive the extra 2 mile to his house and get tucked up in bed with his wife, who must have been worried sick. He came round in hospital after some men beat him up with a baseball bat. The fact this doesn't get mentioned much must mean it is all true and nothing untoward happened before the attack, he just wanted a snooze.

northbank said...

Who cares we won 3-0 and out classed them yet again. think thats 11-0 in the last four vists to us so are the Toon even worth talking about. They will have another little thug as manager next month and KK will be back looking for work!

Anonymous said...

There is no doubt that the behaviour of Adams (a seriously unwell individual at the time and the most clearly repentant) and Pennant was reprehensible off the field.

There is a difference though between being dangerously irresponsible and conciously attempting to hurt another human being.

Barton has done this on the field and off it repeatedly and can't even make an attempt to appear vaguely contrite.

Van P was the victim of a rip off merchant and never convicted.

I would say the smug grin was less offensive than Keown's behaviour toward v Nistelroy, but it didn't follow an attempt to injure someone and wasn't from a repeat convicted criminal.

If you get all the misdemeanors committed by Arsenal players in the last 10 years roll them up in one package and stick a Black and White shirt it you wouldn't get close to toxic Barton.

gooner said...

it was the way he went 4 theball that was over the top.would you be happy if some one did that 2 would be angry so fuck up .your teams say we r a one man least we have one.who have you got own a goal in every 5 games.dream on you bunch of ant and deck tossers

Anonymous said...

Dennis Wise was a free man again last night, but one with a three-month jail term hanging heavily over him. The Chelsea and England footballer suffered a heavy personal defeat in the courts yesterday and then a partial victory when he was granted unconditional bail - originally denied him - in view of his appeal against conviction and sentencing for assault and criminal damage.

So this extraordinary football season of sleaze and scandal has claimed another high-profile figure. The later decision of Southwark Crown Court leaves Wise free to be at Stamford Bridge for Chelsea's European Cup-Winners' Cup match with Club Bruges tonight, but only to watch - he has a thigh injury in any case.

Wise looked shocked and close to tears when sentence was passed at Horseferry Magistrates Court for the attack on a taxi driver and his vehicle, for which he was found guilty last month. The magistrate, Geoffrey Breen, told him he had acted like a "bully" and that a custodial sentence was entirely appropriate.

gooner said...

you wont even make top 10.and you all no it newcastle scum

gooner said...

nasri should have nutted the cunt.he deserves it

northbank said...

Anno 21:45 thats there next Boss!

Anonymous said...

I fucking hate you barcodes, you can fuck right off. We fucking battered your lot and Nasri put jailbait in his place to boot.

Fantastic day. Forget about what KK said afterwards.

Anonymous said...

60,000 arsenal fans?......thats a fucking big church.

you cockneys are narrow minded idiots who believe all the fuck wit press they are fed to them.

Get a brain cell between you....please.

And then come back with a cogent argument.

Anonymous said...

Cogent Argument

You are a joke of a club with a fat chairman that trys to be one of the lads sitting in the pen with rest of the animals.

You have a has been manager who has been made to look a fool in both the milner incident and because he now feels he should be the father figure in Bartons life. What a fool.

And Dennis Wise, WTF is that idiot being paid for, and he will be your next manager. You will be relegated to where you belong within a season of that twat being in charge

You were outclassed on Saturday and clueless keegan had no idea what to do off the bench.

So fuck off back to your black and white blogs and moan about how shit you are up there

Anonymous said...

he barely touched him and didnt even change his run. you are pathetic if you think thats a sending off

Anonymous said...

Bartons tackle was sooooo nasty...the initial slide and timing was not so bad, but the way he tried to throw his body into Nasri's legs was crazy!! If nasri was one inch closer to that challenge Barton and Nasri would not be playing anymore!!!

Anonymous said...

The biggest crime is robbery.

How the fuck can Owen take £18 million of the Geordie fans over the next 4 years.


Anonymous said...

