Friday, 25 December 2009

Sod Christmas, I just want three points against Villa!

I'll be honest, Christmas doesn't really do it for me.

All that getting up at the crack of dawn (not Dawn French), the Queen's speech, sitting round the table playing happy families when really you wanna spark out the mother-in-law, playing scrabble or eye-spy, pretending you like the socks you were bought;

It just aint for me.

What I want on Christmas day is a plate of turkey, stuffing, copious amounts of Coors lights and about a million of those little sausages wrapped in bacon. That's what Christmas is all about for me. Those pigs in blankets. I fucking love those things.

When the day is finally over, *yippee*, we usually play on Boxing Day. In this festive period however, we do not. It seems in recent weeks that we have to play a day later than our rivals. Perhaps Wenger was right when he said that whoever produced the fixture list was 'special'.

Back to Villa. This game is massive. It's even bigger than the pants I got as a present this morning. So sod Christmas, I just want three points against Aston Villa.

Seriously though, even though I hate Christmas I hope you all have a good 'un! Be merry and enjoy. Its a day off work. For most.

Keep it Goonerish...................


  1. Yeah, sod it. I'm proudly the world's biggest Christmas "Grinch" whatever that means! And stuff the yuotide shit - just give me three points against Villa - thats' a damn site better than any fat fuck squeezin his arse down my chimney and drinkin my coffee milk and muchin my shortbread whilst his reindeer shit on my roof - stuff all this christmas shit - just pound the crap outta Villa and that's all the pressie I need - on y gooners :o))

  2. Completely agree. Yeah the food is good, but forced interaction with extended family that are nothing but twats the rest of the year is annoying. All I want is 6 points over the next 5days.

  3. Hopefully the gunners will go direct especially Diaby.His direct running at defenders is an asset .It could unsettle the best defence .
    I expect a tight game with the Villains sitting back and hitting the gunners on the break.If the gunners get a goal it will force the AV guys to come out of the shell. Be warned they may surprise the gunners by going on the offensive.
    Be prepared for the physical game where tackles will be the order of battle to unsettle the gunners.At the end of the day don't be surprised some gunners could be injured or nursing injuries.

  4. Yeah baby..three points!! nothing less..

  5. Hopefully Wenger will sign Edin Dzeko this January transfer period. We need a good finishing striker even though Dzeko is ineligible for Champions League..

    Merry Christmas to all Gunner fans..

  6. Spot on with the pigs in blankets wrighty, they are Christmas.

  7. I've been a Gooner for 45 years and can't wait for us to beat Villa - not least cos one of my best mates is a Villain. I normally enjoy reading this blog - but today it is nothing short of pathetic - cos there is one bigger than us all - and he came to earth at Christmas to save us from our sins. Wrighty 7 you need to get a life - and the real Ian Wright would agree

  8. yep the pigs in blankets are almost ready, canny fookin wait.

    3 points against villa gift wrapped from arshavin por favor!

  9. Santa came to save us from our sins???

  10. Big Raddy,

    C'mon mate don't be offended by a harmless post.

    Who these days celebrates for the reasons you obviously do?

    I'll tell you; hardly anyone.

    I apoligise if I've upset you mate because I've always respected you but there is no need for that comment really.

  11. Christmas is utter pants, and the only walloper that will ever save you from your sins is you. Villa must die on the 27th. Up the Arse!

  12. It was great to see Rage Against The Machine close the Xmas Top Of The Pops instead of that cheesy-toothy-Xfactor-Sap.

    But Villa MUST be beaten on Sunday. absolutely imperative because then we've got a run of 5 easier games that could have us top before Drogba & co return from their African jaunt.

    The good news is we WILL beat Villa because we owe them for last season. Hull got their payback, Birmingham got their payback, and Villa will get theirs.

  13. Wrighty 7 I accept your apology mate - but there are thousands of us who love Arsenal and worship Jesus

  14. Nice one Big Raddy.

    Hope you enjoyed your day mate!

  15. Wrighty F***** love ya blog mate - xmas in a nutshell & 3pts on Sunday please!!

  16. Xmas sucks wet farts from dead pigeons.

    Some of my best friends are Christians. Would still like to see a player celebrate winning the World Cup with an "I don't love Jesus" shirt. Just for a change.

    Happy Holidays and Goodwill to all Gooners!

  17. Hey Wrighty.

    You wrote on another blog that I was "offended" & I don't understand. Offended by what?

    I have the utmost respect for you, and nothing you have written has ever offended me. I cannot imagine how you got that impression

    Guess there is some kind of misunderstanding.

    Hope all is well in WrightyWorld & I wish you and all here 3 points tomorrow

    Big Raddy

  18. OK. I can see it now. Some fucker has stolen my identity. Ignore him/her/it Wrighty.

    It wasn't me.....

    I am the original, polite Anglo/Danish Gooner I have always been.

    Big R
