Saturday, 25 July 2009

Arsenal will surprise everyone this season-by winning the Premiership

It makes me laugh it really does. Almost every bastard out there has written us off before the season has even begun and I can't wait till those wankers are made to eat their words.

There is no doubt about it. We go into the campaign as complete underdogs and I reckon that suits Arsenal just fine.

If you believe what is being written or said about us then we are going to struggle to finish in the top four and maybe the top five. I say arseholes to that. We will end up in the top four alright, and even better, we will finish as Champions.

Yes I'm sticking my neck out and I can hear the laughter from here but I really do believe it. I have a feeling in my gut and it aint that kebab I had last night. Its a gut feeling that Arsenal are on the verge of something great.

I had the same feeling in 2006 that Italy would win the World Cup and people thought I was mad then.

If I was Arsene Wenger I would piece together every little newspaper scrapping of people slagging us off and stick the pieces to the changing room wall. That ought to liven everyone up.

What we Gooners need to do is get behind these set of players and become a solid unit. Let every other bastard slag us off. Lets create a them against us mentality.

Of course we can criticise but lets do its constructively. Lets not slag the team and Wenger off for no reason.

I don't think that Chelsea, Manchester United, Liverpool and certainly not Manchester City are any better than us now. The title is seriously up for grabs and I fancy Arsenal to get it right this season.

Keep it Goonerish...........


  1. mate i 100% agree

  2. 110% agree

    Arsenal are gonna win the league this yr. arshavin to get player of the yr

    geeGunner 09/10

  3. dont agree our first 11 when fit is good enough but we aint got strengh in depth like man u and chelsea.......we still have time to buy a few players though

  4. All this mug gooners who are saying we won't finish top4 should really f*** right off! Adebayor leaving is a HUGE lift. Wenger will DEFINITELY buy two more players and even if we don't necessarily need him, the strong rumour is Huntellaar will sign on Monday.

  5. Only team I am worried about is Chelsea. They have a good set-up and if Schevchenko can find form then they will be hard to beat.

    Liverpool will not be able to pull of last minute heroics like they did last year week in week out.

    Man U have replaced Tevez and Ronaldo with Owen and Valencia - hardly a straight swap.

    Man City won't gel that easily and their defence and midfield still isnt that great.

    I feel (like most people) that a striker and either a CB or DM is needed for us to ensure we are title contenders.

  6. I agree i have faith in this squad but i think we still need 1 player to come in !! Arsenal for the title !! - add me on my msn like talking to gooners :D

  7. Shevchenko????
    dont think you need to worry'bout him, mate!

  8. little bird told me steven taylor is a done deal.........

  9. "If I was Arsene Wenger I would piece together every little newspaper scrapping of people slagging us off and stick the pieces to the changing room wall. That ought to liven everyone up."

    Bad idea. It may need a wall as large as the Great Wall of China to carry all stupid piece of newspaper considering us as loser even when we are in pre-season period

  10. Would love to see Huntelaar sign!
    I'd definitely agree with you then, 200%, to be honest.

  11. I definately think we will finish top 2. Liverpool over performed got some great individuals but too many average players, Chelsea are aging fast and haven't got the depth they once had, Man City won't gel and have got players in it for the money. Only team i can see winning it ahead of us is united again cos they still have a very strong team even without tevez and ronaldo. I think owen is a great signing for them. Really think we will look strong this year but still need a holding midfielder.

  12. Well said, belief is have the battle , let us be the 12 man. YES WE CAN !!!

  13. dean the gooner25 July 2009 at 15:33

    I agree wrighty i have a good feeling about this season aswell. But my gut is telling we need one more player because i no we will get injurys and yes to anon 15:o8arshavin for player of season 18/1 i think...

    once we give city a good stuffing this season ill be happy :)
    come on the gooners!!!!!!

  14. Best article all year. Let us support the team , until the last game of the season and see where we und up .CHAMPIONS

  15. Lets unite and conquer. It was the same the summer Henry left, and we came screaming out of the gates. I'm looking forward to it. And I tell you what. I hope Wenger doesnt buy anyone else, just to make our success that much sweeter.

