Monday, 3 May 2010

Where Is The Pride When Wearing THE Arsenal Shirt?

I can't believe what I am seeing!

Just what is happening at our football club?

A few games ago we were fighting for the Premiership title but now we are looking nervously over our shoulders in case we finish below the likes of Manchester City or, dare I say it, Spurs.

Luckily for us there is a lack of games remaining and they both face each other so third place is in our hands.

For this I'm thankful because I dread to think what would have happened had there been five games to go with us in this type of form.

Lately we have been nothing short of a disgrace and in total honesty a lot of these players do not deserve to wear the Arsenal shirt.

It pains me to say that.

I can accept defeat but only if the players wearing the Red and White of Arsenal have given everything. In recent games we have given nothing.

It has been embarrassing.

Barely a handful of players can hold their heads up after this dismal run. The main man has been Sol Campbell. And to think people doubted him re-signing.

At the moment I wish we had eleven Sol Campbell's on the pitch. The geezer has been fantastic and I'm gutted that he influence isn't rubbing off on this side as much as it should be.

He gives everything and wears the Arsenal shirt with pride. He knows what it means to wear the Cannon on his chest.

I don't want to single out any Arsenal players for criticism. We all know who isn't pulling their weight but I don't think that they either care or are bothered that we, the fans, are pulling our hair out at what we are seeing at the moment.

Too many of our players have got too much to say and they don't back it up. To be honest I'm beginning to become sick of it.

All season-long I've backed this Arsenal squad and I feel like a big of a mug. Like Arsene Wenger I've shown my faith in the players and that faith has smashed me back hard in the mouth.

I don't entirely blame Wenger for this disgusting run of games but he has to shoulder some of it. He can only motivate as much as he can but its up to the players when they cross that white-line to perform for Arsenal Football Club. For us, the supporters.

To be frank the players have acted as though the season ended the night we lost in Barcelona. What a liberty.

Where is the pride? Where is the passion? Why haven't we seen the season out in a proper fashion?

I think a shake-up is in order. We need to mix it up a bit. I'd keep the majority of this squad but adding to it is essential.

Marouane Chamakh is said to be a done deal and as we all know Wenger loves a bargain. I'd get Joe Cole from Chelsea. Available on a free, a winner and a player who would fit in Arsenal's style of play.

A new keeper is a must. Its a shame to say but our keepers at present have become diabolical liabilities. Signing Cole and Chamakh on free transfers gives Arsene more spending power.

Get Joe Hart. I'm pretty sure he would jump at the chance to join us.

I'd keep Sol Campbell for another year but I'd sign a top quality centre-back too. I hate to say it but I reckon William Gallas is off and Silvestre is on his toes.

A new injection of talent will give us the kick up the arse we need. I think we have become complacent and the recent run of form could back that up.

Arsene Wenger has proved in the past he can be ruthless with his players. We need to see that ruthlessness again. I just hope Wenger hasn't become complacent himself.

Us, the Gooners, would sweat blood for the Arsenal shirt. We haven't been privileged enough to have the talent that our players have been bestowed with. That may well be the case but I guarantee I'd put in more effort than most of this lot have in recent games.

How sad is that?

Keep it Goonerish........................


  1. At last Wrighty. good to see your myopia is now cured and are seeing what people who really understand football have been saying for ages. neither wenger nor his players are good enough. Time for mass change.

  2. waste of space... what the hell is going on there, wenger must get a keeper or else the others will over take us and we will become liverpool

  3. It's time to let go of the French players and start injecting some English steel..

  4. what annoys me is that these are players on long contracts who have had great opportunities to make a mark while players are out injured and don't seem to give a shit. The squad is not good enough, the fringe players frankly don't seem able to repay wenger for the faith he has shown them . They obviously beleive the publicity. Has wenger taken the club as far as he can? This squad will win nothing while they are so weak defensively and I inlcude our best 11 in that assesmnent

  5. that last paragraph is what i've been saying and it says it all about this team. i've given this club so much heart and support and energy for 25 years now. but to see some of the guys out there who clearly don't give a damn about our club is one of the saddest things i've seen in that time. they have talent, they just couldn't be arsed

  6. Diaby, Nasri did not do enough today especially Diaby who lost the ball too many times. The desire to win is no longer there for the last few games. Keeper was not protected enough today and the ref should have done more. It is hard and embarrassing to be a gooner these days but still proud to be one. Not sure if the players are. Vive Arsenal.

