Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Hale The Mighty Barcelona!

I've decided that I fucking hate FC Barcelona. I hate them even more than a proper kick in the bollocks.

I can't believe that after all the tapping-up and the constant noise that Barca really want Cesc Fabregas they haven't even put a bid in for him.

They have tried their damned best to unsettle our skipper and are trying take the easy route. Basically they want to drive a wedge between Cesc and Arsenal resulting in him putting in a proper transfer request.

What confuses me most though is that if Barcelona wanted Cesc Fabregas that badly, why didn't they try to sign him before David Villa?

It seems to me that Barca want him just for the sake of it. Just because they think they can. Because they are the mighty Barcelona.

That's why I've decided I really hate them now. I used to think that the likes of Chelsea and Real Madrid couldn't be bettered for arrogance. Well I was wrong.

I used to like them. They were my favorite side in Spain. Well no more.

Sometimes I wish Arsenal were a little wankerish in how we do things. Maybe we should start acting like cunts and maybe we will start to turn a few heads and people might start to think we are a big club too.

Then I think bollocks to that. We are too classy a club for that nonsense.

I think the silence from Fabregas and Wenger is deafening. I didn't believe the conversation happened as speculated at first but maybe it did. Or didn't.

Anyhow I hope that if Cesc Fabregas has made his mind up to leave then I hope he realises that the grass isn't always greener on the other side.

Yes he has Barca in his 'DNA' but will he be as revered out there as he is here? Will he become skipper out there? Will he the first choice in the starting eleven?

I doubt it.

I love Fabregas and I can understand his desire to rejoin Barcelona one-day. It was always on the cards but I didn't expect it to maybe happen so soon.

However doesn't he feel a little embarrassed about how his 'new' or 'old' club are acting? Surely he would want Barcelona to act accordingly? Clearly they aren't.

There is no respect from Barcelona in this move at all. They said they would respect Arsenal wishes. Well where is that respect?

Arsenal have already said they don't want to sell but the Barca media onslaught continues. If Cesc wants to be a part of that, part of a club who think they are royalty then let him.

But I hope he knows what he is letting himself in for because it ain't gonna be as rosy as he thinks it might be.

Joining a club with no morals only to warm the bench isn't going to be easy for a player used to adulation and captaincy.

Keep it Goonerish...........


  1. Join the club. For all their good football they are a club of diving cheating scum, who think they have a divine right to win everything. The way all their players are taking it in turn to unsettle Cesc is embarrassing and pathetic.

    I was cheering on Inter in the CL, and I loved seeing rat-face and the players he carries get knocked out.

    As for Cesc, I think he should go, this business is tiring. Just go and let us get on with it. Wenger should have a replacement in mind and with the money we get it should be easy enough to buy someone.

  2. but the problem is do u think AW will sign a repleacement

  3. certainly difficult to keep Pace with other top european sides if he goes

  4. I was wondering the same about Villa, but then I remembered that Villa is Cesc's best mate, from what I've heard. Get his best mate and it'll be easier to convince Cesc was the thinking.

    I used to like Barca, like you, but now I think they're absolute cunts and hope their stadium burns to the ground.

    Xavi is a hypocrite. Barca went trophyless for 6 years not too long ago and he says a player of Cesc's quality should be winning trophies? SO why didn't Xavi leave Barca when they were struggling? He's a cunt

  5. Couldn't agree more, again!

  6. Yeah wrighty,always spot on!they act like they gave birth to cesc at the camp shit...they think they invented footy and they do their best to unsettle our players.they always take the centrepiece to aw's projects:first henry and now cesc.don't be fooled by unicef logo!madrid may unsettle players but they pay for them not wanting to take them cheap.come to think of it i wish mourinho the best in knocking barca off that golden perch!

  7. Don't forget about gettin annoyed with Cesc as well! all season he's like, i love it here, i cud see myself spending career here etc etc but as soon as season ends, he wants out! to save himself from backlash from fans! sell him but tell them £50 million plus, take it or leave it! he's not goin on the cheap the cheeky f**kers!!!

