Joker of the year award has to go to Emmanuel Adebayor. He feels he deserves a contract in parity with what Thierry Henry was earning at Arsenal.
I've news for you Ade, Thierry Henry was and is an Arsenal legend who will remembered and revered by Gooners for ever, you my friend have just come off the back of one good season season, and will be forgotten about within six months.
What exactly has Adebayor achieved in his short career so far? He got goal of the season and was joint second top goal-scorer in the Premiership last season.
What exactly has Henry achieved in his career so far? World Cup winner, European Championship winner, two Premiership trophies, three FA Cup's, Footballer of the year three times, two European golden boots and lastly Premiership top scorer four times.
So Ade, still think that you deserve that contract? Please don't embarrass yourself mate. Adebayor will not get that contract at Arsenal because he doesn't deserve it.
He had a great season last year, but he believes his own hype too much. He has become greedy and I remember reading a story that he refused to play for Togo over pay disputes. The warning signs were then, it should be an honour to play for one's country, money shouldn't be an issue. I'd play for England for free if I was good enough.
Le Boss should cash in now. Adebayor's price has become hugely inflated on the back of last season and Adebayor is clearly only motivated by money, not trophies. Sell him and sign a striker like Villa who doesn't need five shots to score. Any striker could score goals in this Arsenal team, imagine how many Villa, RVP, Eduardo, Vela, Bendtner and Theo will get next year.
Keep it Goonerish........
Good article mate ur right that greedy bastard.we should buy villa with the money that pays barca.
ReplyDeleteyes i couldnt agree more, its just like flamini, he has 1 good season, and he leaves for purely money orientated reasons
ReplyDeleteits just indicative of society today, that everyone is purely financially motivated, like cashley cole
except of course cesc fabregas, who ironically deserves a better contract, but is not stupid enought to ask for one lol
reviled? You mean revered. Revile means to hate, despise, loathe.
ReplyDeleteAde is not even Arsenal's best striker so what right does he have to demand 100+k a week?
Get rid
ye i agree..although he was not joint top scorer in the league last season...ronaldo was top. The fact is that any striker that plays for Arsenal will have chances to score goals every game which is why Adebayor will not be a big loss if we get 25m+ for him. Adebayor misses more than most but has more chances than most hence why he scored 30 goals. If we get a player like Santa Cruz or Villa ill put money on them getting more goals than Adebayor last season just because they are both better finishers.
ReplyDeleteYes revered, thanks for pointing that out!
ReplyDeleteFunny enough, he wasn't even top scorer in the Premier League last season!
ReplyDeleteRead this:
This guy knows what you are talking about
I missed out SECOND top scorer in the league, I think my brain types quicker than my fingers!!
ReplyDeleteHow reliable is NOTW who's exclusive interview everyone seems to be quoting here.
ReplyDeletei doubted Ade was the type to demand 120k, i doubted he said he wanted to leave, i doubted he had nothing but love for the club that made him the player he is.
ReplyDeleteIf these quotes are true then...leave now, give us the 30m and leave, we dont want you here if you do not want to be here.
30m for 30 goals? 120k a week on a 5 yr contract? Barca and AC are mad!
Anyway, you knew he had an ego when he quoted 50/60m for his price tag.
A 6ft 4 mental midget. Grow up.
wisely said, devil....he would not score that 30 goals if there are no assist from other talents like feb,kleb,flem,tore,sagna,theo.....and so on.He again is not a team player..I have on many occasions observed and asked myself why he did not make that vital pass while his team mate could have added that extra goal margin. He is selfish on the field and wants the pride to his own pockets. get rid of him the soonest possible and get a team player who will make the team even stronger, firm on results in the end. Go for david silva(spain) he has what Arsenal wants..the team play. When the teamates pass the ball arround and it finally reaches ade he goes on the wrong side many a times. He still has not fitted into the team well and he keeps blaming others for the wrong doing. Go away ade and see for yourself if the world will be the same out of Arsenal.
