Sunday, 16 November 2008

Arsene Wenger needs to put Arsenal first, not a players future

Arsene Wenger is the manager of Arsenal Football club and he needs to begin to put the future of Arsenal before any player.

I've heard him say many times before that he doesn't want to make a signing because it puts the future of a player in that position at risk. Its time Mr Wenger changed that philosophy.

Le Boss has put a huge amount of faith and trust into this squad, and how he is being rewarded for doing so!

The squad is full of talent, that cannot be denied but for me there is something else this set of players are lacking.

Its a simple case of attitude. If these players can't put in the effort for the less glamorous games then I suggest they fuck off. We supporters want to see commitment.

A squad could have all the talent in the world but it doesn't mean a thing if the attitude is all wrong. We lack the correct attitude and Le Boss needs to rectify it.

The players are not repaying Wenger's faith in them. It's time to put the club first and not the players. Arsene, you've given them the chance and they are struggling. Do the right thing, for Arsenal's sake.

Keep it Goonerish...............


  1. I agree...and for facks sake Arsene let that Badner fack with himself, Almunia can't masturbate himself with his left hand, saving a shot is a wayyy off thing!!! Why he keeps playing walcott on right and why Vela doesn't start before Badner???
    To me it looks like Badner, Silvestre, Denilson all suck Wenger's Arse every morning

  2. Good point.

    Also, last year our midfield usually had Rosicky, flamini, hleb, fab. Only 1 remains, which is why we're so disjointed.

    Now we have automatic first teamers who have no place being so.

    Whats better for a young player, coming in the squad occasionally to lift confidence and taken out to clear their heads when theyre in bad form, or throw them in the deep end and being first choice all year?

    Deco went for cheap, where we then? An experienced, creative player. Or when Mascherano was failing at West Ham, could have stolen in there?

    Compare our 'spine' to Liverpool who are moving us to the 4th best team currently in England

    Almunia / Reina

    Gallas Silvestre / Carragher Agger

    Denilson Fabregas / Masch/Alonso Gerrard

    Adebayor / Torres

    They win in every department.

    Very negative but hey..

  3. i agree with the post, but it most of all applies to walcott,
    hes never quite shown he can consistently play in our first team,
    super-sub he may be but not a starter, hes too selfish
    wishere is much further along than walcott imo, he should at least be given a chance.
    fabregas' heart is not in it, i think hes whining cos flamini has left, denilson has been pretty decent this year overall, but its actually fabregas letting Him down rather than the other way round in general.
    also bendtner can be a very good player, but hes not far enough along either, like walcott. vela has shown enough to think he should be getting a chance now
    1 other thing
    we have a terrible defensive record this year yet i dont think wev let in a single goal when djourou has played. food for thought for arsene perhaps...

  4. Spot on. Arsenal as a club comes first. Wenger is always leaving players like Van Persie out becuse of a 'slight knock', whereas in other teams the feckers would be told to play and run it off. Too much babysitting going on in my mind. These 'stars' earning megabucks need to start repaying us fans forking out for the highest ticket prices in the land. Take away the fecking underfloor heated changing rooms amd monogramed bath robes and get those spoilt feckers to play for the shirt rather than their agents. I'm sick of the whole 'be patient' attitude at Arsenal. Be patient for what? Players like Wilshire will be poached by more successful clubs who are determined to win things.

  5. I would also like to mention that the only youngster chance at Arsenal whose future would be jeopardised by a new player is a youngster who isn't good enough.

    Fabregas made it when there was plenty of experienced players ahead of him, and it was not because of a temporary injury crisis.

  6. Why can't you people just SUPPORT your team instead of whinging all the time? The problem right now is not so much a case of the players attitude but of CONFIDENCE, something articles and comments like this only serve the undermine. The players are human beings ffs don't you realise just how difficult it is competing at the very top level in any sport, and how detrimental YOUR ATTITUDE is towards them. Just take it on the chin and support them, there've been FAR, FAR worse times than this.

  7. yeh course, i dont want to attack any player, every one in the squad is good enough potentially, but its annoying that wenger is stubborn in his player selection, and theres players in the reserves who are more than good enough and far more motivated, or less tired than some of the players in the first team
    course u shuld support the team in the games, this is just discussion

  8. we have lost to all the same teams tottenham have
    we should merge clubs

    gratz from nigeria

  9. SUPPORT???

    I'm sorry but it's not a case of CONFIDENCE in my opinion.

