Saturday, 22 November 2008

Arsene needs to use the cheque book in the January sales

It was bad enough watching the game on some poxy stream on my PC but the people I really feel for are the Gooners who travelled up to Manchester to watch an absolute pile of shit.

We Gooners spend fortunes following Arsenal and while I agree that we have to take the rough with the smooth that performance today was unacceptable.

William Gallas has taken some severe stick but he is right, these players have no arsehole for a fight. The worst thing is we didn't even need to fight today!

Manchester City didn't even try to batter us, they simply outplayed us and at times it looked like a training session to them.

This Arsenal squad has a huge amount of talent and the future looks bright, the present however looks worryingly uncertain.

Some of the players are not ready and need to be guided. But who is there to guide them?

Arsene Wenger must now realise the squad is letting him down badly. It's time to act. If we don't get the cheque book out in January the season is in real danger of collapsing.

We don't need a clear out as some are suggesting, we need to add to this squad. Only then can we begin to salvage our season.

We have gone from title contenders to a battle for fourth place. It's not ideal but I hope in a strange way that us struggling will force Arsene Wenger into entering the transfer market.

Keep it Goonerish..................


  1. I agree we need to buy a dm
    but wenger can not play bentdner alone upfront
    he looked lost

  2. we have to spend in all areas of the park, centre back, centre mid and a striker, gk maybe.

    maybe a right winger as well

    we neeed a few in 2 save this season:), maybe wenger will go sign kanchelskis and lee sharpe.

  3. Big time. In Jan Wenger will do perhaps what he should of done in the summer. But it's gotta be said that we are so unlucky with injuries and now we need a new capt.

  4. the players didnt let anybody down.
    they just are not meant to be playing top level football every week with so much pressure.
    these set of young players have been fast tracked to play in the premiership.
    i doubt if any of us would get on a plane know a teenager was the pilot

  5. this problem stems from the manger he has refused to buy any experiened players,you may not like gallas as a captain but the fact is was 100% accurate about the teams lack leadership and steel,wenger seams to be on mission to prove he can win with kids just relying on technical abality and potential.he has made severalvery bad decisions,he clearly over fab due the lack of experience he in midfield, they still look very leaky at the back,but up front bretna is not good enough, and vela should be given more chances but he refuses to that,he lost 3 dm not replace even one and evon he could find anyone in the at least get someone on loan but he didnot want to that either.

    i feel arsenal need to bring in some british steel in the team but that going tohappen, i give wenger alll credit for what he has done the past and young talent he hads brought into the team but if arseanl go without winning anything this season, then maybe its time bring in a new manager with fresh ideas

  6. i went to the game, if that wasnt bad enough i had to sit with their fans.

    i watched the game with the expectation we were going to get beat.

    we were absolutely rubbish. song and bendtner are a total waste of space, and what kept baffling me was every time denilson got the ball, he kept giving it to song to do something with it???? WTF!!!!! surely it should of been the other way round.

    we were a shambles. wenger needs to start from scratch and rebiuld the team because half our squad are crap and the other half are average.

    we kept passing the ball from side to side and its time for a rethink in tactics, all this pass pass pass bullshit isnt working, we get caught on the break and we have no creative options once we get to the final third, everyone looks for another fucking pass either to the wing or back to the midfield and nobody ever shoots or looks for a through ball.

    it was a disgrace. i was sat rite behind the goal and at one point when city had a corner, vela and denilson were stood chatting on the near post, vela said something to denilson and denilson just looked at the scoreboard, we were 2 nil down and denilson just shrugged his shoulders and laughed.

    i felt like shouting YOU TOSSER at him but i was sat with their fans so i had to keep quiet.

    what a fucking joke this team are. all the youngsters a overrated and overpaid.

    time for a clear out, lets start playing the carling cup kids cos they show they care.

    ian wright was right, we need english players at the club cos these overpaid foreign mercinaries dont give a toss about the badge.

    if it was up to me we need practically a new team, id keep vela ramsey wilshire djourou clichy nasri sagna cesc walcottand the rest can fuck off,

    this is the worst team of wengers reign and it wouldnt suprise me if he carries on with them he'll lose his job.

    this is the year we drop out of the top 4. it doesnt matter about january signings, we need at least 5 players to make a differance and we'll probably get one.

    steven ireland ran that midfield, he made denilson song and diaby looked second division. mancity have been made to look silly in defence this season but we failed to break them down once apart from bendtners shit attempt at goal.

    im fucked off with this side, wheres the fucking passion.

