Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Can Nikki B be a world-beater?

Nikki B is a player who usually sparks a mass debate between Gooners.

He has his critics, mainly a section of the Gooner faithful that decided booing him was the best option last season. I didn't agree with it but it seems that the booing gave him a proper kick up the arse.

I think in a strange way it changed him for the better. I haven't really seen the arrogant Bendtner of old since.

There is no doubt that Arsene Wenger rates him. I do too. I happen to think that he has a brilliant future in football and hopefully that is with Arsenal.

He has a great chance to become the club's main target man now that Adebayor has left. Every club needs one. Arsenal probably more so than any.

Of course we don't play direct football but it is a plan B when necessary. Ade, despite not being the best footballer, provided us with a plan B when needed. He gave us a physical presence.

Nikki B can give us that presence. And he can play a bit.

I like his attitude now since his public slating by Gooners. He has rolled up his sleeves and works his socks off. A good attribute.

He is a confidence player and I believe if Gooners get behind the new improved Bendtner then we will reap the rewards. Yes he was a cocky little bastard but the important word here is was.

Lets get behind him this season. I'm confident that the young Dane, with support from Gooners, can become a world-beater. Sooner rather than later.

Keep it Goonerish.............


  1. For the amount of games he played his return really was pretty good. I think he'll show he's the business this year enough to seriously challenge being in the starting lineup.

    My real concern is Eduardo. I've seen reports that he'll be out for two more months AND that Wenger was misquoted. Do we know whether he is ready to play or not? If he is then I am a lot more confident about this season. Despite our defensive woes, I can see us simply outscoring everyone, including the Chelsea, ManU and Livepool, if we can get Eduardo, Rosicky, Csec, and Arshavin on the field at the same time.

  2. I completely agree. He is going to turn into a world class player. Maybe not in terms or scoring goals but in all round play he is arguably one of our best players.

    He is on the same wavelength as Arshavin, Rosicky, Cesc etc and that can only be a good thing.

    Next season will be huge for him and i for one cant wait to see him bang in 20 goals.

  3. Couldnt agree more...rather promote him than buy chamakh. Ithink we shoul invest the money in a dcm. Great blog Writey!

  4. hey wrighty...

    bendtner came on leaps and bounds at the back end of last season and if he sorts his finishing out, which im sure he will given a run of games, he will be a class act...

    he won me over last season with his determination on the pitch...but once he seemed to get his confidence you could see his positioning and linkup play was also quite good....i hope to see the same again this season and a few goals too....

    next season we could actually have a big striker who can play wengerball....

    and with the lump sold to citeh its nikkis chance to shine...

  5. I like the Dane, but he lacks the pace and physicality to become a target man. If you follow his performances closely, he does much better when in the support striker role.

    Good player, but not a target man.

  6. Nikki B is king !!!

    Iv been bigging him forever but my fellow gooners in block 133 dont seen to agree ???

    Join my facebook group:

  7. I believe Wrighty, I believe!

    Ade's departure means Bendtner he moves up in the pecking order. I honestly felt Ade at Arsenal for good or bad would stunt Bendtner's development.

    With a little more time I think the Dane can be really dynamic as a target man.

    Those who are skeptical, just watch the league match at the Emirates where he gave Rio and Vidic hell.

  8. I wish people would stop praising Bendy, He is shit he is just a twin of Ade this always happens he shines in Pre season and silly fans start getting happy Bendtner wouldn't stand out in league 1

  9. Ya me too give Nikki B a chance every match. And get this fella Biglia from Anderlect to sort out our midfield. He looks like a great reader/tackler to me

  10. dean the gooner22 July 2009 at 18:41

    I think myself wrighty that this will have to be his season.
    id like to believe every thing you said but i still think we need some one with a bit more experience like huntelaar.
    On the nasri thing maybe this is a blessing in disguise wenger has to spend now and if he doesnt I no im going to be cursing him all season.
    good post love the blog

  11. only1greatlondonteam22 July 2009 at 18:44

    well put it this way, if your bendtner what more motivation do you need then adebayor fucking off. this is the season for him to shine

  12. Bendtner could be a good player for us, but I think Ade is a better player. I have never really got why so many gooners were happy to see him go. He wasn't the only player who had a disappointing season.

    Goals like the belter he scored against Villarreal can be priceless. I think we'll miss him, and if we do buy a replacement he won't be as good. We shouldn't be competing with Sunderland, Blackburn and the scum for players (Chamakh). I'd offer as much of the Adebayor cash as possible for Dzeko of Wolfsburg, although it's looking like he'll saty with them for another season.

  13. dean the gooner22 July 2009 at 18:52

    fuck fuck just heard about eddy
    I was so positive about the season a few days ago i need some good news

  14. yes, ha can.

    it just a matter of how long it takes him to rasie his game to another level, you got to remember he gets limited playing time and he's still young.

    i'd like if he lost is attitude, when he's playing crap and acting all cocky it pisses my off real bad

  15. lol james you say he wouldn't stand out in league 1. you must have a very short memory or are just jumping on a popular bandwagon considering when he was 19 we sent him out on loan to the championship with birmingham where he was arguably their best player and one of the main reasons they got promoted, getting plenty of goals and assists on the way. that at 19. he is a confidence player and needs the fans to get behind him and a couple of goals to make up the next step. he isn't YET a world beater, but he has a lot of ability and is very hard working. if he worked on his finishing and took up more advanced positions he could score a lot of goals.but is he shit? not even remotely close. you're a fucking moron for saying that. get off the bandwagon and watch a game or two.

