Thursday 28 May 2009

I'm in two minds over Robin van Persie

I love Robin van Persie but if the main reason he is reluctant to sign a new contract is because he wants to see if Arsenal can compete for honours then he can jog right on in my opinion.

I understand that he wants to win things. He should step into some Gooner shoes! But he needs to understand that he has contributed to the barren spell himself.

How often has he been on the treatment table rather than actually on the pitch? I'd say more often than Paris Hilton pulls her knickers up and down. Thats a lot. I've seen the DvD.

In a way I'd say that Robin owes Arsenal, Arsene Wenger and especially Gooners for sticking by him despite all his injury woes. We have all been patient with him throughout his time with Arsenal.

Perhaps the real sticking point is the amount of money on offer. If Adebayor is worth the reported £80,000 a week he earns then so is Robin.

I reckon that is the true reason for the contract talks stalling. I symphathise with the Dutchman if that is the case.

Parity with Adebayor should be the offer that Arsenal have made van Persie. He has been there longer and is more influential, with Gooners and the squad. Even if it is from the sick bay.

His glass body has held up for longer periods this campaign. I hope for better in the future. Maybe then we can win things! But Robin needs to commit first.

Keep it Goonerish..........


  1. van Pill not leave Arsenal for a better club. There will not be any interest from Barca, Man Utd, AC, Inter or Bayern.

    He is a class player, but not even first chocie at Arsenal.

  2. RVP my favorite topic.I really don't think it's about money.i read the offer is 70K and he wants 90K so a compromise could be reached.I read it that he feels let down in the club putting more emphasis on buying youth than experience,and he is leaving his options open to see if we really are to buy at least two experienced class defenders.Finally,you are right that half his time he has been injured since joining,but on his day he is a class could go either way.

  3. I've read Van Persie's demands and it states that he wants £90k a week, a clause in his contract saying that Arsenal have to accept a bid if anyone bid £5m or over for him. If he thinks he would get such a contract, he can think again.

    I honestly think the main reason Van Persie is stalling over a new contract is that he wants Arsenal to show their true ambitions by buying world class players and contend for the title. He must get frustrated by seeing the kids with potential, but not ready yet to challenge. He wants to play with stars who can win games.

    My advice to Van Persie is; Sign that contract, because if you leave the Emirates, your new team would not be as patient with you when you are injured!

  4. oi oi wrighty

    i agree with that mate..totally...

    we stood by robin...through all the bad times and now he should repay that...

    these contract talks have been ongoing for sometime now and i dont believe for one minute its wenger or the club thats stalling..

    we have ivan who is in charge of the contracts and walcott has signed a new deal so it isnt like the offer isnt there...robins seen as a key player by wenger so theres no reason for the stall other than robin himself....

    its also been reported that robin wants a minimum fee release clause of less than 10 mil....

    we could sell him now for at least 15mil so whats he playing at???

    any player that tries to hold the club for ransom should be told to get get paid what you deserve and robin hasnt won anything you point out he is a reason for the barren spell...if he wants to compete then hes got to let his football do the talking and not his gob...anybody can jumpship...and if it even crosses your mind then the clubs better off without you...

    wenger needs to get tough and call his bluff. accept the terms and sign or find a new club...

    he has had a good season...20 goals and the most assists isnt to be sniffed at...but he isnt that consistent....he has good months and has bad months and if we want to compete as he said we need him to do it all season long...especially for the wages he wants...

    just look at ade...if we give in to a player like this theres only one person better off and thats the player himself...

    sign the contract thats been offered robin and show us you want to compete...or fuck off and let someone else have a go...

  5. How are you JonJon?long time no hear.

  6. RVP had been in fine form for important parts of the season (he scored or set up almost all goals in January). He does have some injury issues, but played more this year than any other.

    These facts state that he is necessary if we want to see any silverware next year.

    Give him an extra ten grand a week (I wish I could have an EXTRA ten grand a week!) and give him a new 4 year deal.

    This will show us who is pulling the strings (Wenger or Ivan) and dealing with contracts!

