Friday, 11 December 2009

He's free, he's class, let's sign him before we regret it!

The other day, unless I'm mistaken, I'm sure heard Le Boss say that we needed a striker. Now I didn't clean my ears properly that day but Wenger also said the player had to be free and world class.

Now forgive me if I'm wrong but there are not a lot of players out there who really come into that category. It's kinda clutching at straws. One player who has crossed my mind, and many times over the years, is the Brazilian striker, Adriano.

Adriano is available on a free transfer. He has proven in the past that he is world class and I reckon that Arsene Wenger should take a gamble and sign him for Arsenal. After all, Wenger took a gamble on Amauri Bischoff so why not Adriano?

People will say that there aren't that many clubs after him, and that clubs like West Ham are interested in him so he isn't good enough for Arsenal. I say take a chance. If we don't we may well regret it.

What happens if he signs for West Ham and plays like his old-self? Give it a year and he'll be signing for Manchester United for £15m and Wenger will be saying that we had a chance to sign him when he was free. I've heard that before!

I believe that clubs may not take a gamble because of his bad-boy reputation. Who else is better than making players believe in themselves and getting them back to their best? Look no further than Arsene Wenger.

Players in this Arsenal squad would benefit hugely from having a talent like Adriano in the team. Its a win-win situation. And all for nothing?

Sometimes you have to take a gamble. In the summer I said that maybe Arsenal should make a move for Micheal Owen, who was a free transfer at the time. I was slated. Around 2-3 days later he signed for Manchester United. Now I know that he hasn't set the world alight there but he was worth a gamble and look how he repaid United the other night.

It's World Cup year and Adriano will want to go. He has a point to prove. Imagine how he will play for the remainder of this season. Out of his skin I suspect.

Some will say I'm playing Football Manager with this one. I'm just summing up what Wenger has said and I'm suggesting a target. In my eyes it's an opportunity that cannot be missed.

Strong, lethal in front of goal, good in the air and all for nothing. Come on Arsene, sign him up!

Keep it Goonerish..............


  1. yes yes yes yes yes some one tell wenger please please best thing ever

  2. i agree 100% ... make a move arsene ... strong , good shot , good header , finisher !! almost like drogba and even replace van persie in left sided free kicks :D

  3. Yes. he is in my mind when the brazil league end and when espn showed their highlights.. Adriano will certainly add physical and strenght to the present squad.. + can play in CL..

  4. Thank you Wrighty, For days I have been saying on Le Grove let's get Adriano, you know he's going to be fired up to get into the world cup squad again, no one responded. He will have a point to prove and I think Wenger will know how o get the best out of him. He is exactly what we need.

  5. If Wenger wants to buy another striker, I can't really see this as a bad thing. We've already dealt with Adebayor, so can Adriano be that bad?!

    Seriously, I'm not sure if we'd want another disruptive player so soon, but apart fropm that, he could be what Wenger wants being that he's not cup tied, has some skills, and probably has the capabilities to lead the line

  6. I heard elsewhere that Adriano wanted to stay near his family and was therefore not interested in playing outside Brazil.

  7. some one please tell wenger if you can

  8. someone needs to tell wenger some one tell him

  9. Merida's No.1 Fran11 December 2009 at 16:09

    I was thinking this as well. As long as he had the right attitude it would be good.

  10. You can write some amazingly incisive opinions, Wrighty, but sometimes you're quite naive.

    Adriano struggled at Inter Milan, in a culture much more similar to his.

    He's just won the Brazilian championship in December, you think he's going to come to England in the cold of January and do the business?

    Get real mate!

  11. This sounds very good, but it could all back fire. Baptista was one we all looked forward to signing but he disapointed big time. I recall watching Adriano a few times for Inter and honestly he was terrible.. positioning..shooting.. effort.

    The one plus factor is the world cup this summer. I suppose he would be eager to perform.

