Sunday, 13 June 2010

Where Is The Love?

I felt a right wanker last night. Still do a little bit.

The reason? I just can't muster up the love for England and still haven't caught World Cup fever or even a cold.

How bad is that? I don't even feel that bothered about England. There must be something wrong with me.

Even Robert Green's mental mistake didn't affect me. To be honest I laughed. I giggled at a fuck up that could cost my country qualification from the group stages.

Its unreal really because I know for a fact that had it been Arsenal I was watching last night and an Arsenal keeper making an error like that I'd have the right arse today. Proper.

So why am I like this? It's not always been like this for me. In the last World Cup I loved England, in fact I found the whole thing exciting and got caught up in the frenzy.

Last night one of my mates (a real one) asked me if I had a choice between an England World Cup victory or Arsenal winning the Premiership what would I choose. I chose Arsenal. Not even a little hesitation and most of my pals were shocked. They couldn't understand.

I'm sure its the same for most Gooners. Most of us would put Arsenal over their countries any day.

Keep it Goonerish..........


  1. there is nothing wrong with you and you are not a wanker for standing by your team before your country. you are a true club fan and england and every other country can go to hell.

    world cup = bored as shite > roll on the start of some real football in august. ;-)

  2. Too right, Wrighty. Damn, I'd put winning the FA Cup above England winning the World Cup... Does any true gooner really want to see King, Crouch, Dawson, Lennon and Defoe parading with the World Cup? I don't thing so, but we'd all be cheering to see Van Persie or even Cesc doing the same... Keeping it goonerish... James in Bayern

  3. I would rather Arsenal win any game than England won the World Cup.

  4. I really want to support England.. But the team has too many wankers in it.

  5. Agree with you 100% Wrighty, how can you feel any love with a selection of Chav/Mank/Spud reprobates ?
    The mere presence of John Terry should be enough to put anyone off but add to that Cashley, Shrek boy and Stevie Me....well that's enough to put any sane gooner off.


  6. I know. People say 'be the bigger man and put the fact you hate Terry and co behind you' but I can't.

    I hate these players every week and find it slightly hypocritical to support.

    Though I do try!

  7. I am Croatian, and I would love
    to win everything :))))))

  8. Fabio Capello - 'Megacoach, nah more of a minibus really'. Sorry just checked out footballfancast's England blog and that comment at the end made me think it was appropriate for FC after last nights England performance.

  9. and the World cup is BORING whit out us!!!!

  10. For me Fabregas was almost everything in Arsenal, and now I dont respect him not even a little bit because of the barca saga.
    He can F*** off to them and warm the bench!!!!
    Van Persie the KING !!!

  11. It's the same for me!
    It seems as this is quite a common phenomenon for arsenal fans nowdays.
    Maybe it's the total lack of arsenal representation or the fact the whole team are in general despisable people. With the likes of John Terry, Frank Lampard and Ashley Cole and then the Man U players and Tottenham players it's easy to see why there are so many mixed allegiances this year.
    I've found myself in fact taking more interest in teams like Holland, Spain and even France because of the larger Arsenal contingent and also because of the more skilful set of players.
    Arsenal fans if anyone though have a right not be comfortable supporting our own country so patriotically as the rest because of the way throughout the season the English media have continuously been against Arsenal and one example that stands clearly in the mind is the Ryan Shawcross tackle on Aaron Ramsey. The reaction from the media was despicable.

  12. Leaving out theo has something to do with it

  13. Completely agree wrighty, I watched it at the clapham grand with my mates yest and jujst enjoyed the beers and laughs and wasn't bothered about the game at all, in fact i missed the yanks equaliser while at the bar.

    having no gooners to cheer doesnt help and nether is the fact theres to many spuds and chavs for my liking and the likes of that crock king, lennon, and weasal defoe makes it nigh-on impossible to get into the games.

    I may get a bit more excited if we play the argies or germanys when theres some historical rivarly to liven it up

  14. Sadly, I think that it is partly due to the way our club seems to be treated. We are seen as "un-English" I think. I think we are treated badly because of the innate xenophobia that still exists. Look at the Ramsey thing; The papers were full of what a nice lad Shawcross is. Another poor tippy, tappy Arsenal player gets booted off the park. Oh well its only Arsenal and their prima donna foreigners. Gallas trod on someones foot one game. Jeez you'd think that he had just killed someone. My mate the Villa fan said that his team do at least 2 or 3 of them a game. Forget the fact that we are also top of the fair play league. We are still "same old Arsenal, always cheating". Eduardo went down easy under the sliding challenge of a man mountain. Even though there was contact and the guy was just coming back from having a snapped leg (another example by the way)it caused an international incident. I saw Rooney, Gerrard and A Young dive that very weekend. Then biggest cheat around J Terry comes out on the honesty of English players and how the foreigners have brought it in. Its well fucked up and some form of bullying if you ask me. Makes me ashamed to be English to be honest. And I come from a classicaly English North London family. Maybe thats why I cant get behind the Lions either.