  16. Your all deluded, all the samw weaknesses that have shown themselves for the last 3-4 seasons are all still there with no signings or tactics to counter them. Yes we can play pretty football and score goals but remember, to win we need to score more goals than we let in! Its not usually the team that scores more that wins the league, but the team that concedes less. With only 1 defensive signing of a player with no premiership experience how do you all suggest we are going to stop conceding with the same defence and so called midfield! Your all deluded dreamers. Enjoy the football and let what will be be!!!

  17. You idiots say the same ting every year "we will surprise everyone this year" what ever we ant winning shit. We need to get rid of Wenger before that happens im so tied of the lies and him never keeping to his word the guys nothing but a bear face liar.

  18. sorry mate but this article is coming from your heart not yr brain.
    but then again thats a sign of true support as well as foolishness.

  19. Gunners The Stunners25 July 2009 at 16:02


    I completely agree with you. The people have already written us off even most of the Arsenal fans who just sit there and criticise the manager and the team over the summer but I am sure we'll be up there in the top spot and lift the EPL trophy come end of 2009-10 season.

    The best post I've read this summer. Keep up the good work.


  20. United are definitely weaker this year and I think Liverpool overachieved last season.two new signings would definitely put us in a position to challenge for the league.

  21. I agree totally! Remember all the 'comical wenger' jokes about going all season without being beaten!

    Some people are just negative and complain about everything!

    And when Arsenal do win the title they pretend that they never slagged off the team.

    Support your team through thick and thin, or Fuck Off!

  22. dean the gooner25 July 2009 at 16:24

    Whats with all the negative shit chaps.
    I you look around at the other teams and us and we have done pretty good.
    United hav lost 2 of there top players bruoght in who again micheal (ten games a season ) owen

    Chelsea have done nothing but age over the summer

    liverpool got lucky last season and rafa will fuck up this year like he always does wit rotating players and just bein stupid.

    Arsenal on the other hand got rid of a trouble maker singed a defender tat has to be alright or he would not of been captain of ajax.
    We have some money to spend and players coming back and all of our young players have a years more experince so fuck off all you cunt supporters tat tink we will do shit

  23. liverpool and Man poo will be weaker. chelsea have made some good signings but in the main are a old team. Arsenal DO need at least two signing to compete for a top 3 place. Man city and everton will be competing for that 4th place. And this is a Gooner speaking.

  24. lol, 6th is the best u filthy scum will manage, kiss my arse

  25. All of these idiots who keep on saying will we not win can f*** off as they aren't true fans.

    Arsenal are goin to win the leauge and then we will see wat other people have to say after slagging us off.

  26. All of these idiots who keep on saying will we not win can f*** off as they aren't true fans.

    Arsenal are goin to win the leauge and then we will see wat other people have to say after slagging us off.

  27. You are absolutely right!

  28. @Gregster

    I only delete comments that are abusive.

    I'm assuming that because it is the school holidays you are allowed on the computer.

    Do me a favour, if you don't like the blog then just don't come on here.

  29. Seriously, my favourite article written all summer regarding the Arsenal. I can't stand these fucking negative cunts (Gooner or non-Gooner) writing us off.

    It will be between us and Pool. If they lose Xabi Alonso then definitely us I reckon.

    You only have to take a step back and actually look at our overall squad. Arshavin (Russia capt), Rosicky (Czech capt), Gallas, Toure, Eddy, Almunia, Sagna and RVP are at a good age to guide the youngsters through a long, hard season. We stamp out our poor defensive work on set-pieces and it's ours this year. Simple as! It will be THE sweetest thing our club has EVER achieved!

  30. You make me laugh,i love arsenal but thats a load of bollocks,there defence is a joke,there to lightweight,the keepers shite,bendtners bollocks,im sorry i just cant see us winning the league,not for another couple of seasons,until we have sorted that shitty defence.

  31. FFS, it's mugs like you that keep Wenger in his job even though he is holding Arsenal back. He has been fantastic for us but he no longer has the 'no money' excuse to hide behind. It's criminal to not strengthen this squad and I'll happily have £100 with anyone who thinks we'll finish top 3 - I laugh my tits off when someone thinks we will - two injuries to important players and we are fucked. For the last two seasons we have needed a defensive midfielder and a big centre back and what has Wenger done for two years to address it? Feck all. Wenger has taken us as far as he can and should go whilst we still have good memories of him. He destroyed Monaco and got sacked because he took them back down the league whilst filling the team with African players......sound familiar?