ReplyDeletepavlos I think it's unfair to compare him with Flamini because Flamini could've gone to Birmingham last year but he decided to stick around and fight for his place (which he has done for four years) and he earned his place and he earned his move to Milan because he was out of contract and had every right to move on.
ReplyDeleteAdebayor on the other hand has just gotten lucky because he would've barely played two seasons ago had Henry and Van Persie not been injured and the same might have happened with Eduardo and Van Persie last season.
He says that what's important to him is to play football and then he says he's gotta plan for his retirement (60k a week not enough eh?) and now he's trying to make it look like as if the deal will be good for the club.
TBH I don't want him to leave because we all know Arsene's not gonna go out and buy someone like Villa to replace him, evem though we could probably make a slight profit (esepecially if he had bought him earlier) and even though he said he wants to play for us (what more could you want Arsene!?). Oh and unlike Ade Villa's not a two faced backstabber.
but... we need STABILITY!!!
ReplyDeletehe has to go now no gooner wants him at arsenal cant believe he would do that to us let him go off he will be just like anelka. does he really think the next barca manager will be as good as wenger, does he think he will get a regular first team spot when they realise he is a clumsy ideot who mainly scores tap-ins lets take the money and buy another striker as for hleb i would love to watch him go behind messi, xavi, iniesta in the peckin order
ReplyDeleteHe should get a visit from the ghost of Nic Anelka to show him the error of his greedy ways
ReplyDeleteI would take a Tenner for him and still think i had made a profit
ReplyDeletehuntelaar would be the buy of the season a quality first touch one that adebayor could only dream of !!! he is a target man who has the ability to score and assist .so its ade goodbye ! go and play wiv ur mate henry.
ReplyDeleteBrilliant article sir.You took the words right out of every die hard gooner's mouth.
ReplyDeleteWright is a legend.On field and in the cyber world as well!
ha ha - I see you've amended "reviled" now to "revered". Do you have a basic grasp of english you loser. Keep up the day job!!!
ReplyDeleteHa ha yes James that is so funny ha ha ha
ReplyDeleteJames is a douchebag. Like ur namesake, Wrighty, you're on target again here.
ReplyDeleteto mention adebayors trouble with the Togolese FA over pay as an example of his greediness is wrong. he was standing up for the other players, most of whom only earn a tenth of what hes earning now at arsenal. he knew they needed the money and as their star player spoke up for them.
ReplyDelete...but u gotta consider this: weve already sold 3 of our first team players last season (if adebayor were sold). Say we bring in 3 new players, it takes time for the team to gel together. Infact it may not even gel together...jus saying
ReplyDeleteSo he's a greedy rubbish tosser - a lot of Arsenal fans need to grow up & stop making assumptions on issues where they don't have the FACTS.
ReplyDeleteFact - none of you lot know what his wage demands are.
Just to note - ManUtd wanted him, Barca & AC want him & if to be believed Chelsea too. Yeah, he's really rubbish!
things i dont understand;
ReplyDelete1) If Imabigwhore doesn't leave Arsenal, does he think that anyone will cheer him on again; even if he goes nowhere now, the utter lack of loyalty that he clearly has means I wont be able to cheer for him again;
2) If we could sell him to Barca/Milan and have enough money to buy Villa as a replacement, given that I've seen Villa on several occasions and think that he looks much better than the Togolator, how come Barca/Milan are not going to just buy him in the first place?
3) Darren Bent. Nothing to do with this thread, but at least we are still better/always will be better than 'we've a top 4 team this year' Shettingham Hotcnuts.
ReplyDeletePlease sign and send around
ReplyDeletePlease sign and send around
ReplyDeleteAdebayor is not as good as he thinks and the teams interested in him are mistaken. he had alot of supply that even me i would have scored 20 goals. How many do you think a player of Bendtners'class would have scored considering his touch and skill on the ball if he had the opportunity. 40 goals,simple
ReplyDeleteThank you Nimrodagunner, give Bentner the chance Ade had and you will all see the class that this lad has, the vision, the touch, infact this guy has everything, the only thing remaining is for him to be playing regularly and the goals will flow, thank you SO MUCH again for your words, u really understand football.