  7. jonjen i must agree i dont think song or delinson are ready,wenger has put alot of un needed presure on these players when he could bought a few more experiened players but do think wenger should go because i think should

  8. Interesting comment on Denilson, JonJon.

    Can only hope that you misheard it.

    Agree with everything else you say, nonetheless.

  9. Goons with guns,

    i didnt hear anything mate it was too loud and they were probably speaking latino or something, but i could see they were talking to each other and when denilson looked at the scoreboad that said 2-0 and shrugged his shoulders and laughed, that said it all to me mate, i didnt need to hear anything.

    bunch of tossers. its ok fans saying to other fans get behind and support the team, but why should we when they so obviously dont give a fuck about the club or us, the are all the best paid kids in the world on 30-40k a week, as long as they get their cheque, why should they guve a fuck, winning trophies is not what motivates them, money is. fuck them, why do we have a wage bill bigger than manutds when we are full of kids and we dont win anything,

    wenger pisses me off, why spend a boat load of cash on wages on children that are average and then turn around and say we have to be careful spending the transfer kitty, what aload of bollox.

  10. That is a disgrace to see that Jonjon.

    Who does Denilson think he is?

  11. Jon are right on the money. I can't believe Wenger keeps lying to us and himself with regards to how good he thinks they are. You just cannot have a team full of 21 year olds....Denilson was unbelievable today....i mean he was soo bad I couldn't believe it. And its not because he can't make 5 yard passes. its jsut that he isn't mature enough to play at this level yet with this amount of pressure. We need a leader in midfield who isn't 21. Alot has changed in the team from last year. Flamini, hleb and rosikcy were older. hleb and Rosicky in particular was expecptional players in germany with bags of experience. You can't replace them with a bunch of 20 year olds. You just can't.

    Van persie got no service today, we were clueless in the midfield today. No creativity. Watch last year's breattaking creative play from cesc, helb and rosicky and you will see the difference.

    Bentnder is really shit as well....he really is worth Dogshit.

    I can go on...I am sooo pissed.

  12. like said jonjen

    i feel its time to bring a new manager and fresh things up because wenger is going to change his policy

  13. Fuck denilson. Atleast Van persie tried the underhanded tricks because he cares.....The rest were absolutely clueless today. Absolutely awful.

    Tear up gallas's Contract. Bloody Prick. Throw Denilson into the reserves. let him fight his way back into the first team so he doesn't take it for granted. Give Ramsey the nod, if he can't take the pressure throw him out as well.

    At the end of the day if all the great youngsters in the reserves and first team can't perform in the present then buy experienced players.

    We arn't fighting for a competition that gives first place to teams which develop talent for the future. He are in a competition that gives points for performances in the present.

    Absolute bullshit.

  14. Our main problem is confidence, pure and simple. Perhaps he will add one or two but quite clearly he is not going to replace the whole team. All true gooners can do is stand up and support those young lads, what they need is encouragement, not sniping and blame. COME ON YOU GUNNERS

  15. Those people out there calling themselves gooners who can't take defeat on the chin should fuck off you're not helping. We need support, not sniping and blame. If you can't handle the tough times you shouldn't follow football. True gooners stand up and be counted

  16. You know that wrighty mate,

    i used to like denilson, i thought he was one of the youngsters who could make it, i felt sorry for him when fans were getting on his back but hes been ok this season and its not his fault wenger asks him to play DM, but after today i want his guts.

