Monday, 18 May 2009

If Arsene Wenger wants to leave then let him go

There is no doubt in my mind that Arsene Wenger will still be the manager of Arsenal Football club next season.

Despite his flirting with Real Madrid the job at Arsenal is still only half done and Wenger will not not leave in this way.

My mate is the same. He never does things in halves. He never leaves a pint despite the fact the cab driver has been waiting for 10 minutes.

I don't want Arsene Wenger to leave Arsenal. He is still the right man for the job. BUT, if he wanted to leave could any Gooner really begrudge him the chance to try something different? I couldn't.

The geezer has shown so much loyalty to Arsenal over the years that I love him like a brother. Of course I would be worried if he left and I'm dreading the day it happens but Arsenal will still go on.

There is life after Wenger.

There comes a time when you reach the crossroads in your career. This is Wengers time. Does he feel that he has taken Arsenal as far as he can and wants a new challenge? Or does he finish a job half done?

I fancy the latter but I wouldn't begrudge him the former.

Keep it Goonerish..............


  1. i fink ur chatin sh*t 2 be honest...

  2. Another good post Wrighty. I think many gooners can identify with that what you are writing about.

  3. Hey Wrighty7

    I think he is staying, I also think the likes of Guilem Balague are full of shite...

    Wenger may well be using this speculation to his benefit, in getting the board to either; release funds for the new signings he wants or; come clean about the fact that there aint a shit load of cash and the board need to stop peddlin stories to media about how Wenger simply refuses to spend the multi millions they keep throwing at him...

    Ooh, its like a bleedin soap opera!

  4. You can say shit mate. or will your parents wash out your mouth with soap?

  5. Hi Spike,

    I make you right mate.

    He could be double bluffing.

    The truth needs to be told. Does Wenger have money or not?

    If not the board need to say something because Wenger is the one who looks like a cunt. Not them.

    And they are happy to do that?

  6. wrighty m8 to be honest i think his pisd of with the board and about havin 13mil to spend i dont blame him i think upstairs needs to be changed sack the board and pat rice bring david dien back, and give wenger some money this guy is a pure fucking legend
    he aint going nowere END OF IT
    and stop posting this shit as well

  7. He won't leave, and I don't think we should even talk about it as it validates the half-ass reporting and shite stirring that seems to plague us every damn year.

    I think what we should discuss is the moves that need to be made this off season to allow us to win everything. This is what I think needs to happen in order of importance:

    (1) Buy a WC DM, Mascherano, Sissoko, Alonso?

    (2) Sell Adebayor, and maybe even Van Persie, and buy Villa or Eto'o

    (3) If Gallas stays, recall Senderos

    (4) If Gallas leaves, replace him with a WC CB, Chielini? and recall Senderos

    (5) Recall Traore

    If these moves are made, this is our depth at each position...i think we can challenge:



    Gallas or Chielini






    Support Striker


  8. good article. I dont think he will go. There is clearly a really big fear of what will happen if Wenger leaves. I understand that with potentially so little money available for new players.
    It is human nature for people to fear change, or the unknown. Arsenal will at some point have to go forward without Wenger. I hope that day is 2 years away, or more if he wins trophies.

  9. damn right, if he wants to go, go, but please dont make out he has a half finished job. If he goes, its because he has been rumbled, simple as. He to me will be hated, he fobbed us off with excuse after excuse and this will prove how big a liar he actually was.

    If he does go, he can take all those "talented" players with him, like Adebayor, Eboue, Sagna, Toure, Almunia, Fabianksi, Silvestre. See if he can do the job at another club with these players!!

  10. what no Vela in your squad??

  11. Noone knows how much dosh is available and certainly not Some Daily Rack.

  12. Cookie

    You need to get back in the oven fella

    You're half baked FFS!

  13. I can't see Wenger just upping and leaving. He's too classy. He'll go when he's ready, and we'll know well in advance. I also imagine he will play a big role in finding the man who will replace him. I personally hope none of that happens for a long, long time.

  14. Cookie's an idiot. How any Arsenal fan can "hate" Arsene is beyond me.

    I'm very sure he won't go but if he does who can blame him? The way so many of our 'fans' have treaed him this season, why the hell should he keep flogging his guts out for this club? Then all those cunts will get want they want, disover no other manager on earth can do what he can on such a tight budget and this club will go right down the shitter.