  7. Oy oy Jonjon!

    Well put matey!

  8. Im good thanks anon...

    how about yourself???

    it would help me if you didnt anon yourself


  9. JonJon,
    greetings from Spain ;)

  10. Jonjon has a secret admirer from Spain!

    Is it Fabregas?

    Maybe Alonso!

    Flirt with him Jonjon. He might sign!

  11. Van Persie is a media manipulating gob-shite. He bullies players in the dressing room and is so arrogant that he wants 20k a week more than Arshavin.

    Adebayor turned down 90k a week from Milan to stay on 65k a week at Arsenal. At least he is upfront.

    All this ambition talk is nothing more than trying to turn supporters against the club. RVP will find that he has misjudged the mood just like the MPs.

  12. Ok first off, Ivan gazidas will be the guy at the table for Arsenal. This is his main funstion. When Deputy comissioner for the MLS he was involved with EVERY single contract within that league for 6 years. That's a lot of fucking contracts.
    Don't let the partisan media turn you against RVP. He just wants parity with the top earners at the club. As things stand Theo is making more than he is so a little fairness is in order. Having a naturally left-footed striker is very important for us especially for free kicks and penalties(which he never misses)
    Imagine the injustice if Adebayour stays and RVP leaves. It would be heresy.
    Give gazidas time and not only will he get RVP to sign but a few tasty others.
    Irish Gunner.

  13. hahaha

    or it could be henry, wrighty...

    or iniesta or xavi or messi

    or it could be an ex arsenal goalkeeping legend???? ;)

  14. JJ,
    who else,you sussed me out.Wasn't difficult was it ?

  15. jon jon u stinking lovy dubby

  16. lovy dubby???????


    adebayors in the house ppl...

    nah 'ANON' it wasnt difficult mate

  17. Van Persie is dutch. When he scores a hat trick for Holland against Germany he can compare himself to Theo.

    He can demand parity wages from Ajax.

    We don't need 90k a week penalty taker. When was the last time he scored a free kick. He takes every single one. Bye Bye Van Persie. Its no surprise we have won nothing since you came.

  18. LOL

    Anon: re the free kicks...

    i agree....robins free kicks come back with ice caps on them....

  19. we need to keep him definately!
    does anyone feel wenger should try playing the barca formation next season???
    sagna gallas djourou? clichy
    fabregas nasri
    van persie arshavin
    just a thought... please dont call me stupid lool!

  20. @jonjon

    Wrighty has been sitting on the fence so much he probably has splinters.


    Its so funny when people fall for the ambition crap and actually believe its not about the money. I think Van Persie was asleep when we bought Arshavin to replace him. Even Arsene is now saying that if had Henry last year partnering Adebayor we would have won the league. RVP still doesn't get it. NO club has come in for him. NONE!

  21. nah pritpal thats not stupid...

    the barca formation would suit our passing stlye but for some reason(midfielders cough cough) when we try to do it we always end up with a 451 in defence and attack....

    Ade cant play uptop as a lone striker like eto'o can because simply et'oo is never alone....

    adebayor doesnt get enough support and on top of that hes shit..

    the thing with the 442 is that it is adaptable to any formation you want with the right players...

    look at the invincibles for eg (sorry to mention it) but we played 442 every game and at times it looked like we played 2 1 7

    LOL.... because we had the right players...

    we get the right players we will succed....

    we keep sticking with adebayor up top and diaby on the wing and bendtner on the wing and eboue at LM and song at RB and it aint ever going to happen...

  22. Maybe Arshavin was bought to replace the late lamented Rosicky.The whole wage structure is absurd.Silvestre at over 30 is on 50K a week,Theo trebles his wages to 60K whilst he is still an apprentice,Arshavin now wants to restructure his contract as the tax band has been increased from 45% to 50% so RVP wants parity,with the one season wonder Adebayor on something between 80k to 110K,earning as much now as Arsene Wenger.