    Anon 20;38

    i do support my team, i sat with the fucking mancity fans today to support my team, but how can i get behind players like denilson when he obviously couldnt give a fuck about me or any other fan that pays his fucking wage.

    leon, i would say its a bit extreme to say sack wenger, after everything he's done he deserves time to sort it out, but your right, it his all his own doing, i reckon if he doesnt use the next two windows to rebuild and get in the players we need, and not 17year olds, then it is time to say bye bye, but lets give him the rest of this season and the next to prove he can do it.

    if nothing changes then he should go,

  17. yeah. if we are not going to win anything, let us lose more games so that wenger will be forced to open his cheque book.
    we desperately need an energetic defensive midfielder to protect our back four and we are looking extremely short on the flanks. we never knows when rosicky will ever play again (or even if he does return in january, you'll never know if he'll last until february), eboue is only as good as a backup to first team, walcott is not quite ready for regular first team yet and he is more effective coming off the bench to take on some tiring legs, diaby should not be played on wide areas.. so that leaves us with one good, proper winger which is of course in his first season.
    these are the two areas that we need to strengthen in january. its good to see wenger giving djourou a chance today and i thought he did pretty well. we need to bring armand traore back to give clichy a bit of competition. he is way too comfortable in his current position and he is beginning to make more and more mistakes. i hope wenger will play wilshere or ramsey a little bit more often too just to give fabregas and co a bit more much needed competition. bendtner is still not ready for first team, so is carlos vela but we have adebayor, van persie and eduardo so we have enough depth up front. every top team has a magician in the team to score some flute+brilliant goals especially when things are not going too well. we used to have henry, liverpool has gerrard, chelsea has lampard, man utd has ronaldo. i used to think that van persie is our new magician but it seems like he has lost his magic wand. perhaps with eduardo playing again, van persie will be forced to take out his magic wand again to keep his place.
    we don't need major clear-outs, just a bit of fine tune and we'll be good to go.

  18. The only good thing about going through a shite run like we are at the moment is that when you get a win at the end it feels amazing. We will come out of it - we'll sneek fourth, win the Cup and sign a few players to gel with the younger players who will gain from this experience.

  19. anon 20;46

    you fail to see the overall picture, we are spending over a 100mil a year to players, more than any other team, who dont win trophies and dont give a fuck about the badge,

    we are then charged stupid amounts of money to pay these wages, and we get frustrated because we are seeing a total lack of committment on the pitch.

    we do support our team, we are true fans, but we are fans who are sick of being lied to and we are fans who see that we are being ripped off.

    the money on the wage bill takes funds from the transfer kitty, we can afford to give these players double their money contracts for doing nothing, which results in a lack of new players coming in that we so badly need,

    the players do not care about the club as they are paid so much, they are spoilt, to give such young players high wages is complete mis management, it is rewarding them for not winning anything every year and they dont care cos they drive off in their 150k cars to their 2.5mil pound homes, at the age of 19-21 thats quite ridiculous.

    we will continue to support and love our club, but we have a right to an opinion, to say you are a true fan just because you dont have an opinion, suggests you are a sheep to the wenger regime.

    we let me tell you this, if wenger continues with this team, he will destroy everything hes done at the club, and the debt we are in, not qualifying for the CL could be disastorous.

    dont forget the fans will be here long after wenger has gone, we were here long before he was here, and yes we have had bad times but at least the players then tried.

    we support our club til the end but wenger must realise this, respect is a two way street btween wenger and the fans, and i dont see any coming the fans way.

  20. The game against Man City was a disgrace. Le boss need to do something in January transfer or else Arsenal future not going to be as bright as we all predicted.
    JonJon well said mate. I agree with you. if the player don't wanna play for the club they can just fuk off.


  22. We didn't need this game to prove to us what we already knew last season anf if Wenger did he has really lost his touch/ Denilson, song and bendtner are sub-standard, end of story. Every now and then you get a good game out of one of them but if you are pinning all your hopes on these players going a whole season whilst producing the goods then you are off your head.

    As we all know all teams need experience. The last Wenger team that was any real good on a consistent basis was the untouchables. That team had bags of experience but most importantly had a spine that was rock solid in Cambell at the back, Viera in mid and Henry / Bergkamp up front. Add to that players such as the ultra consistent Pires who is still producing the goods in Spain and Freedie and you had a team that could hold their own any place, any time.

