As per usual there was the pre match lip coming from the Lane. Robbie Keane AKA pointy shouty Leprechaun bloke was full of it. Apparently Tottenham have more depth than Arsenal. The truth? Tottenham have less depth than my local swimming baths. What a silly boy.
Harry Redknapp is just as bad. I know he has to big his side up but the truth is that Tottenham haven't closed the gap on Arsenal. The gap is still as big as the one in Madonna's front teeth and Redknapp or a brace will never close it.
Speaking of Redknapp just what is his problem with Gooners? The bloke seems to have a vendetta with us. Remember the Adebayor situation? He couldn't wait to stick his oar in then and he has opened his trap again.
Now he and the Spurs staff reported a Gooner for swearing. Boo-Hoo Redknapp. How about this for swearing; Go fuck yourself you baggy-eyed muggy hypocritical little twat! What do you expect at a football match these days? People to just turn up and drink tea and eat cakes?
Good old Harry has pissed me right off here. He complains about a little bit of swearing but what when 30 odd thousand Spuds sing about Wenger being a paedophile? Where is his moral conscience then? I don't see old baggy-eyes complain then or say anything about that.
Where was Harry's moral conscience when he walked out on Pompey? Not once,oh no, but twice. The bloke has double standards all the time and the amount of excuses that came out of his mouth is unreal.
He should take a leaf from Arsene Wenger's book. Wenger is a gentleman and a real man. In my opinion he gets the worst abuse that a man can get time and time again at the Lane but you never see him react. Redknapp is crying over a little swearing.
I can't see how and why a lot of people, in the media and in general, like Harry Redknapp. I think he a mercenary who shows no loyalty and is a man who really only cares about number one. He says he loves it at Tottenham and the Spuds fall for it but I'd bet everything I own that he would walk out on them if a better offer came along.
It'll be interesting to see if Harry has a go at every supporter that swears or is it just Gooners?
Keep it Goonerish...............
It was just embarassing wasn't it. The thing is he is just diverting attention away from the frailty of his squad and their lack of quality and class to an Arsenal fan swearing. I can't believe he was trying to talk down our goals as well, that's only because he had none of their own to speak about. He seemed so pissed off, maybe the Harry's got a twitch song is getting to him...
ReplyDeleteagree with every single word.
ReplyDeleteyes, he has had a go at arsenal fans far too constantly, but he also had a go at pompey fans calling them idiots and whatnot when spurs were away to portsmouth. In short, every one else is at fault and everyone is an idiot bar himself, the fucking saint of a man.
And the funnier thing was that he said NONE of the goals we scored was a great goal. Hah! Lets see one of his players get the ball from half way line, beat 3 players and have a composure to slot that goal in which is not an easy strike by itself. Yes it was a gift but any other player would have pass it to teammate and end up losing the ball after just scoring 49 secs before. The first goal scored wasnt easy as he makes it out to be either.
Cesc from the halfway line lmao
ReplyDelete"Now he and the Spurs staff reported a Gooner for swearing. Boo-Hoo Redknapp. How about this for swearing; Go fuck yourself you baggy-eyed muggy hypocritical little twat! What do you expect at a football match these days? "
wenger stands up to all he unbelievable vile abuse and carries on with his job with dignity, nobody in the press seems to report the sick chants coming his way, but one fan gives poor baggy eyes some stick and all of a sudden we are vilified by the so called media, ass licking bastards.
ReplyDeleteold whiskey nose and saggy eyes never get bad press they seem to have cart blanche to say and do as they want.
wenger will always be hated by the press and majority of other manager because he shows them up for what they are, greedy ignorant cry babys
Yeah, what was he getting so twitchy about?!
ReplyDeletespot on Wrighty ...
ReplyDeletehe got some nerve that fecker Rednose..
ye the fucking english cunt!!
ReplyDeleteGood ole Harry, the disingenuous barefaced lying twunt.
ReplyDeleteagree with everything my fellow gooners are saying here, the guys a cunt staright up...look how much money he has spent at spuds he will take them down financially just like west ham pompy and southampton. CUNT!
ReplyDeletecouldn't agree more.but u need to mind your language as well.'Leprechaun' is a bit dated and a toch anti-Irish.I don't like Keane, nor L.King either but I'm not gonna start saying the latter is a mouthy black.....come on gooners have some class...
ReplyDeletecudnt agree more with some class...i kno we are english and are supposed to be dickheads..but we need to change
ReplyDeleteQue sera, sera.
ReplyDeleteWhatever will be, will be.
We want a mug and a DVD,
Que sera, sera!
anyways the press and tottenham shits can say all they want, our team anwsered them with 3 goals and played like a team with a mission, the losers just can't take it. a true team wins and loses with class.