  15. Wenger got the sack from monaco for finishing 8th after having sold experienced players and buying youngsters.

    What is afc end up the same 8th next season we have fallen back so much since last season I think need a new manager

  16. Sell ade,van persie, bring in Villa to support bentner. Could do with Defour from liege in midfield and maybe hanegland or Zapata.

  17. why shouldnt he flog his guts out? Because he gets paid a lot of money to do so!!!!



  19. Arsenal fans deserve to know the truth where is all their season ticket money going and if the club has no money the board should come out and say. This situation would never happen at manU Fergerson would not tollerate not being able to strengthen the squad with expeienced players why does Arsenal keep buying youngsters we are going backwards

  20. Wenger makes daft decisions he des not take the fa cup seriously resting Andrey and Vela when Vela played the other FA cup games he is a good layer and hardly gets a chance.

    Why does Wenger keep playing with only one striker up front and playing Cesc out of position. Wenger has run out of ideas with his draft team formations of late.

  21. you are a piece of s...t If I met you in the street i would knock block off

  22. garry absouloutely agree with your comments cant see wenger going and dont want to see that whilst im still alive to be honest, but i think that when he thinks its time for him to go he will inform every1 and adivce the board with a worldclass manager he thinks is the right man, look guys arsene wenger wont go as he said a week ago its also on the arsenal site "this is the club of my life, this is my club and i will never bust this club" plus showing the most honouring loyalty to his players do you guys really think he will walk away from us an them leaving behind cesc, walcott, nasri, van persie, sagna, clichy, denilson, vela, eduardo, ROSICKY! and WILSHERE!!! the players he loves the most i think in my own opinions..........come on now guys...... now be honest just relax all we need is an experienced CB and may be just a CM because we all know how injuries KILLS US ALOT and then keep this whole squad together and everything else will come together like a puzzle....IN ARSENE WENGER WE TRUST ARSENAL WENGER FOR LIFE!!!

  23. 'There's no smoke without fire' quickly springs to mind. I've got a bad feeling that Wenger may leave and go this summmer due to the clowns or so called Arsenal fans that have questioned his management. The facts are that what Wenger has done with limited resources is a minor miracle. I believe the board need to be held to account and questions need to be asked as to why there is no money available for Wenger. I hope I am proved wrong and that Wenger is given the cash to splash. If not, I feel the board have hoodwinked the fans for far two long and a few heads need to role!

  24. fucking hell, do we have to read to your shitty lame thoughts every day?

    write when you have something worth writing about or don't bother.

  25. boy better know18 May 2009 at 23:20

    How about steve MCclaren for new arsenal manager he's done wonders for a team virtually unknown in fc twente....just thought id throw that one in there wrighty/.

  26. Wenger will stay for the remainder of his contract then will leave if the board keep giving him only £2.50 to buy new players and compete with the rest of the Big 4

  27. I would say that the Board,
    wants rid of Wenger,

    So that the when the new owners
    spend there millions,
    the greedy Board gets massive kick backs from the spends.

    I'm not a businessman by the way,
    Prefer footie.

    So its all about expenses and shares.

  28. Good post. I doubt Wenger will leave though. It would contradict his reports at the Shareholders Q&A and he's never been one to back down on his word.

    I am dreading the day he leaves though.

  29. To be honest with you am not happy with the way the season has ended but we have done very very well considering the amount wenger had available.The truth is, wenger's hand is tied, he cant spend as the manu and chevs...The injuries to key players at a crucial part of the season have not helped as well...if we can compete with the teams that spend millions of pounds per season and still reach the semis of champions league and FA CUP, is a big achievement..that means if our players stay fit and also inject some cash by bringing three top players, i believe arsene will definately win a trophuy for us.

    I hope arsene doesn't go....

  30. Rubbish content simply recycling the crap that is currently passing off as "news". Come on guys, wake up and smell the coffee...who would be interested in managing a club like's like if you are an accountant at Delloite & Touche wouldn't you find it interesting to work at another large prestigious accounting company like PWC?

