Thursday, 12 June 2008

If we want Yaya for Hleb, DEMAND Yaya for Hleb

Hopefully the news that Arsenal want Yaya Toure in any deal for Hleb is true.

I rate him very highly and could see him doing very well alongside his brother at Arsenal. From what I've read, Barca don't want to include Yaya in any deal. If that's the case then make Barca include Yaya!

It's time to play hard-ball and get the best deal for Arsenal. I hope Arsenal do this. We seem to seen by many around Europe as a soft-touch regarding transfers. It seems that we are becoming a feeder club for all the big clubs.

WE ARE ARSENAL. We are a big club. Its time to act like one and if we want Yaya included in any deal for Hleb demand it.

Don't let Barca call the shots. If they won't let us have Yaya then tell them the deals off, and let Hleb rot in the reserves.

We are in control here. Not Hleb , not Barca. We should not be dictated to. We should be doing the dictating.

We say we are a big club, lets act like one then.

Keep it Goonerish.......


  1. Spot on post. We claim to be a g
    big club, lets act like one.

  2. Not only are we a feeder club, we seen to give away our players for very little or nothing at all!

  3. Easier said than done really isn't it. What if they don't want to let Yaya go?

    It's like us buying Nasri and Marseilles demanding Theo or something like that. We wouldn't want to let them have Theo would we.

    Your post is unrealistic and really is just a rant.

  4. then we lose Hleb for free in 2 years, he only has 2 years on his in a way he can dictate to us , all we can do is refuse to deal with Barca..

  5. You're bang on there wrighty. Too many times we've bin mugged off by other clubs, or players wanting to leave. Whatever happens, if Hleb really wants to leave, and Barca wont negotiate a deal Including Yaya, then sell him to another club. And how much do you think Big Brother are currently paying us for his services. haha
    Nice blog.
    Gunner #1

  6. I have to respectfully disagree. We've dicked on Barcelona in the past when it comes to transfers. £25m for Overmars and Petit. £15m for Thierry. While we got Fabregas for £500k. Yaya would be a good addition but with Fabregas, Ramsey, Gilberto, Diaby and Denilson all chomping at the bit to play I doubt we'll be making a bid.

    More than anything Arsenal are an intelligent club. I'd take that over being perceived as a "big" club.

    Speak softly and carry a big stick.

  7. If they dont let Yaya go, deals off. Let Hleb rot in reserves.

    Cheers Gunner#1

  8. Wrighty, dude, calm down and think before you post silly things. We all love Arsenal but we are not Barcelona and we are not in control.

    We have asked for Yaya, we are not getting him. Sell him for 15 million and sign Gelson Fernandes!

  9. So mem, we are not Barca. I know that, but does that mean we have to bow to their every demand?

    Are we smaller than them?

    The day, I see Arsenal as smaller than any other club is the day I die

  10. what a senseless rant, wise up you idiot..its not how modern transfers work

  11. you sound like a spoilt little girl

  12. Wrighty7

    With you all the way, Hleb situation needs sorting and if he wants to go to Barca, then Barca can come crawling - if not just sell him to a club where he does not want to go to. he is our player under contract. He should have told his agent to shut up and should have stayed with the team in Italy rather than searching for a Mr Whippy.

    The man is a knob and needs selling before he walks on a free


  13. thank god your dont handle or negotiations. Ramsey would be at Utd w/ your skillz of persuasion.

  14. I love the way wrighty7 writes an opininon and some anon respond in such a negative manner.

    I doubt that any are Arsenal fans. How could they be? treating a fellow gooner in such a way,

    I'm ashamed

  15. God some of you are bell ends.

    Its a blog, not CNN ! if the guy wants a rant this is the space to do it in.

    The point is Arsenal need to negotiate hard, a first 'no' doesnt mean the deals a no go.

    Christ, I bet some of you pay full price for used cars !

  16. Ribo,

    There is no need to stoop to blatent bullying of your peers.

    Very unfair attitude you have.

  17. Bullying ! - No, ripping the piss - Yes!

  18. Wrighty...i really like your blog but i have to admit its been goin a bit off lately. You've been making random topics that are unrealistic with misleading headlines.
    noentheless, i really like your blog. how about the issue that quaresma said he siged for a big club that is not named? could that be us....wenger does like to do his work in secret and he is at the euro's despite other managers linked with him i.e. mourinho who are not at the euro's. im not saying it would happen but i wouldnt be surprised if it did.

  19. I have to agree with anon regarding the horrific bullying by ribo.

    This seems to be happening rather too consistently on Arsenal Blogs.

    If you feel the article, as in this case to be honest, is a load of old rubbish, then it is a free world to make comment.

    Ribo you are over the top in your defence of the author of his pitiful post and are taking out your frustrations on those who are making completely sane comments.

