Thursday, 7 May 2009

Did Bendtner really have to say sorry?

Nope. Not in my opinion anyway.

So he was pictured out on the lash. So what? It was after a game and I'm sure that he had Arsene Wenger's blessing to go out.

How many times have you had a shitty day and a nice cool refreshing lager (or ten in Nicklas case!) is just what you need to unwind? It happens to me 8 days a week.

I'm glad he went out. It's a shame that some of the other players didn't. Make it a right team bonding binge session. My Sunday league team do it. And we love each other. Loads.

At least he didn't stare at a camera screaming "Its a fucking disgrace!"

Keep it Goonerish.............


  1. And, he did manage to keep on his briefs.

    I'm sure we have all done worse at that age.

  2. He didn't. But at least he did apologise if someone felt it was wrong. Could you imagine Rio Ferdinand apologising, or Ledley King after he went and got piss drunk?

    Speaking of Disgraces:

  3. Far too many people want to heap more criticism on the boys head, he's still young and has a lot to learn but i would rather have him playing and trying than Ade flouncing around like a frightened haddock.So what he went out and got smashed and made an arse of himself, i seem to remember a group of players that will remain nameless that were famous for going out and getting smashed, they one titles.Something we seem incapable of doing now.

    My god im so depressed with this right now, think its time for a Bendtner session lol


  4. hey wrighty, your blog is great. I was wondering if you thought about writing an article comparing the aftermath of the Chelsea Barcelona game to some of our experiences both in the Champions League and the Premiership.

    Was there as big of an uproar in the British press when we were denied a stonewall penalty v liverpool in the champs league when Hleb was pulled down? How about when the penalty was given for a ghost foul on Babel by Toure, outside of the box (if it even was a foul)?

    What would the reaction of the press be if it were Arsenal players hitting the ref like Ballack did, or cursing out the ref like Drogba did? Would there be the same reaction by the British Press or England for that matter?

    I'm personally loving it that Chelsea got knocked out and can only hope that Barcelona and our old friend Henry crush Manure

  5. jrockcd:

    Lets ask Phil Brown his opinion?, he has a very unbiased view on us lol

    In fact lets not bother, its very clear if our players look unhappy we are bringing the game into disrepute yet other teams get to man handle officials and its "passion"

  6. Thanks Jrockdc

    Thats a great idea. If you wanted then perhaps you could write an article on the situation?

    You are more than welcome pal. You can contact me on the e-mail address on the side bar!

  7. Quick question: does thierry henry still have that record of having never scored in a final? last time i heard, he'd been in 8 finals and never scored, but that was a couple of years back.

  8. lol at the drogba snipe. No drogba, you falling over easily is a disgrace.

  9. spoilt player out on the lash, shudnt he b thinking about is good that he has apologised and that is that move hav been horrible 2 him all season long (not all tho) so they cant complain but it is a bit embarassing

  10. at least he didnt play like he was drunk. yes fukin u, big headed , self proclaimed 1 of the biggest players in world football mister ade fuki bayer. fuk off and disgrace some other club

  11. You have absolutely no idea of what it is to be a professional sportsman.

  12. Ade does not play like he is drunk. He plays like he has been smoking bongs in all morning.

  13. Danish Gooner7 May 2009 at 22:06

    Pointless,but a nice gesture.

  14. I tell u who does look like theyve been smokin bongs, Alex Song, but I love the guy!! most underrated player in the world!!

  15. my biggest problem with ade is that he never looks like he's going to take someone on and score himself. he doesn't look like he has it in him to just dummy a player or two or burst through a group and get a shot off. he always looks like he has to slow it down and try and just half-beat a single player by turning back then squaring it. i would much rather see a guy as big as him and who has some pace like he does really carry the ball aggressively and dare to test defenders. he just bottles it every time and it's infuriating. i'd rather he sometimes tried it and failed than he didn't try at all.

    as for bendtner i agree it isn't a big deal. as an arsenal fan i don't care at all that after being so disappointed he went out and made an idiot of himself one time. we've all done it. at least he didn't assault anyone or do anything major at all. as writhy said to be honest i wish we'd have all our team going out, bonding, taking the lows and the highs together and forming that sort of link which helps on the field. parlour was saying on arsenal tv not long ago how they used to do it that way and apart from the excessiveness of the drinking it was fantastic for team spirit.

  16. i must add that parlour interview was brilliant/ he told some hilarious stories, like how he played his debut after drinking a few pints and how he tricked keown into practically throttling wenger by pretending he was about to come on as arsebnal'#s last sub and deny keown his league winner's medal from a few years back. fucking brilliant!

  17. jrockdc

    mate u are so right on there its untrue.
    i cant believe i didnt see that myself.

    f**k chelsea, and f**k the english press

  18. Bendter did not have to apologise to anyone, well except his mammy and daddy but thats besides the point. One day he will be huge for us, maybe even bigger than Henry was for us. Sure laugh at me, but Henry wasn that good when he came now was he? All Bendter needs is a proper experienced striker to learn from, and with Ade, thats not working is it. So anyone saying bendter is this, or that or whatever, or the rest of the team you aint no gooner.


