Monday, 2 June 2008

Arsenal deliver FALSE promises, AGAIN!

This summer will be one hell of a bumpy ride, but don't Arsenal always do things the hard way?

Every year we are put through the transfer wringer. Players are linked with coming and going all summer but Arsenal and us Gooners seem to suffer most.

Expectations have been raised by Le Boss after his comments that players would be brought in within two-three weeks.

This hasn't happened for whatever reason and it should never have been said by the gaffer. It's not fair on us Gooners.

We have had our hopes raised and Wenger has failed to deliver to them. He should never have said that if it wasn't true. After all, we Gooners do have feelings! And right now I'm feeling very disappointed.

Are comments like this only made to help season ticket sales? It just a thought.

I must say that the English transfer market opened on June 1st so officially we couldn't sign anyone. But that didn't mean we couldn't agree deals to go through on that date. Look the Spuds, they signed Modric ages ago.

Players who play in the Euros will cost a fortune to sign if they have a good tournament and I think we should have done most of our business before it begins.

We can't compete in bidding wars and due to Wengers eye for talent, some managers wait to see who Le Boss targets and then make thier move on the same player.

I think we will sign players, I just don't know when. All I know it that we were promised signings and the club has so-far failed to deliver in the time they stated.

With players leaving and some not delivering, we need decent signings to reassure us we are going in the right direction. Hopefully Wenger will fulfill his promise to us.

Keep it Goonerish........


  1. If i'm honest Wrighty7 I'm fed up at the moment.
    I cant remember the last signing I was excited about and I think this summer will be the same.
    Just signing unproven players.

  2. relax, de la red will be on his way and possibly guiza.

  3. transfer market opens 1st july you clown!

  4. Wrighty, of all people I would have exoected you to be the calm one. The transfers will come and noone has failed us. Actually, you are dissappointing us by being so negative. Nasri has not been bought because of some legal problems to be sorted out later. Would you not rather he took the time to sign quality players like Sagna and Eduardo?

  5. Transfer window is open now you clown!

  6. Wrighty, you have been brainwashed by that crap site...Le Grove.

    Get the fuck off there and you may stay mentally stable. The amount of stupid crazy mental Arsenal fans on the net is staggering!

    Sign him now! Get rid of him! This is a disgrace! We have the money! I am going to kill myself!

    Fuck off idiots. Stay off newsnow and never click on a sight again unless it is

  7. i stopped reading this article at "maybe wenger said this to boost season ticket sales". have u tried to get a season ticket recently? do they need to boost the 10 year waiting list with talk of transfers? stop moaning. how many games did u go 2 last season?

  8. I'm sorry for disapointing you Audi.

    I've been calm and I'm not panicking, yet.

    I just feel frustrated that we were told signings would be on the way in the next two-three weeks and nothings happened mate.

    It just seems a little deceiving mate.

  9. Wrighty writes some of the best articles around.
    Most of the time he writes a balanced article, some he gets wrong, some he gets right.
    I feel that he is in the top three Arsenal blogs around at the moment.

  10. i agree goofle. people seem to think that next year is over before it even starts if we dont sign three players right now! this is ridiculous. while i agree we need players people need to remember this is a long drawn out process with many people involved. and with the internet how it is now people are fed all these crazy rumours day after day and then panic when no one has signed! the nasri hold up is apparantly down to some legal details and not wages. i imagine he would have signed by now if the paperwork was done. however things are not easy when players are at the euros or on hols as are club managers and president. wenger himself is on holiday at the moment! people wouldnt expect you to work on your hols, so neither should he. the signings will come, have faith. in the meantime read for a more even coverage of arsenal. none of this ranting about signins

  11. Very understandable, Wrighty. But I think if you stay off these insane blogs and sites like tribalfootball and caught offside, you will find that things are moving ok. Yes, Sp*rs signed Modric, but you must remmeber 2 things
    1) The transfer fee
    2) they expect to lose berbatov and the rest of the team is shit.

  12. I don't want to have a rant, and you may say this is off topic BUT, we all know Arsene has an eye for talent (and most of the time is proved right). All other managers know this and invariably wait to see who Arsene targets.
    The biggest example is Mr. Rafa Benitez and the Babel issue, now it's Ribery he wants (former arsenal target). Every summer Liverpool will have a clearout/spend millions simply because Rafa has not recruitment strategy of his own and therefore his team will always be incomplete.