  20. thank you guys do you have a feeling quaresma may have signed for us?

  21. Yeah,we're a real soft touch. Like when we took Gallas in the Coledeal, or when we got£30m for the crocks Overmars and Petit. Or when we got £16m for a sciatica ridden, crocked Henry. Or when we told Madrid to stick it summer after summer for Vieira and sold him on our terms, when we were ready and when he was past it. Or when Lazio bid £10m for Anelka and we sold him to Madrid for £23.5m. Meanwhile, it's not like Madrid court United players, they wouldn't dare cos United are such hard taskmasters. And Milan wouldn't openly court Drogba because Chelsea wouldn't have it. And Madrid didn't openly court Robben and end up nabbing him. Think before you hit publish mate. Little Dutch.

  22. Jose Cum-twot

    horrific bullying !

    Does everyone in your world nod politely and agree with you ?, if they don't do you melt under the duvet sob, then write a letter of complaint to make yourself feel better?

    Your comment(s) comes across a snooty and superior, time to come down a peg my son.

    Bullying my arse

  23. This is a nonsense post since the Yaya link was made by another Arsenal blogger today in response to the alleged Barca bid of £8m for Hleb. There is no way we should sell him for less than we originally paid and I really don't see how YT fits in the picture, when we've have ample opportunity to sign him before and passed everytime. The £8m bid, if true, suggests that Barca are not serious about wanting Hleb, but just chancing their arm. Perhaps the failure of a big bid to materialise will bring Hleb crashing back down to earth!

  24. rb,

    You see you have just enhanced my point, by responding in an unnecessarily agressive manner.

    I think your comments are unfair and to start ridiculing my name is just petty.

    One feels that you should mature a jot or two.

  25. Jose Cum Shot

    You really need to get laid, you make this too easy

  26. Not anything to do with this subject but does anyone have any news about Dimitrov? He had a trial with us, he said himself that he's looking forward to playing with us but nothing has ever been confirmed and no news anywhere that we're actually after him. I'd like to see him play for us he's a special talent....

  27. Well to all the bloggers there who don't like fans "ranting" stick to lady's week on is it not obvious that over this long summer with no club football we will try to guess who's the next big player who going to turn down a move to us.
    We are fans we like to talk rubbish about football, why bother to post shit about this is not how transfers work. I don't care how things work i just want to hope that big players will sign for us!

  28. Seriously all,

    If you're defending bowing down to Barcelona at the first hint of disagreement, you might as well support a club in the championship. Arsenal have always been a big club, but Wrighty is correct: in recent years Arsenal have been too willing to accommodate other clubs in a transfer. Jose, your examples are off-base. Barca decided to spend big on Overmars and Petit, as is their wont. We sold Henry for below market value because he wanted to leave. Using the Fabregas purchase to illustrate your point is laughable; 500k for a player who'd never even sniffed the first team at Barca, a talented but typical (to all but Arsene) youth player is more than fair. The fact that Barca still whine about it should be a source of pride, not shame. A Gooner would know that.

    And frankly, my scorn for Hleb, a turncoat in the mold of C-untley C-unt, knows no bounds. Many of you seem to have no passion for "your" club. Honestly, if you can't stand to talk a little shite, go mind your garden.

  29. Spot on. It's time we put our foot down and not budge on our own demands here.

  30. Also, at the end of the day we're all Gooners. It's sad to see us getting on each other's backs over differing opinions.

    I know some of you are frustrated with us not having signed anywon yet, but there's plenty of time for that to change still.


  31. Yaya?? Nah nah!!!

    I know there aint much Arsenal news about. Shit, thats so obvious by the way that most Gooners are jumping on every minute 'quote' supposedly from Wenger, other clubs, agents, the tea lady...

    It is gonna be a long old summer and already people are getting a bit hysterical.

    Little Dutch, top point.

  32. I don't see how any Arsenal supporter can disagree with this post.
    If they do disagree how come you cannot argue in a respectful manner?
    If thet cannot argue in a respectful manner Why do you read it?
    You are above them Wrighty keep up the good work D from somewhere else!!

  33. I'm sorry for writing such "pitiful" posts.

  34. It's time to play hard-ball and get the best deal for Arsenal. I hope Arsenal do this. We seem to seen by many around Europe as a soft-touch regarding transfers. It seems that we are becoming a feeder club for all the big clubs.


    Anon; I don't agree with what Wrighty7 says above.

    Oh no! I must agree with him coz all us Gooners simply must!


    I dig your blog, but don't agree with this point mate. We are not seen as a soft touch, otherwise we wouldn't have made significant profit on most of our players. Even the slating tyhe henry fee got was, in the end, seen as too high (well, by the Barca big nobs!)

    Flamini leaving is the only nause transfer for me. That was a sickener, but what can you do?