  7. SPOT OON! Love Arsenal but it has been very difficult to watch theese last games. Can't they even try for the sake of us fans

  8. "He must shoulder some of the blame"

    No mate, he has bought every one of the muppets you see on the pitch. He has also given long term deals to all the average dross you saw today. He has suggested that the midfield is good enough for next year already.

    He hasnt bought a decent goalie since Lehmann. He has said that Fabianski can come good next year.

    The players have Arsenes "winning isnt everything" mentallity and they are losers - as are the fans who support Wenger above the Club.

    Feel "a bit of a mug" do you? that would make you a bit right.


  9. Cole is already on 80k a week. He wants 100k/week. We wont get him for sure!

  10. What we need more than anything is a good defensive coach. We totally lack organization in defending set pieces and fail to implement even the most rudimentary of defensive tactics. Throw in's and GK distribution resemble a High school team and we continually fail to box out opponents trying to harass our GK.

    I'm totally disgusted.


    arsen--not a gud coach idea of wat to do at arsenal anymore..he should just fuck off nd leave..

    walcott--simple not gud enuf..he really sucks.and y should he get paid that much when he cant play anyfink..

    silvester-- just an idiot..pack ur bags nd fuck off.

    diaby-- not gud enuf..really annoying and keeps making mistakes and giving out the ball..

    fabianski-- its a pity we have you playing for arsenal football club,but i wont lame you but the motherfucker ARSEN WENGER..

    sagna--cant out in a cross,poor at do you guyz feel when you come out and say i am an arsenal player..pathetic


  12. @Meteor Monster,

    Lets get Keown back!

  13. BnT,

    I really take what Wenger says with a pinch of salt.

    If he says the midfield is good enough for season then don't take that for gospel!

    I think Wenger now realises he is under pressure from a lot of disgruntled Gooners now and needs a shake up in the squad.

    If he doesn't add to it then I'll be very surprised.


  15. Spurs will pass us next year, if they learn to break down the teams that park the bus(and they will)just look at there keeper he's world class(hate to say it) we have to out spend the teams around us just to stand life will not be worth liveing:-( plz wenger just more thing I am sick of these Afro types on ARE sites talking shite about arsenal there broken English is an embarisment.gunner4life

  16. The buck has to stop with Wenger and him alone. I don't particularly like saying I told you so but is there anyone who didn't see this coming a mile off?

    It has only been a big drop in the Prem League overall standard that has seen us get away with it this season.

    The thing that pains me is that I have been saying the same thing for a few seasons now. The club has clearly got weaker and yet everyone, especially Wenger buries their head in the sand.

    It is now time for action. I was laughed at and mocked when at the beginning of Jan said please let us sign Hangaland (DC), Gordon (GK), Parker (MC) and Huntelaar (FC on loan). All could have been snapped up for around £20M. Today I sit here and think yet those four might well bring us the title. And if you don't fancy Gordon then I'm sure Hart will more than do.

    The GK situation has made Wenger a laughing stock. Everyone can see it except him. Yet he comes out and blames the 'over physical' approach and it seems his attitude has rubbed off on our players.

    Playing Silveste and Campbell as centre back together - are you have a fckin laugh Wenger? I mean even choosing Silvestre to play away in the Nou Camp. Fck off. It makes me fckin mad.

    Arsenal nowdays remind me of a political party rather than a football club. All spin and no action substance. The new Arsenal type fan is equally as bad - more interested in balancing the books, more interested in watching the game whilst sitting on their hands.

    FFS. We even play in white with dark shorts when away from home yet the new fans runs out to buy the shirt. Are they really happy for us to look like Spurs? It makes me wonder.

  17. danish gooner3 May 2010 at 21:13

    Holy crap,that Walcott must be the worst player in the league on 60 grand.

