Sunday 17 May 2009

Arsene Wenger is just flirting with Real Madrid

I would take Arsene Wenger's comments about Real Madrid with a pinch of salt.

Of course it would be interesting to manage Real Madrid. They are a great club with more history than the Romans.

In my opinion Wenger is just flirting with Real Madrid. Its like Arsenal and Gooners are his missus and he has just had a barney with them. He feels a little under appreciated at the moment and feels sorry for himself.

He sees Real Madrid as the stunner who lives next door. Who wouldn't be interested? She shows a little interest but Wenger knows deep down that he won't go there. Its too risky.

Little wifey (Arsenal) is safe and Wenger feels safe there. He flirts a little with Madrid. Lets them know he thinks they are stunning and makes himself feel better.

In his thinking he believes Arsenal and Gooners will appreciate him more because the stunner wanted him and he could have her if he wanted.

The reality is he knows the grass aint always greener on the other side and his wife, although a little ropey at the moment, just needs a little cosmetic surgery and she will look great again.

There's a moral there somewhere..........

Wenger only spoke last week that Arsenal are his club. Do you honestly believe a week later he completely contradict himself? He only does that with transfers. Not his future.

Keep it Goonerish.............


  1. Spot on.nicely put

  2. Well you fan look like you are going to push him in that directions. You all want him out, you might get ur wishes soonish.

  3. I dont want him out mate. Far from it.

  4. no one wants him out really, they just want him to spend for once. he is the greatest, people want him to spend and the reason he doesn't spend is because the tight board gie him budgets of 13m for tranfers.

  5. More like the stunner next door has opened her legs and said your wife does not appriciate you as much as she should come to someone who will.

    Some Arsenal fans should be very careful what the wish for.

  6. there's a saying "an empty barrel makes the loudest noise", the empty-brained fans who want him out (without thinking it through) are the ones he's hearing.

    We need to let him know that at least as many fans are grateful for what he's done and will stick with him even though he makes mistakes like any other human being. And his mistakes are few, we must remember that.

    The last thing this club needs is him leaving. An interview in French in L'Equipe is open to interpretation when translated - depending on the agenda of the translator.

    But I agree he seems utterly fed up with Arse fans at the moment for the first time ever. I just wish he knew how much he's appreciated by so many of us.

    A quote I read on the SEtanta site regarding this Madrid thing is:

    "With Perez the project will be strongly interesting for every coach," he told Telefoot.

    "In general I always go right to the end of my contract.”

    When asked directly if he had spoken with Perez, Wenger replied: “Allow me to remain discreet on that matter.”

    The above transation "In general" I'd say could also be translated as "I always".

    The "discreet" quote is open to interpretation. It could be his sense of humour which usually comes with a twinkle of the eye.

    It wouldn't surprise me if the interview was an old one.

  7. i dont want wenger out,id let him bang my wife if he wanted but i worry for the mans health and wonder why he is makin life hard for himself and riskin his own reputation by not just doin what every other manager in the world does an trys to strengthen each year

  8. I don't want him out either. But there is something unnerving about recent events. I'm a season ticket holder and will renew soon at a cost of more than £1300 (that includes 2 CL games I had to pay for because we had to play qualifying games). And, frankly, I'm a little pissed off. It's as if I'm not allowed to criticise the man. That's unacceptable. There is no doubt that Wenger's position is unassailable. I would defend him to the hilt as the right man to lead the Arse. But he has made some big mistakes in the last two years and he should be big enough to acept that fan grievances are legit. It's got to the oint where the stadium is a millstone. We need investment and Kroenke and Usmanov and Fiszman need to step up to the plate collectively. I have never liked the Usmanov/Dein package but my opposition to them is softening. I read Usmanov was keen on a rights issue to raise fresh equity and to pay down our debt. It makes a lot of sense to me. As I said Kroenke, Fiszman and Usmanv need to reach an understanding that mutually benefits their respective investments and helps to take us to the next level. Enough is enough.