Marcus Artry (Jailed for nine years for his part in a string of vicious group sex attacks on women and girls as young as 14);

Peter Storey (three years in 1980 for financing a plot to forge gold coins and jailed for another 28 days in 1990 for attempting to import pornographic videos);

Paul Vaessen (A drug addict whose once promising career finished at 21, and used to rob warehouses and vans and mug people in the street to pay for a habit that cost him £125 a day. Went to court on a regular basis, often because he couldn't pay his fines. 'I don't know how I stayed out of jail,' he said years later);

Graham Rix (In March 1999, Graham was handed a 12- month jail sentence for having unlawful sex with a 15 year-old girl);

Tony Adams (Served two months at Chelmsford Open Prison in 1990 for drink-driving and dangerous driving offences);

Ian Wright (Jailed for 5 days, for non-payment of motoring fines) and many others...

...Jermaine Pennant (drink driving and without valid licence)

Three months as a guest of Her Majesty's.

Alan Sunderland - charged with manslaughter for killing a kid in an accident
Ray Parlour - arrested for a punch up with a cab driver in HK
2008 - youngsters in USA "Sanchez who resisted arrest and continued to argue with officers was fined $1,000, and order to attend court on July 11." and 2005 Dutch striker Quincy Owusu-Abeyie, 19, was arrested after up to five men began brawling outside Cafe Royal on Monday.

Officers were called at about 0300 BST where they found a man with serious head injuries. Police said three men, aged 19, 28 and 35, were being held. opps serious head injury guess joey must have been there too.

How is what barton has done worse than what woodgate and bowyer did...yes both bacame newcastle players so we have a bit of a rep of taking players with time spent...ferguson being another but why is Barton any different...Simply if in glasshouse do not throw stones... Bartons tackle was clean, nasri's was not...Wenger never sees what his players do..Purer than thou I do not think so!

Anonymous said...

I agree King Kev is an emotional guy ; but Nasri was bang out of order for doing what he did - and stooping to the same level as that boy!

HOWEVER considering the fact that the referee rightly booked him for the trip on Barton then that should have been an end of the matter IMO!

Therefore I totally agree that he mad a fool of himself for getting so involved !!

Anonymous said...

Barton came onto the field to a wall of noise and hate. The whole of the ground, except half of the travelling support giving a half-hearted round of applause, subjected him to pure hate and vitriol.

Joey responded to that by putting in a flawless tackle, winning the ball in a gusty challenge. Were this any other player, he'd be applauded - after all, this sort of play has just got Jimmy Bullard in the England squad!!

Given the way his first touch went after such a hostile reception, I think Barton was entitled to smile - even if some fans interpreted this as a "smug grin" or similar. For the first time in a while, things were looking up in his little world.

Then some little French muppet slashed him down from behind.

Who's the villain here? And lest you forget, as numerous other posters have pointed out, it's the home team with the history of indiscipline.

Anonymous said...

"For the first time in a while, things were looking up in his little world."

loooooooooooooooooool, do one you barcode scum

Anonymous said...

For those defending the Barton tackle, I'd encourage you to watch it again. Its not beyond the pale until he throws an elbow. Thats what he's smirking about.

Anonymous said...

"Cannot fill half yolur stadium for a European game"

FC Twente total attendance at the at the Emirates Stadium:

My source is

load of nobbers really arn't you? At the end of the day, It's spiraled out of control because it's Barton and its Arsenal, fact is, Watching it On TV there was at least 3 occassions where Arsenal players (RVP comes to mind) dived, it was even on 2 good 2 bad on match of the day 2 tonight. So Really, arguing about this is stupid, An off the ball challenge is a straight red.

PS. Newcastle is european capital of culture for 2014 and was second in the polls for 2008 against Liverpool, so, inbred? no jobs? fuck off you cockney twats, at the end of the day, you've got all the knife and gun crimes, all the illegal immigrants and the inflated prices for...well everything. We have a better quality of life.

Bleed Black & White.