    Wenger seems to want to prove every one wrong by spending a few million on kids or picking up free transfers or make-weights and gelling them together into a cohesive unit. But as others have rightly pointed out he may have paid peanuts for som eof them but they cost a fortune in wages.

    Cesc will probably leave. He seems to have becom disslusioned with Wengers policy. How long will he give his all for the club for whilst Wenger refuses to do the obvious but instead trys to ram square pegs into round holes?

    Wenger has revolusionised Arsenal football club but it seems his genius is starting to torment him, like a mad professor. He really needs to take a step back and see things for what they are, and then get the cheque book out and buy a central defender, defensive midfielder and a wide player that can play on both wings, over 25 year olds only please. Start mixing it up more with the kids also. Players like Vela, Ramsey, Willshire and Gibbs should get more playing time. Let's face it,it they could do a lot worse than some of the "first-teamers".

  23. the problem is the tranfer market is long way away and to be honest i thought the likes diaby, song delinson were up for it, by the time january comes along it will far to late,edawrdo cant back soon enough,i still think its time for a new manager to come but lets see if wenger swollows is pride and changes his policy and spends big in january

  24. Spot on JonJon, I'm willing to give wenger until the end of the summer transfer window. If things haven't changed significantly by then he can leave and take his brats with him.

  25. Wenger can no longer trust in youth, with that policy Wenger is managing the club right out of the top four. Needlessly!! Buy some proven players.

  26. The comment from 'Anon' that said "Ha Ha Ha Gooner scum" has Manchester City written all over it. Their ability to use words in excess of 4 letters is non existent, they only managed to spell Gooner right because I imagine it is on this page for them to copy.

    I think United will win the league, I have every faith, and Arsenal are only 3 points behind. So all these Arsenal fans going berserk and calling for everyones head make me laugh.

    Stop fucking moaning and get behind your team. It's time like this they NEED good supporters not a bunch of moaners who give up on the whole season.

    Rant over - sorry if I offended anyone x

  27. A week ago this place was full of Denilson fan-boys who got their panties in a bunch when I pointed out Denilson was not Arsenal standard and dead ordinary at best. Hope you all watched the match and have finally woken up to just how sh*t he is.

    And all the 'stop blaming Denilson for Cesc' people. Well to be quite honest I don't blame Denilson for Cesc being out of form BUT in all honesty if I was Cesc and I had to play with Denilson week in and week out you'd have to put me on f**king suicide watch I'd be that depressed.

  28. NO. Just pick the RIGHT Team Wenger!

    Song does not play DM in CarlingCup, so why does Song play DM in the BPL?

    Play Ramsey/Randall in those midfield positions, some guys with a BRAINS and LEGS.

    Song is both lazy and void of creativity, just what we DONT NEED

  29. All this talk about DM is bull. A DM would have made no difference yesterday. We need direct-playing defence-opening midfielders to compliment the number of one-paced midfielders that we already have.

    We need a world class striker too. For all of his tricks, RVP flatters to deceive. His free kick taking is poor, he does not have pace and cannot shoot (I know he scored two for Holland). Bendtner needs a few more years before he can be used alone. Vela is not ready yet either - one good game in the CC does not make a striker.

    And whilst I'm at it, we need a huge central defender. Our inability to defend set pieces and our impotence at our set-pieces needs to be addressed

    These new players must be experienced - the lack of experience really shows when the chips are down.

    We need to become more direct. We are not taking chances, hence we are just passing around the defence and midfield. We need the whole team to start taking chances when they are on the ball - lots more movement off the ball (in an attacking direction, not sideways).

    I will never blame Wenger - he is a genius and he will get it right. He has created the position whereby we are all disappointed if we don't win something - I remember the days pre-wenger and we are much, much better off now.

    So, no more youngsters and a few experienced tall players should bring back the good days.

