Thursday, 19 February 2009

Adebayor being injured could do his Arsenal career the world of good

Last season Adebayor had a fantastic season. He scored plenty of goals and even when he wasn't scoring he at least put in a good shift of grafting for Arsenal's cause.

Players like John Terry and Rio Ferdinand said he was the hardest striker to play against in the Premiership; that is some compliment if you ask me.

This season he seems a shadow of himself. He isn't scoring as much but the worst thing for me is that he isn't grafting and making defenders miserable like we know he can.

He believes he has made it. He has in a financial sense of course but that shouldn't be enough. He should want to improve and become one of the worlds best strikers. He has the potential to do it but does he have the hunger?

He is out for three weeks. This time out could really benefit himself and Arsenal. He needs to get his head straight and rediscover the Ade of old.

It's obvious his head was turned in the summer. He began to believe the hype surrounding him. Maybe it was a mistake to offer him such a well-rewarded contract after just one good season.

What I do know is its time he earned his money. I hope he reflects on his season so far during the period he is out and realises he hasn't been good enough. This time could do him the world of good.

Keep it Goonerish.......


  1. Only Wrighty7 could turn something negative into something positive!

    Nice one Wrighty!

  2. well said mate. and with a Bit of luck we will sell him in the summer.

  3. Hes fucking rubbish, last year he was poxy and has been found out this season. If I was Wenger id snap the fucking hand off Barcelona next time they make an offer, and mabey throw in Eboue, Song, Diaby and Allmunia for free. However I suspect there wont be any offer as surely Barca would check out any potential sighnings and once they see this long string of overpaid piss in action, then sadly we can forget any offers.

  4. Hi Wrighty, hopefully ade injury will mean bendtner steps up and it does arsenals bank balance some good too, when we sell the tosser.

    Raif what you doing on here lol.
    I ordered your shirt today..

  5. I forgot to laugh at the spuds.. 2-0 ha ha ha..

  6. with no first touch

  7. Well by the time Ade is fit again, he might not be strolling straight back into the 1st team, so he'll need to buck his ideas up and get back to workin his effin socks off like he was last season.

    If he doesnt do that then he wont even be able to get that big move he was after, unless man City come in with a stoopid offer!

  8. I agree he could be one of the most feared strikers in world football,But is he humble?is he the type to repent?is he loyal? we no these answer's ,T14's replacment ? no one player's bigger than the team, he's been a discrace no joke! Not even 20% of last season but maybe a lack of ambition shown by the club could be a factor!I rate Ade highly, top of his game hes unstoppable but his attitude love & respect for the game must change its to obvious he dont care. nice 1 wrighty!

  9. You're right on this one. Adebayor's good performances depend on him working hard and making a nuisance of himself. I noticed his work rate and form dipped towards the end of last season and that has continued to this season. He really needs to take a look at his game and stop yapping to the media. And right now, Ade's injury is almost not a negative. Eduardo's injury will hit us harder than ade's

  10. I don't give a fuck about how we should repct the fact that he scored 30 goals last season, he had to miss 50 to score those and now can hardly be bothered to run for the ball. He still falls over, he still misses great scoring opportunties and is one of the Premier League's most arragant and lazy strikers this season. Consign gim to Europe so he can join the other great ex-gooners sitting on the benches watching the regular 11 play drama football and secretly wishing they never left. Adios Amigo!

  11. Adebayor definately talks too much to the press. These comments from the past four weeks speak for themselves:

    "I don't care if I stop on 12 goals if we win something with the club",19528,11670_4939912,00.html

    "[Helping the team] is what we are here for and I think at the moment I am doing that quite well.",19528,11670_4900594,00.html

    "If we didn't believe we could still win the title, we might as well just ask the boss if we could spend the season back home enjoying ourselves with our families.",19528,11670_4829185,00.html

    It would've been better for us if he hadn't won the african player of the year award...

  12. before he showed he can score goals consistently, he showed he can be a really useful 2nd striker
    he used to play behind van persie and make space and really make life difficult for defenders
    now he thinks hes something special he wont do .
    he needs to realise that one of his absolute best attributes was his work rate.
    u take that away and u only have a decent premier league standard striker.
    but hes shown that if he works he can play well against anybody..
    he needs to pick it up, otherwise we should definitely sell, no point having a primadona like that in the squad

  13. ow did this plank win african fooballer of the year.. he,s shite.. a lazy shite who thinks he is henry

  14. raif what are you doing on here?
    i want to order 1 of your jackets
    irish is still all a tremble,and as for ade he needs a good kick up the

  15. This is partly a question of morals. If you were earning 85K a week wouldn't you feel obliged to at least PRETEND that you looked interested in your job?

  16. even wengers seen the light .. get rid of this lazy, arogant,gangsta wanabe, coward(HEADBUTTED BENTNER AND RAN BEHIND GALLAS] greedy mercenerry who has no loyalty or class.. fuk off and embarress some othe club u waster

  17. TH14 had his faults (and the stories every summer linking him away got tiring) but he gave us eight great seasons, became our top scorer and broke all kinds of records. He also helped us achieve a number of trophies including two premiership trophies and three FA cups. Adebayor will achieve none of that. He will be off in the summer and he will not be missed. I hope he understands when he is booed on his return, that it isn't because he wanted to leave (the likes of TH14 and Vieira also wanted to) but because he wanted to leave after achieving NOTHING with the club and is only interested in who can give him the biggest paycheck

  18. i believe this player held bentner back. he did everythig to undermine bentner . now bentners in the team and hes injured thank fuk, we will see the real bentner . bentner will make it hard for wenger to stick this arogant greedy wanabe back in the team