Anonymous said...

oh and you know all those english players you have in the first team? you know, the ONE of them.
Fucking disgrace ya are, i hope none of you watch the England games, and if you do and we get beat, I hope you don't have the never to boo, knowing you've contributed nothing to it in the last 2-3 years. May as well be playing your league games against the likes of Lyon and Marseille. You can call our city all you want, at least Newcastle United represents a city, who the fuck do arsenal represent? Paris? cuz it sure as hell isn't London. Gunners? more like "artilleurs" (French for gunners). I think you'll be relegated if we ever introduce a rule like the SPL and you have to field at least 4 players from the country, You'll be relegated because you wont be able to do it!!!

Anonymous said...

If the rule for homegrown players were intoduced and you had to field 4 Englishmen, which 4 started yesterdays game for Newcastle?

Anonymous said...

For the attention of the imbecile who stated that the attendance vs FC Twente was 20,000. Read the article again you'll find the match you referring to was in Holland. Prick.

Anonymous said...

Sensitive lot these Geordies. Obviously not used to witty banter.
Never mind, tommorrow is Giro day, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

why are the barcode bringing up things that happened ten years ago plus kk sent barton on to take the attention of how badly they were beaten and that tackle was not clean u could clearly see nasri leg buckle under him barton is a disgrace to football and to NUFC anyone defending what he done is irresponsible what if it was your son who he did all those horrible things to

Anonymous said...

I don't think many people saw bartons tackle properly. He went full blooded into the challenge. He got the ball but then while sliding went at nasri's legs with his elbows purely with intent to hurt nasri. Go watch the replay. Anyone defending barton is an idiot. Then he had that smirk on his face. ....Nasri sliced down Barton? was just a freakin trip...a red card for that? might as well then give red card to all the newcastle players who were tackling with their studs.

Keegan was just trying to overzealous in his defence of barton because he wanted people not to overanalyze barton's tackle on nasri. Rather turn their attention on nasri's foul and condemn him. Baton should not be playing football. He belongs in Jail.

Anonymous said...

Stop deluding yourselves.. Barton deliberately went in to that challenge to hurt Nasri, then Nasri got back at him with a slight trip off the ball.

Worth nothing more than a yellow card and all this overreaction is pathetic.

Anonymous said...

there is a lot of overreaction here but to bring barton's tackle up when fabregas made a two footed lunge that could have easily led to red is a bit hypocritical.

Anonymous said...

Barton's brother is an axe murderer, and they used to hang out together and bang up people on the streets for fun.

For some he's a dangerous psycho, him and dirty nick (butt) will give a bad reputation to Newcastle of being the new bully in town.

Anonymous said...

Fuck off you geordie cunts, BARTON IS A CUNT plain and simple and so is Keegan, they are a pair of CUNTS.

Unknown said...

Not sure why I am bothering to post really.....but Anonymous's obsession with Cocks is quite funny !

Barton's tackle was not a foul as he got the ball...who can tell what his intent was, other than judging by his "previous".

Nasri tripped him up and was rightly booked....end of.

KK saying that Barton was sliced in half is laughable..... it was no worse that the trip from the permed NU defender on Adebayor in the first half.

goonerboy said...

Barton tackle was clean but when he fell after his tackle on nasri - watch where he put his arm and hands - right on nasri's knee caps - mebbe with a little intent of michief there of breaking something there...go back and see the incident first and also tell kevinK to watch the incident first before sprouting out at when someone try to break ur kneecaps - you trip him or you smile and say thank you???????

Anonymous said...

I write as a disgruntled Arsenal fan. Before you get your hanky out to mop up the tears of boredom I'm not disgruntled for the reasons that you might think. The summer transfer window has been a pain in the arse, as it always is. Some players want to leave, some players want to join, Wenger seems indifferent to the whole situation and fans believe all manner of nonsense spilt out in the press. This feeling of frustration seems to have taken root with many Arsenal fans as they demand reinforcements to equalise for the loss of Flamini and Hleb in particular.