ReplyDeletearsenal with wenger have more class in there little toenail then spurs, man shitty and utd have in there whole sloppily run bad excuse for a football club
like your articles normally wrighty but found the first half of this article a bit offensive, as an irishman not too fond of the leprechaun comment. and i think you went a little over the top on redknapp. he also said there is no reason why arsenl can't win the league. maybe you just watched the motd highlights that pick out his most frustrated comments. harry was an arsenal fan as a kid and there is absolutely nothing to suggest he has anything against arsenal. i think he was just very disappointed because i think he truly believed they would win the game. we all knew arsenal were better and would win, lets show some class here
ReplyDeleteha ha ha, he's an english scumbag alright.
ReplyDeleteRedknapp is just bitter. He can only dream of having a side that is like ours. He will be out of Spurs before that happens. Harry's teams will only be 10% good football, 90 % harry'ing the opposition.
ReplyDeletecome on spurs can't always be good like arsenal.. they are supper bitches. a good team spurs is .... euuu !!! makes me puke..... does a player like crouch can be successful? think of that. buying so many stars like kranjcar crouch keane back can't help .... too bad.... spurs u are not gonna be top four.. don't ever dream that you can step in the european champions league next season.. spurs go to hell.. we hate you...... best wishes for top ten. hahas....... spurs sucks and the manager sucks toooo................
ReplyDeleteto the shitte fan, funny how shit attacts shit isnt it, what are you all spud fans as well you mug, you beat us once in a blue moon and then have to front to come on here and giving it you cunt, fuck off you northern scratchers just because your teams got money we all know down here your a bunch of lowlife inbred who aint got a penny to rub together and even after your terroist chairman has put all that money in you still wont win fuck all, oh and also when was the last time you mugs actually won anything and i mean anything ? and as for the rocky jib i can only imagine what id do to you if u were in front of me lol but it would far worst than the a blinded eye fucking little inbred prick
ReplyDeletehe seems to have forgotten this
Also to the shitty fan - you really do sound like a complete and utter loser - you probably supported Manure last year and Chelsea a couple of years before that! Your comments are not wanted anywhere - probably not even on the Man Shitty blogs!! depleted Spurs side! Were we at full strength then?? - what someone with the iq that is just about enough to move your own body doesnt realise is that Spurs have such a great depth in their squad that a few injuries should be fine! We had Nasri, Walcott and Rosicky out, who possibly would have been involved on Saturday!! Anyway think I saw you Saturday night in the nightclub - For the last time I do not want to use your aftershave - I have my own thanks!! What a fucking twat!!
ReplyDeletehahahha ol' fucked eyes can swear on telly and that's fine, but god forbid should one football fan call him the cunt he is, then all hell breaks loose
ReplyDeletein reply 2 lee the man who i had his mother 4 last nite, although v persie is a great player the man is an arrogant hypocrite who has done his fair share of 2 footed tackles and meant it 2, he got away lightly as far as i,m concerned the guy is a cunt and u idiot goons will realise this when he leaves u , also he is a rapist who got away with it because of his contacts. as 4 us winning nothing we will see about that haha lee and ur spastic fans i dont even consider u a threat man u chelsea ye but u hahahaha dont make me laugh. as 4 rocastle he deserves 2 b where he is because he was a cxheat just like pires
ReplyDeletetwat with a twitch
ReplyDelete"city is a small club with a small mentality" sir alex red-nose fergy.
ReplyDeletethe old man is right.
when i think of city and there bunch of loosers i can't stop laughing.
look at the quality they got, some traitors who left there clubs for more money. do u think they have the passion for the game. do u think they give a fuck about the city shirt(wich is shit after all and i can understand this).
if u think that a combination of lescott, adebayor, berry, swp, bellamy(what an asss), santa cruz, tevez is going to bring u glory and joy go fuck urselfs. i watched ur game yesturday and u were ffffaaaaarrrrrr from fantastic. what u ll get beatten by the young gunns in the cc u ll understand, u loosers, what is a real football team(history, passion, pride, titles, gr8 managers)
shitty is a pitty and will always be.
and wrighty, cheers for the post mate, spot on.
Like youe article mate but less of the leprechaun sh*t. As an Irish Gooner just go back through your Arsenal history to see the influence Irish players have had on the club and the legend that is Liam Brady still does. I don't know how old you are or your race but you should be aware of the strong irish contingent in the 60000 crowd every week at the Emirates. I hate Robbie Keane in a Spuds shirt but in the green i respect him as our captain.
ReplyDeletethank you for writing this..hope you got my mail..barney here..and finally
3 nil hahahaha.