  32. Big T,

    Why don't we wait until the transfer window shuts before we panic about not signing anyone.

    There is still time mate.

  33. Who would you choose as the new manager Big T?

  34. perrygrovesworld25 July 2009 at 16:54

    Good on you Wrighty7 along with Arseblogger you are the two guys that speak the truth unlike that Wenger Boy wally, Sinbad at Arsenal Action! Sod off Cana and Chamakh as they aren't good enough, roll on Klaas and whoever we get as DM we have Arshavin in the CL this year and Rossiky back and I bet half the boo boy newcomers have never heard of him!!!!

  35. I do think we have a chance, but only if our main players stay injury free this year.
    I urge all real AFC fans to ignore the idiots, A. Cole and Adebayor main examples, all their trying to do implode us as fans, and cloud our judgement of our team and manager.
    Cole has his own adgender, as he most probably want's to join the citeh band wagon, with Ade as he see the wages being handed out, plus he's hated by most real chelsea fans. (notice I said real fans).
    The futre is bright for our team as the bad ade apple has gone, and I hope Wenger doesent buy another one in that Chamaka guy as he talks too much, and is so intrested in leaving his current club even though they qualified for the champions league???
    Wenger will buy a couple of players maybe Huntellar or Gignac, both are above decent strikers, and would improve us.
    But if nobody comes in I still think we will be alright the current squad is o.k. and we can bring somebody in, in January.

    For all those who don't want to be real Arsenal supporters, I have this message for you "up the Arsene".

  36. i'm afraid arsenal have no chance of winning anything. they just sold their 2nd top scorer. rosicky will never stay fit. the defence is garbage. toure and gallas are a terrible partnership. almunia drops big clangers. clichy can't even get through a game without making one horrendous error. there is no defensive midfielder to protect them. denilson is next to useless, fabregas is weak in teh tackle. arshavin doesn't even bother to tackle. walcott doesn't track back and is crap unless he comes off the bench. song is crap. diaby is crap. silvestre and senderos are abominations. eboue is useless. van persie keeps getting injured and slows the play down. this team has nothing that champions require. no steel, no heart, no defence. wenger needs 2-3 buys, if he doesn't mkae them, forget it. we'll finish fourth or fifth.

  37. Ooh to be a Gooner!
    Good old Arsenal, we're proud to say that name!
    Finally a blog from an Arsenal fan. Come on you Rip-Roaring Reds!!!!!!!

  38. We have every chance of winning everything.

  39. Awesome! So refreshing compared to all the negative S**te that so many, so called Arsenal "SUPPORTERS" are spouting. Like they know more than Wenger FFS!

  40. We had a decent record against the top sides last season (apart from the chelsea home loss and cup games) it was dropping points against the weaker sides that did for us. We still need to make a couple of signings though to strengthen the squad given our track record with long term injuries. (nasri out already before the season has started ffs!) Lets see how it goes, I feel more otimistic this season than last.

  41. The title made me laugh too. Thanks for that.

  42. I want to be positive but I do feel that some of you are nearly as deluded as wenger is.

    No doubt we have quality, and on our day we can beat anyone (except barca - who would destroy us)

    You think that because some of us do not believe we will win the premiership we are not true fans ?

    I dream of the day I can take my son to another parade on upper street believe me!!!!

    But we had players like, henry, vieira, petit, bergkamp, lyungberg, pires, sol cambell, keown, adams, seaman to mention a few and I am sorry there is no one in our team bar arshavin who has the same potential, and wenger never wanted to buy him FFS. It was us fans on his back that bought arshavin!

    Sorry guys I cant see us dropping out of the top 4 but winning the league we just don't have the quality - especially in defense!


  43. aww get on you..... hope the comments come true not sure you will think the same way once that kebab settle's and you think about it.

    Although we have real quility in our youth and i do think one day if they dont go 4 bigger wages we will dominate the prem.

    Not going to grace the wenger doubters with anymore than a sentance.