  18. if spurs get the c/l they will spend 80 million for sure,we will be left behind(my dad (yid)always said football has cycles)if we don't get rid of wenger ours is up:-(.sick of the frenchness in our team get rid of them all ,usmanovs being excluded because he's not Jew this is fact.

  19. Szcezney
    Someone like sorenson 2-4m
    Azpilicueta (8m) Naldo (10m) Vermaelen Clichy
    Eboue Subotic (15m) Sakho(8m) Gibbs
    Djourou Campbell

    Yaya Toure (P/E Cesc) Veloso(8m)
    Moussa Sissoko (12m) Song
    Gourcuff (20m) Jovetic (15m) David Silva(20m)
    Nasri Wilshere Hazard (15m)

    Van Persie
    Lukaku (7-8m)
    Spend 144m
    Sell Fabregas 50m plus yaya toure
    Almunia 5m
    Fabianski 5m
    Arshavin 10m
    Rosicky 5m
    Eduardo 5m
    Bendtner 10m
    Denilson 5m
    Diaby 5m
    Walcott 10m
    Sagna 10m

    Theres 120m raised. net spend 24m. Massive overhaul needed. The only player on that list of players i said to sell is good enough to play for us is fabregas, but we need the money and yaya toure to revamp the squad and he should go be a part of the greatest team in the world at barca cos we wont come close with our team. People say its stupid, its not, the players who i said to buy are quite young and good players who will gel together well, might take them a season to but they will. good balance between defence and attack. vermaelen/sakho who are fast and good at tackling complemented by naldo/subotic who are beasts in the air. Hazard, David Silva, Hazard and Gourcuff will bring our flair and cutting edge back.

  20. Mybe we wear the spurs type tops and shorts because the board are full of yids.fismen,Dein ect ect these lot are only at arsenal to line there pockets.

  21. Astounded we lost - and I hate criticising Arsenal players, but in the long run if Arsene sees that Fabianski is not up to it, then the loss may be worth it.

  22. You goon cunts are fucked ha ha ha plz keep wenger every gooners a runner:-)

  23. some1 has been playing too much fut 10

    the biggest thing that needs overhualing is the refs all of them are biased inconsistant if samba did that to any other team it would be a foul thats why he has only dun it now. also we need to get rid of all the so called arsenal fans who want to see wenger out cuz he doesnt spend. thoese idoits need to relise that if we spend like chelski or utd we will end up like pompey leeds palace and so on

  24. Wrighty:

    Sadly we're all witnessing the end of Arsene's era.

    There are too many changes needed, on & off the pitch. I think it's all too much now for Wenger to face up or achieve.

  25. Heartless french frog loven bastards,west ham till I die

  26. this fairy teams finished and so is the manager. i diont even bother watching anymore cause bar cesc rvp and campbell i dispise them all. they fukin bottle any decent match they play in. i wish the manager and his monkey on his shoulder rice would fuk off and take cowardly diaby dennilson, sylvestre, wallshit and about 10 others with him and embarress some other club

  27. Wengers taken his eye of the ball,if he stopes looking at kids balls you mybe get somewhere he he

  28. almost without exception the comments on here are stupid beyond belief. As for the twat who someone decided to revamp the team for at a net cost of £24m, what about the wages? Are they going to play for free? You can triple that amount year on year .. be like Man City or Real Mad ... both of whom have spent hundreds of millions and won what exactly? fuck all. Grow up the lot of you ..

  29. finally Wrighty wakes up and smells the roses.

    Its time for a change at Arsenal, a new manager and a change of direction. Keeping Wenger for yet another season will just be more of the same.


  31. Great result at Wigan....and Spurs....and great result at Blackburn as well.

    We'll still end up finishing 3rd, which is exactly where we would have been if we'd won all three games - but at least Wenger can't now ignore the obvious frailties in the squad.....

    Just a pity that thousands of gooners have had two horrible journeys to the north west - and across North London - to see them!!

  32. Yeah, the crazies are really out in force. We have people saying that Metzinger and Joe Cole are what we need, people who think Diaby “isnt a footballer” and people who think they, of course, are better managers than the professionals. Wow, what a tornado of intelligent, measured, and supported arguments.