  9. the thing is he opened up for criticism by sayin judge me at the end of the season,well ours ended the other week, i dont agree with all the criticism but i dont want to wait another 5 years for a trophy, if that happens it will be said we should have sacked him after the first 5 years,he should be doin all he can to rebuild his winning reputation not waitin for kids to grow,he doesnt have the time, 1 season left!

  10. he needs to stop rebuilding,and start adding, whenever we won something he didnt go out and make a couple of additions to keep competition high and freshness in the team appropriate, he always lost one or two and did nothing but wait till the squad needed rebuilding, fergie stays on top because building is never complete

  11. im not empty-brained and believe me ive thought about this for a long time i think its the right time for a change dont get me wrong he is a great manager and i thank him for everything he's done for the club but i just dont think he can take the club any further. just my opinion

  12. Look at everyone shitting themselves now so pathetic, calm down guys AW is just angry with fans at the moment due to recent criticism so he wants to get his own back by giving fans panic attacks. He simply thinks its impossible for himself to take criticism

  13. on the spot wrighty7..arsene has a name like that for a reason..he is a born gooner..probably the worst thing that would happen to arsenal ever is wenger leaving..adebayor and persie are replaceable especially adebayor..wenger will be at arsenal for a long time to come..all this is reverse psychology or just probably he is trying to get a bigger transfer kitty..anyways we'll find out in a couple of months time..

  14. The shit he's taken this season dont blame the bloke to piss off and take his proteges with him! He won't though. He's determined to win the Champs Lge with Arsenal. As soon as he bags it, he's out of here. Legend!

  15. one should realise that wenger is forging a titanium solid team..wonders he has done with a team full of people unhread of outside arsenal fc for most of the season and better part of the last 3 years..also there is probably a very good reason he is the manager and not anyone of us..

  16. its been a tough year for mr wenger, father died an he did his job without a tear in his eye and not even a moment off, he needs this season behind him big time,he has seen who is who and who he can trust now, next year arsenal will deliver

  17. William -- "It's as if I'm not allowed to criticise the man."

    You can say what you like, you can criticise him. Wenger can take criticism, he's always fielding off questions that journalists pose which could be called criticism. He's fine about that.

    The difference at the moment is the way he's being criticised. I've heard people at the ground screaming at him, calling him a c*nt, or a "French c*nt" as someone behind keeps calling him. That's not criticism, but that's what he's hearing at the moment. Not constructive thoughts, but just "buy or get out", or "you've lost it".

    That's what I'm against. I doubt some decisions that he's made but he has to make those decisions days or even months before he sees the outcome.

    We criticise after seeing the outcome.

    There's the difference between the job he has to do and us -- we have the considerable benefit of hindsight.

  18. I reckon half these dickheads who ring 5 live complaining are Spurs fans in disguise - honestly.
    If its trophies the fans want, instantly, AW can deliver them. Only he'll have to go to Real, with a budget of 3 trillion pounds, where he would probably win the European Cup as regularly as tax returns.

    i don't think he's flirting at all.
    luckily for us though, I think he's stubborn, and unless his health is suffering, (which it could be), I think he'll stay because he wants this team to show its worth.

    Let's hope so....

  19. Wenger criticìsms a borne out of frustration. Only short-sighted people blame Wenger. They have just found out that there's a lack of trophies but due to their inability to get the bigger picture, they blame the coach. Wenger himself said that if the funds comes on the table he will spend but he's not prepared to burst the club. But still go ahead and cal fo his head if he didn't buy a 1 overated Gareth fuckin Barry? Aqe you all thick or what? You ungrateful lot should be rejoicing that u have a brilliant human being who capable of building a team from scratch in such a difficult period where funds seems to be an issue. How can a grown up person, in his/her rightful mind, blame Wenger for not buying player X or Z if most of those players are outa Arsenal budget constraint? Wenger wil only manage to bring experienced players to the club if we get lucky to encounter a stuation like Arshavin's. Do u think coaches like Maurinho, advocaat, even Ferguson himself, were to come to Arsenal, can yield the same reult, cateris paribus? Tel ur stingy board and bilinaire sugar dadies to cough up the loot. Right now they are busy havin a big larf coz they hav al u fooled and barking at the wrong tree.