    Wenger's targets have always been watched by other managers. Look at Barcelona, they have either signed players from us (we play a similar system) such as TH14, Overmars, Van Bronkhorst, Hleb? or signed our targets (Yaya Toure anyone).

    Chelsea just don't have a clue, I think their russian owner wiches he had a manager like Wenger who had an objective and got player to work his system.
    Rather than create a system based on the best players, who are great on paper but don't always have the cohesion to produce. I personally think they should have won 4 leagues and 3 champs. leagues by now BUT THEY DIDN'T and Chelsea managers seem to dropping like flies.

    I think Sir Alex and Wenger are great managers who build teams based upon how they want their SYSTEM to be played. Their difference comes only in their personalities portrayed onto their team members and playing style, this is where SAF is much more aggressive than AW.

  13. The anonymous comment on 18:38 was me, Audi

    sorry about that
    keep up the good work

  14. it opens 1st July you clown! i can see this going in circles. but honestly its the 1st. anyone says anything else to you...they are a liar

  15. Have to agree with Goofle on this one Wrighty...Seems you've been reading le grove a bit TOO much. You can't call for a signing every day, and nobody should have expected us to come out roaring in the transfer market. That isn't how Arsene works. If we haven't gotten used to the way he buys players after all this time, then you really have to wonder about all these people. We'll get our signings in due time, and until then you just have to be calm and wait it out.

  16. i have never herd sush rubbish in my life tranfer speculation is generated by agents and news papers and wenger ahs no control over that. wenger has always done is tranfer business in private until you him in arsenal kit cant believe the specualtion.

    wenger has lined up a few players but there just a few things to be ironed out, but you must have more faith in the manager than that, and quite frackly i would rather time take his time by quity players than rushing buy any player just please a few impatient so called fans

  17. I agree Wrighty7.
    You are not being negative just stating the fucking obvious!
    We were told signings were arriving and they haven't, so that means Arsenal are delivering false promises, just like you say!

  18. A R S E N E K N O W S ! !
    Leave it all up to him......We 'nearly' do not need to sign anyone seeing how well we've done last're all probably asking...'wtf? this season....well?' Yes ! we nearly pulled it off when EVERYONE, including most of you, 'gooners' wrote us off at the start of the season. Who did better than us..? Chelski? Liverpool? Spuds? Only Manure did, and only cos their star player remained injury free. What would they have done had they lost Ronaldo? As for the publicity stunt to sell season tickets....How the hell can you complain. I am not a season ticket holder as I live 3000miles away but I would do quite a lot to own one so if you know anyone who wants to pass his ticket on, please pass his name on !
    What a bunch of bloody ungrateful twats! Please do not associate yourself with Arsenal !

  19. I wasn't the one who that we would sign players in the next two-three weeks, Le Boss did.

    I love him and I know deep inside that we WILL sign people, but the point of the artcle is that we were told players would be signed in this time and it hasn't happened.

    So isn't that a case of a false promise?

  20. It seems I've trodden on a few toes with this subject!!!!


    Arsene is an Arsenal legend and rightly so, but who do you support Arsenal or Arsene?

  22. Could you not use the term yid please you stupid little racist?

    Yes the spurs fans call themselves yid army or whatever but its still a very silly thing to say.

  23. Sorry if that comes across as racist Dave, i'll change it mate!

  24. But they are Yids Dave you cunt

  25. Fucking hell Wrighty7 try to write a balanced article and all the mongies are out!
    Nothing wrong why what you have written here. In fact because it's so true people don't like to hear it.
    I remember when you first began and people moaned that you NEVER critized Arsenal, now when you do you get CRITIZED!!!
    You cant win mate,
    Keep it though.
    You have a great blog.

  26. Thanks Topman, you are a topman

  27. There is a difference between being positive or negative to the extreme and being realistic.

    You don't suddenly switch from one to another and then back.

    Some aspects are true but its the way that Wrighty has changed within days that dissapoints us. There have always been the mongaloids that are totally negative and pessimistic, or as they call it "realistic".

    Sometimes we confuse negativity for realism. You can be positive and realistic.