    It makes you so glad that we have intelligent people running Arsenal Football Club, doesnt it?

  33. Kas57....please back up the argument in your comment. Please tell me where I am so wrong - I just want to know.

  34. It comes a time when there is just nothing left to say. This is one of those days. Im praying for a draw or a win for city on wednesday becuase we cant be counting on us beating fulham and burnley getting something from spurs becuase thats a very dangerous situation to be in! i think we neeed to really realise our third spot is under threat and stop talking as if it was a dissapointing end of season game!! and to be fair thei rplayers did just sit on fabianksi and basically foul him for boith goals but it doesnt take away the fact he was shit maybe a better goal keeper would of barged the players out the way to get the ball!! i pray we dont let this 3rd place slip, and im not sure why im the only person worrying about it

  35. revampin the team??? youre having a laugh right. wenger aint getting rid of no1 and why would anyone wana leave us when we pay stupid wages for average players

  36. Kas, youre a twat. Silvestre is on 40k a week and all those players i said get rid of will be on alot more than the players i said get in. Lukaku, Hazard, Sakho, Naldo, Azpilicueta, Veloso, Sissoko, sorenson will be on less than the players we let go, ok Subotic, Gourcuff, David silva and Yaya Toure will want quite a bit but theyd be worth it. I know it sounds stupid. Wenger is an absolute legend and hes gotta realise the players arent good enough. That wolves game I went to 40quid for that bollocks. Denilson, silvestre, traore, bendtner, walcott, almunia, Paid 40quid to go watch that! taking the piss now!

  37. Agree with this assessment. Today's game had all the evidence that AW needs to refute his faith in these pampered, entitled pretty boys! We all saw how hopeless Vela has become, confirmed Diaby's unwillingness to get into it, Eboue's pathetic passing ability, Nasri's lack of imagination, Sylvestre's lack of skill and Theo's inability to get past the first defender. Fabianski for me is in a class by himself - predictable shadow keeper who is there but has no presence whatsoever - just like Aluminum (pretend steel?) I was embarassed today and have been since the beginning of the second Barca game.

    This team needs surgery but the manager is too busy criticizing Blackburn's tactics! Holy hell has he lost the plot or has he flipped out? Are we to put our trust in a man who would criticize deportment and manners while his plane hurtles earthward with no power and engulfed in flames?

    We are well past personnel (besides vP11 and Sol today)issues, this team needs tactics, shape, belief and that elusive steel everyone has been looking for.

    This team is a mess and should be ashamed......

  38. like all my fellow gunners am very sad but the problem is not the players. THE PROBLEM IS THE MANAGER.
    YES WENGER!!! it's only in arsenal under wenger you hear players saying it's not all about winning.
    give Fergie these same players and you will see the fire he will put in their eyes. Give Mourinho this team and you see steel.

    Who has seen wenger change tactics just so we can beat an opponent? nobody! All he does is send the players out there to play the 'ARSENAL WAY' and when the opposing manager finds a tactics to contain us he goes about crying like a baby, blaming everyone and everything except his players and himself.

    How many times have we seen Fergie and Mourinho use specific players and tactics for certain oppositions because that was the only way to win. U all saw how mourihno played at the Nou camp??? Anyone remember how Manchester defended for 90minutes at the nou camp in 2008??? and Chelsea last year?? that is called changing tactics to suit a match.

    Who saw how man utd used all their big players in the carling cup against city because it was more than a cup match, it was a rivalry match --- wenger meets spurs and decides to stick with kids when he knows very well we'll lose. he meets stoke and does same even in the FA Cup.

    Man utd have had long term injuries to rio and vidic but have coped well not because of personnel but because of the coach. No one at utd uses that as an excuse.
    Chelsea lost essien for almost all of the season but no one uses it as an excuse.

    SACK WENGER!!!!! He has done his best for us but there people out there who can do better. HE IS NOT A GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    let bring in a TACTICIAN and get raid of the philosopher. the terrain is changing, only those who can adjust from match to match will be counted.

    Get hiddink or mourhino (YES, MOURHINO!!!).