    Seven days ago we beat the European and Premiership winners, if we are not confident after that when will we ever be???

    The players dont have the right attitude. It's good for the big games but not for the less glamerous games.

    These players need a kick up the arse for a change. They are always being pampered.

  10. These players need to EARN our support. Seems to me many of them are still wallowing in the glow created by great Arsenal teams of the past and they think we fans won't notice. I pay too much money to watch sub-standard players like Bendtner try to make a half-decent pass.The problem for the players is the fans know when they're watching good football and when they're watching shite. Wenger was 'too busy' watching the Euros to think about how he was going to strengthen the team and its coming back to bite his ass. What does he expect the fans to say? "Never mind...better luck next year." ?

  11. Agree. I think sometimes you have drop Denilson or Bendtner and bring in some of the Carling Cup lads. I think Nasri was really poor yesterday and bringing on Wilshere or Ramsey to inject some pace wouldn't of been a bad thing. I can't wait til Eduardo comes back. His ability and finishing could make a difference in games like Aston Villa and Fulham. A quality player like him on the bench would also be a massive boost mentally knowing you have him on the bench. Also why doesn't he try Diaby with Fabregas and see if that would work, not that Denilson is playing badly but he's not fast enough to be a DM. We miss Flamini. We would of won yesterday if he was still there or if we bought a midfielder of similar qualities. I think Fabregas feels restricted this season and thats why he hasn't had the same start as he did last season.

  12. i cant believe this turning a blind eye to walcott and fabregas
    especially walcott
    nasri and denilson have been far better than walcott and fabregas this season, but people think rewarding the poorer players is the way to go...
    denilson and ramsey in the middle would work better
    wilshere instead of walcott would be better too
    plus djourou has to be in


  14. Mr anonymous (18:21) I think all the people that comment on this blog and other realtive blogs do support and care about the gunners and mr wenger, but what arsene seems to be forgetting is that the people that go to watch them every home game are paying alot of money for the privelage and making sacrifices to do so,to coin an american phrase if they don't put a good "product" on the field, supporters will stop making those sacrifice and financially arsenal will be in worse trouble.
    if we go on like this being mediocre we eill be fighting for
    5th or 6th place and cesc wil be gone in the summer(I thingk he is already 3/4 of the ay the already,
    you would not see mr ferguson fall in love with his players as arsene does if they don't play well they are dropped or sold. he has a really great team and stocks it with 1or 2 extremely good players
    each year even if they are very expensive, buy 3-7 million pound
    players and get a 3-7 mill team rather than a very good team, as my dad used to tell me don't be penny wise and pund foolish as we
    seem to be at the moment.
    and to reply to the people who say
    we have great younsters coming through yes we may do but how many
    have left before they given us there talents flamini, anelka, bently to name just three.
    so mr wenger you owe the supporters
    a great team for now and the future with maybe a mixture of bought experience and nurtured players otherwise instead of 57-60000 attendance you may have 25-40000, I wish us all the best for now andthe future ...thanks

  15. And writing in CAPITALS is just plain rude.

  16. wrighty mate, im sorry i know you'll disagree but bendtner isnt that good. hes clumsy, lacks power,pace, he cant shoot and his ball control and 1st touch is terrible for an arsenal player.

    hes lazy and egotistical, hes got the attitude of berbatov but with only 2percent of the talent.

    weve seen enough of him now to know hes not good enough, vela has overtaken him.

    but its players like bendtner and song which are the problem at the minute, we have too many average players and too much dead wood at the club. we need a shake up so your right things need to change, but bendtner is 1st one out for me.

  17. hes got something
    some games bendtner is awesome,
    extremely inconsistent tho
    dont think it helps when ppl are on his back in the games

  18. David,

    I totally respect your opinion mate.

    Its clear to see that the current mob seem to be struggling to cut the mustard.

    Lets hope changes are made!

  19. the only way the fans can really tell the club what they think is with their wallets. dont go to games or buy shirts and thats when the board will sit up and listen. I think the fans can take not winning trophies, but they cannot take a lack of effort or character when they can see players who have won nothing, being given 80k per week contracts like they are going out of fashion. Its us mugs that have to foot the bill. Being heavily rewarded for being shit really grates with most people.