  31. See this is the thing, people like you writng blogs, oh wenger this, wenger that and wenger whatever else are forcing the good man out. Where we before he came? Being managed by Bruce Rioch, and what did he win? Feck all mate. Yes he did bring bergkamp but would he have stayed if wenger was never in charge?

    Trust me i gripe about him, but i have utmost faith in him and the players he has, there's no money available, simple as that, ok a few bob here and there, but enough to get Yaya (Not what arsenal need) Villa, Buffon, benzema etc etc
    So inclusion, start supporting wenger properly, because once he's gone, we are finished.

    A second rate blog for a second rate gooner

  32. fanner said .. If Arsene leave, Arsenal would a club instead of fighting for CL and EPL season after season, they would be struggling in the mid table. Arsenal fans are the most spoilt mother fuckers who always taking things for granted. I am not a Arsenal fan, I am a Arsene fan. Let him go to Real, and see how Arsenal fight for the CL and EPL.

  33. I find it disgusting how some fans talk about Arsene. It's nice to read the majority of fans on this blog know what a good job Arsene is actually doing. We clearly don't have the funds to compete with Man USA & Chelski most clubs in Europe don't! We can't expect to win the league because football has changed since 2004 simple as. I believe in what Arsenal are doing and if we look at the bigger picture instead of worrying about winning pointless cups like the Carling Cup and forgive me for saying it the FA Cup, we might realise this. No other manager could get this team into the semi-final of both the Champions League and FA Cup and qualify for the Champions League again other than Arsene Wenger. The work he is doing with a limited budget is fantastic! We shouldn't compare this team to the 2004 team, football has changed! We did take steps back but only to take giant steps forward. Arsene knows what he is doing end of. It's so sad how disrespectful and cretinous so fans truly are. Is it really worth forcing a legend out of the club so we can win the FA Cup. Wow!!! Arsene is worth 20 FA Cups to me. The facts are we had some bad results in the league this season and that cost us a title challenge, fair enough I can accept that but it's true what the boss is saying. The team have had to work against a very negative environment to achieve what they did this season. Booing your own players is disgraceful especially when there so young! Adebayor is a wanker and should have been sold but booing him just made him worse. How is that helping? Eboue was booed wrongly too. His not the best player but he does try! Some fans need to wake up and realise that we don't have the money to buy the very best players, so we're developing the very best youngsters and turning them into the very best players. It will happens but give the players time and support. If Wenger does go I will be heartbroken and so will most true Arsenal fans. In Arsene I trust

  34. Good points being made. Fans talk like we have £200,000,000 sitting in a bank account waiting to be spent but Arsene refuses to spend it because if he doesn't he'll inherit it when he retires. It's pathetic!!!

    2006 Champions League Final, first in the clubs history and we were unlucky to lose it.

    2008 But for terrible luck with injuries we would have won the Premiership.

    2009 FA and CL semi-finalists.

    Arsene the majority of us know you are doing a great job on a limited budget...You nearly won us the league last season and when luck finally turns on are side with injuries and referee decisons I'm sure we'll be successful again. Your a genius.

    The man gets no credit for doing an amazing job with a limited budget. Wake up you ignorant people before it's too late!!!

  35. Wrighty good post mate.

    Anon 2.51, i agree with you. Football has been changed. If you look at the other club like Everton or Aston Villa, they've been challeging the top 4 teams and what AW done for Arsenal is brilliant, i mean the man is a genius he wants to build the team for a longer term of success and not building with "plastic" instead with talent. i guess some of the fan thinks that we should win every game, my suggestion it is not a manager game where you play on your PC or PS where you lose you can just reset the game. it is a reality if you lose you lose, if you win that's great and we should back our footbal team all the way no matter what.

  36. Wenger is a huge asset to the club. Sir Alex probably has him as a replacement when he retires. He is just that damn good. He could take over any team in the world with money and have overnight success.

    We need at least 60 million, which is alot but Wenger will be wise with it, bring in new signings and within a year we should be tearing up the league, yes we have some average players but they are turning into good playersm which they will get even better eventually. Who can do that besides wenger? Thought so. But the tearing up league bit that's just a dream. Wenger is a God, always has been, and always will be. He is Mr Arsenal, and when ficlke fans realise that, the better the support he has.