  8. Pay up or shut up i say. Btw where do we line up to kick you lol

  9. Totally agree. The amount of contradictory bullsh*t that comes out of every press interview with any of their players or management team is sickening.

    "Cesc has Barca in his veins and will be playing his football here in his home town next season. We are a much bigger club than Arsenal and we know for a fact that Cesc wants to come to us this summer. But we must not talk about this transfer out of respect for Arsenal FC..."

    I almost want Wenger to come out like Ferguson last summer with a quote along the lines of, "I wouldn't sell them a common cold."

  10. Wrighty,

    Like you, I feel the same about Barcelona. But my hate started back in 05, when they were stalking Henry. These shits want our players, and dont even know what to do and how to play them when they are there. Henry didnt get his position and time to settle. Same will be the case with Cesc. What makes it sour is that Cesc is leaving behind the dream arsenal is being built on in ashburton grooves. He was the central and integral part on which wenger tried to build his team and the real club. All the respect and love for the player we had is slowly fading as he and his dear ones slowly show love lost with arsenal.
    Then there are those Barca shits- Xavi, Pique, and now cave-man puyol, dont know tomorrow who comes out and says he should be in Barcelona this season. I hope all of them have good fractures and their broken legs reminding of arsenal curse. If he had Barca DNA, Henry had arsenal DNA, but still you guys plucked him away from our land. Why dont you take Fran Merida who also had Barca DNA, at least from your view point. Messi has Argentinian DNA, why do you play him in your side? Ibramovich has Inter DNA, and Villa has valencia DNA. Assholes!! real fkers!!

    Next year around, they would come back again with another DNA thing........ Beggers!!
    I hated BarcaDNA business since '05, and now I hate them even more. Wish we could sell Cesc to the highest bidder, and be as pity-hearted as them!!

    Hope Barca gets Blown next year... and then there would be one more who would miss Arsenal. Dont worry, they will come to haunt someone else who is playing good next year..

  11. i'd hate to see fabregas leave without winning anything first. he would be going the same way as gallas, flamini, hleb, adebayor, diarra, reyes...players who came, had a good season or two, got a bit big-headed, and went without ever winning anything for the club.

    fabregas should win us the european cup and walk out of the club through the front gate, with the respect and love of the arsenal fans, as opposed to leaving with a whimper, through the back door, having achieved nothing for the club.

  12. if we do sell him this year, i hope he goes for £60-£80m. i really hope arsenal make those fuckers pay up.

    it would look totally weak if we only got £30m, when Inter got £80m for that plank ibrahimovic. we need to fucking assert ourselves in the market.

  13. ya i have to say i really feel left down by cesc in all this. i thought he was better than this. but it turns out he's just another footballer whose word means nothing. we gave him the captaincy and he's thrown it in our faces. I imagine arsene feels betrayed after everything he's done for this kid.
    We are the arsenal, one spanish kid changes nothing.

  14. More than just a football club.., is what Barcelona like to tell the world. You would hope that would mean that they lay down an example. Unfortunately, it seems they think that the rules dont apply to them.

    The condascending drivel, the sheer arrogance of those who run this great club is unmatched in world football.

    Well it seems as if this multiple year campaign to take back their 'property' is about to come to fruition. Well Joan Laporta, your henchmen, Mr 'I'd love Cesc's DNA in my mouth' Xavi.., you can all go and fuck yourself.

    I just can't wait for a time when the stadium debt is paid off and we can pillage their top players.

  15. How dare xavi say cesc has no choice but to leave?where was xavi when the likes of pirlo and ballack were the best mfs around?he has become a c**t since fans recognised he actually plays!the boy is our captain!we are 3rd most successfull club on the land but they speak of us as if we are wycombe...cesc has not won big here but we have done alot for him!if we hadn't given him the chance he wouldn't be a spanish regular and wouldn't be on planes to 06 and 10 worldcups neither to the euros.he would've been on the barca bench last season and according to his best mate hleb it was more satisfying reaching the quarters with us than winning a treble in the dugouts.we replaced viera with this fresh faced pup,changed our proven philosophies(invincibles blueprint) to accomodate him,we made him captain,our fans even call him 'jesus' but what does he do?shit all over the hand that fed him!wenger has played a formation that doesn't suit most of our players to make him happy!he is the centrepiece and if he leaves in this disrespectful manner i'll never forgive him...now the media are claiming he has told friends he is 500% sure of leaving!when will it end!