    Djourou would have tackled Agbonlahor for their second goal but we'd still have lost 1-0.

  20. Il have to disagree with that. bendtner is not awesome. iv never seen anything that will tell me otherwise.

    everytime i see him play he brings nothing to the table. iv seen him do 1 good pass against westham, and one good header against spurs. in about 30 games iv watched him in hes done nothing else.

    its the same with song, he looks like hes stoned all the time, slow and lazy.

    players like ramsey, vela, JD fabianski, wilshire, they show promise, you see it when they play bendnter and song are just shit.

    i dont blame wenger, hes put his faith in this shower of shit and look how theyve repaid the greatest manager in the clubs history.

    i feel now though, that wenger has seen sense, hes stood by them long enough, he cant defend tham anymore and until xmas he can do nothing, but we will see signings.

    he'll rebuild now for next year, hes got no choice, we are fighting for fouth spot this season and our rivals for that position have just beaten us at home. the emirates was supposed to be a fortress, that was highlighted at the AGM, and weve lost twice already.

    the reserves are tearing it up and the 1st team are punching above their weight. the future holds much promise but the present leaves much to be desired. the future is important to the club, but the present is essential for the future to succeed.

  21. IF playes have to "EARN" your support then just piss off.
    There commitment has been questionable, but Pride Park sold out last year throughout the season despite Derby losing almost every game.
    Show some pride in your team. We are going through a rough trot at the moment, but we are still 4th and 9 points is not that bigger gap given how badly we have played. we probably wont win the EPL, but we have a good chance in the FA Cup or the CL, so get behind the team.
    It's not Wangers fault. He puts his neck on the line every week, protecting his players from criticism and it is there job to stand up, and I'm sure they will.
    Bendtner will come good.

  22. well put david,

    i have highlighted the problems i feel are wrong with the cuurent side

    1. Goalie. Almunia. Great shot stopper but no good with crosses and regularly is out of position against long shots. the majority of the goals against us have come from crosses or shots from outside the box, the defence has been questioned for lacking heading abilities and the midfield has been critisised for not closing down, but almunia has to be held accountable also. hes not even an international, every top side has a top international keeper, we need one.

    2. Central defence. We lack pace and power and authority at the back, we need a giant speedy defender.

    3.wingers. we have none. players are being asked to play out of position. how can we expect to get the best out of nasri and walcott when they are playing out of position.

    4. DM's. we have none. same problem with denilson, how can we get the best out of him and the rest of the midfield when there are no specialist players filling the roles. since last season weve lost three DMs in diarra, gilberto and flamini, and they havent been replaced. we cant expect the players we have now to defend as a team when its not in their natural game to defend individually.

    walcott is a striker nasri, cesc diaby and denilson are central attack minded midfielders. the midfield has no shape or balance.

    last year we had hleb, who could dribble, flamini, who could run all day and tackle, rosicky who could create space and cesc who could pass. perfect balance.

    this year we have too many players there who dont no what their doing and individual bits of brilliance doesnt bring you consistency.

    5.lethal, deadly 1 shot one goal finisher. we have two. eduardo who has been out for a year and vela who wenger wont play. until eduardo comes back we will continue to fluff chances.

    we have a lot of talented individuals, but as a team they dont work. wenger has to go out and get at least 5 players before we can consider winning the title again. until then its fourth at best.

  23. great point, totally agree with you! I think that time has come to step out on the market and spend some cash on well known players, players who will bring us some experience and help those young talented guys to improve, to become constant, to show better football.

  24. anon 01.11

    players do have to earn respect. derby county fans arent promised trophies every year, they no what to expect.

    pride park doesnt also charge the highest prices in europe.

    we have been fobbed off by the board and we are pissed off now.

    we do support our team, we support our team with our fucking wallets during a credit crunch and we get fuck all in return but a load of overrated overhyped egotistical set of twats that arent fit to clean rockys boots.

    weve won nothing in three seasons and we charge higher prices than manyoo who incase you missed it are a quality side.

    we are sick of kids. weve got enough, weve been at le grove for three seasons. wheres the money going? wheres the quality signings we were promised.

    we will always love and support our team but we will not let the board use our love for ransom every year by ripping us off to watch a load of rubbish. we pay our money, we have a right to kick up a stink.

    and if you dont like that then you fuck off.

