Sunday, 1 June 2008

Bergkamp as the next Arsenal boss anyone?

Dennis Bergkamp, THE Arsenal legend, is moving back to Holland this week after joining the Dutch course for the UEFA Pro License.

By completing this course Dennis can then manage or coach a club or even a country from next summer.

I would be more than happy for Dennis to complete this course and come back to Arsenal as Wengers assistant whilst being groomed to become Wengers eventual successor.

Dennis is a legend in the game, not just at Arsenal, so he could attract players to the club and he loves to play football the way we Gooners have become accustomed to.

The only real negative in this for me is Dennis's fear of flying, which could prove to be a bit of a pain when we play in Europe! Other than that I can't see any fault in Dennis becoming the next gaffer at the club.

Keep it Goonerish.....


  1. Dennis would have to seriously get that fear of flying looked at if he has any real plans of becoming a coach, well unless he was thinking of managing a championship side, oh or the spuds!

  2. Let Dennis get experience somewhere else, e.g. Ajax. Then we can see if he is actually any good or not.

  3. Couldn't agree with you more, Wrighty7. What a fine servant he has been for us, a rolls of a player.Would be fitting to see him at the helm for us some time.

  4. Another post wasting my time. Dennis is on record as saying he doesnt want to manage. He knows how hard managing is and he knows that he cant do it. He is a coach- something that is completely different and altogether stress-free compared to managing.

  5. I think Van Basten with Bergkamp as assistant would be a good choice for the future. Both great players with a desire to play beautiful football.

  6. Bring in Tony Adams over the next year or so; I really would like to see him as the next gaffer when Arsene decides he has had enough.

  7. he's already said that he doesnt want to be a manager like Arsene Wenger, just a coach

  8. Who's to say dennis wont change his mind about becoming a manager?

    And anon 17:48, you wasted even more time writing a comment you munster!!

  9. he's also said he would walk away from football completely when he retired and Van Basten also said that.

  10. What a staggering gesture of disloyalty towards Pat Rice, who as far as I know has shown no inclination to leave his post and is equally deserving of Arsenal legend status.

    Not to mention his comments about not wanting to be a manager etc and so on

  11. Pat Rice is an Arsenal legend and I can't see why he couldn't remain the club as well.

  12. Yes, I would like to see him as manager but I doubt it would happen due to the fact hes already said that he does not want to become a manager and only be a coach. I think the only way we can hope to maintain our style of football once Wenger has left is to appoint someone who has played under Wenger at Arsenal and therefore knows what needs to be done. Having said that I can't see us playing sexy football under Tony Adams, he is more defensive obviously, so I think the highest he shouldever go in the hierarchy is assistant manager.

  13. "The only real negative in this for me is Dennis's fear of flying, which could prove to be a bit of a pain when we play in Europe!"

    Completely defeated your entire argument. Well done.


  14. What on earth is the point of thinking of an ex-player, who hasn't even got any coaching experience, as a future management? It's just stupid really.

    I mean it's not even as though there's much of a track record of great players becoming great managers - the majority of great managers were average players which is how they understand how to teach - someone for whom the game comes naturally rarely gets that.

    I'm sure someone will mention the odd great player who went on to manage as successfully, but gor each one I could name a dozen who failes AND a dozen top managers who weren't great players.

  15. Denis Bergkamp - Legendary player and most loyal servant to the club. Will forever remember the moments and memories he gave us gooners.

  16. Well Wrighty, I thought the article was pretty damn topical considering the dodgy PSG rumour today and past comments from Arsene.

    If Bergkamp gets 3 good years under his belt, you never know do you? It didn't take Mourinho long to get the experience to become the Chav manager...

    A show of disloyalty to Pat Rice? I think not... it's just a hypothetical question, not a request.

  17. Cheers Pedro,

    As for you Vix, Bergkamp could take other transport to Europe.


  18. Another good article Wrighty.
    How do managers get experience if they aren't given a chance?
    I think Dennis would be great for Arsenal.

  19. Spot on Wrighty... Cars, coaches and trains are all land based transport systems... it is easy to forget that sometimes!

  20. Has anyone noticed that it's 3 years since Bergkamp left the club... and that would be 3 years since we won anything.

  21. Hmm... A manager who's scared of flying? Nope, amigo!

  22. So if we have a Champions league game in Russia on the tuesday and a match the previous saturday do you really think he'll make it to the game on time? Even if he does, how will sitting in a car for three days have him in the right frame of mind to give a team talk?

    And of course, how will he get back for the game the next saturday?