  30. players out,

    Adebayor, RVP, Bendnter, Song, Denilson, Diaby, Gallas, Almunia,


    fabianski, JD, Vela, Ramsey, wilshere, Gibbs

    these are THE ONLY promising players we have.


    Huntelaar, benzema, Veloso, Cana, Moutinho, Afellay, Kronkjar, Upson, Chellini, Mandanda

    The squad will then look like this

    GK- Mandanda, Fabianski

    RB- Sagna, Eboue

    LB- Clichy, Gibbs

    CB- JD, Sivestre, Upson, Chellini, Toure

    Wingers- Rosicky, Kronkjar, Afellay, Wilshere

    DM- Cana, Veloso,

    CM- Cesc, Moutinho, Ramsey,

    ST- Eduardo, Vela, Huntelaar, Walcott, Benzema

  31. this team can annoy me to no end

    we have no passion or desire.

    I agree that we need some new players but some also need to clear off.

    IN: upson, lescott, kranjcar, veloso, moutinho, ashley young, and david villa/huntellaar.

    OUT: gallas, bendtner on loan, silvestre.

    we need some english steel.

    wishful thinking on these transfers but this is what i feel we need.

  32. interesting comment about ashley young..hes a gooner if im not mistaken..we could do with that..what i think we need is a blend of true gooners who would fight for the team even if we're 3-0 down 90 minutes..and a few mercenaries not the current crop who see arsenal as a business opportunity, but a talented bunch who want to win trophies and play in europe no matter what..besides that i think we hve a good bunch of players coming through, who i belive will serve the club after wengers reign..on gallas, i want him to stay as a defender..n oh wenger should be given till august 31st but i doubt hell be sacked even if he doesn't

  33. Marcus said...
    Fuck all this bullshit nonsence excuses. Wake the fuck up, WENGER IS THE PROBLEM. The mans lost it and wont believe he could be wrong. He has nobody to tell him how pathetic hes become at Arsenal and anyone who thinks hes going to get players in during January are only fooling themselves. Enoughs enough, the man wont/cant change, he isnt even capable of making a correct substition during a game ever, he has never had a plan b, in the past hes had players to save him, not anymore. This bunch of deadwood hes brought to our club have hopefully become the rope that will hang him.

  34. Unfair to blame a particular player or players after a loss.

    Under performed player should not have been picked or should have been replaced at once.

    If they were wrongly picked or have not been replaced resulted in loss of a match, it should be the responsibility of the manager, who should be blamed.

  35. Its time for Wenger to go, he wont get us any players in january so its more of the same gutless performances. Why blame Gallas, the mans form has dipped due to the shit players he has to play with. So fucking what if he spoke up, Wenger obviously wont do anything about these big headed overrated youngsters that have taken over our team. Gallas is alone in trying to sort them out and due to Wengers apparent inability to help him or get him another experienced player I think Gallas has been left with no option but to speak up. I can assure you that if Gallas goes on the market there will be no shortage of clubs in pursuit whereas if Song Diaby Denilson or the so called gifted Van Persie or indeed any of the other shit that wears our shirt these days went on sale then theyd be in for a rude awakening. Wenger couldnt give this shit away with the money these cunts would be expecting. Whatever happened the once great Wenger, why did it all go so wrong. Theres one solution and one only, goodbye Arsene.

  36. the team completely lack confedence and team spirit and are not fighting for each other,while i will admit that gallas has not been the best captian he was wroung to air teams busibess into public air,he has not been court taking dugs, he has not assulted any one,other footballers have done alot worse and have been forgiven,i dont think he should be captain but something has happened to the team spirit in the team and thats not all down to gallas,the fact is he spoke the truth and it is clear the team lacks maturity and i knot sure if thats just down to age.i would not sell gallas,he might not be in the best of form wright now but he still very experienced and he is a winner and has lots of passion but needs to control his emotions,but at least he shows emotion and shows he cares,which more can said than the most of the arsenal players wright now. these players are being pais alot of money and wenger has been very patient and given them alot of faith and so far they not repaying that.i feel delinson is is realy an understudy to fab and song is realy central defender, but i would but diaby in a more central role in midfield but is very versitile i would sell any them arsenal just needs a few more established players. but is very clear arsenal are missing ade and edardo and risicky

  37. Saturday’s 3-0 defeat to Manchester City was certainly one of the more cringeworthy games I’ve had the displeasure of witnessing in my eleven years as an Arsenal supporter. Mistakes in defence, toothless attacking and a severe lack of communication and teamwork were on display for all to see. The result and performance clearly showed that this Arsenal team are struggling to fulfill the potential their performances promised last season.