  44. It was the fans that bought Arshavin????? What a plank the Greg is!

  45. You're not far off mate. I get the same vibe from a couple of years back, every other so called expert or otherwise, screaming about how sp*rs were going to take 4th place. That year we came within a horror tackle up in sunny birmingham of taking the title.

    Eduardo, provided he stays fit, is a world class talent about to explode. And if we get that DM in, and stay clear of too many injuries, then the title is there for the taking.
    Utd have been weakened significantly, Liverpool too relient on Torres and Gerrard. And Chelsea an ageing team another year older.

  46. disaponting all of the negative comments although as you say I think some children have got access to the computer.

    We def have the ability to win the league all depends on injurys and if we either get a DCM or Song / Diaby can step up.

    Good article Wrighty!

    Arsene knows best!

  47. y daznt anyone speak about us signing vieira. he myt be past his tym but am sure he wud mek gud backup n wud love to be at a club he loves. am sure he is beta than the lot of dm's we gat

  48. I believe Wrighty. I think we can surprise people this season and the only other team that hasn't been weakened this summer is only Chelsea. United lost Ronaldo and Tevez and that's huge and Liverpool could possibly lost one or more of Mascharano and Alonso. I still think we'll sign 1 or 2 more players and that in terms of departures I only see Senderos and possibly Silvest leaving. Hopefully.

  49. you may be truthful alright. but truth can still be said without the use of expletives. yes or no.

  50. Wrighty would u put your house on it?

  51. I expect we'll do about the same as last year, only this time we'll start better then fall away as the season gets rough. We should have just enough to do top four though.

  52. where'e the like button for today's blog?

  53. god I wish Arsenal fans would just get behind the flipping players. If you guys think they don't know you don't believe in them and you think talk drop at them will make them stronger you a bit on the slow side for sure. These players need to know or even think that we are all excited and ready to support them no matter who Arsenal buy or don't buy.

  54. Yes I would put my house on it matey.

  55. If Arshavin starts to fire like Henry did we stand a chance,otherwise no.

  56. Wrighty, you may not be the most cerebral writer out there (something I think you've said yourself), but actually I think that's your biggest strength. So refreshing to read posts like yours instead of all the over-negative bollocks that comes from so many other blogs. Top work!

    And by the way, I think we will too!

  57. Let's not be carried away.Wait for the bookies to give the odds.They are about 70% accurate. In 2008 Arsenal shd have won the title but for the unfortunate circumstances.
    I just hope AW shores up the problem areas in the team . If he insists on trusting his kids and they fail to deliver it will be his head most at risk.
    But you never know.Football is unpredictable. Granted there are goal posts there are clearly discernible.
    AW cannot give the ANC as an excuse for Arsenal's continued slump.Then he shdd't have bought these players no matter how cheap they are and technically talented.

  58. Yes, it is the best time for Arsenal to do something great this season.

    Chelsea appears to be the prime problem. They keep their troops with good reinforcements.

    Adebeyor can be offset by return of Rosicky and Dudu.

    A little improvement at the back can make a big difference to the result of the forthcoming season.

    Let's our finger crossed!

  59. I must say i always read your blog, and at times i have disagreed with your blog but never anything that i would comment on all minor things......BUT THIS!!! This is exactly what i have been thinking i am actually sick of listening to people talk our great team down, especially our so called arsenal fans giving our club, manager and team shit, well to those part time newbie fans FUC K OFF!!!! fellow Gooners WE MUST support our club this season more then ever. We need to be twice as LOUD in the emirates and 3 times as LOUD when we are on the road. lets be honest who is going to want to break there back for there fans and club when they are getting abuse of there own Fans.. This year is ours and we will put all these negative asshole comments andd smile because come the end of next season it will only make it even better to take the league trophy back to the emirates with the Carling cup and the fa cup too!!!! YA JUST GOTTA LOVE ARSENAL F>C :)

  60. I'd like to bring something on the table here: too many "If".

    I'll try to sum up the positions' issues first.

    The first big difference between a team who can challenge Barca on CL, and a team who will get crushed, is a world class goalkeeper. Don't get me wrong here, Almunia is good, but we need someone like Valdes, Casillas, or Buffon.