  35. Seriously Wrighty mate this afrticle sucks its fucking shite pathetic mate you can do much better innit im afraid i agree with those who say its crap stick to ya day job yeah

  36. Wrighty7,
    This is an excellent blog and your articles are mostly spot on. This is one of them.
    As for all the idiots posting such stupid remarks, grow up idiots.

  37. Yaya would be massive for us. He could be the missing piece of the jigsaw - the bully we've lacked since Paddy left.

    Totally agree that we need to play hardball - just like we did when Chelski went after Cashley. If they want Hleb that badly, give us Yaya or no dice

  38. Its funny how Barca can say one of their players isnt on the market, but when it comes to ours (Hleb), they can decide if he's on the market!

  39. Its a pity it isn't Real who want the Belarussian twat as then we could demand a proper defensive midfielder; Diarra. Or Pepe for Central defence.

    Ya Ya aint the answer and I doubt we are even in for him.

    Fuck it! Give us Eto'o AND Goofy Barca!

  40. Personally, I don't see anything wrong with the article. I don't see why Wrighty can't have his own opinion on the whole Hleb saga. No need for people to abuse him. If Barca want Hleb, why can't we demand Yaya. And 8mil for Hleb. That's a joke. Surely arsenal want the best possible outcome for themselves if they do sell Hleb, and I don't see you can think we should just sit back and accept 8mil. If barca's offer doesn't suit us, we should sell to someone else. Sinple.

  41. why is the article stupid - because it tries to suggest that Wrighty knows more about how to conduct transfers than probably the manager (ie Wenger) who has the most successful track record on transfers in terms of value for money in the world. Grow up!

  42. Like Franny Jeffers and Richard Wright and Reyes and Wiltord It's easy to spreadbet on youngsters and hope they come good.
    this is a manager who inhereted Berkhamp, Ian Wright, Adams, Keown, Dixon, Seaman. Winterburn, Parlour , Merson, Platt, At least 10 of the 98 double year..

  43. Have you asked EVERYONE!

  44. How does this article suggest Wrighty knows more than Wenger. If anything it agrees with what Wenger is trying to do, because the Barca sporting director has said Arsenal want to include Yaya in the deal. Therefore, the manager(ie Wenger)wants Yaya. Secondly, where in this article does it state that there is no optimism for the new season.

  45. Wright, Adams, Keown, Dixon, Seaman. Winterburn, Parlour , Merson, Platt - are they all still playing? I'd have thought they hung up their boots years ago.

  46. Most hung up there boots in 2002 and we ain't won anything since 2004 So your point is?

  47. AW has never spent big money on a Defensive Midfielder what maked u think he will now. They will want at least 10 mill, AW would rather pay 1m on a youngster

  48. What is wrong with this 'killa karl' guy? Someone open an asylum?

  49. Can any sane minded arsenal supporters see what these comments are doing to Wrighty's site?
    It's a real shame Wrighty!

  50. Ill meet you up anywhere little keyboard name is Simon ...and Im in Block C Row 20
    Just let me know....

  51. Arsenal have never spent lots of money on a defensive midfield players a fact.
    But the Premiership has caught up with Wenger now 10 years ago he could raid small French clubs for the Vieria's but those days are gone Every team is after the same few players and they are getting younger and younger and we are taking more chances. We have the highest season tickets in the premiership but we haven't won fuck all>

  52. They say they want 15-20 million for Hleb that is great. He don't even score goals and they want to pay 15-20 million. We can buy almost anybody for that price. Yeah we want Yaya but Arsenal the one with the player that want to leave not Barca. Yaya said he will go if they want but he's fine with staying there. It's Hleb that wants to go, why rot him when we could sell him why people want him and go a nice amount of money and buy somebody else.

    you really need to chill out, Arsenal have out smarted Barca and loads of others when it comes to this.

  53. Cool... I like it very much... than Barca is our feeder club..!!

  54. Good post. Short, sweet, and right to the point.

    If Hleb goes and we get Yaya Toure it would be a wonderful piece of business. Let's hope it goes that way.

  55. dude, calm down and think before you post silly things. We all love Arsenal but we are not Barcelona and we are not in control.

    How stupid must you be for writing that yourself !? We can make hleb our 'JUDAS' , so future clubs wont fuck with us ! ,reyes wants to go so we let him ,TH14 wants out too so he goes to barca , instead of having a public bidding for him ! anelka ,overmars the list is endless !

    THE time is now to hold on to our GOOD players who have given us 1 good season out of 2 ! BE more like rednose RE Ronaldo ! If the pricks want to give us 8 mil ! id rather hleb play good football for 2 years with us ! (in that time he might decide to stay anyhow!)

