Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Is Mocking Arsenal His New Sexual Thrill Or Something?

I have come to the conclusion that Stan Collymore is sexually attracted to Arsenal Football Club.

He continually digs Arsenal out and I can't think of any reason why he does it except that he fancies us.

Its a little bit like when you are a kid and you fancy the girl next door. Only every-time you see her you get embarrassed, so you act like a cunt, be really really mean and try to make her cry.

That's what he is doing. It's just a divvy way of trying to get someone to fancy you back and lets be honest here, they don't come a lot divvier than Stan Collymore.

I think the novelty of dogging and woman-beating has worn thin with Stan so he needs a new sexual thrill to chase.

Trying to mug Arsenal off is his new thing. I bet he bashes one out every-time he writes something about us.

I can just imagine him sitting in his plush broom cupboard at Daily Mirror HQ. The lights are dim, the door slightly open so he might get caught, trousers round his ankles with lube squirted in one hand while he uses the other to scroll his lap-top on Arsenal.com for wanking material.

Nikki B's profile is his new fave.

The man needs to stop having these depraved thoughts about the Gunners and see a doctor. Fancying a football club cannot be good for your health.

I've read about his mental health in his book and to be honest, that is no laughing matter. But even that cannot be used as an excuse for his obsession with all things Arsenal-related.

Collymore says that we Gooners need to eat humble pie over Bendtner because 30,000 of us booed the boy in the past. When was that?

It's just another blag from the dopey bastard who, like many others, has egg on his face from dismissing Arsenal only to be proved wrong.

If anyone needs to eat humble pie it is Stan Collymore. Then again he'd probably like that because he'd think he had just been cream-pied.

The pervy bastard.

Collymore is a joke. An ex-pro who believes he was better than what he was. The chip on his shoulder is larger than J-Lo's arse after a cake binge.

I suggest Stan gets a new 'fantasy' because the Arsenal one is getting mightily boring now.

Keep it Goonerish..............


  1. Great post.. What a half wit that man is.... Same can be said for the rest of Talk Sport...

  2. you underestimate your writing prowess....i could imagine it too clearly...the image of stan holding is wiener...has been hardwired into my brain...curse...you.. lol

  3. Ta Glen and Anon!

    The Talk Sport team are a bunch of twats.

    I used to listen to it religiously. Now they can go fuck 'emselfs because they all knock Arsenal.

    The only pundits I have time for are Ray Palour, Graeme Souness and last but not least, Charlie Nicholas.

  4. fuck stan. but he was right about how alot of the pipo at the emirates didnt fancy bendtner. just admit he was true about that. pipo wer callin out for a new signing claimng bendtner wasnt gud enuf!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. HAHAHA..nice one..

  6. stupid woman beater,get back to milking cows and gettin ruffed up by vanilla ice on live tv

  7. Well said Wrighty7, Stan Doggymore's nothing more than a misogynist who's only real claim to fame (if you can call it that) is beating up on his woman in a Paris bar. I've only just stopped listening to Talkspite and I feel much better for doing so. Its weird but their hatred of Arsenal runs deep.

  8. anon

    yep, you got it right, wrighty7. dogger stan is a pervert. perverts like to spice it up a bit so once the thrill of putting his penis about in country car parks has worn away then he will look elsewhere.

    but, as much as i hate the zenophobic munt i agree with what he said. too many new aged "gooners" turned on our team players too quickly in the past. we know stan the man is a munt but what is lightweights excuse?

  9. You've already given him more attention than he's worth. The job of a columnist like Collymore is to do exactly what he's just done, wind up a set of fans to create more hits/attention for whichever publication he writes for.

  10. Good post, sums up most of what I think about Collymore. Last season he was ranting on about Wenger needing to sign four new players before we'd have a decent team. I'd like to hear Stan eating some humble pie about that misjudgement, but we know that's not going to happen.

  11. Collymore said Arsenal were cheating the fans by not trying to win anything - just finish 4th. Wanker!

    He also said that Arsenal are not winners - this from a man who's won NOTHING in the game. Wanker!

    Oh yeah, and he's a wanker.

  12. 61AndNeverAgain16 March 2010 at 19:11

    after reading a quote from paul mersons book about when he was at villa with the perv, that he was detached from the rest of the dressing room , sitting alone in the corner with his laptop , he thought he was a loner didnt mix much with the rest of the squad etc etc ...i wonder if the countless hours he spent trawling the porn sites or watever was around in the late 90's pre broadband is what really pushed him over the edge!remember the days , how slow the downloads etc were ! hahaha , no wonder he dropped from liverfool then villa then bradford leicster or wherever else he ended up! any coincidence his best form was probably before he first set eyes on a pc..at forest......then liverfool. good start ..then....he discovers the internet! ...cue the start of his depraved misdameeneershe.
    i also remember robbie fowler and him not gettin on.
    ps wrighty...
    as much as i hate the cunt , the headline collymore found hanging from his expensive rafters suffocating in a plastic bag while being streamed on the internet would get a few hits me thinks..;-)
    only jokin if your expensive lawers are reading! mr stanley wollymore

  13. Rofl @ your post.. But well said. Stan is overrated a bit like Mr Beckham... I'm suee deep down he realises that most semi intelligent people will not bother Reading his so called column... He's just a prat, simple as that.

  14. I wouldn't worry to much about what that idiot says and as for his exaggerated account that we gooners boo Bendtner, I'd like him to tell me when. I was at the recent Burnley game where Bendtner missed a hatful of chances but where I was in Block 6, we gave him nothing but support as did the rest of the ground. Admittedly, we groaned when he missed as we all groan when anyone of our players missed but we didn't boo. FACT.

