Thursday, 20 November 2008

An Arsenal team meeting is needed and needed fast

In public Arsene Wenger loves to talk up Arsenal having a fantastic spirit and togetherness but behind the scenes it could be a different story altogether.

William Gallas has spoken of an argument he had to spilt up but would not reveal names. Maybe Gallas should not have made this public but it shows that something in the squad is not quite right.

When people spend a lot of time together they can fall out, its human nature. It happens in all walks of life and football is no different.

Maybe its time a team meeting was called. Let everyone have their say and clear the air. Any grievance's will be sorted and it will bring the squad closer together.

It feels so much better to get things off your chest and I'm sure that it would work for this Arsenal side.

I imagine there is plenty of frustration surrounding the Arsenal squad at the minute, I know that I'm frustrated!

The players hopefully have plenty of anger inside them at present. Getting it out will help a great deal.

Who knows, a meeting could change Arsenal's season? Maybe Arsene Wenger should try to install a "them against us" mentality into the squad.

Keep it Goonerish............


  1. Gallas is an A1 cnut Wrighty, going to the press with that is worse than the player causing the beef in the first place.

    Wenger need to give them a real dressing down and put a stop to all this before it gets out of hand.

    White Hart Pain

  2. It was just Gallas trying to direct the attention and blame away from his lack of leadership qualities. A team meeting should be held but Gallas has yet again shown his lack of leadership and intelligence. He really should'nt be captain. The really worrying this is that there is noone else capable of leading this team.

  3. I bet the only problems in the squad is that the rest of them hate Gallass. The fucking egomaniacal cunt sees it as the team having problems with each other.

  4. Mabbs, you have a personal vendetta with Gallas.

  5. I dont really care what we do

    we need to start winning trophies and fast otherwise Fabregas will leave

    a meeting would be a good idea though aslong as it is still about football

  6. Gallas is being made a scapegoat at Arsenal.

  7. @ The shrink..

    If Fabregas doesnt wanna play for Arsenal then fuck him, he can go sit on the bench at Barca if he wants

  8. leave him on the bench for a while...until he decides to keep his mouth closed!

  9. Everyone has said that there are big problems with attitude at Arsenal and we see that that transmits all the way through our club. We all knew the dressing room was not in harmony at the present yet the wails of derision at Gallas have become a joke. He has made many mistakes but he is made the scapegoat for everything since Birmingham last season. These guys have shown they are not man enough to step up and instead have been allowed to get away with alot of performances where they've had no bollocks. Gallas lack of leadership has been an issue for sure, but for 6 months last season everyone thought he was doing a grand job. Yet he has a wobbler and since the players have all been shit. So were the months before all down to Gallas, was he the sole reason we were so good? No. It was a team effort. As has our team capitulation. Everyone has been at fault. The performances have been shit and quite frankly if it was all smiles and laughter in the camp I wouldn't be any happier.

    Quite frankly all of you who attribute all of our problems to our captain want to wake the fuck up and realise that the other players have been hiding behind a man who has been blamed for our lack of silverware.

    Wrighty I'm with you mate

  10. Gallas is definitely being made a scapegoat at Arsenal Wrighty, but I doubt Wenger would do something like that.

  11. Think of it like this, would Arsenal be a better team without Gallas?

    I think not.

  12. Shouldn't we be wondering rather who Gallas is talking about that's a burden on the team? In a team this young, to have someone that has a bad attitude is likely to make the club unstable. That is a bigger issue than whether Gallas is a good captain. My guess is that it's Adebayor. I wanted him out 18 months ago because his ego is unbearable. I know I'm reaching a bit not knowing the player's identity but can anyone think of anyone else? I have noticed the vibe around Ade when he's sitting on the bench and he's always nouthing off, and the other players turn away. I may be wrong, but I'd like everyone to start paying attention because this is a big problem.

  13. Spot on Wrighty, I mean out of our 4 centre backs he is the best and most distinguished. If we had a big centre back in there who would attack the ball like LAursen, Chiellini then he'd flourish again. I watched Chiellini from Juve at the emirates cup, and when we played them he headed ball after ball out of the box, he was superb.

  14. Me and the majority of Arsenal fans by the sound of it Wrighty.

    You only have two other players you can give the armband to, Fabregas or Toure and I'm not sure Toure has the respect of the other players.

    The only other possibility is giving it to Neil Banfield's belly.