  37. The problem with Arsenal is the supporters, not the board, not the players and certainly not Wenger. I've said it before, be careful what you ask for, you might just get it. Booing players, abusing the manager at a shareholders' meeting, etc. That's absolutely shocking treatement of a man who made Arsenal. Without him, there would be stadium and Arsenal would not be third most valuable club on earth, they would not have come anywhere near a CL final, or even qualified every year since he's been at Arsenal, Henry would not have come, neither would Fabregas and Vieira, certainly not Arshavin.

    I want him to leave Arsenal and go replace Ferguson at Man U. That would be JUSTICE.

  38. Steve Mclaren for the Arsenal! He's had fantastic success at Twente and he's English. We must get English blood in the team, because ... it, um er, it will make us win trophies. Vote for Steve by putting your thumb in the air, wiggling your right toe and winking.

  39. How can you possibly talk as though Wenger leaving would be a good thing. Makes me wonder if you are old enough to remember the years prior to his arrival, or too thick to truly appreciate Wenger's abilities not only as a coach, but as an economist, sports scientist, and corporate executive...No other manager in the world has such a lengthy job description and its incredible that he has been able to do it these last four years. Its supporters like you that are giving the media the precedent to criticize the club. Can't you see what's happening??! The anti-Arsenal press have gotten wind of discontent amongst the fans and are using it to further alienate the supporters with the club. For the sake of the one thing we all have in common, which is AFC, we cannot let this continue. Of course, we are all disappointed with the season, and its because we expect so much from our beloved team. But pointing fingers at Wenger or the board or the players is not going to solve anything!

  40. jrockdc - u plank.

    1st of all u missed out nasri from ur team.

    secondly - mascherano, alonso or sissoko? be serious.

    we need to sell adebayor & gallas and bring in some new faces, not these moaning twats who seem to do more harm than good!

    to be honest i think wenger will stay but i do not think he will renew his contract again. I also think during his last 2 yrs he will do he best to make sure we win trophies, but at the moment we are simply not good enough.

  41. Look at what Roy Hodgson has done at Fulham, far better job than Wenger, with less money.

  42. Roy Hodgson better job than Wenger!
    Are you fxxking stupid?? Idiot!
    Look at Arsene's trophy cabinet mate!!
    Arsene Wenger IS NOT leaving ffs.
    All he said was that the Real job would be interesting with Florentino Perez. He's never left a club before his contract expires.
    Come on Arsenal and Arsene will do it next season

  43. If he leaves how about ranieri as replacement he has a history of working with youth

  44. fucking hell... don`t you write wrong about aw. he is a great and best manager in the wrighty7 is not a true arsenal fan.its not a good post but its a mad post.

  45. there is money at arsenal, but the reality is that we got a new stadium, that cost a lot of money. Wenger has money to spend but I believe he wants to build the club, which means holding back. Arsenal dont have the same revenue from merchandise as the like of Man U or liverpool. Man U is a brand name, the have access to whatever they want.

    The simple fact people, is we have been punching above our weight for the last few years, we nearly won the league last year and that is down to Wenger.

    The problem is all those bitch arsenal fans that boo them at the first mistake or when the chips are down, this is when the team needs us most!!

    That champians league game was discraceful, not because of the team, 'cause of the fans. I was ashamed tho be associated with them, leaving at 60 mins.

    I digress, Wenger will stay and right now he is the only one who can set this team right.And give Ade a break, he cant help it if another team was interested in him, he was on 30,000 a week, compared other strikers that was pittance, he was being screwed, another one that got bum deal from the so called "fans".

  46. Er.. who would replace him??? Get real. Without Arsene we would be Villa!! I mean Arsene may not have won silverware in the last 4 years but at least we've been in the champions league year on year. I could see it now (if he leave) Spurs nick 4th spot... now that would be as painful as Arsene leaving in the first place.

  47. Cookie I would love to meet you, just so i can prove to everyone that ure about 8 years old, which would make a lot of sense, not only because you would not have even been swimming around inside your aul' mans sack when it was 1-0 to the arsenal, ugly successfull football.

    Nor would you have been popping out of that split condom when we hadnt won anything for four years, finished mid table in 96, and a genious came to our rescue, then we won a league playing probably the best football england had seen up to then.