  39. We need change ASAP.

    1. Either change the 'transfer policy' by spending BIG on PROVEN players...or

    2. Change the manager

    Or else we will be marooned in a fight for 4th place next season after Man City spend big again.

    Ps. Why does Wenger not drop Diaby (or hopefully sell him, Silvestre and Traore) he keeps losing the ball ten times a match???!!! Useless, he actually wouldn't start for Hull or Portsmouth.

  40. its too easy for these players, they have a manager who is a soft touch and wont criticise or replace them with better, why should they have fight? they have pride but no fight, its all wengers fault every thing thats gone on, he should come speak to the fans instead of cosying up to bank managers all day

  41. if jack wilshere is so fucking talented then why isnt carlos vela the one at bolton? wenger needs to wake up build a football team and stop being a cunt with OUR club its not his

  42. I understand everybody's frustrated but lets look at this objectively. Since summer 2004 Wenger has made a sizeable profit from from transfer fees, meaning there has been less than zero investment on the playing squad. Look through the squad and you'll see the majority of players being criticised were signed for chump change.

    There obviously was no money during these 6 years so its not fair to criticise Wenger. He has done a remarkable job to keep us up there in contention for so long, and barring a disaster we'll finish higher than last season despite selling 40m worth of talent.

    But the everybody can see from looking at the financial reports this situation has changed massively in the last 12 months, cash to the tune of 150m+ has flown into the coffers and what will be unforgivable is if Wenger does not correct the faults this summer. He has to be ruthless.

    This time we all really do have to judge him at the end of the season.

  43. I am so bemused by the comments from the doomsdayers amongst the group that respond each time to your posts Wrighty. (BnT Joppa etc)

    The past 6 years has been about reducing debt for Arsenal! Thats it! Period! What dont you get about that??

    By August 2010 Arsenal's debt will have been reduced to around 150m pounds, half what it was 12 months ago. That saves us more than 7m pounds per annum in interest alone. 150m is now a Managable Debt! Why do you think Arsenal Shares are the most expensive in Europe?

    But now there are no more excuses going forward! And I dont think there will be any excuses. The club will do business in the summer.

    The sacrifices for the past 6 years were made to ensure we have a state of the art bigger stadium and compete financially with all top clubs in Europe. And we still managed to make CL every year with chump change player buys.

    We even came close a few times to major trophies if not for injuries, and or poor decisions by referees, whilst playing great football most of the time.

    Perhaps the recent bad losses without first choice players Gallas, Vermaelen, Fabregas, Song, Almunia and RVP and Arshavin will ensure Wenger actually spends to improve our depth.

    Change is coming...Stay tuned!

  44. Arsenal players to go on sale:
    Arshavin: Has his head way up Guardiolas ass already!
    Silvestre: A walking disaster!
    The clowns Fabianski & Almunia: Will join Ringeling Bros.Circus this summer.
    Vela & Eduardo: The invisible men.
    RoSIKCy: This porcelain player spends more time on the treatment table(collecting a paycheck)than on the pitch.
    Senderos: Need I say more??
    Gallas: This crybaby can go for free!

  45. I would say it's a blessing in disguise!!! Read recently AW said our midfield is okay & the only department he is looking to strengthen is defense. He even said our keepers is okay though!!! With last night's result, let's wait & see what he gonna do in coming transfer window when it open :)

  46. Fabianski was good yesterday, both goals, Wenger correctly advised Fabianski was pushed away by players not going for the ball. The second goal, Campbell was between Dunn and Fabianski but Dunne deliberately runs backwards whilst holding campbell pushing both Campbell and Fabianski into the net as the ball is struck from the corner. Any criticism of fabiabski for the second goal automatically doubles the criticism of his protector in that defensive move of Campbell and even then I'd think any criticism of Arsenal players to be very harsh.

    Fabianski is not our keping solution,l this is clear, but his performance yetserday with Silvestre and Campbell constantly being exposed by Sagna and Traore going forward kept us ion the game wth many fine saves.

    I am rapidly coming to terms with an absolute fact that I absolutely detest and am constantly disgusted with Arsenal fans and football fans in general.