  15. Wrighty, you are just spot on about the colly knob...

  16. Stan's desperation to sound controversial is pitiful. He's so transparent that his hipocrasy isn't even surprising.
    He tells us we lack ambition because we don't overspend by millions, then agrees with Platini that teams in debt should be banned from European competition. Then after demanding Arsenal sign more forwards, has a pop at the Arsenal fans for not supporting Bendtner all along. What a bell end.

  17. Nice one wrighty, but you cant really blame Mr collymore because he is an illiterate retard! So someone else must be writing all this shit in his name... Keep up the great work Wrighty.

  18. I bet he heads over to The Emirates when the lights are out and sticks his knob in the letterbox then wipes it clean with his Bendtner shirt - The effin half witt.

  19. Well said Wrighty. Defender of all things Arsenal! ;)

  20. I take my revenge on mad collymore by never paying from the shit paper that employs him.

  21. Its such a shame we are always victimised, why us? why do people keep picking on us? The media are so horrible to us it makes me want to cry sometimes.

    It's not fair is it?

  22. Nice one wrighty...serves that mug up right

  23. Hilarious post. Although I find it hard to laugh at Collymore. He was present in the worst dream of my life. You know that advert he does...where some blokes in the bath and he pops up out of the water to give him back his bet stake? Well, I had a dream that I was in the bath and Collymore popped out of the water! Shit myself....fucking terrible. Hated it, I hate that advert aswell!

  24. Stan Doggymore??

    Very true,what a p***k!

  25. Stan Doggymore.
    Well said anon.

  26. Who is Collymore? The guy who was bought for an extravagant amount at Liverpool and could not cut it there...apparently, he had a mental break-down too....

    And the TV guys put him on their show...must be a pathetic TV.

  27. The fella is a cunt and always will be wrighty.

  28. Talkshite are just a bunch of drunken northerners. Haven't bothered with it since the hatchet job on Eduardo after Celtic. As for Collymoron, sums up the UK when a wife bashing pervert with a history of mental illness is employed by 3 different media outlets! A few months back, whilst slagging off Wenger's european record, he tried to claim reflected glory for Liverpool, Villa and Forest winning the European Cup because he played for them years later! Why did Kirsty Gallagher go within a mile of the knob head?

  29. I have been one to have a pop at Bendtner and I stand by it. He has looked lazy, has missed plenty of chances and acted like a tit off pitch. So I stand by it. Lets get things into perspective he needs to start doing the business week in week out. I am still not convinced he is the most natural of strikers but he is working hard so by all means please prove me wrong.

    Now he is getting his act together he will have my full support. In a way its similiar to the Eboue situation with all the fans coming out saying Arsenal fans should be ashamed for the way they treated him in the past.

    I say bollocks. Sometimes they need to know. When you are paying £100 a time for yourself and your son to go you have the right to question shitty attitudes etc.

    This is a whole different post though.

    The point here is that Collymore is a FUCKING TWAT.

  30. hey wonderful post ....that was fuckin genious writing they will all in the end have to eat their words ..AND ON THE FULHAM SIDE THAT GOT DUMPED OUT ....REMEBER HE SAID HE'D WIN IT ALL??? WELL THEN HERES TO THE MIGHTY fulham bustop fc!!!!!

  31. nice one Wrighty...

  32. I am not worried much about Stan, My headaches were the boo boys that I thot were becoming the new face of our supporters/fans. I remember how they treated Eboue. Glad to see that Nicky didn't get same after missing those chances.

    I hope the new spirit continues

  33. Well, pretty poor post this time. I have actually been at the Emirates and hear the booing of Bendtner. Not say I agree because he is a trier and I like that in a footballer, but there are the same minded idiots who were booing him.
    By the way Colleymore should never be allowed in the public eye are beating up women. He is low life scum!!

  34. Genius, superb and so damn accurate.

  35. Am urging all Gooners to not listen to that shite radio station
    full of jason cunty, alan freebie brazil, and collymoron. Durham.

    Espn the same thing going on and on about campbell v hull.

    Don't buy the mirror to

  36. On the ball again Wrighty! Collymore is only employed by talkshite as Goonerbait, same as Adrian Durham. I don't buy any newspapers, but I do like John Cross from the Mirror (I follow him on Twitter); I think he makes a lot of sense. I turn talkshite straight off if Collymore or Adrian Durham come on, thats the only way they get rid of them.


  37. I've not read this blog before, but i will do in the future. Nice post.

  38. A. Yes, his main aim is to annoy fans this generating more hits but...

    B. Everyone thinks he's an idiot and the comment box at the bottom of the articles he writes are a bad idea, I hope he reads what people think!

  39. hahah! loving the post!! I was waiting for someone to realise that he loves slagging Arsenal off!! I thought I was the only one. Great post!

  40. listen Wrighty, if you were a bird I would punch your fucking lights out - Stan the "Man" Collymore

  41. http://gunnerblog.com/?p=2241

    What do you guys think of it, if its the real deal.

  42. I assume you are refering to the kit, it's not true, sorry. Another enemy, take a page out of Millwall's book, nobody likes us we don't care.
    (Hi Ho)
    We all love Chamackh
    United fans are on crack
    Chamackh, Chamackh, Chamackh, Chamackh, Chamackh. Anyone rate him, do you think if he signs will do well.

  43. stan "the cunt" is a disgrace to all dementia sufferers.

    Wrighty don't pay attention to the joker as he's got a massive problem with DNA breakage.