  15. no offence buddy, but judging you by that photo on your profile you are indeed a proper wanker.

    good luck, you need it.

  16. I will start supporting England with a passion once more when the golden generation are booted out of the team. Gerrard Lumpylard Terry, Cole, Rio et al just cheese me off with their behaviour. I cant support these players. They have been failing as a group since 2000/02. They've had too many chances and have shown no desire or hunger and do not deserve our support. Not fit to wear the shirt.

  17. I will start supporting England with a passion once more when the golden generation are booted out of the team. Gerrard Lumpylard Terry, Cole, Rio et al just cheese me off with their behaviour. I cant support these players. They have been failing as a group since 2000/02. They've had too many chances and have shown no desire or hunger and do not deserve our support. Not fit to wear the shirt.

  18. 1st Football blog i have totally agreed with including all the comments..4 sure i feel more of an affinity with Holland than i do with the comic display last night. Maybe i am just tired of hope, it takes a lot of energy and optimism supporting the Arse these last 5 years...and all the maybe if's. Its difficult to conjour the enthusiasm to watch those England c**ts play, particularly as we have so much domestic hatred/envy.

  19. The thing is to follow En-ger-land I find a little hypocritical. How can I shout abuse as the likes of Lumpoflard, Gerrard, Cashley, Terry, Shrek and the like one week, then cheer them on the next?

    I can't, simple as.

    I fucking pissed myself when Green made that balls up!!

  20. 'no offence buddy, but judging you by that photo on your profile you are indeed a proper wanker.

    good luck, you need it.'

    Ha ha! Like it.

  21. Such a stupid post as if Arsenal had a few players in, dare I say even just Walcott you bunch of bellends would all be following and cheering on England.

    It's a sad day when Arsenal do not have one Englishman in the squad yet have a host of foreign players who all want to leave Arsenal and play for the big two in Spain. Says it all don't you think?

    Give me an Arsenal team made up with a majority of English players brought through the ranks than this shower of shit any day - champions league or no champions league. May even get some atmosphere back in the ground then.

    I say to the players who want to leave - please fck right off.

    English players for Arsenal.

  22. Behave Joppa.

    I'm just being honest mate its got nothing to do with England having no Arsenal players in the squad.

    And on the Arsenal squad having no English players, I couldn't give a shit that we don't.

    Its not about passports. Its about ability on the pitch for me.

  23. Wrong, the club needs an English identity.

    I don't constantly want players who are going to want to fck off every season.

    I want the next Adams, Rocky, etc.

    Give me a Terry type player over a sulky foreigner any day.

  24. If English players are so great why haven't England won a trophy since 1966?

  25. northlondon arsenal13 June 2010 at 22:04

    club be4 country thats has allways been my moto, so no i dnt think ur wanker,

  26. I can see your point Joppa but I'm sure that even English players would be tempted by Barcelona or Real Madrid.

    Except there aren't many good enough!

  27. i still haven't watched more than 10 mins of a game, that'll change when holland play :)

  28. Anon, it's just a personal opinion I hold. I would love Arsenal to be made mainly of English players. I didn't say they would win anything but it's not just about winning is it?

    I'm sick of hearing Arsh, Bendtner, Fab, etc talk about how great every other club is.

    There is only one great club and that is The Arsenal. If players don't think the same then I repeat - please fck off.

  29. truth is wrighty, there are a lot of us in the same ship. i find it impossible to back a team of cunts like cole, terry, gerrard and lampard. it's not just the team though. the biased and o.t.t media twats like clive tydersley really show their true face in a tournament like this. they can get away with murder on the microphone, just as long as it's "pro england".
    then there's the journo twats who lay into rob green like the draw (that they make feel like a defeat) is 100% his fault...not the fault of rooney for playing shit, not the fault of heskey for not being able to hit a barn door. and certainly not the fault of aaron lennon and swp, for they showed that "cutting edge" and "penetration" with their final ball and finishing that theo "doesn't have a football brain" walcott oh so lacks.

    i'll be kinda cheering on holland. put a bet on rvp @ 14/1 for golden boot.

  30. weve got joe cole in the squad, he's ours as far as the media are concerned, anyway im irish, so im rightly pissed off cause Th14...much as i love the man, robbed me of many drunken nights in dublin city...

  31. Joop..anyone love our club more than that Brit "Henry" ? shame he wasnt any good. Even Ian Wright bad mouths us now...and he was my fucking hero.
    I get you point though i wish "Arse shavings" would fuck off....but as for Cesc it was only matter of time,we were just renting him.