    No u would have been alive for the rest of the success but unfortunately you cant remember 'cause you were only four when we won our last major trophy, you have grown up other peoples memories, poor sod, I actually feel sorry for ya!!!!

  48. When will you cunts fucking grow up. Wenger made two indifferent comments in French which have been twisted and joined by desperate red top journos into a bullshit scare story.

    Stop reading the fucking papers, they're as full of shit as this blog.

  49. I think some people have got the wrong end of the stick with this post.

  50. thats right wrighty mate, u tell them that,i olso think some people here, need some english lessons.

    watch this

  52. Re 21.11

    Here's what i'll say, stop being a twat and grow some balls arsehole, nbdy listens to ppl like u inferstructing on feaking english, free stastesment, ma slapped you till you had cop on.

    In English, Behave yourself you little naughty boy and do not be telling people what to do. people are allowed to speak or write whatever they feel like. Mummy raised you better.

    Is this what you were looking for?

  53. hes staying!!!
    and on the thought of the transfer market... why not sign vieira agen, experienced and can lead the young players, can play the dm role and most importantly hes a free agent soon! plus im sure if we offered him the chance to come back he wudn't refuse, and if scholes and giggs (pfa player of the year lol) can do it every other week i can't suggest why he cant. hes still not even 33 yet.. your thoughts?

  54. From a Yids point of view...

    I think Arsenal need to keep Wenger... He hasnt exactly got the worst track record in his era at Arsenal has he... Just because you havent won the league in how ever many years doesnt mean he is finished... Granted you need to sign a few players and ship a few out, but 4th place is nothing to moan about and a CL semi final... I know i wouldnt complain with that....

    Also that Anonymous on here mugging Wrighty off, Why the fuck are you on here if you dont like his blog? Are you looking for some friends????

  55. I believe Arsene is the right man for the job at the moment, no doubt. I think some of the venom that has been directed at him in recent weeks is appalling. Sure, he hasn't got everything right this season & we have a right to question him but some of the scathing attacks recently have been a bit much. I really wouldnt want his tenure to end in tears with him feeling bitter towards the fans.

    I think Arsene now realises he made some mistakes this term & that this team needs reinforcing in a few areas & I genuinely believe he will look at addressing these issues over the summer, particularly if Gazidis & co have a word with him.

    If the reported transfer budget of £13m is true then there's nobody I'd trust to spend that money more wisely than AW. The sale of Ade would help matters greatly but I really wish the board would make some kind of clear, truthful statement about just how much cash is available.

  56. I think you'll find AW is a man of principle who regards Arsenal as a club of principle and a cut above the rest. I think he was genuinely shocked at the disrespect and sarcasm shown to him at the shareholders' meeting and he probably realises now that Arsenal supporters are no better than those of any other club. Fans want instant success. And if you believe that's going to happen at Arsenal without an injection of money then you have a sad time ahead. AW has no money to spend and has done a great job on a shoestring. I'm pretty sure that he's as frustrated as the rest of us that we don't have the money to get the players that would add the extra that's needed.

    I think Arsenal's fear is that fans would leave in droves if they said that AW has no money to spend. Trouble is that the alternative is to tell the fans that there is money and for AW to say that he believes that his current squad is good enough. As he is finding out, that wears off after a while. Sad that it should have to reflect on him.

    I think AW will see out his contract but no more unless there's money to spend. He will be a huge loss to this club. There aren't that many managers of his class, as eg Chelsea and Spurs have found out. And managers are not stupid - Redknapp didn't go to Spurs because he loves them - they have money. Hiddinck didn't go to Chelsea because he loves them - they have a ready-made class team where he could take a short-term view. Ericsson wouldn't go anywhere that didn't have money. So who exactly would come to Arsenal without a budget ? In which case, we're looking at people with less of a track record. Do you really want to watch an Allardyce, or a Bruce or a Moyes team ? It would increase the posts on this forum no end.

    I feel ashamed at the way some people lay into Wenger and his players.