    In the first half our players were swimming up-stream a little bit but I thought they were doing so admirably. We defended reasonably well and worked hard despite a distinct lack of skill and composure when in possession. I thought that if the boys could just get to half-time at 0-0 they would take heart from their efforts and go on to win the match.

    Alas, is was not to be as Stephen Ireland capitalised on a mix-up between Gael Clichy and Mikael Silvestre to fire City to the half-time lead they deserved. From that point on our young side was never in it as City ruthlessly exploited our lack of leadership, depth and confidence; the three weaknesses that have hindered Arsenal’s progress in the first third of this season.

    It is an understatement to say that it is imperative that the weaknesses in our side – a lack of leadership, depth and confidence – are addressed by the manager as soon as possible. The first by naming an appropriate new captain, the second by making a signing or two in January and the third by ensuring that a new captain and new players have a galvanising effect on the squad.

    Although I have been strong defender of William Gallas over the past two seasons I want to make it clear that I absolutely agree with Arsene Wenger’s decision to strip the French defender of the captaincy and leave him out of the team against City. Gallas’ comments were unacceptable and he deserved to be punished the way he was. The big decision that the manager has to make now is to name an appropriate successor.

    For me there are two possible choices and Wenger faces a tough decision to pick between them. The first is the man who captained the side against City, Manuel Almunia. The second is Cesc Fabregas. The older Spaniard is a decidedly easier option than the younger one, but my opinion is that if the manager wants to see an immediate change in his squad’s mentality and togetherness then he needs to bite the bullet, take a risk and give the armband to Fabregas.

    He might only be 21 but the signs are there that Fabregas already looks more of a captain than Gallas or even Thierry Henry ever was. He is the squad’s best player, a fierce competitor and much closer in age to the majority of first-team players at the club. His appointment would have an immediate positive effect on the players Wenger is pinning his hopes for trophies on, players like Emmanuel Adebayor, Robin van Persie, Theo Walcott and Samir Nasri. Fabregas’ appointment would be a positive choice by Wenger and a clear admission that the manager is prepared to turn over a new leaf and contemplate his approach to his side.

    Fabregas’ appointment will not solve the problem of the squad’s lack of depth, however. The only way that Wenger can rectify that problem is by bringing in new players when the transfer window re-opens in January. And while I’m sure there are some of you that would like to have five or six players shipped out and replaced with big-name signings I honestly feel the manager needs to bring in just one or two players to boost the quality of the squad sufficiently enough to challenge for the title.

    Put simply, the manager needs to bring in an aggressive and defensive-minded central midfielder to play alongside Fabregas in the middle of the park as well as an experienced central-defender to replace Gallas if he leaves in January (or perhaps even if he doesn’t). Up front I think we’re fine, out wide I think we’re fine and although he cops a lot of criticism, I’m more than happy to keep Almunia in goals if he continues to play as consistently as he has over the past two seasons.

    Defensively we’ve been a shambles this year. Wenger has played something like nine different centre-back pairings this season involving Gallas, Toure, Djourou, Silvestre, Senderos and Song, which is really quite ridiculous. My opinion is that the squad needs to have four quality centre-backs to function correctly and I believe we have that if Gallas can deal with his demotion appropriately and get back to what he does best, defending.

    That may be easier said than done though and I wouldn’t be against the manager looking towards someone like Christoph Metzelder from Real Madrid or Naldo from Werder Bremen to provide quality, experienced cover for Toure, Silvestre and Djourou. Selection-wise I really feel that the manager needs to pursue with Djourou for the rest of the season. He’s been Arsenal’s most consistent centre-back in the early part of the campaign and deserves to become first-choice purely based on merit.

