Wednesday, 18 June 2008

Milan quit the jibber jabber, Wengers grown some nuts!!!

Fair play to Arsene Wenger. Milan officials were shocked when a fax arrived from Arsenal that was personally signed by Arsene Wenger telling them that Adebayor is not for sale.

I've called out in the past for Arsenal to brush aside any transfer bullying from the so-called bigger glamorous clubs and it looks like we are taking a tougher stance.

After the Hleb shit that we have had to deal with all summer it's been refreshing to see a firm stance by Le Boss on the Adebayor situation.

We all always seem to be shat on by the so-called bigger clubs and the media. I hope that this message is loud and clear that Arsenal won't bullied into giving in to other clubs demands.

Mr Wenger, I salute you. You clearly have been eating plenty of Snickers chocolate bars and grown some bigger nuts. By telling Milan to quit the jibber jabber you have done Arsenal, Gooners and more importantly, you have done yourself proud.

Even Mr T would be happy!

Keep it Goonerish.........


  1. cool, now we just gotta deal with getting fifa to stop other clubs from turning players heads.

    I wouldnt be surpised if Madrid drive past cesc's house next season with a bunch of naked spanish models asking him to join.

  2. Ha ha good article wrighty7.

  3. Its about time Arsenal stood up for themselves in the transfer market.
    Arsene deserves a pat on the back

  4. good article those fuckin wankers in milan, madrid and barca have to learn to being said no too

  5. Well played Wrighty but if they get stuck with other options and come back with a bigger cheque would our Bank Manager (AW) tell them to get stuffed again?

    El Tel :-)

  6. i cant stand the way barc and meal madrid conduct there tranfers,they have this arigunts about them,they just wants they express an interest then the player they is just going come running.

    they are not in the driving seat adebouro has stated that he is happy at arsenal. when it comes to hleb they will have to pay 15 million and enger is not budging unless its cash + a player

  7. Basically there doesn't seem to be anything anyone can do about the unsettling of players by Barca, Milan et al - as Fergie found out with Ronaldo. UEFA are useless, the agents all try to make their 10% and the papers make up any old rubbish to get a headline. I don't even know if this story is true - 95% of "news" is crap, even (especially!) from so called quality sources such as the Telegraph and Mail.

  8. ur having a laugh arent u leon mate lol


  10. still acting like the clone I see Wrighty7. Arsenal are in the main responsible for this situation happening every season as I have said before. If a player knows he can earn alot more elsewhere then why wouldn't he be tempted? Its not like these players are local boys come good. We all know when it comes down to it very very few know what the word loyal means. Pay them the going rate and stop acting like a small town club ffs.

    As I have said before £32M for Adebayor - snap off their hands. He really isnt that good. 5 chances to score 1 comes to mind.

    Does anyone know the situation on any local talen coming through the reserves or younger? I am hoping we can get some home grown talent in the team in the next few seasons.


  11. Wrighty7

    Ill say this because I care..

    You are a typical gooner which I like... but to be fair this is the worst blog I have ever read in my life.. Arseblog.. Gunnerblog.. The Cannon they are blogs that can quite rightly claim to be the best blogs about... none of this childish shit.. have a look at arseblog and see how he writes his stuff.. genius!! he'll have you laughing your socks off with something not even attempting to be funny.. that guy can write.. this one is like a spastic at christmas drunk playing football manager.. seriously you're embarrassing us and yourself with this blog.. the best thing you can do is just quit while you're severely behind.

  12. Wrighty7

    Ill say this because I care..

    You are a typical gooner which I like... but to be fair this is the worst blog I have ever read in my life.. Arseblog.. Gunnerblog.. The Cannon they are blogs that can quite rightly claim to be the best blogs about... none of this childish shit.. have a look at arseblog and see how he writes his stuff.. genius!! he'll have you laughing your socks off with something not even attempting to be funny.. that guy can write.. this one is like a spastic at christmas drunk playing football manager.. seriously you're embarrassing us and yourself with this blog.. the best thing you can do is just quit while you're severely behind.

  13. cut the guy some slack you pompous fuckwit.
    get the feeling wrighty is a young guy taking time to write about his passion.
    whats your passion sunshine? shitting on people? you miserable twat !

  14. i actually agree with 14.32 but wouldn't put it so strongly..

    Wrighty's doing his best..

    oh and £32m for Adebeyor?? anyone who turns that down is a fool of the highest order


  15. why dont you spurs fans piss off back to your own deluded fantasy world you cunts...


  17. If Adebayor ended up not going, I hope he'll be reading blogs like this
    to realise how unwanted and overated he really is, and in turn fight and show his 32 mil worth next season.

  18. Ade's gotta go, Hleb too, they don't want to be gunners, so arrange best deal and let it go. don't come to arsenal for money alone. we don't pay top money until you earn it, see titi, we can be a bit toit' which get us into these messes at times(you get what you don't pay for in these cases). but come to arsenal with love and class and arsenal fc will make your life rich. martins, yaya in// hleb, ade out.