  28. great post, I agree why did Arsene say there be signing in two/three weeks and nothing.
    It's strange the Narsi deal has stalled due to wages? when RVP mentioned about our wages being to low I wonder if he knew abouut it.
    It is early but I'm a little concerned already

  29. Wrighty7 keep up the good work, love reading your


  30. I think Wright is right. he's feelings and good he can express them earlier rather than waiting to be disappointed at the very last minute.If we are to weigh,those disappointed out number those not.He signed quality players last season but did it pay off like for Ferguson did?

  31. okay wright7, ill engage you on this one... Wenger's general modus operandi is to make some early signings which he feels can be lapped up if not taken advantage of, or make some really late ones for cheap after everyone else has finished. But one thing for sure he has never ever before shared his transfer plans. This time he does. why? I donno. Pressure from the fans? As is there wasnt enough already. So hell, he says, lets give them something to cheer about. He announces that he's planning to sign(note - not promising, just planning) a few players early. True to his word he does so. He goes after Nasri, in one of the noisiest and un-arsene fashion in a long time. But it hits some salary snag. But arsene isnt in charge of making him agree to personal terms just telling him that he is wanted at arsenal. But the deal snags, the crazy bandwagon erupts and of all people i thought you would be one of the last people on it.

    Our Board and wenger have a lot of faults and you dont need me to tell you that. But in the last year i have realised that our fanbase has the most fickle/impatient(agreeably so but still) fans who are ready to roll anyone's head and gamble our values(read russian takeover supporters) just so that arsenal might QUICKLY grab a trophy. Its not about you stepping one some ones toes buddy, its just that your articles have a more balanced view generally and today its just missing.

    We have enough pressure at the club to win trophies.. Id rather not compound it by managing to convince others that our board/manager is deceiving us. They are trying hard believe me. They just dont do it the regular way. You should know that by now.

  32. the transfer window opens 1st july your the clown.

    dont worry about the signings if we dont get nasri or the other well known players wenger will get an unknown foreigner for nothing and we will still win the league.

    whoever wants to moan at wenger needs to rethink.where were we before wenger came.


  33. sorry miss typed the transfer window opens 1st june

  34. Wrighty7

    Your blog is good and I read that as well as frequent Le Grove. (all those that have a bad word to say, should at least try and read it with an open mind, the guys on there are saying what a lot of us feel to be honest)

    I agree the false promises have been lame, It is always around season ticket renewel time we get the "super Super Player" quotes.

    Ho Hum!

  35. what right does rvp have to say we should pay players more wages he got 50 grand a week for 2 years while he was injured leave it to the boss

    arsene knows!!!!!

  36. People will agree or disagree, and thats the beauty of blogging.

    I thank everyone who leaves a comment whether negative or positive to my posts.

    Everyone has an opinion and you are more than welcome to express it on my blog.

  37. And please, no more comments about Le-Grove!!!

  38. Thats gr8 wrighty7, but sometimes i worry if we have the largest set of supporters bickering all about arsenal's negative points. Without a doubt we should discuss them, but if we show impatience and distrust the way that we do, we will soon be the laughing stock among premier league fans. I think im beginning to see that sad day arriving..

  39. also wrighty7, i dont expect a reply but Id sure appreciate one.

  40. Perhaps you are right Sughosh.

  41. thats a bit shorter than i expected but thanks anyway... i am a regular reader though... keep up the good work... cheers...

  42. I think that we have a lot of things to be positive about Sughosh. We are almost on the verge of great things, no doubt. I'm just frustrated that things have been said and haven't happened.

  43. Wrighty is just summing up the frustration that many Gooners feel (myself included)

    Its not just this season either - I remember the transfer paralysis under Graham!

    Its just an opinion and if you disagree then fine but why does anyone who is concerned about the lack of signings get told to f*** off and support Chelscum?

    Its like a cult where you are not allowed to criticise the leader.

    The turth is that lack of squad has always been a problem and certainly cost us last season. We needed players before Flamini left (and Hleb) which means we now need more.

    Wenger said we would get signings in 2-3 weeks and we haven't so people are frustrated. What is it that is so difficult to understand?