  12. i think the best thing to do wenger

  13. i would love to see him in arsenal kit

  14. wenger must buy him

  15. thats what we need

  16. yes yes yes yes

  17. thanks 4 listening guy and lets hope wenger does the right thing

    he is top scorer in the Brazilian league with 19 goals and he led flamingo to take the Brazilian league and their league ended in December this year so thats all i can say

  18. if gunners had signed Xabi Alonso we would have become a great team.
    Song is playing well but xabi is great. would have been a better signing than arshavin

    carton cole will be a great signing
    pls wenger sign cartlon cole.

  19. yup..should move for Adriano..better for the team..exactly what we need now..Wenger can fix his attitude..

  20. there's a reason Adriano, touted once upon a time as the next Ronaldo, is available for 'free' (although his wages won't be) He's an alcholic.....

  21. if united used Owen every week, he woudl get injured. wenger would use him every week if he scored a hat trick. Ferguson is a bit more savvy than that.

  22. The only problem with this is that Adriano's actually pants. He'd be about as useful as Baptista.

  23. wenger needs to told

  24. wenger needs to told

  25. wenger needs to be told

  26. please please someone understand tell him

  27. Insane... this must be the first time I flat out disagree with you Wrighty. Adriano is simply not up to it, I'd rather not sign anyone than him.

  28. Please, anyone who wants Adriano must be out of their mind. I'm brazilian and he's a mess, believe me. He has no commitment whatosever, and his words shouldnt be believed. He said after leaving inter he wouldnt play football for awhile, then less than a week later he had signed for flamengo. he missed training lots of time and i dont think thats the kind of player we want at Arsenal. We want someone who represents the values of the club and that's NOT Adriano. i feel sorry for any club that signs him, he's trouble.

  29. we got rid of thealchoholics now we dont want to bring one in

  30. adrianos a fat mad fucker.ur losing it wrighty

  31. i really really doubt alot of these comments.

    people say he struggled at the san siro, which is flat out not true.

    he had a fantastic time there until his father died and subsequently became an alchaholic

    it's a risk for anyone that age, hell it's a risk for anyone. he deserves another chance, he was world class before. world, world class.

    if anyone can put him up to it. it's wenger

    great post wrighty, they people who disagree with you are nuts, all the points you made were spot on

  32. He's fat, he's lazy, and he wants £150k a week.
    Don't be silly.

  33. In the words of Comic Book Store Guy -
    Worst. Post. Ever.

  34. definitley a gamble. maybe wenger could turn the guy around. he definitely would bring physical presence. i remember him punching a some guy in champions league a few years back. man he looked aggresive. we could do with a bit of that. if it doesnt work out on the field he could always be first team security. Would Mark Hughes come into Arsenes technical area with that mad fucker adriano on the bench. i think not!

  35. fuck off to all people that dont wont him because wengers the man and the can play just look at the pass of wenger with players

  36. Adriano to arsenal would be perfect. If someone can get the best out of him it has to be Arsene. Adriano would also offer the physicality, athleticism and brute strength which arsenal is sorely missing upfront. Now only if Arsene read this blog and realized he is a world class player on free transfer !!! keeping fingers crossed.

  37. Geezer has not been the same since his pop passed - booze & women are his preoccupation. Jose tried to keep him at Inter - no cigar.
    He does not have the required fitness to play for Arsenal - he lacks the motivation to get there!!! check links below:

  38. Im pretty sure Adriano is contracted to Flamengo...

  39. Don't think that he would cut it. I'd much rather see Carlton Cole come here.

  40. Anyone got a needle and thread? Need to sow up my sides after reading Adriano to Arsenal..........

  41. he is without a doubt a world class player, but from what iv heard, he has a shit attitude and is really hard to work with. he could unsettle the team like adebayor did but worse. he is a huge gamble but if wenger can sort his attitude out then i would love to have him at arsenal

  42. We need Dean Windass, He has the pace and power we need and is looking to come out of retirement.

  43. Carlton Cole better bet... always liked that player!

  44. I still think we shld get Benjani.

    a career resurrected.

    the new Drogba

  45. Wrighty you make some good points but I am going to have to disagree.

    We need someone to hit the ground running. The winter months of the Premier League is probably the worst time for a Brazilian to come over and try to adapt to the Premier League.

    I wouldn't mind seeing him in our team, but I don't think it's a risk worth taking when we have money at our disposal, and we can buy talent that we know is peforming well at the top level.

