Sunday, 8 June 2008

Do any players at Arsenal REALLY love the club? Or is it all money?

The other day Peter Hill Wood, our chairman, said that he could count on one hand the number of players at Arsenal who REALLY love the club and most are in for the money.

It's obvious that most are in it for the wonga. What can you do about that?


Its part of the attraction for some people to become a professional footballer and who can blame them? You see the things these players can possess with their wealth and its understandable that money plays a huge part.

Take a look at the Arsenal squad. They are very well paid at Arsenal, don't listen to this pauper bull-shit. Our players are looked after alright.

But who seems to have a genuine affection for Arsenal? Who really means it when they kiss the badge on the shirt after scoring?

I think the following players REALLY do love Arsenal.





Van Persie





Those are the players to me who REALLY love the club. The money they earn helps of course, but those mentioned above mean it when they kiss the Arsenal badge to me.

Who do you think REALLY loves the club? The players who love Arsenal and who think money isn't everything.

Keep it Goonerish.....


  1. I feel Fabregas feels a closer affiliation to Wenger rather than the club itself. If Wenger left it would be an arduous task to retain Cesc's services.

  2. AW would be smart enough to move Cesc out and whoever else was seen as high profit before he left his position as manager of the club. This would leave the new manager with sufficient resources to re-populate the playing staff, on top of what was promised to him before he takes over. Just a thought...

  3. Clichy's heart is definitely at Arsenal, he's a role model for any young player. It's a shame all of these money hungry greedy agents are persuading some players that money is more important

  4. Having players come thru the ranks is all the important in an age where money does seem to be the primary factor in determining where players will ply their trade.

    We cannot expect to sign a player from over seas to stay for all their career. We have been lucky with bergkamp, henry, Vieira, Pires and freddie, players who i feel really did love Arsenal. And we do have players who love AFC, although that does not mean they will stay forever.

    I doubt the chavs have many players who love that club at all, apart from Terry and he demanded over £130K a week and to be the top earner regardless of who they sign. They have won things with what is ostensibly a bunch of mercenaries.

    Players that love the club they play for is becoming an outdated concept, we best get used to it.

  5. i think hoyte and walcott are the only people who love arsenal co they are actually fans the rest are here because of wenger

  6. Add bendtner and adebayor to the list... bendtner has snubbed bayern and ade has said it countless times!

  7. Wrighty7;

    How could you miss out Traore???

    Anyone who goes to the derby game at WHL tooled up with knuckle dusters has got to be on that list!

  8. LOL Horace the goat, good one mate

  9. i thought walcott was a 'pool fan?

  10. I'm sure they all love the club to a certain extent and mean it at the time when they kiss the badge. However, football is their job and they know how quickly their careers could be over through injury, loss of form etc. So you can't blame them entirely if they see an opportunity elsewhere.

    There are no guarantees in life and things can change quickly. We just have to accept that we may only have them for a time and just enjoy them while they are with us and cheer them on as long as they are making an effort. If we show them the love, that will help to keep them around for as long as possible.

  11. I think Hoyte mabey is genuine but unfortunately hes not good enough. The rest of the players you've named? Dont kid yourself.

  12. lol funny how the list seems to be cut short even further - for me the only 1 on that list who truly LOVES arsenal is hoyte..he's not yet good enough for the first team but he's stayed and fought and fought when he couldve easily left..

    Fabregas definately does NOT love the club and is just happy for his 90k a week new pay rise, and like some1 said if wenger left - so would he, same with sagna and the rest of the french players.

    Last summer fabregas and his agent spent considerable time with roman calderon and only in the last moment decided to stay at arsenal - but thanked calderon and real madrid for looking after him that summer!! the cheek of it..funny how wenger doesnt do anything about that blatant tapping up just because his boy cesc asked him not too.

    Lets face it, a new player comes in daily with a row over wages, Arsenal are filled with players who's dream it is to play for madrid/barca/milan - we hardly have any1 who say it's a dream to play for arsenal. It's really sad. People like Richards would give an arm just to wear the shirt. The future of arsenal need to be filled with players like that, or there will never be stability - people will leave left right and centre.

  13. Maybe we should consider the fact that the Board are actively
    discussing the taking of dividends at this time and ask jow many of the Board can be said to truly love the club at this time as Mr. Hill-Wood suggests we all should?