  44. I will agree with you on that one... We need to add mainly, but we ll get there.... Wenger is stubborn/archiac among a lot of things but the last thing he is, is stupid. I have had frustrations a million but i dont want them being transmitted to the club en masse... thats what i feel anyway...

  45. Wenger is the right man to lead Arsenal without doubt Sughosh.

    And he will get us there, I just wish he didn't get my hopes up with what he said.

    We needed a pick me up from Flamini leaving and Hleb on the verge of leaving, Wenger provided that but didn't back it up.

  46. AW is definitely the man for Arsenal but I fear that he may be practically on his way out before the purse-strings are loosened.

    I reckon that the next manager will benefit more from the Emirates than Arsene which would be a shame.

  47. Wenger IS a Legend.

    He HAS turned this club into what it is today and for that he will always be held in high regard.

    However, times are changing again in football, if you hate it or not money is a big player in this.

    We must improve the squad, we must WIN the summer in transfers.

    We all must agree we fell short last year because of strength in depth of squad.

    We have lost The Flamster, Hleb is going (and he will go). That leaves us two down from a squad we needed to add at least 3 to.

    We should look to buy the best, we are ARSENAL.

    I said for ages that we should of signed Torres. Liverpool finally landed him and the rest is history. HOW good would he have been in our side.

    Wenger, as good as he is, must win a trophy (prem or CL) next year. If he doesn't then it might well be time for change.

    The bar has been raised by Chavski, Man Utd upped the game by signing good squad players.

    We cannot be left behind.

    How may other TOP teams from around europe have the same manager after 3/4 trophyless seasons.

    We must not be blinded by loyalty.

    Arsene is a great man, but ARSENAL is our great club.

    Who's bigger in your heart?

  48. Yeah our hopes have definitely been up more than a few times this season.

    I have a poser for you though... With the 6+5 shit coming through, the transfer policy/targets might have just changed, dont you agree... Whether EU allows it or not Wenger must prepare for the worst... I feel a minor policy revision going on in wenger's head... what do you think?

  49. @sughosh

    I'd sign Barry,

    That'll be a good start ;)

  50. Sughosh, I think the rule wont happen mate. It stops people from earning a living.

    I thinks it stupid to be honest!

    But we might be alright IF it did happen. By all accounts we have a superb English youth side coming through.

  51. Signing a players does not consist of Arsenal going to a club and handing them £12m in redies. There are a lot of negotiations between them, sell on clauses, installements bla bla bla. When Theo Walcott signed it took 23 pages of contracts to agree produce and sign. Lets not get carried away that we havent signed anyone 4 weeks after the season has finished and with players preparing for Euro 08. Let Wenger do his work, im sure he is working his butt off, give the man a chance.

  52. Hey Davoody,

    You are absolutely right about whats bigger? This season has not been a success.. agreed.. But we didnt fail miserably either... We fell short, and not by a a great deal either... But one thing you ll notice is we were almost there... Yes manu/chelski have raised the bar, but nothing we cant cover... we are at bit of cross roads with the stadium and all and the board is treading carefully perhaps a bit too much maybe, but nonetheless its better than turning out to be leeds... We will get the players i feel and whether they impress or not when they are signed im sure they ll impress us on the field.

    Once we have the trophies, along with our football and stadium we will finally be a truly big club...
    And i believe this will happen very soon...

    Thats what my heart saying i think...

  53. exactly wrighty7, who are you going to leave out from the current team if it does happen, we will need to buy even with our youngsters as all of them wont necessarily make the grade... like barry ;).. In the worst case scenario we need a lot of english players, wenger wants experience at the back as well as squad depth. His mind must be like a circus right now, torn between what players he was after and certain new ones that we need now instead.. He plans stuff usually with a couple years in mind and now this possibility must have his head spinning in a frenzy... I dont like the rule either, but if fifa and uefa agree they ll try to get past EU in some shitty way... trust me blatter is a bigger asshole than he's given credit for...

  54. I wrote an article more or less the exact thing on BBC 606 this morning and the response from most is like the one on your blog. They seem to think they are better knowing Gooners than the rest of us and criticise what we've written!

    Wenger promisedf and we're disappointed and we have eveyr right to feel that way. Getting our hopes up for nothing!

