Monday, 27 July 2009

Nikki B deserves a massive Gee!

Nicklas Bendtner has moved faster than Usain Bolt and committed his future to Arsenal amid rumours that AC Milan were sniffing around.

"I haven't heard anything about [that],"

"As far as I know I am totally with Arsenal.

"This is where I want to be. This is something special and I want to be a part of it.

"This is the club I want to play with and it has always been that way."

Commitment in football is rare these days so I say well done that man!

In the past I reckon Nikki B has had a raw deal from Gooners but this kind of commitment is very pleasing to hear.

I think the main reason for people getting on his back is because Bendtner has given off a cocky vibe that hasn't really endeared him to Gooners and we have been spoilt with the calibre of the strikers at the club in recent years.

It would be hard for anyone to match the likes of Thierry Henry and Dennis Bergkamp but maybe if Bendtner works hard and is prepared to put in the effort then who knows? Maybe he could develop into a world-class player himself.

I believe Nicklas knows that now. It appears his cocky demeanor has gone and has been replaced by a more professional and hard-working character.

With Adebayor gone this is Bendtner's chance to take a great opportunity. With our support he can achieve great things with Arsenal.

He is saying the right things and deserves the chance to become a regular. Wenger obviously rates him and I do too.

If Cesc Fabregas had said these things then we Gooners would be cheering from the rafters. Nikki B has so I believe he deserves a big gee-up!

Keep it Goonerish............


  1. AC Milan?!? Have you been smoking something? The man's an embarrassment. Probably the worst striker to ever play for a top four club. We couldn't give him away!

  2. Kolo Toure: "There is nothing in the roumours linking me to Man City"

    Oh, has this not happened...

    But bye tubbzy!

  3. Well Said Wrighty, he is doing the right things. He is still young and what he did in the second part of last season was great.

    I also remember his match against Manu, (the first one in the league) where he wore his socks off.

    A pity the work ethic of the others behind him in midfield is not the same. If there was more commitment in the midfield, the poor Denilson would not have to put up with so much rubbish.

  4. Bentdner is rubbish. On top of that he is a drunk who would have been gotten ridden of already if he was English.

    Remember what he said about Merson, Pennant?

  5. I see another idiot above slagging off Bendtner. Its like we've enlisted some of the most imbecilic fans in the last decade. NikkiB is a huge prospect with a good scoring record. By the time he hits 25 he will be one of the top 3 strikers in the world and mugs like the 2nd post will be crying why we let him go. Bert you berated Andy cole when he was in our reserves too ... oh, what am I thinking, you're just a spotty teen who started supporting Arsenal when we signed Davor Suker. Mug!

  6. anonymous at 27 July 2009 18:03 is the worst Arsenal supporter there has ever been...

  7. anonymous at 27 July 2009 18:40 wouldn't know a drunk if it bit him on the arse. Wenger does not look at passports so enough of this rasist crap...

  8. 42mins into our friendly - Bendtner's scored two beauties already!

  9. Bendy deserves to be a regular based on some comments he made? Top three striker in 4 years. Please, if you support the club realize we need help this season, it's 38 matches long and so much of the team is young enough. Is bendtner ready to be a starter, you've taken full leave of your senses mate. Bendtner may shine a match or two, but he's not ready for a full tour of duty, we need some help at the front.

  10. NIKKI B ROCKS!!!!!!
    Go on my son!

  11. if bendtner plays in the EPL like he did in the preseason, then he would be awesome. He is scoring the goals in the pre-season, and i believe he knows his problem is with scoring goals, especially converting the easy chances. He seems to have improve his shooting. I really hope he can take over adebayor's place and be much much better than him

  12. 93 games, 23 goals. GREAT RECORD, yeah!

    Roll on 4th, AGAIN!

  13. To the dick above, its actually 24 goals in 44 starts - but if you want to include all those late sub appearances where he barely got 10mins to make your stupid point, that's up to you, pea-brain.

  14. If you don't recognize Bendtners contribution to the team you have no clue about football...

  15. He is a great player just coming in to his own.I agree with a.w we don't need another striker. We have 6 players who can play up front. Don't sell anybody buy 2 midfielders and who knowes ?

  16. Re: "To the dick above, its actually 24 goals in 44 starts".

    No it isn't. You can't nonsene someone's use of stats and then use an equally retarded method yourself. I admit that overall appearances is probably not the best way to judge his scoring rate, but overall (sub and start) goals in starts isn't either, as you're using goals he's scored from the bench to justify your argument. Fairest way is to seperate them...

