Thursday, 6 November 2008

Fabregas looks FRUSTRATED

I'm no expert in the science of body language but you wouldn't need to be an expert looking at Cesc Fabregas last night. He looked totally frustrated and forlorn.

I've never seen Cesc look so down. His shoulders were slumped and he didn't really seem up for it. I know that players have bad days and bad games but his performances haven't been up to the standard of last season. And last night was his worst.

Maybe its just the fact he misses his mates Hleb, Senderos and Flamini. They were all very close off the field so perhaps Cesc needs to get over the fact they are not there anymore.

The teams plight certainly isn't helping matters. Arsenal are lacking form and confidence and when that happens teams tend to look to their best player for inspiration. Fabregas is Arsenal's best player but at the age of 21 that is too much pressure for him too handle. Hence the reason he isn't captain.

There is no doubt that Fabregas is among the best midfielders in the world but even the best needs a solid partner to help. Last season he had Flamini as his side-kick and I'd argue that their partnership would have developed to be as good as the Vieira-Petit combination.

This season Denilson is his partner and I think that together they have struggled. Denilson is a good player but I don't think that he is up to playing every week consistently yet. I think Denilson is a good stand by for Cesc at the moment and will be a great player in the future but Cesc needs more than he offers. Saying that I thought Denilson had a decent game last night.

I'm not saying that Cesc Fabregas wants to leave Arsenal, far from it, but I do feel he is becoming increasingly frustrated at the direction of the club at the moment. We had such a promising team last season and went desperately close to winning honours. He then wins the Euro's with Spain only for Arsenal to be struggling this season. No wonder he is frustrated.

Keep it Goonerish.................


  1. I think having Rosicky back would improve his form and his mood. Hell knows when he'll be back though.

  2. Pissed off with Wenger, 4 barren years and we are no nearer success now than we were in 2005, in fact we are further away. Ditch the no spending policy and bolster the squad with the quality we need, unless we are to fall into mid-table obscurity. You think I'm kidding, take a look at our squad!

  3. i thot denilson was pretty good yesterday.. fabregas was off color and has been for most of this season.. the poorest was bendtner

  4. Cesc looks like his sat-nav is broken.

    I haven't seen him play a poorer game than last night. Either he needs to go back to his old haircut or patch things up with his girlfriend... something isn't right and he's been looking a bit off since mid last season.

    Bendtner had a terrible night and looked like he didn't want the ball.

    I think the key thing is that we are really missing Flamini.

  5. Now I hear Wenger saying we are tired and fatigued, but surely if we had bought some decent players and had a bigger squad, fatigue wouldnt be a problem, also teams are gonna always foul us (We play beautiful football)why moan when we should learn to play around these style tactics, I love Arsenal but that mans a walking contradiction

  6. Wenger needs to stop the moaning and get on with it.

    It doesn't help the team and it gives the opposition the tools to use these tactics.

  7. Wnger is merely commenting on the tiredness of our players to divert attention away from them.
    He is a master of the media and is drawing attention to himself to avoid his players becoming overly scrutinised and losing their confidence - even more so than know.
    Give Wenger and the team a break.

    And to the anonymous guy who thinks we will fall into mid table obscurity, go support another team.
    We are 4th and havent played at all well this year. Once we start playing well we will take apart team and maybe this year we will peak at the right time.
    Get behind the team on Saturday, I'm sick of hearing the booing of players when people like me would give an arm and a leg to be an Arsenal member.

  8. Correct me if I’m wrong but we don’t need to go into the transfer market for a new Centre Back. Whenever the Swiss Rock Djourou has played, Arsenal have kept a clean sheet.

    In last night’s game against Fenerbahce he was immense and even though he committed the foul that led to the yellow card, it showed that he will let his opponents know that “he is there”. He and Silvestre had a good night and Djourou just attacked anything and everything in the air which is EXACTLY what we need. We had that type of defender in Senderos, but Djourou has pace as well. If we are going to struggle to score goals we at least need to make sure we don’t concede.

    Another thing. Fabianski was impressive in goal - much better than “Ow! My Face!” Almunia. Rather than do nothing at least Fabianski will go and punch the ball at the risk of his own well being unlike Almunia who would stand there and hope for the best.

  9. I've wanted Djourou to start for ages, so much so someone even asked if I was having dinner with him!

    I hope he starts against United.

  10. Maybe Wenger aint cutting it in the sack anymore ???