    Your monumental dumbness is beyond comprehension.

  20. What we saw on Saturday (at Old Trafford) was a team AW put together worth around 30m pds outplay and out pass a team SAF put together worth around 160m pds. Men vs Boys? I dont think so! Arsenal maintained 60% possession trying to score against arguably one of the best defenses in the world.

    So much did Arsenal command and dominate that game, Rooney, Tevez and Ronaldo were forced to track back and defend.

    Give SAF the same budget AW had to work with and I suspect he would not even make the top 10 of the premiership table.

    The Arsenal FC have chosen to run their club using a philosophy of sustainability and good corporate governance. Their investment in the Emirates stadium a few years ago will ensure they prosper and compete equally with the biggest clubs in the world.

    They chose to do this and still run a solvent club that is competitive. It would be easy for the board to ask Usmanov to loan Arsenal millions to buy the best players in the world (ala ManU, Chelsea, Liverpool, Man City, Spurs, West Ham). But any additional (huge) debt would ultimately have to paid back plus interest.

    No bank would extend massive loans to any business it is not confident the business is capable of repaying. Arsenal knows this so why would it seek to borrow from a private investor like Usmanov it knows it cannot afford to repay. It does not make commercial sense.

    This is the hard decision Arsenal have made and it will serve them well in the long run.

    AW subscribes to the business model and has accepted the challenge to remain competitive on a shoestring budget. And what has he achieved in the past 4 years?

    Finishing in the top four every year. Qualifying for CL every year. CL finalist and semi-finalist. FA cup finalist and semi-finalist. Winning most top 4 fixtures home and away.

    Have faith True Gunner supporters. Our time will come. And be careful what you wish for?

  21. Some fans just dunno the big job Arsene has esp after Dein left.

    And the budget he has too. Its been a miracle for Arsenal ever since he joined.

  22. what are you, dude? some alien got into Arsene's head. Stop guessing pal, act like a real gooner mate.

  23. He could be telling the board indirectly that 13 million gbp aint enuf.Give me more or I will be off meaning to RM.
    If he does go and has an unlimited budget and he doesn't achieve,his legacy /reputation will be in tatters.
    Not that I don't wish him well but it's agamble.

  24. nice one Wrighty.
    i think so far AW has been done a great job especially with the team he's built this season but somehow i disagree with him when he always defending his player when they're playing shit, example Ade.
    i hope he bought some fresh face and experience one/two next season to build our defence then we can win some trophy, CL perhaps..=)

  25. Gunner4Life
    I Love AW he is da best he has our club @ heart.I wud love a cup am sure he does 2 thats why he is always bringing out da best in what he has.We dnt hav money if he can get am sure he ll do us proud.

  26. "...and I am a manager,but I am under contract with Arsenal and totally concentrated on my objectives here.”

    sadly the last part of his sentence completely ignored by all.

  27. Having retreated from their silly “Cesc to Real Mad” weekly headline the journalists have now found other approaches….

    1: Top players are expressing discontent because Arsenal won’t win anything, and they (the players) are preparing a mass walk out

    2: Arsenal is broke, and can’t afford to buy anyone

    3: UEFA and the EPL are utterly embarrased that their structures and rules have been used to create super-clubs like Arsenal and Manchester IOU. It is the EPL that has created the income structures that reward the success of these clubs. It is UEFA that has created the financial structures of the Champions League that has also rewarded them.

    Now they are trying to find ways to undo their own work. Bujt being the corrupt agencies they are, they will never admit to their mistakes, and so they try underhand methods.