  25. No supporter with half a brain continues to support a club selling bs. Wake me up in five years when we have a real team.

  26. It's not the kids fault if they are asked to step up before they are ready. It's not the fault of some of our youngsters if they don't have what it takes in terms of mental toughness.

    Our midfield is full of players who are still at an age where inconsistency is common, mental and physical dips are common and we can scream at them hey do it cos you've been given the chance and you should f**king do it. BUT NEWSFLASH that doesn't mean they will be able to

    And while we are all busy shouting the odds... the truth is when this 'experiment' is over Arsene may have on his conscience the ruination of several young mens promising careers. Ever think of that.

  27. My concern is that this is going to get worse. Every other team in the EPL has worked out how to expose our weaknesses and shut us down now.

    Wenger has not done anything to counter this, he's done nothing to improve the defensive problems that have plagued us for years now, and he has not said anything to acknowledge that there are any problems that need to be addressed.

    Just think, why is it that Arsenal make 1 defensive error and then the opposition always score. But we need 20 chances to put 1 in.

    When we lose he only talks about how well the opposition played. And it's always that we were lacking physically or not sharp. Bollocks. If he's not going to acknowledge the problems, they won't get fixed.

    That he's come out now and said he doesn't know why the team is inconsistent should set off alarm bells. How does he expect to fix it then?

  28. Yes, PLAYERS need to EARN our respect. The BADGE has my entire respect as I have supported this club since I was old enough to kick a ball. I don't worship every kunt who puts on an Arsenal shirt because I understand many of them are average footballers or have zero allegiance to Arsenal as a club and its history. They're here for the next big wage packet and the bright lights of exposure. I support players when they give as much as they can to the cause. I recognise that many can't give 100% all of the time, but I can't bring myself to support those who don't try or who think of themselves as bigger than the club, and there are a few in the dressing room who fall into that category. What's worse is they don't have the talent they think they have in the first place. In any other team, not playing Wengerball, they would be crap.

  29. This game hurt. Given the context of coming off a week’s rest, of beating United with the same lineup, of playing at home, and of the youth team dismantling Wigan in such sparkling fashion that was perhaps the ugliest Arsenal game I have seen all season.

    First, and perhaps most painful, is the fact that the team played without any passion. From the kickoff they looked nervous, uncertain, and very early on made key mistakes that led to yellow cards. Denilson picked up a yellow in the 10th minute and Fabregas in the 18th, this essentially de-fanged Arsenal’s midfield, true, but is there anyone who watched the match who thought that at any point that Arsenal team might come out and try to put a physical stamp on the match? Try to bully the win from Villa? No. Because this team lacks true passion. They can get geed up for a game, but when push comes to shove, when Agbonlahor knocks one of our players off the ball, no one is there to push back. Losing a game happens, but losing a game and letting the other team push you around because you didn’t give your best, because you caved in and let them push you around? That’s not Arsenal football.

    Worse than that, though, is the fact that the Captain of the team is one of the people who can be pushed around. Gallas is more likely to have a hissy fit than to tackle a showboating Nani off the pitch like Flamini did last year. And that’s the second big problem; ok, so let’s all agree that Gallas isn’t captain material, who is? Cesc? ha! If he was captain material he would have shown it by now. In any organization if there is a leadership gap a natural leader will rise and fill that gap — unless there isn’t a natural leader. Who then, Adebayor? Nasri? Denilson? Diaby? Do I have to keep going? Each name is more comical than the next. Arsenal have no leader. Gallas is “leader” only because someone has to wear the captain’s armband.

    The third big problem is tactical. I don’t quite think Wenger has lost the plot but he seems to be jumping around from chapter to chapter looking for a story line. It’s pretty clear that Arsenal’s tactic of 70% possession and 9 men in the opponent’s end of the pitch has been found out. Further, it’s clear that this team have no clue as to how to defend corners and set pieces: well, at least Almunia has no clue. Against teams that play open, attacking football, Arsenal are clearly superior. Against teams that invite them to attack, like footballing rope-a-dope, it’s clear that Arsenal are not superior. I’m not sure any team could put 9 men in the opponent’s half, pass the ball around, and expect their defenders to handle the inevitable counter. Sol Campbell couldn’t do it, Senderos couldn’t do it, Toure couldn’t do it, Gallas can’t do it, show me the 6′3″ defender who can clear every set piece, has the pace to catch Agbonlahor and the strength to knock him off the ball at the right moment. I’m not going to pretend that I have even a shred of the tactical genius that Wenger has but I think Arsene Wenger is asking a whole lot of his defenders. The overlapping play is nice and all but Arsenal seem to be sacrificing everything to go forward.

