Thursday, 1 July 2010


Hurrah! Super-Duper! Cushty!

These are just a few words that came to mind when I saw the new Arsenal home kit earlier today.

I'm always rather excited when we release a new home strip but I have to say that quite often in the past I've not liked it and felt rather let down by it.

That's Nike for ya though eh?

To be honest, I wanted us to jog Nike on and get Hi-Tec or Gola to design our kits. Maybe even JJB Sports. Instead we stuck with Nike and I have to say well done!

Nike have really outdone themselves with this one for a change and its about time after 16 years of the odd half-decent strip while the rest have been...........shit.

We finally look like Arsenal Football Club again and not Charlton Athletic Football Club which is quite a relief!

What a difference all-white sleeves make.


The question on most peoples lips will be; Is Cesc going to be wearing the kit next season?

I think so. Not just because of what he said today either.

In general conversations I've had with people (and status's I've had on Facebook!) I've always believed he will stay with Arsenal. At least for one more season anyway.

In fact, I was so sure he will stay that I announced everyone of my Facebook buddies could slap me round the chops with a fish from Billingsgate Fish Market if he left.

I extend that offer. I extend it to all the Gooners reading this blog today.

If Cesc Fabregas leaves Arsenal this summer I'll allow one slap, one slap only, to my face with a salmon from Billingsgate Market from each and every one of you.

Keep it Goonerish................


  1. i dont think he'll leave either, u better hope he doesnt tho lol because some people would exert all of their energy into slappin u with the fish

  2. Your bet is safe, Billinsgate has been an Arts and Crafts centre for years. If anyone finds a salmon in there nowadays, it will be stinking lol. Your bet is still safe cos CESC AINT GOING ANYWHERE> Jaygooner

  3. Seems like I'll have to wait for another day to slap you with a Salmon Wrighty. Sad really. Like the new jersey and I can't wait to see some new faces in it.

  4. I went Billingsgate last Thursday. It's still a fish market.

  5. shows how I know about London, lived here all my life and confuse Billingsgate with Smithfield DOH! . Jaygooner

  6. I think if he stays he should be stripped of captaincy we dont need a leader who would prefer to be elsewhere also nice to see the new shirt

  7. He'll stay because he knows the bench awaits at Barca. He sits to the same midfield with spain, its a no brainer. But he want's to leave and has one more reason than most think: He fears he's the next one to get his legs cut off after Diaby, Eduardo, and Ramsey. One per season, next is his. And he is rightly worried. The EPL will consistently loose talent unless this is addressed.

  8. No offence, but for a blogger your command of the English language is remarkably poor.

  9. i dont think he,ll leave either but in case he dose wot size fish we talking about.

  10. OMG, what will they do down at Le Grove if Cesc stays, they've been bumping their gums for weeks saying how he's "un loyal" (their term)and he can fuck off to Spain.


  11. cesc is defo the best n°10 in football, he should spend the next two seasons at the Grove(at least), it is where he belongs and we match his way of playing football.

    He is a london colney product, hope those catalan cunts never forget that.

    now if he wants off let him go and we'll see what ramsey can do.

    RvP is a legend, he doesn't want to play football with a club that doesn't suit his philosophy in football, that's the spirit!!!

  12. "slap me round the chops with a fish from Billingsgate Fish Market"

    haha i love reading you posts mate

  13. guys look what i found apparantley 3 of our keepers ave been sold and weve got shwarzer and the kos

  14. how about one slap with my cum drenched cock?

  15. pardon me, Cesc never had mentioned that he wants to leave. He said if he were to leave, it would be to Barca. Never said he was going to. It's those deluded Catalunatics saying how we are going to be convinced about selling him, after we denied their bid. They said he had Barca DNA, Cesc said recently that he wants to play regulary and less than 3/4's of the match. What I'm trying to say is, we're getting worked up over nothing. Regardless of Barca bidding for Cesc, he is still under-contract. Also Barca said that if a player is un-happy he should leave, Cesc claimed that he's happy many times over again. Finally, when toure said he wants to leave Barca, didn't they jack up his price? whatever happened to ' if a player is un-happy he should leave ? ' They're jus a bunch of deluded-hypocrites, and shame on us for paying them any mind. clearly they're not worth our time. All these rumors ain't gonna make our team any better.

  16. I think it's really funny that it's taken him sitting on the bench waiting for either Xavi, Iniesta or Busquets to get tired or need a rest.
    Look at what your immediate future at Barcelona will involve Cesc, poetic justice I believe.
    Hopefully he'll realise that he's the man at Arsenal but would be just a squad player wasting time on the bench with that bunch of cheating, diving spick wankers.
    No wonder Barca won't pay over the odds for him, I don't think they're planning on actually playing him!

  17. Sorry to be off topic but this is just funny. Here Wrighty, our unsung hero, EBOUE!!

  18. great post wrighty

    that link to the eboue clip on youtube is brilliant -


  19. I'm head over heals in love with both our new kits! Nike did well this time. Cesc will look damn good in them next year too.

  20. hmmm how long does the offer stand for, say he does leave but I don't go to london till a year from now, could i do it then?