  16. You Arsenal fans really crack me up. You shouldn't care so much about other teams trying to purchase your contracted players. That's just a small issue that every team with talent has to deal with. You're real issue should be that your club's Ownership and Wenger could care less about winning. They just want to be good enough to qualify for Champions League. They continue to field sub-par teams so that they can continue to line their pockets with the earnings instead of investing in the club. While Wenger is a genius at bargain shopping, do not be fooled by the fact that he is in Kahootz with the owners and that he is getting bonuses based on club profits and dollars not spent. He does this on purpose and you have seen it frequently in recent years. He buys 17 year olds and then he sells them at 23-24. He has promised Cesc for the past few years that he would add talent to the club, and he tried to do so with Arshavin and Vermeilon. Before them it was Rosiky and Eduardo. However, the rest of the lot were with Ramsey, Wilshire, Vela and Sol Campbell. More kids and Geriatric. I mean give me a break. I know Arsenal fans that can't afford to see an Arsenal game in person, the ticket prices are ridiculous and the owners keep gouging the fans for more money. Two seasons ago you guys almost won the EPL, what kept you from doing so????? You had a thin roster, not a talent issue, a body issue. You can’t tell me that if you had a 3-4 more quality players, not PREMIER players, quality players, that you would not have been able to hold onto the lead. With that being said, you would think that the owners and Wenger would have learned from their mistakes, but Noooooo, they got burnt again for the same reason this past year. Don’t get pissed off because Barcelona want to invest money in their club. The money that Barca make is solely used to run the operations and invest in more talent. The club is owned by it’s members, the members want to win. Arsenal is owned and run by greedy owners. Look at Chelsea, ManU, City, Liverpool, and even Tottenham. All of their owners spend money because they WANT TO WIN. Are you not getting the picture yet? Your problem is that you keep lining the pockets of people who want to screw you. I say screw them back, boycott the team, quit the team, find a new team that at least tries to win.

    Safado from Ipanema

  17. n ade must be sitting back laughing his head off....

  18. Sorry, safado, you're wrong there. Maybe before taking the time to comment on another club you could, you know, check your facts a little.

    If you did, you'd know that Arsenal do not pay dividends to shareholders, this includes the board.

    Just recently debt was reduced by a third, paid off by revenues generated by property sales etc. So quite clearly, they are investing into the club. And just a hint here, but that big shiny new stadium would suggest that investing in the club is pretty high up the agenda.

    As for Barcelona, the self proclaimed God of all clubs..., Safado, i'd suggest to you this, that the money Barca make is very soon going to be gone towards paying back debts of close to half a billion euros!

  19. It will be interesting to see the reaction Cesc gets at the start of next season from Arsenal fans. Barcelona have already said they are in no rush because they know Cesc will only join them, they want Arsenal to lower the price & hope by delaying it all Arsenal will cave in, which they won't. Therefore unless Barca come up with 45+ million in an upfront payment like Man utd got for Ronaldo then Cesc will still be an Arsenal player when the season starts, even if he isn't by 31st August. Hopefully he'll be treated the exact same way Ade was. As for Barca & their players, it just goes to show spanish clubs really are the lowest of the low, unsettle a player they cannot even afford, even speaking today that Barca bloke said they can afford it because they have CREDIT with clubs, well I don't think they'll have much credit with Arsenal.

  20. Nice try USMANOV - even going so far as to list a fake identity from Ipanema!! Make all the tired criticisms of MY club that you want - we have heard them all before and we STILL do not want around!

  21. How dare anyone compare us to spuds?they overspend but guess what?no league title in 50 years!dippers have never won the premier league in this new format!lets not even talk about city...the spending thing has just counteracted your argument.i agree however we need to invest but wisely.barca don't even need cesc!

  22. Just had a quick scan through your post and disagree on a couple of things.

    1. Arsenal being classy. I think they way Arsenal court the big teams to bid for their star players is anything but classy.