    Although defence is a concern the purchase of a ready-to-go defensive midfielder needs to be the manager’s top priority come January. Denilson is not a defensive-midfielder, Song is not really performing at the moment while the manager seems to be frustratingly allergic to playing Abou Diaby in a more defensive role. The lack of a reliable, hard-working and aggressive defensive-minded midfielder is hurting Cesc Fabregas and it needs to be rectified. A Claude Makelele-type player is not the answer, a Mathieu Flamini-type player is and if no-one fitting that description is bought during January then I honestly feel we’re going to have a hard job finishing fourth.

    It has been argued that bringing in new players would hinder the progress of those already at the manager’s disposal and to a certain extent, I agree. But the problem comes when the players just aren’t performing. How long can Wenger wait for players like Denilson and Song to develop? Wouldn’t it be better for him to have a quiet word with them to let them know that their performances have not quite been good enough but make it clear that the door is open for them to be recalled when they improve? I think it would.

    Until new players can be brought in there are a few changes that the manager could make to improve the results and performances of his side. The big one is handing Fabregas the captain’s armband while the others revolve around particular team selections.

    I’ve mentioned previously that players should be picked on merit and as often is realistically possible, only in their best positions. At the very minute that means playing Djourou at the back, playing Song or Diaby ahead of Denilson in the middle and Vela ahead of Bendtner up front. In saying that I don’t think Denilson or Bendtner are bad players, just that there are better options available to the manager at the moment and they don’t really deserve to maintain their place in the side. It might be harsh, but it’s best for the team and the club.

    I’m not going to shirk around the fact that this is not a fun time to be an Arsenal supporter. Nobody likes to watch their side lose or perform the way ours has at times this season, especially given the promise they showed as a unit last time campaign. But step back for a moment and realise that there are plenty of clubs’ supporters who feel this way the majority of the time and you can appreciate the privileged position we have been in for so long as Arsenal fans.

    It might be worth me saying here that despite the difficult period the club is going through I remain optimistic and positive about the future of the club. Despite his flaws we have an experienced, intelligent and loyal manager at the helm who undoubtedly deserves the chance to sort out the problems that he currently faces. Furthermore we have a group of players that – with a change in leadership and one or two additions – have the quality to challenge for the Premiership and Champions League titles in the near future. Let’s hope they can sort out their issues and get the ball moving forward once again.

  38. Fabregas for captain - in my mind there is no other choice. One or two players added would be nice and those two I agree with - a centre back and a ready-to-go defensive midfielder. Possibly also a winger as Walcott is out for a while and Eboue still does not inspire confidence in me… Wenger has been playing two creative midfielders in Cesc and Denilson together and Song is not up to scratch in that position. Diaby may be ok there but I see him as more of an attacking mid as well. Gallas has to go - get out of the club I mean. We need a replacement in the form of a player who can attack balls in the box. We are fine for strikers though some may disagree because Bendtner is not yet up to scratch. I agree he has been awful lately, but with the correct selection ie. Vela, then we wouldn’t struggle so much. Please go back to a standard 4-4-2 please Wenger as no one is thriving in the hole in a 4-5-1 this season apart from one game; I think it was Fenerbache, where Diaby and Ade picked them apart.
    As for the team itself - I do still believe in them and I do not like seeing people come here saying “I told you so, Arsenal can’t/won’t win a trophy this season”. I’ve read a lot of that not directed specifically at me, but it’s simply not true. You don’t know we won’t win anything and if there is a perspective you should listen to it is one of optimism. Don’t write your own team off just yet Arsenal supporters. You are Arsenal supporters afterall…

  39. fabregas has just been named captain, goes to show wenger reads too much media

  40. 4/5 men Midfield Against Dynamo Kiev:



    If Alex Song plays in midfield for that game, I will quit being an Arsenal Fan (I sometimes wish)
    Mediocre players such as Song is the reason we lost to mancity.