    If we keep Toure, we should be alright. Vermaelen is a quality signing. Though he might struggle the first season to do all matches, he's a terrible player.
    Also, I still think Arsene could buy an experienced DC and replace Gallas. I love him, been following him since Marseille, like many others, but he doesn't go well along Mexes who would be perfect for the job.

    WB: with Clichy and Sagna, not better to ask for at the moment without spending huge money... Would bring Jerome Boatengto sub any of them.

    DM: I can't even give a name in the current team for a first team spot. Since we lost Gilberto Silva and Song and Denilson are still too young, there's no one. That's the major issue. Bring in Alonso, or try to get Bodmer or Toulalan.

    AMC: Fabregas is an obvious name here. Great potential and needs to keep his place. But we need someone to sub him. Bodmer could also fill that role, as well as sub DC.

    AML: Rosicky. Nasri sub. Let's hope they will let Rosicky get his fitness back and not burn him.

    AMR: here's another trouble. Few names can fit, but no one to meet the likes of Rosicky on the right side.
    If we could bring Bentley in that would be terrific.

    ST: Eduardo - Van Persie
    Bring in Huntelaar please. He wants to come, and would be great to rotate main with the other two. He can play a full season, and score. Eduardo or RVP will get injured. Walcott can sub, but not play 100% of the games yet. Same for Bendtner. Great future strikers.

    Well. That's just my opinion anyway. There surely would be better players to get. Name them.

    Gooner and Marseillais!


  61. And yes, I didn't name Arshavin for next season. I believe he's going to pick up an injury really fast unless Arsene brings in a strong striker like Adenauor, and Huntelaar would be perfect.

  62. kebabs last night????what are you australian?

  63. Personally, I thought we played like crap almost all of last year. Yet we finished in the top 4 and beat each of the other top 3. The main difference was our performance against the lower teams in the league. Our defense didn't stop us from beating ManU, Liverpool or Chelsea in the league. I honestly believe with our renewed lineup (Arshavin the whole year and Eduardo/Rosicky back) that we can just outscore those lower table teams this year. So even if the naysayers are right and we don't have an improved defense (which is kinda silly since we have improved depth with V-man and Gibbs now a reliable LB obtion), we our to be able to beat the teams we lost to or drew with in the league last year.

    I think Wrighty is right - we can win the league.

  64. I'm with you bro.! It's Arsenal's time!

  65. I read this article n i smilled.Ade has been sold showin u dat if no strikes comes in, then arshavin holds his position which is behind the front man. Right now,we are good to win without even signin any more player

  66. Mark my words, United will be the team to drop this year and Liverpool will be close behind. Chelsea will be the only threat.

  67. "Arsenal are gonna win the league this yr. arshavin to get player of the yr" and china has the most free society with north korea giving food aid to the rest of the world.
    what are u guys smoking!!!!!!

  68. nice 1 4 gettin bk at me Wrighty im gonna put a monkey on my beloved to win it! not the house though still tryin to bring the misses round shes losin faith [Ade-trugoon]

  69. good on ya wrighty

    keep this buzz up for the rest of season

    maybe some of those neg heads will chear up

    on ya

  70. Highly hope , It's come true. In my opinion , the team can conquest it by Theo ,Fab4 ,RVP ,AA and colleague with good planning and formation by Le boss. The best defended is the best things to solid the team to move forward to scores with confident ,like this ,why the defensive holding midfield is so important that we haven't fond today.

  71. Alonso. Now. 30mil. End of story.
    He's one of the two missing Arsenal players, and now he's given his request to leave,
    This way Liverpool can get the 5th, and we would have only City, Man U and Chelsea to really worry about.
    This is CL insurance.
    Would also have great symbiosis with Fabregas.

    Huntelaar. Give him his wage, the guy is almost as good as Ibrahimovic, and with a first team slot, he would maybe outclass him.
    We need a scorer that can do more than the 38 PL games.
    Count the CL. 1goal every 2 match.
    Bendtner, Walcott, Eduardo, Van Persie, Vela, all good. But won't stand at 100% of their fitness on a CL run.
    In few years, you can count on VPR to be able to, and with Huntelaar, they would be a perfect striking force.

    But hey, that's just IMHO

    Kolo, I'll miss you. Cote d'Ivoire en Force.