    2. The grass isn't always greener. This in not some Arsenal star past his prime. In my opinion Cesc will be the best ball playing midfielder in the world this time next year and will thrive in the Barcelona side and kick on his career like he should of at Arsenal had they had any ambition. To say Cesc wont walk into that team - well I say wait and see. I'm pretty sure he will.


  23. Barcelona are not nice. No argument. But from Cesc's point of view I can understand his desire to leave. Wenger has already stated that our midfield is OK. So, another season of playing in the same midfield as the likes of Diaby and Denilson - No thanks!
    Our Board have not paid dividends, but Dein, Hill-Wood, Fitzman and the Carr brothers (plus Bracewell-Smith as soon as she finds a buyer) have all made millions out of Arsenal shares. Not one penny of that money has been re-invested in our club.
    Cesc is fed-up with promises. He is not alone.
    Oh, and one more thing, if you really think that Cesc will lose out on a first-team place at Barcelona, then you don't know Cesc Fabregas. He will win his battles and still be in Barcelona's midfield after the others have gone or even retired.
    Meanwhile season-ticket holders like me can look forward to another season of un-Arsenal-like gutlessness and comedy goalkeeping.
    Of course Cesc wants to leave. He is not stupid. -Ramgun

  24. I too F*&kin HATE those Catalan C*ntw8ts.
    First they use their media machine to get the ball rolling, releasing utter garbage, how the fuck Guilamme Balague knew what was said in a private conversation I do not know?????
    Behind closed doors my arse..
    Then, one by one, they get all of their cunt players to say "please come to us",at last count it was 5 of their players, see how many more say it... They may have trophies but they will NEVER have class, just like Chelski the wanna be Barca of the Prem..

  25. Tapping up one of our own youth products?...And for all the resentment at Barca, I don't exactly see Cesc dying to remain at Emirates

  26. Why build the Emirates and pay for it in 3 years? They could have gotten a 15 year loan and kept some money to purchase more players. This is standard operating procedures for solid companies. No one purchases outright it's bad business, because you you lose your tax right off. Don't you worry about Barca's bank sheet, they were 100 times worse 8 years ago before Laporta took over. They manage the club financially well today. If Rosell is elected next month the behavior will continue.

    The funny thing in all of this is that I don't even think Fabergas is as good as all of you make him out to be. I know you all love him, and it's great watching all of you run around like little scorned women. What I don't understand is your big boss has come out to say that Cesc isn't good enough to play at Barca, several of you have also, I kind of agree, but I do think he is way above average and you can never have enough good players. What I don't understand is if Cesc isn't that good, why the L$50 price tag? That just makes zero sense. What also makes no sense, is that would Arsenal completely crumble without Cesc? Sounds like you've got all your eggs in one basket, which is another poor business decision.....Another point that your Mgmt are not too good at their jobs.

    Other guys I'd like to take from your squad, Denilson and Walcott. Why Wenger doesn't play Theo as an all out striker is ridiculous. What a waste of speed. He is getting ruined there. Denilson is pure class also, but too much bench time killed his development. Those are two guys that we could surely make world class.


  27. All of the kissing the badge stuff also, after all of this gives me a HORRIBLE taste in my mouth. If this stuff is really true and he is turning the screws on Wenger his "father figure and mentor" then i hope he does go to Barca for a good price gets replaced and goes to rot on their bench.......all the while doing a Hleb. I will be like, thanks for the 7 years and the 50m..............oh and FUCK OFF!!

    I know that may sound cruel but i am not the only one that is ****ing fed up with the head games and being ****ed over with this "arsenal til i die" display only to beg for a transfer the next window.

    Although i hate Arshavins yapping mouth on certain things, at least he is honest, he says "i will not kiss the badge" because he believes there is more than one club for one person and he may move on and doesn't want to mislead.......even though that sounds like a slap in the face i rather have a slap in the face than have someone hovering over me threatening a slap in the face and you don't know when its coming then all of a sudden.....SLAP LIKE A BIATCH!!