    WRIGHTY is right :)
    They want our player !!!
    we are riding this pony , not them!
    are any of you reading this ?
    we dictate the terms or we can sell him to bayern ! or back too stuggart !WHERE EVER !
    We can also tell him to sign a new contract or rot in the stiffs for the next 2 years and your fucking career @ 29 is almost in the toilet cunt! SO YOU CHOOSE !
    ( i like that option best myself, and im sure arsene will try to go for it ! )

    Too many AKB twats cluttering up your site wrighty !

    I cant read any more stupidity .
    however agree with your post 100% mate !!!
    im sure your bitches will be back tomorrow slandering you again !
    dont put up with it MATE !

  56. Why does everyone think Hleb is leaving? His agent is doing his job, talking up his player; but that's because he's trying to get paid. Hleb isn't going anywhere. However, the idea of Hleb sitting in the reserves is by far the dumbest thing I've read all summer. Congrats, Wrighty7.

    In the past two years, Yaya Toure has gotten too big to play for Arsenal. He's not agile and not very quick. He's built more like a NFL linebacker than a footballer. I'm not a fan.

  57. Wrighty,

    It appears as though your very good and provocative site is getting overrun by a group of foul mouthed children.

    These so-called fans are a blight. They have no perspective of Arsenal and it's history.

    Please ignore them

  58. is there no rest from you. I thought if I stopped reading Le Grove (not diffficult)(must be difficult for you to spell though !) I would be free from your constant whinging drivel (don't you have a life!)

    well if im everywhere you are we must have the same life asshole!

    constant whinging drivel???
    (cant you spell ?)
    well if arsenal wasn't so mis-managed and on such a losing streak due to players leaving for greener fields
    i wouldn't be complaining .
    and also grow a set of fuckin balls and be man enough to put your name in you fucking complaining bastards ! you included pencil dick !

  59. El Tel Says:
    June 13, 2008 at 7:26 pm


    Since doing away with MUTV/Sky I don’t get to see the foreign matches these days. Do you think Ya Ya is the right one for us, is there not a better option at Bayern Munchen for us to do a swap deal?

    Hey el tel hope you end up reading this , but i did read a bit on yaya , and they think he is a fan favorite already at Barca , i suppose thats why they wont let the cunt go !

    Thats also why i stuck up for wrighty , because what he says makes perfect sense !
    Barca will feel 'raped' like we do if we get yaya , so i think a swap deal is fair play ,
    Also i think arsene doesn't really want to get rid of hleb so he master plans a way of giving hleb his chance to go to barca , but barca will reject him !
    And fuck the 8 million ! he was purchased for 10-11 mil , you would want at least that back after only having 1 great season ! 15 mil is my evaluation of him , not a penny less , because thats what it will cost MINIMUM to replace his quality !!!!!!!!

  60. I really dont think we are looking for Yaya. While many of you seem to think he might be the answer to our problems I doubt wenger is thinking the same way.

    We had 100 different chances to sign Yaya way before he went to barca, and we let it pass. I really dont see what has changed since then from wengers point of view.

    Unlikely that we are in for Yaya.

  61. i dont think yaya is the solution either , the solution was as wenger stated 'KEEP THE TEAM TOGETHER' !
    more lies ..
    if he showed them the money they would stay !
    END OF !
    He didn't try too hard !

    id still like hleb to stay , i think he was pivotal last season , hence why people are trying to steal him away from us !
    And this is made worse by crappy wage policies , that seem not to apply to people like cesc ! ..

    If you dont treat all of your performers well and equally , you expect them to leave !
    If i was hleb id be asking why cesc at 21 years old gets paid more than himself ! Ok so right im off , do you really blame the cunt ??
    I dont !
    I blame the club for not paying him what he's worth !
    and before anyone starts talking money , may i remind you we are the dearest ticket in the EPL !
    Our fans pay to see quality , not kids ! Our season ticket is like the most expense of any in the EPL , dearer than ManU's or chevski's
    but they manage to give there clubs big name signings , and more importantly performers with experience !
    Wheres the money going ?
    2 million quid per game profit .
    and we cant even scrape together 25 million transfer kitty this season!

  62. Ethan's a bit like a disease -infacting all the Arsenal blog and taking them over with his inane ramblings. Of course he knows best - he is not really just a very sad loser with too much time on his hand.

  63. Why don't you try to argue Ethans points?
    Then he can come back to you and you can have a healthy discusion instead of just slating him off because you don't agree with him..D

  64. This is an example for you.
    Ethan we do not make a actual matchday profit.
    The revenue from a matchday is £3.1 million pounds but that has to go into the in box with other revenue.
    Just because we make that on a matchday where do you think player wages, staff wages, upkeep of the stadium, insurances, accountants, and endless other outgoings come from.

  65. I think you will find that Ethan and rational argument do not mix