  32. Found myself laughing everytime Lennon lost the ball (every time!) and his woeful crosses were blocked.

    Face facts - compared to Arsenal - who gives a Fat Flying Fuck about England? England winning the World Cup or Arsenal finishing 4th? 4th EVERY TIME!!!

    And I'm certain, that if England play Holland and RVP scores, I'll be happy!

  33. @Joppa Road
    Well I know this English player who's just like John Terry. He even has the same name! So why don't you 'fuck right off' and support your beloved English wankers at Chelsea?

  34. Joppa - you always talk shit and you are again.

    Do you want a great English loyal player like Ashley Cole perhaps?


  35. If this English squad were a premiership side, they wouldn't have finished in the top 5.

  36. LOL...oh sorry I forgot we have much better centre backs than JT dont we? I mean we have replaced the likes of Adams with Silvestre and Senderos. Like you bunch of mugs wouldn't love a John Terry/Adams type. You have to get real.

    RE: Ashley Cole - I think its clear to see who made the right decision in that saga. Arsenal penny pinching again cost us the best LB in the world even if the man is a twat. Seem to remember a similar thing happening with Flamini - don't worry though he was well replaced with Denilson.

    There needs to be a balance. You can't just keep sending all the money out of the game by constantly spending it on average foreign players (aimed at all prem clubs). We need to start investing in our own players. Of course its good to have top quality foreign players i.e. Bergkamp, Henry, Pires, Vieira, Zola etc. But if you are telling me there are not English players who can do a good job as Denilson or Silvestre then I am going to have to disagree.

    Laters Sheep.

  37. Joppa -

    You obviously don't know what you're talking about. Someone can play instead of denilson and his name is eastmond. Someone can play instead of arshavin and his name is wilshere. We have someone who plays like Terry and his name is vermaelen .. Except you might not agree because compared to Terry, vermaelen is not a cunt.

    Cole left because he was greedy. Not because we were penny pinching. Besides, we have someone to cover for him as well and his name is Gibbs.

    Name one player in that England squad you would prefer over anybody in the arsenal squad. I dare you.

  38. LOL @ the blinkered fools that are Arsenal fans.

    OK here we go.

    James, Hart or Green ahead of the flapper and Spanish waiter.

    Terry, King, Dawson, Ferdinand or Carragher (pick one) would get in the defence along with Vermalen.

    You could argue that Johnson is a bit better than Sagna - I would prefer Johnson for his attacking ability and to eliminate Sagna's woeful crossing.

    No doubt A.Cole would get in as Clichy has been patchy.

    Lets assume we don't have Fab as that looks the case. Gerrard or Lampard would walk into Arsenal. No doubt Wenger wouldn't say no to Barry either.

    Wingers. Milner - yes please. Walcott / Lennon = same thing.

    And of course Rooney isn't better than the fckwit Bendtner is he to go along side RVP.

    Are you lot really as thick as you come across?


  39. all the name calling aside, there aint no chance in hell for a loyal and PROPER arsenal supporter to hate players week in week out for 4 years and then joyously support the same people for a month and then get back to hate them. The squad is littered with Tottenham Man Useless and the Chavs. The fact that the manager goofed by leaving Walcott out and also given that We are always on the receiving end by the media every other day, we just cant force ourselves. The only game that is above arsenal is A-R-S-E-N-A-L having a cracker!!!!!

  40. JOPPA, which nationality are Jernade Meade, Craig Eastmond, Kyle Bartley, Jay Emmanuel-Thomas, Sam Byles, Roarie Deacon, Theo Walcott, Sol Campbell, Kieran Gibbs and Jack Wilshere? Whose fault is it that Meade, Byles and Deacon cant do enough to be in the first team? Their representing arsenal is in their own hands. they have certainly been given a chance.
    And Gibbs will be one hell of a defender, even better than what Terry will ever be! I dont want to talk about Wilshere coz u know it.

  41. Anon, (above) I agree. Thats my point, I'm hoping a few of these can come through and break into the first team. I think Wenger / Bould / Brady etc would love to see some of these make it and hopefully they will.

    I know most of you don't agree but I think it is really important for a club like Arsenal to be bringing its own English players through. Most of you will say it don't matter as long as they are good enough. It matters to me though otherwise the club becomes soulless.

    As I have said there needs to be a balance but not a balance of in favour of average foreigners. Hopefully the likes of Wilshere and Eastmond will come on to replace Denilson / Fab (if he goes). It would be a damn sight easier being patient with local players thats for sure.

  42. Arsenal forever.......

  43. Just cant believe what trash you 'New Arsenal' fans come up with. It is really possible that you think players like Eboue, Bendtner, Denilson, ALmunia, Diaby....the list goes on, are seriously good enough for Arsenal, im baffled.

    Gunnerhead, was that a serious suggestion that you made about which current England players would you get in the Arsenal squad?

  44. I bet you want all the british armed forces in afghanisthan dead as well wrighty

    you're bang out of order son