    Seriously this arsenal/Barca stuff is getting retarded, i ****ing hope they put themselves into serious debt and then their economy hits the shitz and they struggle to survive i bet a lot of their players would beg to be at Arsenal....if that was to happen i would love to see Arsenal hover over them, then crush them!!

  28. I don't understand the arguments against the board. They will only make money if the club is successful, are you saying it is or it isn't? If it is and they are making money then we're a successful club and be proud, if they're not any money available is being invested to improve the club and the team.
    OK onto Fabregas. Would you allow your father to tell the world about your own transfer dealings, I think not. Would you allow your friends to speak about it before any official announcements have been made, again no. So none of what is in the press is true. Cesc is in the Spain team so no need for him to move for that reason. He is captain and still wants to win things with Arsenal, same as henry, bergkamp and others. He won't be a legend if he leaves this Summer and I've heard nothing official saying that this will be the case. Arsenal don't need the money it's about the player and he is under contract so he stays. Expect a press release before the World Cup to this effect.

  29. Financially well run, and yet half a billion euros in debt! hmmmm
    And lets not forget, thats not even taking into account the transfers of Ibra, Villa and any potential fabregas deal.

    Again, please check your facts here. The stadium loans were taken out over a 20+ year period.

    Unfortunately for Arsenal, we live in the real world. Unlike others who can run up excessive debt and rely upon a combination of friendly banks and government to keep bailing them out.

    2 points in closing, you take pleasure in another's distress.., that's truly pathetic, you must be a very unhappy person.
    Maybe before you say something silly like that again, you'll do well to remember how it felt the morning you realised that Madrid had stolen Mr Luis Figo from you.

    And barca have no moral high ground when it comes to poaching youngsters.., your best player was air lifted out of Argentina before his voice had been given the chance to break.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. We all know that Cesc has moved back several years too early. Whats clear is that he is desperate to join Barca-and they can sit back and get him at bottom book price. They think he is one of theirs-and we are lucky to get anything for him. I believe that Cesc has always been actively encouraging the Spanish media to link him with a move back to Barca-and he has put in a written transfer request.
    There may be several factors in this move-but our ventures in Spain have not been successful-Reyes, Merida, and now Fabregas-they dont adapt well to the English climate, the physical nature of the league-most of all they all see us as a stepping stone to Barca or Madrid. What were not getting back from our investment in these players is any real commitment.
    Perhaps we ought to think very carefully before signing any other Spanards-skilfull though some are.
    Arsenal should make it an unofficial club policy not to sell any further players to Barcelona FC.
    Frankly I dont give a fuck what happens to Fabregas in future-he is an adversary now.

  32. Tottally agree with Wrighty Barca are scum and not much else.Listening to talksport this evening I then remembered why I don't anymore,I have never heard such anti-arsenal bullshit in all my life.That respected?? journalist from the NOW was putting the knife in and yet for such a sports journalist you would jave thought he knew how long Fabs contract lasted til,especially as he keps coming up with all these so called exclusives.I wanted Spain to do OK in the WC but now it seems every Spanish press conference becomes the'I hope Cesc joins Barca roadshow'Cesc has beena hero to me but it's leaving me very fast why has he not the cojones to come out and say something.I would respect him more if he came out and said he wanted to leave than just makus fans suffer.Wenger plucked him from obscurity made him the player he is and he repays him like shit.It has left a very bitter taste inmymouth and with Barca having no money to spend I think it will be an interesting reception waiting for him at Emirates next season He really needs to come out and say something and not let others do his dirty work for him .If he can enjoy his Spanish teamates constantly slating Arsenal then he's a much lesser man than I thought he was.

  33. Barcelona are cunts you all agree but Arsenal is just such an extraordinary club for stealling him in the first place...

    Guess what... they are trying to steal Assulin as we speak...

    You may speak shit all day long but fact remains. Barca is bying and you assholes are just stealing...

    By the way the cunts have fucked all of you in Champions League ... One of you ASSHOLES has comented that he was an Inter supporter in the semis... still the cunts have fucked you all before going on to face Inter and lost the way they did...

    Advice... FUCK OFF, BUILD A TEAM AND STOP STEALING if you are going to continue pretending to be a bunch of saints...