ReplyDeletethe arsenal were very lucky hahaha
were gooner win the league
that shitty fan is a top class cunt no point telling the spud fan the same as he already knows it.
by the way i fucked their mums last nght minging pussy
i am a man u fan and lets b honest about this . Fergie and wenger are the most hypocritical managers in the game not redknapp. But at least fergie is a sir unlike that frog so he has more right 2 say anything he wants. The way fabregas celebrated the goal u would have thought they just won the league. When was the last time u even won a trophy? have u ever won the champs league? why do persist in even mentioning ur name with us and liverpool? as u think spurs are a small club that is exactly what u idiots are 2 us. as that man city fan said u are not even a threat 2 even them never mind us. must admit the rocastle gag had me in stitches hahahahaha
ReplyDeletesad small club with sad greedy mercierries playing for them. city. money cant buy class or history. u sold ur soul to a fucking bunch of hitlers who raped their country and people and ur disgusting lowlife so called footballers take the peoples blood stined money in their greedy paypackets every week. people should turn over wen u disgusting turds are on. horribl tiny club
ReplyDeleteto the man utd fan who comes up on here, jokin about david rocastle who, how bout that for abhorrent hypocrisy - think how sensitive u get when Munich gets mentioned and u have the nerve to say things like that?
ReplyDeleteand to all u other scum who make jokes when somebody passes away - u have a right old think about that wen somebody close to u dies, maybe u'll understand then.
utd will finish below arsenal, u wont get so lucky with fluky own goals and 10 mins of unjury time in all ur matches, against arsenal, man shitty, sunderland and bolton shud have had ya as well.
i cant even be arsed to say anything to the man city supporter, fuck me, a team full of money grabbin, heartless mercenaries. how did football come to this?
sad little man u fan loves jokes about people dying of cancer. u sad little penis of a man. sums u and ur sad little life up
ReplyDeleteJust a few notes on al thats been said here guys.
ReplyDelete1. Arsenal arethe best football team in europe at the moment no question
2. Robbie Keane is a mouthy prick always has been and wants to join Celtic in January, thats about his level alright
3. Just cause alex ferguson got a knoghthood doesntgive him any more rights to voice his opinion more than anyone else..... apparently you can get a knighthood free with 12 tokens from walkers crisps
4. David Rocastle was a legend... anyone that resorts to slagging off the dead isnt worth talking to
5. Robin was cleared because he was innocent.... the girl admitted under oath that she was paid to lie6. Man City can't be serious thinking that they will win a trophy this century let alone this seasson. money doesnt make you good
7. Adabayeor needs to shut the fuck up and start appreciating what wenger and arsenal did for him
8. FACT: Arsenal will win both premier league and champions league this year.
9. Fact: harry redknapp is more like fukin del boy than david jason
10. Fact: Farts are not lumpy
u are a arsehole wrighty. lost all respect for u with ur irish shit. ive seen the way u look but unlike u i wont go there. u talk about racism and taking it out of society but today people have seen wat u are
ReplyDeleteIs this blog not moderated ?
ReplyDeleteLet them talk about players like that, rocastle was a man with a family - forget football or arsenal... should his family read such nonsense is a disgrace!
@ man u fan, hopefully most arsenal fans would not talk about a certain aircraft disaster!!!
@ city fan, your sick mate... probably a tottenham fan because only tottenham fans use such disgraceful actions!
As a arsenal fans I think we will fall just short of the premiership this year, but hopefully we can win a fa cup and that should give them something to build on!
Please blog owner moderate your blog!
city stuffed u 4 -2 and it could have been 8 without robinho and tevez we spanked ur sorry little spastics. sold our soul? this from a club who,s stadium is called the emirates ? with whose money? yes i thought so ? from the arabs who have also invested in the club who spanked u 4-2 . what happens when stan kroenke takes full control? is that not selling ur soul? lets face it u have played 2 decent teams all season and u got spanked twice u stupid goons, get real and stop being hypocrites just like ur paedo manager. maybe a bit strong on rocky because van rapist deserves 2 die like that instead . u fucking hypocrites u all love cesc but when he leaves u will hate him just like our ade u morons and b4 u say anything how many times has cesc said he would love 2 join barca u spastics, ade gave 100 percent 4 ur ungreatful smelly club. Has george armstrong died as well by the way hahahaha rocky rocky rocky rocastle
ReplyDeleteAnonymous 21:06
ReplyDeleteGo fuck yourself you worthless piece of shit. Your a pathetic excuse for a human being.
u fucking spastics were u not the idiots who were calling glenn roeder a tumour boy, oh and AL i fucked ur mother and sister really hard last night and ur dad was watching 2 hahaha u english twat
ReplyDeleteoh ye and LEE i shagged urs as well and wenger fucked ur kid
ReplyDeletejusy read waht the shitty man said. he must be frustrated, maybee it's been a long time since he's been with a girl. or he's got priapism maybee, or infertility problems. he belongs to the world of crap.
ReplyDeleteIt was great to see us give the scum a footballing lesson, and I'll enjoy watching that Fabregas run for the rest of my days.
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