  19. wrighty , ur on your own on this one.. no arsenal supporter i know likes this arse

  20. Wow! There's some serious animosity for our new Henry!!!

  21. Only raif and burt reynolds have jackets like that anon..

  22. He should pogo back to togo the
    arragant fucker

  23. Had many discussions about this clown. When he had that 10+ game goal drought towards the end of the season before last, I was never convinced that even if he did pick up form, he would maintain it. His efforts are of a cameo nature and to me that game against Derby last season just sums him up as the arrogant self obsessed prat he really is. Hitting a hatrick and doing that ridiculous rain dance, mocking Earnshaw. Wouldn't have minded it if we hadn't just blown the title. But that Birmingham game we all remember for Eduardo was also the start of another infamous Ade goal drought of 5 premship games. Its within these 5 games we blew the title. And this is where you need (as Arsene would say) desire and spirit from your main man up front. So to sum up my little rant, I have no faith in Ade, never have done and hope gets sold, never mind £20m I'd take a fiver.

  24. If he performs well for a season and gets rewarded with a better contract, shouldn't the club be allowed to lower his wages if he has a poor season?

    As this isn't the case, then he needs to sort out his act and earn every penny the club pay. Otherwise any club stupid enough to offer us £24million again for would be more than welcome to him.

  25. I think instead of always attacking our players like Ade, Song and Denilson, why don't the Gooners get behind our players and support them?? It's always whinge whinge, we should sell, we should sell etc on these fan boards. They're young, they aren't the finished article yet and they do stupid things occasionally, but they still play for the Red and White.

    Even if Ade has been rubbish since his summer antics, he can still make a difference when he comes on the pitch if he pulls his finger out. I remember thinking Denilson and Song were terrible at the start of the season, but now the two of them are bossing the midfield.

    Our team needs the fans behind our players, they come right soon...

  26. ade badplayer should be booed every time he kicks a ball. eboues a dick but this lazy waste off piss cant be bothered to break into a crawl every time i,ve watched him. people are losing their jobs every day and for some the only thing that cheers them up is watchin their team go out on a saturday and give their all, not to watch this shit on 85 grand a week who cant be arsed to even jump for a ball. fuk off and steal someone elses money u fraud ade shitplayer

  27. He's so so so awful. We can only hope that Arsene wasn't able to sell him for market value last summer and is currently looking for buyers.Bendtner has his faults but he is five years younger than the most overrated player in the world. Ade could be useful if he worked his nuts off for ninety minutes to tire the opposing defense, but he's so fucking lazy it's sickening. His flicks and chest control are so bad it's almost beyond belief. If we cant get rid of the cunt this summer, we're going to be paying 80k a week to our fourth striker.

  28. Denilson and Song bossing the midfield you need to get down to specsavers mate, what games have you been watching they have been pony
    in most games this season the worst midfield in wengers reign

  29. BADebayor was clearly tapped up last summer, i shall never forget that addidas promotion thing he done in july and was immmediately quizzed live by a sky sports interviewer who asked him DIRECTLY " will you be at arsenal next season" and the fucker came back with something along the lines of "i will sit down with my agent and look at our options". Not once then did he say "i love arsenal blah blah blha"
    it was only when meelan and barca refused to pay the 25-30 odd million asking price that he realised arsenal would keep him, he got a pay rise and has played like the cunt he is ever since.
    i detest him more than eboue, and have done since he cut off his mop top last feb.
    i again bring gooners who favour him, a fact, a 100% correct fact.

    25% of his league goals in 2007/2008 cam against the mighty Derby County !!!!!

    he is not clinical and NEVER will be, even when he is on form.

    HE cost us the title last year, those misses at the reebok were beyond pathetic.

    rant over :)

  30. get behind ade shit player u say. i,ll get behind him alright and shove my boot right up his lazy hole landing him in shit hart lane with the rest of the money grabbing arseholes

  31. To right he cost us the title
    remember birmingham one on one
    should have squared to nicky
    big bollox tried to take all the
    glory for himself the cunt is
    never a team player and never
    will be good fuckin riddance

  32. Why do you always try to find scapegoats when things are not going well? Ade was scoring many goals last year because he was getting many good passes from a GREAT midfield, Hleb,Fabregas,Flamini,Walcott/Rosicky, but now the midfield is not as good, with Song,Denilson and Eboue. How many passes does Ade get in one game these days? Ade is still good but not as good as last year, he can play well with all our strikers, (maybe not with Bendtner), and stop over-criticising Eboue , he`s been playing out of his natural position, he`s a right-back , not a midfield, Wenger should be blamed for that , not Eboue! We don`t need to seel anyone, Man U keep their players (Oshea,Fletcher..) it`s called "depth in the squad" , so let`s not sell our players , but add quality in our team, PLEASE BE TRUE GOONERS and get behind your team!

  33. Well said Twick and Willy.

  34. well said wrighty

    if ade can get his head out of his ass, during these 2-3 weeks, and see the reality he will understand that he will be 3rd or 4th selection behind rvp, dudu, bendtner. maybe that can light the spark back in his game, and realise he lacks work rate, passion and morale etc.

  35. what d'you think starting XI against sunderland will be?

    sagna - toure (c) - gallas - clichy
    arshavin - song - denilson - nasri
    bendtner - v.persie

    subs: fabianski, gibbs, ramsey, vela, eboue, bischoff, djourou

    ...and no more injuries up front please

  36. Almunia
    Sanga Toure Gallas Clicy
    Arshvin Vela
    Nasri Van Persie

  37. ...........fab2