  34. Spot on, i'm fed up of these fuckers. Its about time Platini stopped licking their arses and charged them with tapping up!

  35. LOL - of course, its all Barcelona's fault. LOLOL. I mean its not like we didn't steal him at 15 is it.

    Arsenal fans are getting worst I am certain of it.

    And of course Arsenal would never want to sell a player for huge profit would they?

    Get real Arsenal fans please.

  36. The class of Barcelona was there for all to see when they turned the sprinklers on Inter's players

  37. Has our manager and board not become a bit like our team- easily bullied. This kind of crap goes on every summer ad nauseam.
    Because we deal with it in such a poor way i.e. say and do nothing they circle over us like vultures until they eventually lure in one of our players by getting his head turned with all their fawning. How do you deal with their wanking about. Simple. "O.k we'll sell you Fabregas as long as you give us Messi and another £20 million with him. Otherwise fuck off because he's on a long term contract". Come on Arsene and the Board, show a bit of balls for the first time in your life. Call their bluff, put it out there so that all those muppets in the papers will print it and then start working on getting us a team that will also show a bit of balls.

  38. Dont worry Cesc wont act like a spoiled child if he doesnt get his wish,so Barca better pay up or leave it alone but we all know they eventually will.

  39. Barcelona are holier than thou.They didn't steal a 13 year old messi from the other side of the world.They constantly tap up our players through the media and worse still get their brainwashed footballers to prostitute themselves on camera for the good of the real cancer in football Barcelona.they do not give a fuck about anyone but themselves and their blatant pursuit of Cesc Fabreags has darkened their name forever in many peoples minds.The way they believe they can make a derisory offer and think that they hold all the aces in the transfer is very hard to believe.They are over 500 mio euros in debt still owe Arsenal money for Henry £10 mio and Hleb £4 mio and then put in a joke offer for a player they have been continually tapping up for 3 years valuing the player at half the market rate for a player who has 4 years left on his contract and is the best midfielder in the premiership bar none.La Liga is going down,with Real and Barca choking the little clubs with their exclusive Tv rights the quest for honors will turn into a 2 horse parade much like the Scottich premiership is.I think Cesc is making a mistake to wanting to go to a club that has no morals and is conducying themselves in the public eye with sheer disdain for Arsenal and showing a local lack of respect with regards to our club captain who coincidentally missed the end of our season due to a cynical foul from yes you guessed it Barcelona.UEFA should launch an immediate investigation into the illegal tapping up of Arsenal players by Barcelona and take strong action toprevent this happening every season.

  40. Cesc 'stolen' from Barca? That's a joke. Was he kidknapped and smuggled away in a bag ? No, he and his Dad wanted out because they saw more competition for places there than at Arsenal, and a more lucrative start to his career. Now that Iniesta is no longer a fixture they see an opportunity and want back. Barca's tactics are beyond contempt I agree, but sadly I think Cesc has used Arsenal and Wenger to further his career, being always ready to return 'home' when the opportunity arose.

  41. It's Hail, not Hale.

  42. Don't be haters because we play solid football. Cesc is a great player but not the best, he is young, he is going to take over Xavi when he is done. Remember the final decision is his, no one is forcing him to sign with us, in the end he will decide. Just think if he does not sign, will you receive him the same way as you do now. Arsenal is nowhere near winning the Champions let alone the Premier League. On a side note I must hand it to Sir Alex, he let go of Ronaldo and his side still played extremely well, he is classy. He did not stop and for the big fag Ronaldo. Stop your crying but it is nice that the english love our spanish boy, why don't you look for home soil talent, then again Arsenal and Wenger don't believe in it.

  43. what you guys make of this

    on a plane to le grove?


  44. I cannot believe how badly can a club the reputation of Barca behave. I think after this episode thay wouldhave damaged it permenanetly. They get not only their directors and reporters, but, alos theirplayers to prostitute for them. Saying that they lack class is the understatement of the mellinium. When CM wanted to leave Bourdeaux nobody at Arsenal commented. That is class. However, we cannot expect those SPANISH WAITERS to behave in the same way,
    I think they had turned and disturbed our captain so much that he wil unfortuntely leave this summer OR never. Frankly I do not see how those Spanish Waiters would be able to raise the money to pay us with the financial crisis hitting their banks and its only the beginning of the crisis.