    Those making unrealistic demands of the club in my view are rapists and pillagers of an institution which I really adore. They seek through vanity and postuering to destroy Arsenal FC. Arsenal fans who historically have served the club to great ends now feel championships are god given and have become a vicious cancer that needs the team to live but in living the way they live are eating it alive. Takers and waster's they need to be purged.

  47. Islington goon4 May 2010 at 08:35

    Some of you really dont deserve a football club like Arsenal.

    We have been one of the most injury hit sides and are still gonna finish in the top 3.

    Get rid of wenger,you lot make me sick.What a bunch of wining little girls.People will one day understand how much wenger is doing for this club.
    Of course we are sad what's happening at the moment...But it could be a lot worse,we could be liverpool.

  48. English pig iron....

  49. LOL...I just love the way Wenger is untouchable in some people's eyes. Don't anyone dare criticise him. I mean its not like he has made some absolute howlers tactically this season, and he never treats the supporters like morons.."Fabianski had a good game"......"Blackburn were over phyical". Do me a favour.

    About 5 years ago I had a conversation with a sport journalist who gets to talk to a lot of the managers. He said the one thing that Wenger has going against him is his stubborness. I just dismissed it at the time thinking who is he to criticise the top man. Now I begin to wonder.

    More of the same next season then he has to go IMO.

  50. Goons_with_Guns4 May 2010 at 14:08

    Joppa Road, I back you 100% in this argument: spot on!

  51. Get rid of players who dont think Arsenal is a pride, like Arshavin; and those dont give a damn to fight for the team, like Diaby!
    Arsenal belongs to everyone who loves it: the fans, Arsene Wenger and our fellow glorious ex-gunners!!!!!!! I want the likes of Pires and Ljungberg back! damn it!!
    What Arsenal have been doing lately is a shame!!!!!
    it pains me!
    Like you, ive always supported the team and dared to believe they mean business this year. but obviously im utterly wrong FFS!

  52. We have conceded 40 goals in the league already this season. That's averaging a little bit more than 1 goal per game. Now, we supposedly have the best defensive pairing in Gallas and Vermaelen for quite a while, but yet, we've shipped in 40 goals. Okay you could argue that the last few games we've been without either the two of them, but at a club the stature of the Arsenal, it is NOT too much to expect to have backups that are good enough to cover the absence of first teamers for a few games.

    So where lies the problem? Is it the personnel? Vermaelen has been voted in the Team of the Year. Gallas, a World Cup & Euro winner, plenty of experience. Campbell? Well he has been our best performer in recent weeks. Silvestre, well to be fair he's our 5th choice behind Song, 6th if you count Djourou. So why 40 goals conceeded?

    Dixon has recently said some of the defending erros that Arsenal have been doing are BASIC errors. Surely it is not too difficult to notice some of the goals we've let in this season can easily be prevented by for example, marking our opponnent better, or having the desire to really have a go at heading the ball away.

    Therefore, I really believe that it's the defensive coach that we're having isn't up to the level that's required. Martin Keown worked as the defensive coach in our fantastic run in the Champions League 05/06 season where we set a DEFENSIVE RECORD OF TEN CLEAN SHEETS!! That's a REMARKABLE 995 minutes without conceding. What happened there? We had Flamini playing left back, and Senderos (!) partnering Toure at centre-back! Surely this is no lucky break. So why was Keown deemed surplus to requirement then?

    The defensive flaws of our team are very very obvious. It does not take a footballing genius to notice that something is wrong. Every team in the country now knows that Arsenal are very vulnerable at defending set pieces. This is just one of MANY MANY reasons to why we are at where we are now. I could go on but it's just too painful really...

  53. In response to Con...I like that you want to see the cup half full, but I can't agree with what you're saying.

    Ok, so we came close to winning a few major trophies but were scuttled by injuries and referees. But great teams manage to deal with those factors and still win. We're not a great team. Arsenal is a team that is pleasing to the eye, but that's all they are. When it's time to get dirty, we flat out don't show up.

    I'm not going to say that Wenger needs to be sacked, but he needs to take an objective look at his squad and make some changes. For as great as he is supposed to be at developing talent, who in our starting 11 has he really developed? Clichy, Fabregas and RVP. Walcott and Vela have stagnated in their development. The jury is still out on Nik. I don't see it.