    Great blog by the way. Big time fan, first time commenter.

  46. Brilliant. Let's hire an overweight pisshead with a mental problem.

    Who next, John Daly? Paul Gascoigne?

  47. Dont get me wrong Adriano in his day was outstanding, a great striker, but if you put him in our current squad he would look ordinary, another baptista. Our football is played at such a high tempo, one touch passing, box to box counter attacking football, he couldnt keep up. We're here having a debate about players who's genius have come and gone, we need Mr Rightnow and its going to cost-you have to speculate to accumulate. Arshavin is right we need to spend in january, Arsenal need a spine. I think Carlton Cole and Chamakh could both come in on the cheap, and one CDM and a seasoned center back. The yids are too close for my liking

  48. This Adriano deal will NEVER happen. The reason he is back in Brazil is because he was so unhappy in Milan. This was largely because of huge psychological issues he still carries now, stemming from the death of his father a few years ago. The region of Brazil he is from is inundated with drug trade and violence but he loves his area and said that he was on the road back because he was living there again.

    Unfortunately it is likely that the people around him are bad influences there and the chances of him ever being the player he was are slim. He has no intention of moving back to Europe and in my opinion never will, World Cup or no World Cup.

  49. y not Ronaldo he's the best!
    sao paulo corithians or watever was the team he was supposed to be recovering at - hes now recovered and back in form
    ,adriano can stuffed
    - wenger wll prolly sign a 15 year old :(

  50. Er, Wenger didn't say he was looking for a free world-class striker. He said he was looking world-class striker who is free to play in the Champions League.

    At least try not to misrepresent the words of the manager of the club you claim to support like some sh*t stirring journo from the Star would.

  51. He's free, he's class, he takes it in the ass. He a trouble maker with less talent than the beast. Why bring trouble into the squad.

    Wrong wrong wrong

  52. If he's been playing in brazil and is currently the top goal scorer of the league winners!! He must be in some sort of form and maybe in a more stable mind set!!

    Sort of like when sol took a little time out and went to portsmouth!!

    Plus he's free!! So its not that much of a gamble as most are making out!! He aint getting paid that much in brazil(probably around 50-60 a week) an average player wage!

    The only thing is that in the long run living in london the night life may bring out the worst in him!! But I'm sure wenger would assess this before signing him.

    For me though I'd prefer gignac! He's a hard worker has the same sort of attributes as adriano (sort of like a french rooney) and would be able to deal with the cold weather much better!! But will wenger pay for him!!

    We all know wenger, he wants world class players for much cheaper than the going rate!! He didn't get chamakh for 12mill so how much is he willing to spend? How much would cole be??

    Basically at the end of the day u can't beat FREE!!

  53. great player..but not maybe suited to Arsenal way... I mean can he put his head down and make efforts and accept the diet and training rules we have without going to party every week.

    No all Brazilians are like Denilson and Gilberto

  54. Please oh please!!!

    Before you comment go to Youtube and type in:

    Todos Gols Adriano Imperador - Flamengo 2009 - 30/11/09

    The guy looks red hot!!!

    Theres no doubt in my mind he will score more goals than eduardo, vela and bendtner!! He looks sharp, fast, trim, and most importantly like a man with a clear head!!

    He's World class!!! Hes EXACTLY what we NEED!!!! Power, pace, height, good in the air, got a banging shot, technically gifted, freekick taker, penalty taker!! He will score bags of goals!!! And be a legend!!!!

    and guess what..... He's FREEEEEEEE!!!!!!

  55. come on arsène sign the buffle!

  56. yeah we have nothing to lose - better than using 3 wingers as 3 strikers. . . what about gignac - he's a quality player and didnt play in the champs league either - would be a great buy

  57. 100%


    is the best one for us

  58. Adriano is an orgy waiting to happen. The last thing Wenger needs is a guy who organizes orgies in the dressing room at half-time.

    Apart from that, I think Wenger will go for yet another pocket rocket and not the tall guy.

  59. i agree 100% ... make a move arsene ... strong , good shot , good header , finisher !! almost like drogba and even replace van persie in left sided free kicks :D