My concern is that many of us have been sucked into the Transfer Window and left in a rabid trance which only big money signings can cure. I may be alone on this but I don't crave big money deals, I crave beautiful Football and players who want to play for us because they want to be part of our ethic. Wenger could easily have signed Arshavin for £20m and given him £100k a week. This would no doubt have made many fans feel more confident. It would have troubled me. Frankly, I don't want a player who dreams of playing for Barcelona one minute, us the next and then Tottenham. The same goes for Barry, a proven quality midfielder but one who's over priced and apparently dreams of playing for Liverpool. It's a cliché that we trotted out last season when things were going well but no one had heard of Vieira when we signed him, no one thought Flamini was good enough and everyone thought Henry was sub standard winger. All these players went on to play exceptionally well for us so who can honestly say, with 100% confidence, that Wenger is wrong and that Alex Song, Samir Nasri and even the much maligned (before he's even kicked a ball) Amaury Bischoff won't go on to be quality acquisitions?

We could have spent millions but in the current market what would we have got? Modric for £20m? Keane for £18m? Bentley for £18m? No thank you.

I just ask that our fans stop for a moment and support the team and understand that we are incredibly lucky to have a manager who builds a team in the proper sense. All our players are Arsenal players and know, or can be coached, the Wenger way.

It would also be incredibly helpful if our fans stopped reading crap news papers and listened to facts for a moment. Emmanuel Adebayor never said he wanted to leave as much as it's convenient to believe that he did. At worst he said he needed to talk to Wenger about his plans. He is an Arsenal player and a hugely important one at that. There is no benefit to booing him whatsoever and I urge all true Arsenal fans to bollock anyone near you who feels the need to boo him on Saturday.

We may not win the quadruple this year but we will challenge again. Keep the faith and remember your history.

Arsene knows, unfortunately many of our fans don't seem to have a clue!

Anonymous said...

can't believe some of you newcastle fans have the guts to say 'what have arsenal won in 4 years?' hah, stick to the main point of the article. and more importantly newcastle have not won the epl in how many years? hmm, sorry i lost count. hypocrites!

typical, trying to protect your excuse of a team by totally deflecting the purpose of the article which is the embarrassment of barton!

that smirk he gave nasri shows it was all intentional in a game that was already lost! why must he give that cruching tackle still?

And watched the replay again, nasri didnt even touch that criminal, lying softie!

Anonymous said...

Anon 10.26..

These are Adebayors words. If he never wanted to leave why was he talking to other clubs?????

Arsenal striker Emmanuel Adebayor has given conflicting messages over his future as he pledged to stay with the club at midday, before just over an hour later, in an interview with Sky Sports News, conceding he could yet still sign for Milan.

The assembled press must have thought Adebayor was set for a stay at Emirates Stadium after his press conference, but when quizzed later on whether there was any chance of a move to Milan he replied: "Nothing has been decided yet. We will decide next week."

Anonymous said...

Just reading the comments and I can't believe someone here posted 'stone wall', Aaaa... ha ha ha... .

Anonymous said...

Jesus Christ what a bunch of pansys football fans are becoming.BAN Joey barton ??WHAT For ??Ok hes an arrogant scouse twat who has problems but jesus guys i see worse things done by lasses than he has done on a friday night every week.The cigarette thing was out of order it could have cost the lad his sight but it didnt luckily.The fight he had with the man city player happens all the time in every football club and i bet the french fucker deserved it he is an arrogant cunt too.As for the fight outside mcdonalds the lad he hit was in his face and when he got a slap deemed it wise to get in his face again ,would you do this or would you get away???.So no joey barton isnt the Devil incarnate that everyone paints him to be hes a chavvy 22 yr old scouser how the fuck do you expect him to behave.

Anonymous said...

We all know why Keegan had to leave Newcastle the first time, remember when he got beaten up in his car, the lane he was down was a spot for cruising.
When he went back to Newcastle he couldn't keep it under wrap if you know what I mean

Anonymous said...

Spot on! Barton tried to bust Nasri's knee. He should be banned from the game.