    Personally, I think the most galling thing that Wenger has done is trying to pass Almunia and Fabianski as PL quality keepers. I would take every other starting keeper in the PL over these two clowns.

    I appreciate that Wenger is trying to bring something different to football, but what it comes down to (and will always come down to) is trophies. His recent record speak for itself.

  54. Bunch of complete morons for all I care about this comments. Arsenal supporters?? No idea about football!!

    Go and get yourselves a girlfriend for fuck sake.

  55. As gooners what we need are facts, how does anyone know who Wenger will go for, its all talk, I would have Diarra back in a heartbeat, Chamakh should fit in nicely and it would be a sign of intention were we to acquire Hangeland and Frey. My issue is Wenger is interested in a whole host of players incl. D Villa, J Rodwell, G Abonglohor, Benzema etc etc, but my guess is only Chamakh out of those will be there. He’ll feel players like gabby and rodwell are English and expensive, he should get Ireland but he’ll also not be cheap the same as Richards. We will keep Diaby and Denilson who I believe don’t have the heart and desire to win honours for this club and he’ll stick by both of his faultering keepers. We need to wait and really see what he does but time doesn't wait for faith anymore, we need quality fast!

  56. Relax plastic fans....
    There is a reason for a collapse since the Barca game:

    NO RVP (ish)

    Snap out of it you mugs!

  57. @Joppa
    Ok Wenger maybe untouchable in some eyes, but the people that do criticize him, take a shot at everything he's doing without really giving a reasonable analysis of what he's doing wrong. Except that he's too tight with the purse. I've seen that he's tactically inept bandied about, but if that is true, then Pep Guardiola and any other manager looking to play the total football way is tactically inept too. The dutch team from the 1970s was tactically inept too.

    My question is : what exactly do you think he's doing? other than not spend, and sticking to his philosophy on how to play the game

  58. "I don't entirely blame Wenger for this disgusting run of games but he has to shoulder some of it. He can only motivate as much as he can but its up to the players when they cross that white-line to perform for Arsenal Football Club. For us, the supporters."-quote

    Agree with almost everything you have said, except the above. Arsene is the manager who chooses the players and the one who has the power to change a player who is not performing during the game. He should definitely shoulder the blame together with the bosses who pay his salary!

  59. @ Lost Soul. Cheers for taking the time to reply without resorting to name calling etc.

    Lets get one thing straight first - I do not hate Wenger and I don't want him out. But I also happen to think we as fans have been very patient. Five years into the youth experiment (or whatever you want to call it) its clear it isn't really working. Its clear the squad needs strengthening, its clear we have two very poor goalkeepers at this level etc, its clear tactical mistakes are being made far too regular etc yet we continue to not address these issues. Head in the sand.

    Should I not be concerned? Should I be happy because we are balancing the books? Come on now, the club needs somekind of investment. If David Dein has been saying it for years (and he did a bloody good job when he was at Arsenal), then why should I not question?

    Wenger's post match interviews are getting embarrassing, you have to admit this. Can you tell me what Blackburn did wrong on Saturday? Because I think they did what it takes to win.

    All the prettiest football in the world is lovely but if ultimately its not about winning then you have to question it.(And by the way its not like we are playing great football every week, because we clearly are not) I have to question the lack of buys, the players we have at the moment, the lack of motivation and for me this all comes right back to Wenger.

    If you can take all the glory then when times are not so good you have to come out and be man enough to take the flack you are going to get.

    I think we have been a little lucky this season in that the standard has dropped in the EPL. Will we be so lucky next season if we continute not to address the most important part of the team which is the GK / Defence then in my opionion we won't be and we will drop away and the dumbing down of expectations will be another step closer. (Said this last year)

    You cannot play great football on the defence we have - its a disgrace Wenger hasn't done more about it.

    Almunia, Fab, Silvestre, Campbell (good but old), Gallas (good but out alot injured). All good teams are built from the back up. Its not like this is new news.

    Its one having the philosphy its quite another trying to implement it without the required players.