    The latest suggestion is to limit the number of players that the clubs can register for the league season - an approach that will make it harder for the clubs to bring through promisng young players (who might or might not make it) and instead stay with the established top players. It will result in more and more of the top players being gathered by the big clubs, and Arsenal’s wonderful experiment with bringing through young players will be stopped.

    It will also result in fewer loan signings to EPL clubs since they won’t want to risk taking on a player who might only play a few games.

    The newspaper stories concerning players not wanting to sign new contracts, and Arsenal only having £15m to spend can be treated with the contempt they deserve. One only has to remember the Mirror’s translation of the Danish interview that Bendtner gave, (or their childish “Arsenal will sign Crouch”) to know how these things are made up.

    But these stories will be seized upon by the anti-Wenger lobby, which is clearly supported by those from other clubs who are endlessly angered by Arsenal’s success at achieving top four finishes and financial success.

  28. Having retreated from their silly “Cesc to Real Mad” weekly headline the journalists have now found other approaches….

    1: Top players are expressing discontent because Arsenal won’t win anything, and they (the players) are preparing a mass walk out

    2: Arsenal is broke, and can’t afford to buy anyone

    3: UEFA and the EPL are utterly embarrased that their structures and rules have been used to create super-clubs like Arsenal and Manchester IOU. It is the EPL that has created the income structures that reward the success of these clubs. It is UEFA that has created the financial structures of the Champions League that has also rewarded them.

    Now they are trying to find ways to undo their own work. Bujt being the corrupt agencies they are, they will never admit to their mistakes, and so they try underhand methods.

    The latest suggestion is to limit the number of players that the clubs can register for the league season - an approach that will make it harder for the clubs to bring through promisng young players (who might or might not make it) and instead stay with the established top players. It will result in more and more of the top players being gathered by the big clubs, and Arsenal’s wonderful experiment with bringing through young players will be stopped.

    It will also result in fewer loan signings to EPL clubs since they won’t want to risk taking on a player who might only play a few games.

    The newspaper stories concerning players not wanting to sign new contracts, and Arsenal only having £15m to spend can be treated with the contempt they deserve. One only has to remember the Mirror’s translation of the Danish interview that Bendtner gave, (or their childish “Arsenal will sign Crouch”) to know how these things are made up.

    But these stories will be seized upon by the anti-Wenger lobby, which is clearly supported by those from other clubs who are endlessly angered by Arsenal’s success at achieving top four finishes and financial success.

  29. Great metaphor. Most impressive literary piece I've seen from you Wrighty.

  30. Before i begin let me explain that i am in no way taken in by all this negativity that has surrounded the media and some of the people who jump on the bandwagon calling themselves arsenal supporters.

    We are all Arsenal supporters. This simple fact, this state of being, has been a constant in my life for 30 years. It has brought me heartbreak and elation in equal measure from watching Tony Adams driving home the final league goal of a title-winning season to being curled up in the foetal position on my couch for 36 hours after Barcelona came from behind to crush our Champions League dreams in Paris.

    In all that time I had come to believe that I had pretty much seen it all…..until these last few weeks.

    In the last few weeks, I have watched hundreds of my fellow supporters come as close to blows as anybody could over the internet. I have listened in astonishment as players in the hallowed Red & White of Arsenal have been boo’d and jeered by their own supporters sometimes when they are warming up before coming on as a substitute
    I have listened in shock while our most successful manager, one of the most respected figures in world football, had to endure a shareholder’s meeting where participants were more concerned with taking cheap shots at our players than reasonable discourse. Imagine if you will, having the opportunity to talk directly to Arsene Wenger about various aspects of our club and its future direction and then wasting it by insulting him and our team. It beggars belief! Let’s get something straight here. Jeering and insulting those who you you claim to support is tangibly oxymoronic with an emphasis on the ‘moron’ part.

    How the hell did we get here? Have we become so demanding and so oblivious to our relative position in the football universe that we revert to tourette syndrome when events fail to unfold as we desire? Sadly, it would appear so.