  45. Sadly, I feel that Fab will leave us. He has no choice. They preached to him so much that they will force his hand. Even if he stays this year and we win nothing the next season,those canaries at Barca will be singing "I told you so" louder. But, if he leaves, he may not become the player he is destined to be. It will be hard for them to play Xavi, Inesta and Fab. He will find himself like Hleb, frustrated. Sad, how these Spanish mercenaries play up their egos; not caring for the future of the player. They must realise that Fab will eventually join them,after Xavi's form drops.

  46. An open letter to Cesc Fabregas.


    When you joined The Arsenal as a spangly lightweight teenager with a dodgy mullet (plus highlights), we all welcomed you with open arms. Whilst the first team ploughed on to another successful season, whispers began emanating from the youth/reserve set up that there was a young lad from Catalonia who really was something special. We all saw the reserve team goal when you waltzed round an entire team and calmly finished. We waited with baited breath for you to add some muscle and break into the first team.
    In Paris in 2006, we swarmed the Park De Prince and sang 'We've got Cesc Fabregas' at the top of our lungs, hours before the game even started. At WHL 2 seasons ago the celebrations in the away end when you scored that scorcher to put us 2-1 up reminded me of the old days on the north bank. You marched towards us at full time and kissed the badge.. you've kissed the badge this season aswell, and we loved it!
    The thing is Cesc, you are on your way to becoming a true Arsenal legend, and you are only 23!.. On such decisions are legacies built. The boss has built this young team around YOU!. Everything in the set up is tailored to make YOU shine. You are the captain, the symbol of our great club and a truly world class player. Now finish the job!
    No-one could begrudge you a return to Barca, you've been honest about your wishes and we respect that, but we also know that you love The Arsenal. We also know that the fire that burns inside you will tell you that the job is not yet complete.. You joined Arsenal a boy, but now you are a man. Lead us on the pitch and become a true Arsenal legend, or go to Barca and be just another Cule in a shit Spanish league.
    I won't lie, I expected more of you, we all did.

  47. HAHAHAH you g a y boys in London are just sore looooooooosers!! hahahah

    You f u c k i n g STOLE Cesc and now you have the nerves to complain!



  48. I used to love Cesc a lot, but if he chose to leave, still wish the best for him, but no more respect. No more love. He's just a guy who is playing for The Biggest Cunts in the world at Shit Camp. Don't care about him anymore.

    Oh, by the way, f*** them too. Really hate them now, even more than Chel$ki and Tiny Tots.

    Anyway, we still have Arsene. He's god, not Cesc. He made Cesc become a player like he's now. He created him. Without Cesc and a lot of money, Arsene can strengthen current squad with quality new signings. Remember Juventus and Zizou?

  49. i will be supporting Real Madrid next season in La Liga.. i hope baca do not win anything and they turn into a shit club...

    As for Cesc i think if he has decided to leave thn he must be allowed to leave.. BUT NOTHIN LESS THN 60 MILLION...

    More over NO PLAYER IS BIGGER THN THE CLUB... If Cesc goes we will get another one...

  50. before everyone starts creaming their pants about cesc can i suggest a read of this: http://blog.emiratesstadium.info/2010/05/cesc-how-the-media-created-and-used-a-non-existent-transfer/

  51. dont really want him to go but if so, get sum1 fast so r counter attack is lethal again wallcott would b better with sum1 faster in the middle, or just put nasir in there....... get a kepper frist...... spanish pricks

  52. i hate barcelooney's....

  53. well,im an arsenal fan but u dont have to hate barcelona!u think that becoz of milito's offside goal which led them to final,it gonna change ssomethin with them??no,they're still best team.with best coach..at all positions,they have the best players..and we arsenal fans tend to think that we developped cesc and he is ours.but no,barca have the right to buy him cheap because he is a product of barca's youth system.and we just used fabregas over the years.thats the truth and u have to deal with it.

  54. Alright mate don't cry about it!!

  55. It can't succeed in fact, that's what I believe.