  16. Anyone that really thinks Bendy is good enough for Arsenal well ur just insulting the club in my opinion. You just need to think of the strikers we had before like Henry and Bergkamp then u think of Bloody Bendtner, Come on guys get real is he even a real Arsenal player? I think not. his style of play doesn't suit the way we like to play football.

  17. Yeah, Bendtner's well shit, and I bet all the fans who think so simply adore Walcott.

  18. finally people agree with me

    Bendtner will be a world class player in 3 years time

    he will however continue to step his game up till then

    goals against Chelsea, Dynamo Kiev, Bolton, Hull show his quality plus he plays Arsenal footy his pass for ade at west ham showed that

    oh and James shut up you faggot

    clearly you dont watch or understand footy if u think Bendtner and ade are shite

    stick to table tennis you might be able to understand that you dickchaser

  19. Some of you do have very short memories. I bet all of you that are saying that Bendtner is shit, are the same ppl that were saying Henry is shit when he 1st came to Arsenal. You forget that Bendtner is still very young (especially for a striker), and he has consistently improved his goals tally and link up play year on year. yeah he's had his off games here and there but he's always shown the desire to improve. and he consistently has shown glimpses of class. He can only improve with more games. Trust me when wenger said this guy will be worldclass in a few years, wenger was right. He'll be 10 times the player Adebayor ever was. We just have to hope that when he gets there, he stays at Arsenal (but, not if some fans keep booing him)

  20. Martin the only one chasing dick is your mother "Bendtner will be world class in three years time" yeah right the guy is trash and the sooner u idiotic Gooners get this into ur heads is the better.

  21. HE IS RUBBISH. Brilliant in a nightclub though (having met him there).

    All this pro Bendtner stuff is only coming out because we are shitting our pants that Arsene is NOT going to buy a replacement for Adebayor.

    Stop deluding yourselves.

  22. think he'll be a great player in a few years... but thats a few years and we need someone now. this season may be too soon for him and i so badly dont want huntelaar wearin a spuds shirt because he deserves to replace ade. if nikki b aint redy this year and we buy no1 else then it seems worrying as dudu is mysteriously out for another 2 months!

  23. I agree all the way, Nikki is ready and we all need to get behind him and support him. He work so hard and I think he will be a big play this season.

  24. Nikki B is a 'confidence' player...ALL players are confidence players. With confidence they do what they know they can do efficiently and MORE. Based on some of these comments it sounds as though there are an awful lot of armchair critics out there spouting comments that dont stand up to reasoning. Nikki B scored 1 less goal than Adenuff last season with less starts and was offside some 30 odd times less (which says more about Adenuff). In my opinion the only thing he needs to bring to his game now is consistency, he needs to work hard consistently, score consistently and assist consistently, those of you who say he is shit beggar belief !

  25. james you are a dick!

    Bendy had some great games last year. we'll get another good lot of games from him this year. He is young, so consistency will be the problem, but he has a fantastic future as long as his attitude is right


  27. "next season we could actually have a big striker who can play wengerball...."

    JonJon, I totally agree

  28. Henry was shit and misfired in front of goal for numerous occasions when he first joined Arsenal but Wenger trusted his own eyes, resulted in Henry-the-King.

    Ade was shit when he first joined Arsenal. He could only put the ball in the net by his body rather than his feet. Wenger believed in his ability and Ade turned out to be one of the highest earning footballers today.

    If Wenger believes in Bendtner, why we, men-in-the-street, try so hard to rule him out so early. Let's support our manager, who has seldom let us down, and all his troops.

  29. bendtner i think is a born striker like inzaghi. no matter how bad he play, he will always get goal scoring chances. his hunger to score goals and get in that position is something only natural born striker can do. if he can polish up his finishing touch, he'll be world best striker.

  30. I believe arsene wenger would not buy chamakh or any other players. Maybe not even a defensive midfielder. I cross my fingers that this is not true, but from the looks of it, it is becoming more true than before.

    Anyway back to bendter, i believe that this is the season for him. Adebayor has a negative presence in the team. And with adebayor gone, there is no other striker that is as good in the air as bendtner.

    Bendtner himself knows that with adebayor gone, it is his time to step up and be counted for. He has waited for his chance patiently and it has come now. Yes, the pressure is there on him, but i believe with his confidence, bendtner can do it.

    Bendtner has got the aerial ability to be a target man, and he definitely is a strong physical player. Those that said bendtner cannot be a target man should watch the games from last season when he played as a target man. He was marvellous. He is definitely a very physical player, because he won us a game (which i forgotten which team) by harassing the defender for the ball and he won it.

    His link up play is superb. He likes to play outside the box and play in his team mates, he can pass well too. He can take on defenders too.

    However, he is a little selfish when he is inside the penalty box. Most of the time he tried too hard to go alone instead of passing to a team mate. However, this happens only when he is inside the penalty box.

    Bendtner is good and also he does track back and defend when the ball is lost.

    I seriously hope that bendtner would have the composure to stay cool in front of goal and not sky his shots wide everytime. If he can keep his composure and improve his shooting ability, I believe he would be our very own huntelaar, dzeko or benzema.

    Look at the goals he scored against SC columbia, if he can keep his cool like he did in his second goals, he would be a great striker. With him RvP and Eduaro, we would be good.

    When we are supported by Arshavin, Rosicky, Cesc, Nasri, Walcott, Eboue, Ramsey, Wilshere etc, it would definitely be goals goals and more goals!!!

  31. papers stirring shit again:
    i swear the club or players need to do something about this to stop the fucking moronic writing that keeps getting published

  32. "Arsenal don't play direct football".

    Yes we do, we probably play more direct than anyone. Direct is not just long balls, it's kind of like counter attack.

    I remember some years ago when the opposition had corner against us it was like being awarded a penalty ;-p