  23. I dont think there's too much of a hurry for him to sign a new deal. He's contracted till 2011... BUT, when RvP has spoken about playing for Arsenal, unless he's a top actor, he's always come across as a Gooner to me... I think he has a real affinity for the club and maybe, just maybe, the stories about him wanting £90k a week and daft buy out clauses are media bull, or mischievous leaks from certain agenda driven parties (David Dein, Usmanov...or his agent) as they have donew so previously, especially in the Daily Bigot, erm, I mean Daily mail

  24. its always about the money


    henry loved this club with all his heart and soul but moved to barca the year after he signed a new 4 year deal and took millions from the club in doing so and never blinked twice....

    loyalty means nothing in football anymore....

    its all about the money but if the players good enough (cough cough adebayor) like henry he will be forgiven very very easily.....

    put up or shut up....let the football do the talking and the money will flow.....players who have to haggle are just overated..and they know it and the 'footballers have a short career so we need to get as much as possible' is aload of shite.....

    if your good enough you'll earn more than enough to retire on 100years over without having to haggle....

  25. I am sure i know you JonJon, just can't place exactly where from at this precise moment.Are you from up norf,by any chance.

  26. Oy anon you cheeky bastard!

    If anyones got splinters its Hleb. That bloke has spent all season on the bench at Barca!

  27. @Anon 20:11

    I KNOW Adebayor is on £65k a week.


    Theo is on the same as Adebayor. We earn a lot from Theo's brand. Thats how you work out ROIs and offer salaries. RVP has done nothing to command the money he is asking - £90k a week. He takes penalties to pad his stats. RVP takes all free kicks and corners, thats why he has so many assists but he actually doesn't create anything.

    Rosicky was replaced by Nasri.

  28. van persie for me flatters to deceive if you ask me. yeah he is capable of world class moments but for me he is really inconsistent. 13 goals in the league for me is not good enough. It's a sign of the times at arsenal that were being held to ransom by someone who has never scored 20 goals in the league before. its fucking ridiculous. I know a lot of gunners worship rvp but for me he is grossly overhyped. A good player but not a great player.

  29. If you wanna put it into some sort of context... jason park at United has just signed a new deal, he's on £60k a week...

    So, does RvP merit a bugger pay packet than the S Korean utility fella?

    I think so!

  30. Sell all that demand. No player is worth more than the club is willing to pay them.

    I have never rated van p,he has five great goals to his cv and thats it. If you ask me bendtner is worth more to the team. At least he moves!! get £15m for him tell him to fuck himself eduardo will start for sure then and we have that extra cash to spend on a BIG name

  31. RVP had his first fit season for ages - and he had to play alongside a useless lazy cunt like Adebayor who never gave him a single pass. He knows Arshavin is a major player now so he needs to know he'll be alongside him because I've a hunch Wenger wants NikkiB as the target man with Arshavin in the Bergkamp role (depending we sell TogoMug) - and that would leave RVP fighting with Naz for the wide left role. Its not about cash, its not about signings - its about 'Am I in the first XI'

  32. Spike the South Korean sells shirts in the far east.

    Return on investment (ROI). Thats how salaries are worked out. Productivity and brand. The only reason Adebayor got his money was because of the goals he scores. And he is on a goal incentive salary. So he won't make the money if he doesn't score.

    Van Persie doesn't even convince Dutch fans. Thats why there have been ZERO bids.

  33. Hi all um new here so wanted to say that I respect all of what u guys have said but I think that for arsenal thee best interest would be to sell these both(ade n RVP) for around 40 mil and get dzeko and huntelaar for less than that max what 40 and our strike force would be great with eddie, Vela and bendtner available. the moneyfrom pocket should be spent on 2 CB's and a holding mid.Still can cash on Senderos and gallas

  34. Van Persie a good player. Van Basten rated him. Personally I think we can do better. Problem is he turns about as fast as Jap Stam used to, he's not quick and only suits 442 witha fast not our team.I like him I do but the team would be light years better with eduardo in his spot.