    What has changed over the years to make us thus? In truth it is probably a mixture of brainwashing from a partisan media, a nagging uncertainty about the future ownership of our club and the result of a diet of success that was far too rich for our own good for several years.

    Here and now, every Arsenal supporter should ask themselves why they became a supporter in the first place. Was it to complain? Perhaps to facilitate writing abuse on the internet? Maybe it was to indulge in jeering the home team from the home supporters section. Maybe, but I suspect not.

    What I suspect is that you became an Arsenal supporter out of love and passion for the club. It was this love and passion that caused you to put everthing else on hold come matchday. It was this love and passion that caused you to spend your hard-earned cash to see your team play live . It was this love and passion that allowed you to savour victory and success to to an opiate-like degree and that eased your pain when that success was fleeting, as it so often is in football.

    It is now time to remember those things of yesteryear that sparked our love affair with this magnificent football club and realise that they are just as strong in us today as they were then. Complaining about our situation will not change it and the events of this year and others cannot be undone.

    NOW is the time to unite behind our manager and behind our team. It is NOW during this bleak period that they need our support the most. We are their twelfth man and we are not matchfit anymore.

    Let’s have an end to all these ridiculous calls for Arsene Wenger to be replaced. He is going to be our manager for the forseable future so get behind him. When he eventually retires, he will greatly missed believe me. Let’s also have an end to the incessant calls for him to buy players. OF COURSE HE IS GOING TO BUY PLAYERS! Not only that but he will buy the best players he can lay his hands on with the money he has available, which will most likely be substancial this year even though it hasn’t been in recent years.

    On top of that, when he does buy these players, make them feel welcome! Make up great songs about them, send them welcoming messages via the club and go and see them pre-season singing yourself hoarse in the process. Wear shirts with their names on the back. Show them that they belong and they will play their hearts out for you.

    This seaon coming, RENEW YOUR FAITH IN THE ARSENAL! Wear your colours proudly! Drown out the voices of other supporters whether home or away with your singing! Roar your applause at every shot on goal whether it goes in or to row Z! Roar your applause at every substitute warming up and let them know that you are behind them and that their best will always be good enough.

    You will see more of their best as a result. Increase your support to include the reserve matches, the youth games and our fantastic ladies team who are a national treasure. Go to their games come rain or shine! Break their attendance record until they have to put their matches on at The Emirates because they deserve to play there and they deserve you to be there for it. Make other supporters and other teams feel awe for the support that we give our team. Make the Emirates atmosphere the envy of the league! Lift our players and they will do their part and lift trophies. Raise your voices, lift your team and renew your faith.

    Unity in the face of adversity.

    Victory through Harmony.

    We will get there…….together.

  31. I am interested in all the positive comments and declarations of support for Arsene. Trouble is that virtually all of that support comes with the caveat that our manager is going to make the changes that are so badly needed and quite obviously overdue. What evidence do any of you have that Arsene has the slightest intention of doing what you want him to do? As for the constraints on his spending in recent years are any of you prepared to accuse Danny Fitzman of being a liar? Nobody is suggesting that Arsene could have matched the spending of Man Utd, Chelsea or Liverpool, but he could have spent much more. My guess is that Arsene Wenger is currently unhappy with Gazides usurping some of his power. The manager should identify targets but not be in a position to act as club accountant as well. If we can't afford a player then it is up to Gazides to tell Wenger, not the other way around.- Ramgun

  32. Ramgun? Are up sure its not Rumgun, coz u sounds just like someone high on rum.

  33. Why would anyone want to be manager of Real Madrid? If we take away the salary that is.

    Seriously, Real Madrid have had three managers since 1974 who had been for three seasons (three seasons, or 2 1/2. Del Bosque was there for about four seasons. Since they mostly lasted only one season, and it don't matter how much you win. If you don't win EVERYTHING, you are no way close to safe in your job.

    The presidents also builds the team, not the manager. I don't believe for a SECOND that Wenger goes there.

  34. Great article wrighty. and you're probably right too.