    Which brings me to the last problem, the one that we didn’t see yesterday but the one that everyone talks about all the time — Wenger’s reluctance to buy someone. First off, it’s November 16th, in the EPL there are 7 games between now and January, so, unless Arsene buys a free agent (the best of which is Stephen Appiah) the season will be over before he can bring anyone in. Up until last week, I was of the mind that we should let Arsene do whatever he wants to do; Arsene Knows Best and all that. I even said, “well more than any other season this one is an up and down season.”

    But I’ve changed my mind — watching Man U, Chelsea, and Liverpool destroy their opposition week in and week out will do that to you. Chelsea have allowed a stingy 4 goals this season, their goal differential is an insane 28 while Arsenal have allowed a whopping 15 (10 of which were at home). Far from the idea that there has been a contraction in talent this season, rather, more than any other season Arsenal are the ones who look ordinary.

    For me, this plainness in the squad comes down to the one position: Fabregas’ water carrier. I have watched Denilson and he is not good enough — Barry showed the gulf in class in that position yesterday. I don’t care what Wenger says, Denilson cannot cope with the most crucial position on this Arsenal team. He’s a good kid and all, he means well, but he’s not able to do it. I have to wonder if Wenger doesn’t already know — all you have to do is look at the fact that Wenger is playing 5 men in the midfield at home games to see that he doesn’t think Denilson can do it.

    Put someone in there with Cesc who has fire in his belly, someone who will help control the tempo, someone strong, commanding, and someone who can provide some leadership and this is a very different Arsenal team. Basically, it would be the Arsenal team of last year minus the pointless dribbling of Hleb and plus the goalscoring of Nasri.

    So, if I was Wenger, I would sign someone like Appiah, now. Then, I might also change my game plan a bit and play a little less open. Have the defenders not get so far forward. Maybe ask the keeper to come and claim some balls off set pieces. Reign in the radical experiment just a little, because what they are doing right now, just isn’t working. Every team in the EPL has to look at what Hull, Fulham, Sunderland, Stoke, and now Aston Villa has done and be excited to play Arsenal — that has to be seen as love’s labour lost.

  30. This game hurt. Given the context of coming off a week’s rest, of beating United with the same lineup, of playing at home, and of the youth team dismantling Wigan in such sparkling fashion that was perhaps the ugliest Arsenal game I have seen all season.

    First, and perhaps most painful, is the fact that the team played without any passion. From the kickoff they looked nervous, uncertain, and very early on made key mistakes that led to yellow cards. Denilson picked up a yellow in the 10th minute and Fabregas in the 18th, this essentially de-fanged Arsenal’s midfield, true, but is there anyone who watched the match who thought that at any point that Arsenal team might come out and try to put a physical stamp on the match? Try to bully the win from Villa? No. Because this team lacks true passion. They can get geed up for a game, but when push comes to shove, when Agbonlahor knocks one of our players off the ball, no one is there to push back. Losing a game happens, but losing a game and letting the other team push you around because you didn’t give your best, because you caved in and let them push you around? That’s not Arsenal football.

    Worse than that, though, is the fact that the Captain of the team is one of the people who can be pushed around. Gallas is more likely to have a hissy fit than to tackle a showboating Nani off the pitch like Flamini did last year. And that’s the second big problem; ok, so let’s all agree that Gallas isn’t captain material, who is? Cesc? ha! If he was captain material he would have shown it by now. In any organization if there is a leadership gap a natural leader will rise and fill that gap — unless there isn’t a natural leader. Who then, Adebayor? Nasri? Denilson? Diaby? Do I have to keep going? Each name is more comical than the next. Arsenal have no leader. Gallas is “leader” only because someone has to wear the captain’s armband.