  57. I think you'll find AW is a man of principle who regards Arsenal as a club of principle and a cut above the rest. I think he was genuinely shocked at the disrespect and sarcasm shown to him at the shareholders' meeting and he probably realises now that Arsenal supporters are no better than those of any other club. Fans want instant success. And if you believe that's going to happen at Arsenal without an injection of money then you have a sad time ahead. AW has no money to spend and has done a great job on a shoestring. I'm pretty sure that he's as frustrated as the rest of us that we don't have the money to get the players that would add the extra that's needed.

    I think Arsenal's fear is that fans would leave in droves if they said that AW has no money to spend. Trouble is that the alternative is to tell the fans that there is money and for AW to say that he believes that his current squad is good enough. As he is finding out, that wears off after a while. Sad that it should have to reflect on him.

    I think AW will see out his contract but no more unless there's money to spend. He will be a huge loss to this club. There aren't that many managers of his class, as eg Chelsea and Spurs have found out. And managers are not stupid - Redknapp didn't go to Spurs because he loves them - they have money. Hiddinck didn't go to Chelsea because he loves them - they have a ready-made class team where he could take a short-term view. Ericsson wouldn't go anywhere that didn't have money. So who exactly would come to Arsenal without a budget ? In which case, we're looking at people with less of a track record. Do you really want to watch an Allardyce, or a Bruce or a Moyes team ?

  58. I was drinking with the Arsenal fans at Wembley the day of the FA Cup Semi this year (I was down for the United Everton game and went out with a mate for the buzz)...We picked Arsenal over Chelsea... lesser of two evils I suppose... but I have to say the Arsenal fans are by far and away the worst supporters I have ever seen, they bad mouth everything and everyone! Against United they sang and waved their flags for about 8 mins, then 80% were gone with 15mins to go, really really pathetic 'fans' ... Now they criticise the only good thing they've got in Wenger... he would walk into any job in Europe and you say he's not good enough for you...

    I cant wait for the day he does leave, Arsenal will be lucky to finish top 6 without him and I'm not just trying to rise you! If Arsenal were to Lose Wenger, Fabregas, V Persie... etc would follow him out the door v quickly... slap yourselves in the face and smell the coffee Gooners!"



    OO WE SHUD BE LUCKY TO GET IN DA TOP 6 HAHA UR SUCH A BUNCH OF MUGS AINT YA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IDIOTS

  60. stupid guy. i wonder what the old man, or the arrogant jose or either this looser ranierri who gets fired in every club would do with less than 20M£ budget a year?? arsene knows and will deliver next year i feel it comming, the priemier league comming back to the home of football. the pride of london, the arsenal. behind the team till death

  61. To the know that said wenger should leave, WTF do you know about football?

    how can you possibly complain about an unbeaten season? A feat unmatched by any other team in the English top flight. Even the Mancs are jealous of that record.

    You seem to think having the best team guarantees winning everything.

    Look at the (fairly average) Liverpool team that won the CL. They were mere seconds from going out at the group stage and ended up winning against the odds whilst finishing 5th in the league. They shouldn’t even have been allowed to play in the CL the next season.

    They were not a great team but then the CL can be like that – it’s not a true league but a cup competition against the very best of Europe and moments of luck or bad decisions can and do decide who progresses.

    As Arsenal found out when Liverpool unfairly progressed last year due to two appalling decisions from the referee. We were the better team but the best team does not always win – this is what makes football intriguing.

    It’s important too otherwise spending as Chelsea did would have guaranteed them every trophy under the sun.

    Ferguson is a truly exceptional manager with different resources and an unparalleled record in football. Whilst I don’t want us to lose, there never has been nor will there ever be, any disgrace to narrowly losing to Ferguson’s Man Utd. They consistently play with verve, grit and determination and have resources that we cannot yet hope to match.

    I just reread this and what you wrote and I suddenly don’t know why I am responding – you are clearly just a phenomenal ingrate.

  62. You advocate a takeover but how will new owners generate more income to pay for all of these signings? If you think that they are just going to chuck in loads of money without wanting anything back you are a fool, and I am being polite in that. Just look at ManU and Liverpool, Man U were successful before the Glazers, now all they have is a huge debt that they cannot repay. Liverpool have the new owners who can’t afford the new stadium they promised and have dumped £350 million worth of debt onto the club. What have Liverpool won in the past 3 years?

    Eventually the stream of borrowed money into these clubs will dry up. We will then see who is in a strong place.