  55. I wrote an article today too and it's almost the opposite, but I do not consider myself more knowing than either you or Wrighty. I just know that there can be complications with transfers and we shouldnt worry as much as some have. We put up 83 points this year! That's a good number and we'll improve on it again next year. I'm not criticizing anyone's right to an opinion all I'm saying is that the squad will be improved, just maybe not in the time table that people had hoped.

  56. LADS....


    we shud have done our business and shut up shop by now...

    I WILL BET ANY OF YOU UP TO £1000 WE DONT GET ANYONE APART FROM NASRI that plays well in Europeans... because we will be priced out....

    instead we wake up every day and are confronted with the same ol shite...

    up to now i have heard the follwoing players are coming to arsenal....

    ben arfa
    yaya toure
    luic perrin
    david villa
    santa cruz
    mahmuda dabo

    what a load of shit...

    we need some clarity.

    not one of them has signed yet!!!

  57. this blog is fuckin crap.. you can tell its an amateur.. arseblog or gunnerblog is the best around even the cannon is good.. this and le grove are both shit! wrighty ge a fuckin job and stop signing on the dole you fuckin wasteman!

  58. Have you ever thought that just possibly Arsenal's transfer policy is not designed to assuage impatient fans in the month of June, but is actually designed to get the best players possible at the best price for the club?

    and why does every assume that just because Nasri hasnt signed yet that this is AW's fault?

    Transfers can take delicate negotiation - the important thing is what squad we have when the season starts, not whether Arsenal go and spend 20 million on some cunt who doesnt give us a shit, but hey it would keep cunts like you happy so what the hell!

  59. Anonymus who posted at 22:01

    You are a moron, if you don't like the site don't post on it. Go off and induldge your views elsewhere.

    Wrighty, I bet you wonder why you bother sometimes.

  60. Ha Ha anon 22:01, thanks for your constructive critism.

    Who let you out of your cage?

  61. I do wonder sometimes Davoody!

    What a donut!

  62. Romfordpele, I dont want Arsenal to just go out and spend £20 million on some random player.

    Read the article, you are missing the point. We were told news signing were arriving in 2-3 weeks, it didn't happen.

    As for saying i'm a cunt, grow up mate. Calling a fellow Gooner a cunt, what a liberty.

  63. Wrighty, the time for berating Wenger would be if we we enter mid-July and the new signings aren't here. I certainly think until then the man deserves more respect from all Arsenal supporters than your headline suggests.

    To be fair, the article is more balanced than your headline suggests. In this respect I think you should have had a less sensationalist heading - the type I would avoid clicking on but for the fact it was your site and I reckon you are a respectful Arsenal blogger.

    It is clear the intent from Wenger is to sign and to do it as soon as possible... and in the meantime I would ask all supporters who are getting frustrated to stay more patient with the manager who has bought us football and success beyond our dreams because frankly this is the least we - as true Arsenal fans - owe him...

  64. Reasons to be cheerful my fellow Gooners.

    1. We were expected to finish out of the top 4 after sell TH14, but were still in the race come may.
    2. 2006/07 we finished 4th with 68 points with TH14 and in 2008/08 we finished 3rd with 83 points without TH14, which is a 15 point swing and only 4 points behind eventual champions. It was 21 points the season before. Now to me that's progress.
    3. We have Fabregas, Adebayor, Van Persie, Clichy, Sanga, Vela, Merida. Surley this the makings of a very powerful squad.
    4. The fact that majority of the sqaud have played together through the various youth teams mean that they all know how each other plays.
    5. We lost the league by drawing 4 games on the trot. Birmingham, Aston Villa, Middlesbrugh and Liverpool. The season before we would probably lost the Villa and Boro games.

    You see the point I'm trying to make is that we came so close to winning things last season. I for one would have taken that at the beginning of last season. We are maybe 3 players maybe 4 (now flamoney has gone) players from the sqaud we need to make another assult on the EPL and CL. Again lets look at year on year improvement, because if we do improve on last seasons results and points tally the if a team beats us to the title againt then they probably would have deserved it. Lets keep it on the real and remember this we have all at some stage doubted Le Boss and ended up feeling quite silly. I know I have. Keep it Gonnerish y'all.