    15 in 44 starts
    8 in 49 sub appearences

    Hardly fantastic, is it? One in three when starting, one in six off the bench. Rubbish

  17. u anonymous cunt above, get lost

  18. In terms of minutes on the pitch nikkiB is actually more like 1 in 2 so the guy who says is rubbish is a moron.


  19. anyone who thinks Bendtner is rubbish doesn't know anything about football at worst. at best they don't know what makes good long lasting strikers like Raul, Drogba, Inzaghi etc. For his age, Bendtner is making good his potential every season. He is improving every season.

  20. FOR FUCKS SAKE?!?!?!?! stop slating bendtner hes still a fucking baby for gods sake and hes already better than 90% of current premiership strikers. utter idiots man im sometimes embarrassed that i support the same club as these morons.


  21. When did so many Chelski-supporters start masquerading as Arsenal fans? Support the club, and the players in it. You want new signings? You can always go play Championship Manager or start supporting Abu Dhaby City. Nik B is on his way, he's playing the right way, he's saying the right things, cut the lad a break, right?

  22. I hope he has given up the pink boots this season...

  23. bendtner os really starting to grow on me since the day he got boo'd by our fucking disgraceful home crowd. hes kept his head down and worked his socks off for the team and watching him this pre-season hes obviously been working real hard on his finishing.

    i reckon this season will be the making of nikki B. future arsenal legend!

  24. 15 in 44 starts. for a 21 year old thats not bad, especially at a top team like arsenal where he's generally not getting a consistent run of games. most strikers dnt peak til their mid to late 20s. dumb arse fans look at the likes of cesc, messi, ronaldo, aguero, torres etc. who became world class at such a young age. theyr exceptions tho, give bendtner a chance and he'll be one of the best strikers in europe. laudrup himself has spoken incredibly highly of him which is praise indeed.

  25. A good few of the minutes he played were on the right wing.

    Bendtner will be a legend.

    Stop slagging of our players, you plastic w*nkers

  26. think of it this way.. i can only think of 2 or 3 strikers in the premiership that i wud have over nikki B and thats torres, drogba and.. erm ok only 2. actually make that 1 coz i still wudnt have drogba over nikki B coz drogba is a ****.

    i wouldnt have any of the short arses like rooney coz we already have several short arses better than that bellend. eduardo, arshavin and its onyl a matter of time before vela is the big name everybody wants.

  27. I know, heres a good idea, we'll all get on Nikky B's back before the season even starts and make sure we magnify every error he makes and f**k with his mind. We are supposed to be SUPPORTERS you twats.

  28. Very nice way of looking at it Wrighty. I see the improvement in Bendtner too and if he keeps working hard, I'm sure he'll atleast surpass ade(if he already hasnt)


  29. Mates, we are way past caring about potential. Until Bendtner proves it, it's all bollocks, overrated nonsense, wenger doesn't always get it right. Just like song, diaby, denilson, blooded too soon to quick. Better to have some older heads in there to guide these kids, not to mention protect them in every way.

  30. Bendtner puts loads of effort into every match, add that with the quality he has and will get, he will be a great striker, his record definatley supports that. 15goals in 44 games for a 20 year old.

  31. fuck off 1 post.

    If i get any more of that kind this season at home, i dont know what will happen (nutt)

  32. Have always been a fan of Bendtner...even when he's playing poorly, he gets into great postions, and although his execution often lets him down, he sees things quicker than most players of his age. If he continues the work-rate of the 2nd half of last season, he will be a very valuable 2nd, 3rd or 4th choice striker. Certainly last year he was the best 4th choice centre forward in europe, and will only improve. Its also worth remembering that players with larger physiques oftern take a little longer to peak...

  33. I will always remember the Liverpool 4 - 4 Arsenal in April for 2 things: Arshavin's 4 goals (of course) and Bendtner's performance (he played great as a lone striker, something I haven't heard anyone recognizing). A striker is not only judged by goals scored, but by his commitment and effort, the reason Adebayor, even though he scored and assisted a lot, was not wanted by many fans, including myself, and sold. I won't expect Bendtner to score over 20 this season (that task belongs to Van Persie and Eduardo), but he will deeply improve and improve the team because for me he is an excellent 2nd striker.

  34. When Bendtner replaced adebayor against united in semi-final at emirates we actually looked much more like scoring. He looked a far better player than that greedy lazy muppet gone to city. yes his easy misses have been frustrating but he's still young. Alot of his problem is confidence. He has been awesome in friendlies and carling cup but all over the place in premier league and champions league. carlos vela has been quite similar in that way. but none of us doubt his abilities. And Walcott has put in more bad performances than good. These guys are all still kids. Hopefully this year they'll become men

  35. I will have a silent chuckle to myself in two years time when the fans slating Bendtner are wearing Bendtner 26 on their back at the Emirates as he guides us to the treble.

  36. Wrighty,
    Question for you. Do you write your posts and then copy and paste them on TeamTalk Arsenal under the name,deanparis,kameron or prush?

    Thought not.