    I just want this season over now, its been a huge dissapointment IMO.

  60. wrighty what do you think about taking on david o leary as new assistant manager and tony adams as new defensive coach??? both out of work i believe. a lot of people calling for arsene's head but he's been our messiah. would be a shame to let him go, maybe he just needs new help, fresh ideas on the squad, and better coaching and approach to defending

  61. Anonymous - 4 May 15:46
    You can't say that. Priorities for Arsenal FC over the past 5-6 years were as follows.

    1. Considerably reduce the massive debt it has (and therein the Interest Expense).

    2. Qualify for CL every year to maximise revenue streams.

    That's It.

    Now on a fraction of the spend compared to the likes of Manure, Chavs, Pool, ManC, Spuds even Villa over the past 5-6 years, Wenger has ticked both of these boxes.

    The Debt is now under 150m pounds. Managable!

    Our best 16 players, fully fit are capable of beating any team.

    I agree with you about our latest performances because right now as a team, we look aweful. Why? TWO Reasons!!

    1. Significant injuries to key players and;

    2. Players losing their desire because we have lost any chance of winning trophies this season, and we have already qualified for CL next season.

    Apart from Walcott and Campbell who are playing for an English call up...The others have lost their desire.

    And before you say "Why didn't the club just come out and tell us what they were doing all this time instead of their broken suggestions to buy big players?"

    No club would ever come out and say such a thing...Ever!

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  63. Con: I really don't think you can use any of that as an excuse to a football fan. Its a complete cop out.

    Ok, the new stadium costs, but desire? You can't put a price on that and to say I personally think it goes deeper than just having nothing to play for. The recent performances have shown absolutely no respect for the fans - I don't care what excuse you dress it up with. Yet when I (we) complain, we are seen as turncoats.

    Not good enough Mr. Wenger.

  64. Joppa

    I agree with you. Players losing their desire is not negotiable to fans as they always expect 100%. And a paid up fan should expect nothing less.

    But my reference is remarks about wenger not getting rid of some players and replacing them with quality. The kind of quality lacking in our 2nd tier players is what I am refering to.

    The past 6 years has been about debt reduction and that means buying very young kids with potential rather than older world class talent that would require big transfer fees and matching high wages.

    The club isn't going to come out and say this, but an intelligent person should understand the road the club has taken to reduce debt.

    Look at Liverpool...Anfield is small and in need of major redevelopment yet the clubs debts right now are around 350m pounds.

    Chelsea...Stamford bridge is small and their debts are astronomical. Abramovich is paying the shortfall, but only as a loan.

    Spuds...White Hart Lane....Again small pitch and their debts are astronomical....Their new found owners is only loaning money to the Spuds.

    ManU...Old Trafford...very large stadium yet the Glazers are still pumping money into the club and their current debt is ridiculous.

    Arsenal on the other hand has a state of the art 60,000+ seat stadium and have a debt that is sustainable now. Its taken 5-6 years of doing without but the rewards can be reaped going forward.

    As a fan (whilst disappointed at the lack of trophies like you and others) I can understand the sacrifices the club has made.

    Wenger and the club have no excuses going forward. He must strengthen his side with quality to win trophies.

    Keep the faith in your club.

  65. I will keep the faith Con - after all its not negotiable, in my eyes if you love your club there isn't a lot else you can do.

    Just very dissapointed with some of Wenger's tactics/selections, his lack of respect towards the FA Cup, lack of desire through out the team. It gets to me.

    I watched Spurs as to a man they thought hard for each other and thoroughly deserved 4th IMO.

    Perhaps we have just got too big for out boots and need a reality check.

  66. joppa i feel exact same as you.
    i've been called a glory hunter on other sites because i said i want trophies. fabregas wants trophies. the whole point of the game is to win trophies. 3rd place means nothing to me.
    but if we lose giving it our all i can accept that. i'll be proud of the boys for doing their best. but what i cant accept is half-hearted uncommitted over-paid nancy boys who don't give a damn about us, the fans, who put the big cheques in their pockets.
    i'm tired of excuses, the stadium, highbury square, youth, development, injuries, bad luck. i just want to win something, anything
