Thursday, 12 November 2009

So are Arsenal/Manchester City weaker without/with Kolo Toure then Stan Collymore?

If you really fancy a giggle then have a read of Stan Collymore's column in the Mirror. Now I would never claim to be the brains of Britain but this fella takes the biscuit.

He changes his mind more than I change my socks. And I do that at least four times a week.

Every week I look forward to reading his column because he makes me laugh. The problem for Stan is that his weekly ramblings are not meant to be funny.

He loves to have a pop. Especially at Arsenal. Around a month ago Collymore said the top four are all poorer than they were this time last year and that the halo of invincibility which has surrounded the four teams in recent years is certainly over.

So what you say?

Well in the same article Stan Collymore wrote about the top fours failings and he said of Arsenal; Arsenal for their part have lost Kolo Toure and Emmanuel Adebayor to Manchester City and I can guarantee Arsenal will be looking over their shoulders.

Looking over their shoulders at the emergence of Manchester City I presume.

Fast forward a month and Stan the man has changed his mind about Kolo Toure. Now instead of City being stronger and Arsenal being weaker, and these are Stan's own words, Manchester City have paid ridiculously over the odds for Toure and that he is simply not up to the job.

So what is it then Stan?

Are Arsenal weaker without Toure and Manchester City stronger with him? Or are Manchester City weaker with Kolo?

I'm sure he will change his mind next week and maybe he should think before he writes his articles in a national newspaper because people like myself read the little digs about Arsenal and remember them.

I suggest Collymore goes back to the woods and cracks on with dogging because thats all he appears to excel at. Oh wait, he got caught doing that too.

Keep it Goonerish................


  1. Hey Wrighty7!

    I saw that pice Stanley the wife beater wrote about how Arsenal would definitely not make the top 4 this season, as well as the comments about how we are weaker than last season. Plus he keeps on goin on about his beloved Villa (which is fair enough, I guess)

    Thing is, the guy is soooo dense who wouldnt even realise he is contradicting himself week in, week out... I mean, have you seen the twat on channel 5 doin the Football???

  2. For some reason, I'd never heard this guy on radio until earlier in the year. He's absolutely insane.

    He's on a constant wind-up.

    I can't take him seriously, sorry. I can't even take an article about him seriously.

    Who cares what he says?

  3. Wrighty, you should change your socks every day.

    Collymore's brains are all in his trousers. All he does is report what's happening (in a very poor way) and then passes it off as his own opinion. The guy's a twat, but since Talkshite and the Mirror pay him to be a twat, you can't really blame him I suppose.
    If he gets a reaction he's done his job.

  4. I agree. I'm a City fan and although there's been a bit of needle between supporters of both clubs over the summer i'm sure both can agree that Collymore is a f*cking moron.

    Kolo Toure's a top defender, he's been a very good signing. Sadly, early signs are that Joleon Lescott's a shambles, and with Wayne Bridge, and until he was replaced, Micah Richards alongside him, Kolo must be wondering what's hit him.

    Collymore writes to get a reaction, he's a troll columnist, as i suppose you could argue most of them are. He recently argued that Gareth Barry was one of England's most important players, then a week, ONE WEEK later he was saying that Lampard and Gerrard should play alongside eachother in the centre if England want to win the World Cup.

    The man knows sod all about the game, and why should he, he was pissed for most of his eventually disappointing career. Some of the pearlers he comes out with on the radio are out of this world.

  5. Collymore is a mug! An under-achiever as a footballer who has won nothing in the game and now a loud mouth ignoramus who talks shit on the radio and writes his illiterate diatribe in a daily rag.

    He can fuck right off, the dogging wife beating cunt!

  6. problem with Stan having the forum to write is that there are a lot of not so intelligent folks who only need to read his stuff to actually believe it. just another example of lazy journalism from a brainless git.

  7. Your right.

    I was listning to the City game on the radio which he was the pundit.

    At 0-0 he was prasing City as a much much better team. Even saying that the City defenders were more likely to do something than Burnley.

    at 2-0 to Burnley he was saying who good a manager Coyle was and how he developed a shoe string budget squad, and How Hughes would now be under pressure.

    3-2 Man City - He says that only one team likely to score and they have started to show charactor of a great team. "Only one team likely to score" "One way traffic" "Looks like they will replace liverpool"

    3-3 - Spent loads of money on Toure, Lescot and Bridge who all are not good enough for a top four team. Cant defend.

    Last season he was Song's biggest fan, when us fans who watched him said he wasnt playing well he would always say "I seen him play alot in AFC, he is going to be good"

    Last week he says Song is too slow compared to other Dm's in the top four.

    What an arse.

  8. LOL-lymore is typical of tabloid columnists with their 'Big Opinions', and on the whole they are usually reactionary bullshit with little or no basis in fact.

    To address the question, I think we are both weaker to an extent. Vermaelen is a superior player to Toure, but I wouldn't mind having Kolo around as back up to the Verminator and Willy. The thought of Senderos or Silvestre replacing either is pretty scary. City are weaker by the fact they sacrificed Dunne to bring in Toure. I wouldn't necessarily say Dunne was better than Toure, but I think he did a lot of organising in defence, and I don't think that's one of Toure's strengths.

    There you go Stan, feel free to crowbar that into your next bullshit column, you borderline spastic...