  19. He is a pro footballer so he should not drink. End of *ucking story. He is poisoning his body with alchol. There is plenty of time for him to behave like the rest of the vermin in the UK when he leaves Arsenal.

    You can piss up all you like after work. I could not care less because you don't play for Arsenal.

    Like the other guy said: you have no idea what it takes to be a pro sportsman so you should keep silly opinions to yourself.

  20. Bendtner get and got shitfaced, so fucking what. Everyone does it, there just happened to be a cameraman following him.
    At least it showed he cared enough about losing to drwon his sorrows.
    Adebayor, the twat, laughed his way through the game. He doesnt give a shit about anyone but himself.

    And drinking doesnt affect Bendtners performance. Its not like he stumples around the pitch. Adams was a fucking alcoholic and is a god at this club. Get over it for fuck sake!

  21. Damn straight Wrighty7. Thought I was the only one who felt that way. Poor kid. I feel so sorry for Nicklas, always targeted for ridicule by the media with the way they twist facts (and fans).

    First it was his alleged over-confidence in his abilities as a footballer. I think everyone, footballer or not, should have this trait if they wish to stand out and show that they're ready to step up to the plate. It shows hunger and a desire to take on the challenge and give it a right go rather than just sit back and let the world pass by in the reserves. It's like when you go for a job interview, you have to sound confident about your abilities, regardless whether or not you're really the bollocks, to stand a better chance at landing the gig. The reports made it sound like it's a crime for him to show any confidence at all. Bullsh*t.

    Then it was the pink boots. For f*ck sake, it's just boots. Everyone wears colourful shoes these days. So friggin what? When did shoe colour suddenly become an indicator of footballing ability? More bullsh*t.

    People should just lay off the kid (and they should remember that he's just a kid, fat pay cheque aside), for heavens sake. The pink boots clearly show that he's just doing what kids his age normally do fashion-wise...I'm sure it's well documented somewhere. It's silly knit picking but sadly, a large number of folks, including (so-called) Arsenal fans, tend to lap it up and beat the boy down. WTF? Whatever happened to standing by your own?


  22. Yeah he needed to apologize. Not as much because of the drunkenness, but the wardrobe malfunction. Players are supposed to be models for the club and the community. With the amount of money he makes, if he wants to drink surely he can find a more private place to do it. This is just like the Gallas ciggie pictures. Players need to be behaved in public.

  23. YES. It clearly demonstrates that Arsenal have a bunch of young overrated players that that love the media and wenger feeding into their ego's.

    Walcott thinks teams should be scared of Arsenal.
    Bendtner thinks he is going to become a world great with his already lackluster season, has the audacity to wear pink boots, and parties late night suggesting to arsenal fans that maybe this is the reason why he does not perform. YES HE FUCKING HAD TO SAY SORRY. THIS STINKING ATTITUDE IS THE REASON WHY SOME OF THESE YOUNGSTER HAVE AND WILL NOT REACH THEIR FULL POTENTIAL. JUST LOOK AT ADEBAYOR, HE THINKS HE'S MADE IT HE HAD ONE FREAK SEASON, HES NOT SKILLFULL AND NEITHER IS BEDNTNER YET THEY THINK THEY ARE GREATS ALREADY. DISGRACEFULL HOW THEY CARRY THEMSELVES

  24. didn't the adams generation go out for drinking sessions after and sometimes before the match..haha..its ok they're my age and i can totally understand why nik would want a drink..or 10

  25. and oh there's this clip of shane warne (australian cricketer) drinking beer from a fan during a match in the IPL..its all in good fun..

  26. TO ANON 21.21,what is your point? have you checked HENRYS' amount of goals and assist PRIOR to a final?

  27. I'm sure many arsenal players got drunk, Bendtner was just unlucky to drop his pants xD

  28. Bendtner and Ade should be competing with each other for the target man spot and hence driving the team forwrd. Instead it appears that they both are 'fancy dans' enjoying their fame and fortune more than the task in hand. If Bendner had been knocking down doors all season then this incident would ne excusable. So yes an apology was appropriate, but a match winning performance in the next two games will count for a lot more.

  29. Did no one here see Bednters disallowed goal in the Liverpool game...

    HE HAS GOT SKILLS! He has got a whole lot more talent than adebayor who i have never ever even seen take a shot from further out than 15 yards...

    And VP... when was the last time he made a semi threatening free kick..? That is half the reason he is in the team!!! and no one seems to target this player, he is the most unsuited to Arsenal style in the team... big free loader..

  30. good on you.... anyone would have done the same.. there season is over... wenger will be playing the reserves for the rest of the season... i bet you wenger told them to go out and get pissed

  31. I agree with what you said. Bendtner tried a lot harder than ade after coming on and I dont see anything wrong in blowing off steam AFTER arsenal's season is effectively over. it must have taken great strength from him to apologize.

  32. was just looking at joppa roads site.he was slating the shit out of you and us the readers,just cause you told him fuck off.

  33. thanks for the heads up mate.

  34. A good goal by the lad against Chelsea today. Good header.
    Arsenal 1 Chelsea 4.