  15. Firstly there's no way he should have gone to the press with this. If he had a problem with it then go to Wenger about it.
    However, maybe he has a point these days about young players and respect. Everybody's been going on recently about why we don't get Keown in to sort out the defence or as assistant. Did anyone else hear about Senderos refusing to do what Keown asked in training when he helped us on our way to the Champion's League final? If these people won't listen to someone like Keown who has achieved things with the club, knows the history of the club then who will they listen to? I'd have been disgusted at that attitude if I was Keown. By the by, Senderos isn't there now but if he displayed this attitude then I'm sure others would too.
    As for Gallas, he's an idiot to go to the press. However, he is villified by so many, jumping on the media bandwagon. He's made mistakes, so did Henry as captain. I recall people moaning about Vieira as captain at first, just because he wasn't the same as Tony Adams. Whilst we could do with additions to the defence, it would be poorer if we took Gallas away at the moment. It's a team game and players benefit from good players around them. Fabregas hasn't turned into a bad player or one who doesn't care, he just doesn't have a Flamini so has to do now do a different job. Remember how Lampard went downhill when Chelsea sold Makelele? Then he' great again once they buy another defensive midfielder. So many players are poorer without the right personnel alongside them. Henry poorer without Bergkamp, Ljungberg poorer without Bergkamp, Fabregas poorer without Flamini, defence poorer without Flamini or Lehmann. Ashley Cole poorer without a Pires to play behind etc. etc.
    So many Arsenal fans are so spoilt. For me Wenger is making some mistakes right now but cast your mind back to before he was here, if you followed Arsenal back then that is.

  16. Gallas is a top class player wrighty, but its not working at arsenal, he either needs to be dropped as captain, or sold on to another club.

    i understand he is a good player mate, i do, but is he really being made a scapegoat, i dont think he is. hes doing it all himself mate.

    he fucked up last year at birmingham, it wasnt passion, it was a tantrum, hes hanging himself out to dry this season too, and his form is terrible also. he did it at chelsea and hes doing it here. he wants out.

    the problem is this year the players attitude, they are all paid too much and the majority of them are divas.

    they all have the attitude, we are the arsenal we play the best football in europe, but wheres your medals boys.

    there is serious dressing room discontent and we see it every week on the pitch, none of them like eachother and it shows. remember nikki b and ade last year?

    its time we got rid of the bad eggs in the club, the egos such as adebayor gallas bendtner and rvp, they are eating up the wage bill and not producing the goods and parade around like worldbeaters yet they dont deliver anything.

    its time to rebuild. get rid of the egos and introduce an english spine to the team. we need passion to balance the talent, not mercenary cry babys who through the rattle out of the pram when the going gets tough and blame eveyone else but themselves.

    saying we need an english spirit is not being predjudice either, we are an english team, we need english players.

    chelsea have them, man utd have them, liverpool have them, and guess what? they have all one more trophies than us in the last 4 years. FACT.

    gallas' time is up. hes fucked up with this statement and all the fans no it. you dont parade to the league that the players are fighting, it makes them want to play against us even more. the mental effects of this could be disasterous for the club.

    a few years ago when man utd were in their barren spell, a certain mr keane spoke out of turn and told the media about the man utd squad and all their problems and he slated the youngsters, the next season he was no longer a manutd player and the went on to reclaim the PL.

    wenger take note. thats how you deal with bad eggs, you get rid, no matter who they are or what theyve achieved.

  17. Matt,

    before arsene was here we were still winning trophies, we had a back 4 that were world class and wenger inherited that to build his attacking style on.

    he won all of his trophies with members of the old guard in the team, and now theyve all gone were are the trophies.

    wenger was a nobody in japan untilhe took over, he inherited a fantastic defence, he landed on his feet.

    wenger doesnt do defenders, he never has and now we are suffering.

    so dont start all that wenger knows bollox and the fans are spoilt. he obviously doesnt know or the trophy cabinet wouldnt ne collecting dust and the current team would be in a mess. and dont say we are spoilt, for the ticket prices we are paying we are being ripped off.

    you fucking sheep, go follow the shepard out of arsenal.

    i support arsenal fc not arsene fc. BAAAAAAAAAA!

  18. Gallas is a poisonous shithead, with no judgement or leadership skills. I hate the bastard.

    He pooped our team spirit when he laid into Clichy (100% Gooner)for giving the penno at Brum. I bet there are countless other unseen examples of his idiotic de-motivating interactions with this group. Don't even mention those pathetic on pitch motivational speeches where everyone looks like they would rather be anywhere else.

    Fabergas has been the natural leader of this team for the last 2-3 years and he wants it. Give him the armband and construct the team round him - simple.

    Agree with the comments about Adebayor, and unfortunately have always felt RVP was not a great tema man either. Toure is also shit now, but I think a good leader would pull all these together and not cause division.

    Puzzled why Wenger cannot see all this - maybe too much on his plate, too much power - still love him though

  19. Look at how Fabregas is struggling now.

    The captaincy would be a burden to him.

  20. Let's see Arsene put a positive spin on this one. 'A spirited dynamic in the team, lessons that will leave us with a healthier and happier squad'. Great, sounds good to me.

  21. I believe the player gallas is talking about is RVP

  22. You,Arsenal fans you don't want to tell things in the wright way. Gallas is wright, let him tell the truth. There is a malaise in the Arsenal team and that is the cause of bad results and Arsene Wenger is the one to blame because he doesn't show his autority and things look no really clear because of lie system of Arsene Wenger who never want to tell the truth. You Arsenal fans you can't accuse Gallas of lack of maturity. The solution is not to change the captain but it is the Wenger system that need to be changed. It is not bad that Gallas to come out and speak. How long you will keep Arsene Wenger safe while thing are not going well.