  65. The stupidity grows day by day in Arsenal fans...


  67. Well said Wrighty, shame about a lot of the reception. Kids hey

  68. its not about wages we avent got nasri because of some sort of paper work thing believe me its not wages if u listened to the interview da stuff about wages was to do with another topic about benzemas new contract at lyon and how its harder to sign people with contracts like dat

  69. what a load of shit.
    get a brain - then write a blog you, mug!

  70. If you look at all of the positions I don't understand why any of you could worry. I've been excited about nasri, however if we don't get him it's not too bad. It would be awesome to have the french and english premier league young playerof the year and assists winners. If Nasri can't commit to Arsenal it isn't too bad. Arsen Wenger obviously has a plan. Cheaper creative midfield talent could probably be found. If anyone thinks there is a reason to replace a player i don't know if i can agree with it. Some people are saying Gallas should go but he has been an energetic leader who doesn't accept loss as a result. He has experience at winning competitions which is what he has done and what he is driven to do. He wants success more than any other player I've seen at arsenal for a while. Younger players have respect for him, thinking that huddle's are good for team morale. Right wing we have eboue, hleb and walcott and on the left wing we have rosicky, eduardo, vela and walcott can also play there. Ther are no players, in the world, who aren't uber expensive which can play these roles better. I would like to think that I am not reliying on the speculation that some of our young players will be amazing in my judgement. Arsenal will benefit from exacly what wenger promised. A creative player who can craete goals when the spanish national team are involved. eg.nasri

  71. Take a little from comment A and a little from comment B , making sure they are on non related subjects. Add them together and you have your story.

    Arsenal dont do transfer business in the press. So 99% of what you read in the press is bullshit.

    Try not to get caught up in it and try not put together reactionary bullshit on a blog. It makes you look like a spoiled kid.

  72. What a shit blog! Haven't you anything better to do than write this crap? Wait until August and moan then if you want to, you prick!

  73. gee (15:30:31) :

    Amount of numpty fair weather fans on here is unreal.

    Thanks to wengers miricale works we’re in a position that we finish 4 yes 4 measly points behind the champions who have been the richest club for the past 10 yrs and who have taken on footballs biggest debt and spent 70 million last yr to win it again - and 2rds of u so called idiot supporters are cursing cause we didnt win it!!! U guys are seriously deluded!! in the 90’s united spent heavy and dominated remember, we were having trouble competing with a 38,000 stadium but within 4 yrs we have the means to compete without selling our souls!!

    All of this takes time not a few months on championship manager.

    Honestly arsenal fans make me sick cause they all act like spoilt wankers!!

  74. Let the Manager do his job, and Mr Wenger pls find some taller players. All the latest transfer speculation are on short players, we need more height from midfield to the front!

  75. Arsene, you a cunt

  76. Hey just started an Arsenal blog if any of you fellow gooners got the time to give it a read and some feedback would be great. Come on you Gunners! Come on Nasri..hurry up!

  77. wrighty,

    i don't think it's the club's fault,

    the media are the biggest culprit for making up so much baseless rubbish to sell their lame papers,\

    we should try to take a lot of what we read in the media with a much bigger pinch of salt



    who have our rival signed?

    We have signed the welsh kid and are days if not hours away from getting Nasri.

  79. Everyone CALM THE FUCK DOWN! Life is not a bowl of cherries with a crystal ball on top. Every little thing you read is not true. Footballers and football managers get MISQUOTED. Just because you read somewhere that Wenger says he is going to an announce signings a month before the transfer window opens - DON"T FREKE OUT when it doesn't happen. USE YORE BRANE and work out that transfers are only real when they are announced by the club. The rest is SMOKE and MIRRORS and B-S. Frankly I couldn't GIVE A SHIT who the papers or blogs say we must sign or sell WEARETHEARSENAL!

  80. adebayor has signed for barca n will decide if he leaves in the next few days

  81. oh so does signing for Barca mean that he could decide to stay? Idiot.

  82. Fair points Wrighty.
    We have got Ramsey and Nasri (?)though, and I guess we'll have to wait and see who else we need depending on who jumps ship next.

    Hopefully an Ade and Hleb swap for Eto'o and Yaya ?

    That would sort out most of the problems, imo, and then we only need a goalkeeper for the squad to look quite balanced again.

  83. You sound like a Spurs supporter. keep the faith and stop the doom and gloom you moron.