  35. if it is about buying world class players and winning trophies then old 1 foot van percie the glass man should move on because for a start if we do buy world class players he wont get a game, simple. hes had his chances in the big games against utd and chelsea and didnt turn up. get 10-15 mill and bite their hands of before hes back to the injury room again

  36. I am not convinced RVP is going to win us trophies. his stats are impressive, I have to admit that, but I just dont see him winning us trophies. He is not a Messi, a Ronaldo or an Arshavin.

    He wants parity with Ade. Fact is Ade isn't even worth what he is on. wenger should never have agreed such massive wages because it opens a can of worms. You pay Arshavin top wages because he is one of the worlds best players. For me, RVP just isn't and he turns his good performances on and off - you never know when you will get a good game out of him.

    Let him and Ade go and buy Dzeko. wenger needs to stand firm.

  37. £50m FOR RVP & ADEBAYOR




    £20m PROFIT


    Thank you.

  38. I dont think it would be a good Idea to sell both Ade and RVP in one go. We dont need to sell them, so why sell them? I think if we have to sell one it should be RVP (wasnt inter interested in him last season?) as we dont have to buy another direct replacement (second striker), if we sell Ade we only have Bendtner (are two target men) and he got injured we would have to play RVP as lone striker or forced to play simpson.

    I think we only need two signings otherwise, midfielder (holding) and defender. Im sure Barca would release Keita at a resonable price. Im not too sure about a defender, I think seeing Silvestre play made me realise how I unappreciated Senderos, I wonder if he's improved?

  39. ANON 20;16

    aye mate i live up norf....not far from that phil brown fella so he best have some home security cos alot of his windows are getting bricked this summer....


    if we do end up selling both ade and robin we need to bring in a top top top quality striker and not some 12 year old from the caves of inner mongolia or something....

    its essential we replace a 20 goal top assist player and a 46 goal in two season player with a mustard player who can do what both of these two can do and get alot of goals and assists....

    mmmmm...dont think they'll be another henry for 50 years so we out of luck there...

    or are we????? maybe AK47 can play up there??? with someone like Dudu...or vela?? and we use the money to reinforce that lightweight midfield of ours???

  40. I dont think we need a big man up front. Barca never play with a big man and they just won the CL. Bendtner is enough. we should be better at playing it to feet and passing and moving. I dont rate RVP as passer and mover. Dudu is great but there still is that doubt over his ankle.

  41. People have given vanPersie a fair bit of stick for this and I don't really know why. He has come and said that the money on offer is acceptable and the reason for stalling is, as you say, his desire to win trophies. And what's wrong with that? There ae so many mercenaries in football these days (Ade, cashley etc etc), personally I think it's refreshing to see a footballer say "yeah the money's fine, but actually that's not everything."

    Certainly he is one of the players to have contributed to the lack of trophies, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't be able to win more elsewhere. Personally though I'm pretty sure he'll convinced that this is the club for him, and this attitude will mean we won't see an Ade-like showing of him sitting around on his arse now he's got a fat payheck coming in.

  42. gazzap

    i like the way you think mate....

    and i concur...we dont need a hefty lump up front...we never have needed one we arent bolton.....thats plan B and bendtner can come off the bench and do it fine...

  43. expendeable player
    more skilled players with a lesser salary can do what he does

    let him go

  44. To be honest Van Persie can't claim a 80,000 a week contract for scoring 20 goals in one season (including at least five penalties) when all of us were arguing that Adebayor shouldn't get that much after just one good season where he scored 30 goals without taking any penalties and often playing up front on his own.

    To be honest Van Persie isn't really an Arsenal style player, takes far too many touches and slows the game down (he is a very good player but still overrated).

  45. Van Persie got some 'special advice' on taking free kicks from Beckham in January 08. He hasn't scored a free kick since 2007...

  46. We want Villa! We want Villa! :D

    Seriously though, David Villa would cost about 35m, if we sold Adebayor and Van Persie and took into consideration the fact that Villa's wages would be slightly less than those two combined...