  9. wife beating deviant!

    toure is our only good defender this season, it's quite clear lescott and and bridge and richards has been awful.

  10. Firstly Stan Collymore is a moron. I read his articles so that one day I hope I can fathom how someone so stupid can get paid to do write absolute rubbish. It is really mind baffling to me how columnists make such a good living on bad journalism. In any case Toure isn't the weak link in the Man Shitty defense if you ask me - that award goes to Joleon Lescott and Mark Hughes for not retaining Richard Dunne. He has no one in his backline with the leadership skills to organize like Richard Dunne could have.

    However our good friend Stan Collymore clearly cannot see it and would prefer to take pot shots at anything Arsenal associated.

  11. To be fair; City should've kept Dunne and not bought Commander Worf and they'd have been alright. But now that so much money has been spent on Commander Worf; they can't exactly drop him now can they?

    Toure has been alright but the rest of their defence is an absolute shambles.

    Dunne + Toure in defence looked much better and organised.

    As for Collymore. Surely they should have a worst sports writer of the year category which he'd win every single year hands down! lol

  12. Yes I have read with amusement some of what he wrote. The thing that's making me happy is that there is some newspaper willing to take his bleatings and publish them. That newspaper has shown us how bad journalism has become in UK.

  13. Hey Wrighty...

    Always nice to read a post slating Collymore.

    Have no idea what set him off on his rants against Arsenal but I think it's a case of him slating us once, him getting it wrong and now he just tries to bury us.

    Something about protesting too much springs to mind...

    Stan should stick to car parks in the middle of the night...he was a waste of talent on the pitch and he's a waste of time off it.

  14. Lol-lymore. Haha nice one. Wat a moron stan is

  15. Daz,

    How does this guy get a job as a so called football pundit?? he knows sod all plus he is a wife beater!!

    He talks Dog(GING) shite!! lol

  16. Two comments - It's amazing to find a subject that opposing fans agree on but this man is so shit, he's somehow managed it.
    Second - anonymous who made the Commander Worf crack - I'm still laughing at the screen - nice one mate!!!!

  17. colymore has had a problem with THE ARSENAL ever since the time he came to highbury & was playing for forest,liverpool or whoever & mecilessly had the piss taken out of him for beating up ulrika johnson-& rightly so!i was there...he's never forgotten it,such was the ear bashing he had!as such he hates us worse than any spud or manc.still,winning the prem would make him choke on his own bile-that would be sweet revenge..

  18. Because of people like Stan.....the dogger collymore, i do not listen to talkshite radio station any longer, and i have also recently stopped reading the mirror, and believe you me, so have many other Arsenal fans....

    I encourage all genuine arsenal fans to vote with their feet to minimise the sale of any business seeking to vilify arsenal unfairly just to drum up sale....I think it is ridiculous. people like stan collymore have a job because other Arsenal fans will phone his radio station to query his obvious bias or comment on a controversial article ...dont be a victim.

  19. LMAO - Great comments from everyone.

  20. Soccer Fan.."Borderline Spastic"..hahahaha

  21. collymore and cascarino...they are both as bad as each other

  22. collymore and cascarino...they are both as bad as each other

  23. Stan Collymore is a piss African kid with know knowledge about english football can write more consistent articles..Down with Stan Collymore..wonder how much money he makes writing shit?? maybe even I can shit and make money!!

  24. Last january the Mirror had an article that Spurs and Arsenal were battling for the signature of Steve Finnan (a 33 year old injury prone carthorse) while we had Eboue and Sagna.

    That was that, i have not even clicked on a Mirror link since nevermind hand over money for their idiotic tosh ink.

    The money that some suckers pay out for this brainless printed tripe pays for clowns like Collymore to put his actual thoughts down for millions of potential viewings.

    Join me, slate anyone that reads it, call them braindead fu*kers, call them gullible idiots, call them morons, make them feel like twats, the only way we can put a stop to people Collymore getting the chance to write is by them getting our money.

  25. By getting our money i meant NOT getting our money of course!!

  26. You might say that we're missing the player he was, and they're suffering because of the player he is now not being the player he was.

    But that's a bit of a reach. Not sure Mr Collymore was trying to be that clever!

  27. collymore is a thicko. he made it as a footballer because he was a big guy physical and could shoot.he feels this gives him the right to think he knows it all when really he knows f***all. all he does is jump on band wagons. he is anti arsenal because arsenal have not won 4 a while. arsenal are not ment to be having all this joy, we have not spent money we have got rid of barndour and toure. mancity and villa are ment to be kicking us out of top 4. he is clue less. so now out the blue hes having pop shots at song

    he is a thicko

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  29. Toure has never been the same player since he got Malaria in Africa last year.Wenger knew he was stuggling and shipped him off with the other fucking wanker Adebayor for serious money,that is why we are looking a far better side this year.

  30. I think it is understandable to be so nervous specially when 2-0 up. We all have seen games after games, not just Arsenal, but a whole host of teams let their nerve get the best of them if the opposition scores one. Finish out the game as if they got nothing to lose. I believe we tried to do this at ManCity, unfortunately we couldn’t finish our chances.

    By the way, does anyone know the extent of Diaby’s injury? As soon as he starts showing a sign of his ability to defend, he got injured. I feel sorry for him.