    The third big problem is tactical. I don’t quite think Wenger has lost the plot but he seems to be jumping around from chapter to chapter looking for a story line. It’s pretty clear that Arsenal’s tactic of 70% possession and 9 men in the opponent’s end of the pitch has been found out. Further, it’s clear that this team have no clue as to how to defend corners and set pieces: well, at least Almunia has no clue. Against teams that play open, attacking football, Arsenal are clearly superior. Against teams that invite them to attack, like footballing rope-a-dope, it’s clear that Arsenal are not superior. I’m not sure any team could put 9 men in the opponent’s half, pass the ball around, and expect their defenders to handle the inevitable counter. Sol Campbell couldn’t do it, Senderos couldn’t do it, Toure couldn’t do it, Gallas can’t do it, show me the 6′3″ defender who can clear every set piece, has the pace to catch Agbonlahor and the strength to knock him off the ball at the right moment. I’m not going to pretend that I have even a shred of the tactical genius that Wenger has but I think Arsene Wenger is asking a whole lot of his defenders. The overlapping play is nice and all but Arsenal seem to be sacrificing everything to go forward.

    Which brings me to the last problem, the one that we didn’t see yesterday but the one that everyone talks about all the time — Wenger’s reluctance to buy someone. First off, it’s November 16th, in the EPL there are 7 games between now and January, so, unless Arsene buys a free agent (the best of which is Stephen Appiah) the season will be over before he can bring anyone in. Up until last week, I was of the mind that we should let Arsene do whatever he wants to do; Arsene Knows Best and all that. I even said, “well more than any other season this one is an up and down season.”

    But I’ve changed my mind — watching Man U, Chelsea, and Liverpool destroy their opposition week in and week out will do that to you. Chelsea have allowed a stingy 4 goals this season, their goal differential is an insane 28 while Arsenal have allowed a whopping 15 (10 of which were at home). Far from the idea that there has been a contraction in talent this season, rather, more than any other season Arsenal are the ones who look ordinary.

    For me, this plainness in the squad comes down to the one position: Fabregas’ water carrier. I have watched Denilson and he is not good enough — Barry showed the gulf in class in that position yesterday. I don’t care what Wenger says, Denilson cannot cope with the most crucial position on this Arsenal team. He’s a good kid and all, he means well, but he’s not able to do it. I have to wonder if Wenger doesn’t already know — all you have to do is look at the fact that Wenger is playing 5 men in the midfield at home games to see that he doesn’t think Denilson can do it.

    Put someone in there with Cesc who has fire in his belly, someone who will help control the tempo, someone strong, commanding, and someone who can provide some leadership and this is a very different Arsenal team. Basically, it would be the Arsenal team of last year minus the pointless dribbling of Hleb and plus the goalscoring of Nasri.

    So, if I was Wenger, I would sign someone like Appiah, now. Then, I might also change my game plan a bit and play a little less open. Have the defenders not get so far forward. Maybe ask the keeper to come and claim some balls off set pieces. Reign in the radical experiment just a little, because what they are doing right now, just isn’t working. Every team in the EPL has to look at what Hull, Fulham, Sunderland, Stoke, and now Aston Villa has done and be excited to play Arsenal — that has to be seen as love’s labour lost.

  31. Right so we Derby County now are we?

  32. why don't djourou and vela start. it looks like this season we shall leak in lots of goals, so we need to be outscoring our opponents, and definitely bendtner can't do that for us, play vela for God's sake

  33. clichy is the most obvious candidate for captain me thinks. he seems to be the only who ever tries to drive us forward

  34. @ the long anonymous article: spot on man. It's up to Wenger now to call the problems for what they are and address them. What worries me is that this will mean admitting he has made mistakes, and I don't know if he can do that.

    @ the emrys: no way is Clichy captain material. We need a strong man in the middle of the park, like Vieira, or for that matter Keane, Gerrard, or if your defense is fearsome, Adams or Terry.

    Right now, I think this season will be totally gone by Xmas, so the January transfer window is useless to us. We will miss the Champions League this year and win nothing. But I think this needs to happen before some really fundamental changes are made. The system Wenger is playing at the moment isn't working, he's got it wrong. If you look at draws as well as our losses we've had a ridiculous number of bad results.

    So yeah, we are a bit like Derby County at the moment. Show me another team this year that will lose to Hull, Fulham, and Stoke. It won't be a team in the top 4 I can guarantee you.

  35. what a bunch of tossbags on this shite a total bunch of cockmonkeys supporting the greatest club in the world through sky see you all at city on saturday no i didnt think so wanking cuntbutlers