    OK, never gonna happen considering he seems to want to stay in Spain and you have people like Man City around, but I seem to remember him saying he wanted to play for Arsenal last season (in fact I think that's the only club he's said he would like to to play for except Valencia), unfortunately I also remember Wenger effectively telling him to fuck off and boasting about how "Bendtner will be a real striker next year, we have Adebayor, and Van Persie will never get injured again".

    *Sigh*, imagine what it'd be like though to have Villa playing for us...

  47. i really dont undastand the critisism with van p, 1st of all if it wasnt for him this year we wouldnt have finished 4th now lets get that right, he dragged the team through december jan and feb so he dipped a little in the closing stages that because he picked up that thigh strain which kept him out for 2, 3 weeks, 2nd of all van p is our best player along with cesc remember when we was losing 1-0 to everton away 91 minute who popped up with one of our goals of the season, ye thats the man VAN PERSIE, and he gets alot of assists cause he has great delivery from wide ares which get us goals, like diaby against stoke and countless times this season he has delivered and put that ball on someones head for a goal, 3rdly 20 goals, 11 assists, our player of the year for sure, ye you guessed it VAN PERSIE

  48. oh ye and for the people that say he doesnt score in the big games:

    2 goals against chelsea away
    1 against manu champs lge semi final
    1 against tottenham
    1 against roma
    1 against villareal
    1 against liverpool

    those are pretty much the biggest games

  49. He is class. He will be even better next year when he gets his free kicks on target and is fed by Arshavin and Fabregas. He will dominate. Good bet for PL top scorer next year (although Torres getting injured would help).

  50. If to be compared, Van Persie and Adebayor score goals... At least Ade dun get injured that often and he has been playing upfront alone not for the injured of van persie.

  51. RVP is a gooner.He is world class, has commitment and is not lazy like Ade or Bendtner.The manager should get rid of Silvestre(useless), Ade(no commitment and arrogant), Abu(lazy and selfish with the ball) and Bendtner(lazy and simply doesn't know how to play) and use the money to buy Villa and Ribery. He can use the balance to improve the paycheck of RVP. Period!

  52. Slow mover,late passer,draging the game and overrated wage demands.

    The negative comments in a nutshell. But to me more a pedal to the metal reaction for those who call for CHANGE.

    And shout the loudest: YES, WE CAN.

    For me, RvP is a Gooner with his mind on the trophy cabinet. Out to prove the Arsenal way works.

    These days every player talks about ambition through their contract negotiations. Speaking on the future related to club and/or self. Just like Tevez.


  53. BTW:

    Not every talent is in his prime at the age of Messi or Ronaldo.

    I think the best of RvP is yet to come. He is that kind of player. Bergkamp hopelessly failed at Inter and came to Arsenal age 26.

    Remember that.


  54. rvp needs to know the squad will be strengthen, he needs to know they can compete for silverware next season before he signs. i totally understand him.

    but im sure he will sign

  55. so why was in madrid talking to the directors after the 2-6 home defeat against barca ?

  56. i don't think we sould sell robin he is more than just a good player, i mean at least unlike togomungol he mooves on the pitch. this guy can do everything with the ball, got eye for the goal and is one of the best strikers in the league on his day!! we just need a quality CB, a mid like barry, muntary, cana(this one is a beast) u play same 442 thing with arsha and nasri wide, cesc and the new player, with dudu/RvP/bentner up front and that will do it for sure, we have massive quality in the side wake up!!! gael and sagna will still be running from the back like rockets and we're gonna crush the mancs next year if we protect our defense. i think AW should get eden hasard too he is gonna be a hit.

  57. I love Nicklas...He's improved this season and is willing to commit to the club. I don't understand why RvP and people like Hleb and Flamini are such idiots when it comes to money.

  58. I am dicusted with the behaviour of some of the links that have been created on many of these aresenal forum sights and im not best pleased with some of the pictures that are being posted on them as well. I am probably one of millions of kids that read your comments and posting pornagraphic pictures on a link that are left for the tottenham fans is so uncalled for.

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