  14. have you watched the program on sky called "where are thet now" or something like that?
    well i did. one guy ended up a plumber, another works with a fork lift and a lucky guy that played for liverpool runs a child day care. and this lot where loyal and didnt earn much.
    but the club or there fans didnt come to their rescue.
    so here is my take.
    i dont know what will happen to Hleb or Kolo when they retire and go home to their not so rich a country but if you can start to pile on some heavy cash for the future of you and your family then do it.

  15. tell me
    who is really loyal to the club?
    the players - we have since them jump ship, the manager - Steve Bruce, Mark Hughes, and a lot more,
    the fans - Wimbledon - a few of the manu fans and am sure some arsenal fans have also jumped ship

  16. I doubt any of 'em do. iT'LL (oopS) It'll be interesting to see whom of the '98 Double winning squad, return to conduct Legend tours of the future as Charlie Charlie, John -hat trick hero - Radford, Eddie and Sammy 'moonbeam' Nelson have.

  17. well it all stopped when Dennis Bergkamp retired :) He was the last of that lot (Adams, Seaman, etc) who wuld have never put money over Arsenal .. Also Viera .. who was pretty much forced out after the injury troubles .. From the current crop, I only am confident about Clichy, Sagna, Walcott .. Even Van Persie's been making noises and Fabregas is a known story ...

  18. I believe fabregas, clichy, sagna, toure, gallas, denilson, gilberto, senderos, van persie and already eduardo love the club. And yes i believe the real obvious ones from the past were seaman, adams, Vieira, bergkamp and who can remember that short black fella who wore number 8, or the tsort of tall french chap sporting the number 14? speaking of which, Vieira could be on his way to the foreign country that is portsmouth. Personally I'd like to see him come back home to... err... our new home that was built after he left! Miguel veloso can wait, and so can Yaya. That man will show Mr. Diaby how to really fill the huge gap he left in our midfield when we sold him for, lets be honest, fuck all! He will forever remain a legend in my eyes, and I'd much rather he signed for us than Edu, coz he still is a class apart. Just what our midfield need, an old head,a
    6ft plus man, a leader, a man to drag us out of the dirt when Cesc cant, or to keep us out of the dirt in big games, wouldn't that interest any other gunners fans out there? Vieira and Arsenal, the love affair that was and I hope will be again. And he will be cheapy cheapy haha.
    Gunner #1

  19. I think Pires was also loyal but was not given the extended contract for his longer-term assurance. A pity for he is a truly great player!

  20. seaman,adams,kewon,dixon,winterburn,wright,parlour,bould, all loyal english players, what we havent got with the exception of dennis who had a wage cut just to play another year for arsenal, that is loyalty

  21. IAN WRIGHT WRIGHT WRIGHT! since our main man Mr. 14 left us, i have big doubts any of the players truly love Arsenal FC not like it was back in the Day when you could practically bet Tony Adams would lay his life on the line for us! or what about Pat Rice! still at arsenal to this day.....but its not only us, the way football has evolved over the years (huge sums of money, more excitement....) its difficult to form that kind of bond with a club, Henry was our last true great, who truly loved arsenal fc, give cesc and the new breed arsenal (ade, nasri...i hope :P sagna, vela, ramsey etc.) at the very least 6 years or true dedication before we can say they truely love the club. Hopefully we can bring some of our young guns up through the ranks, that should revive the lost loving feeling....Lansbury anyone ;)

  22. Why should players feel a loyalty to employers who kick you out the door as soon as you show any sign of age or weakness. Get over yourselves please. The Arsenal board with their age-ist contract policies and Arsene Wenger a man whom I admire but one who is also one of the most ruthless in the business when it comes to jettisoning fading talents are certainly not surprised by the growing disloyalty.For the chairman to bitch about player loyalty smacks of more than just a little hypocracy when you know the employees are only aping the employers. The treatment of Bobby Pires and Viera in particular come to mind.

  23. Hoyte is the only player you've named id agree loves the club. The rest? no chance so dont kid yourself mate. Thing is Hoyte isnt at the standard required unfortunately. Every one of the rest are merceneries and anyone who thinks not are deluded.

  24. What the fuck does Hill Wood know about football? this cunt is an embarassement to Arsenal and every time he opens his fat mouth he puts his foot in it. Who the fuck takes Hill Wood seriously

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Before saying anything I want to clarify I am an arsenal fan , so no one thinks the club captain is loyal to the club , then how will the club succeed , if he doesnt get his act together , same story of last year would be repeated , its a different thing being emotional , and its a different thing being a crybaby .
    Also I guess Wenger has to stop his french connection sooner rather than later and has to get more English kids if he wants some loyalty from players

    this is my opinion , i dont want people cursing or fighting ,
