Saturday, 10 July 2010

How Many Spurs Players Are In The World Cup Final?

The stick we Gooners take from the Spuds about Arsenal hardly having any English players always makes me giggle.

The stick we Gooners take from the Spuds about Arsenal not having any English players in the England World Cup squad always makes me laugh even more.

I've even wet myself on certain occasions.

That's something the Spuds are very proud of. Having several players in the England squad. But not just any England squad. The World Cup squad.


I'm actually glad Arsenal didn't have any of our players playing for our sorry excuse of a national team in the World Cup. We were an embarrassment.

How can the Spuds brag about it? What is there to boast about? Having a bunch of players in a side who limped through the group stage of an 'easy' group and then were hammered by our biggest rivals.

It was a shambles!

Sure, the Spuds could counter that Arsenal had a few players in the France squad who failed so miserably but the difference is we Gooners don't brag we had several players in the French squad do we!

What is the big deal about nationality anyway? Why do so many people moan about Arsenal having so many foreign players?

Of course there could be a xenophobic attitude to it, that's probably the main reason, but surely in this day and age that is almost wiped out. Or not.

When the England national team fail we look for excuses. Why do we English always do this? We never look to ourselves, we look to blame others.

Look at the latest shit we come out with. It was too strict under Fabio Capello at the World Cup. The players didn't like it whereas under Sven-Goran Eriksson it was too relaxed.

Why are we blaming others? The core of the players under both these managers is pretty much the same.

Both times this set of players have failed yet we don't look at them. We blame others when its clear our bunch of prima-doners have a massive opinion of themselves and aren't really as good as they think.

Bit like the Spuds. Bit deluded.

That's why I don't give a shit about not having any England players in the World Cup. I don't care because most English players are wankers. And the Spuds brag about it.

That's why England will never win the World Cup in my life. I'm 27 years old. I've got maybe 11-12 World Cups left in me if I'm lucky. Or unlucky.

I won't see England win the World Cup unless we have a major overhaul. We need to change our attitude and adopt the notions of our European cousins.

You know, the cousins who we think we are superior to. Hmmmmm.

The Spuds think they can take the moral high ground because they have more English players than we do. Why? It's an English league sure but so what?

I hope those English players did you Spuds proud. How many of them are in the World Cup final?

How many Arsenal players are? Yes, Cesc Fabregas and Robin van Persie maybe 'dirty' foreigners but they are in a World Cup final aren't they?

In fact, how many Spurs players have ever played in the World Cup final?

One has. Christian Ziege as a late sub. Arsenal could double that number tomorrow.

Keep it Goonerish.............


  1. dont forget henry, vieira and petit

  2. andc gio... an ex-gunner

  3. Great Blog and well said about them sad knuckle dragging muppets from up the road, to add to the names of the finalist we've had

  4. Haha.. Nice one.. As Samwise Gamgee once said to Golum POE-TAE-TOES and the little poetic line he says after that describes the spuds exactly as they are!!

    Fabregas has got a taste of what it's going to be like at Barca during the world cup (on the bench for the entire season or till Xavi or iniesta break their legs) therefore I don't see him leaving anytime soon..

  5. Great article. The 2 luckiest players associated with England are Walcott and Adam Johnson!...thank your luckly stars you weren't part of that abortion of a football team boys! Lets see Walcott show everyone next season! Good luck to Cesc and RVP!

  6. The embarrassing thing for you lot is that a) Walcott wasn't good enough to make this shambles of an England Squad and b) the french performed even worse.

    Also the two Arsenal players in the final 1 hasn't played and doesn't want to be at Arsenal and the other one has contributed 1 goal and has had to have his manager defending him.

  7. Has Van Persie and Fabregas actually done anything at this world cup?

  8. Yep keeping hiding behind other people achievements to mask your own failures. Do you honestly believe Tottenham fans are bothered England performed badly. The quicker our lads come home the better. They perform fantastically well for us. That's all that matters.

  9. I'm GLAD Theo didn't make it in the squad.

    He did more than Spurs player getting us there though didn't he?

    As for Cesc, he has more talent in his little toe than the entire England squad put together.

    The fact he can't get in the Spanish starting 11 says tells me how how good Spain are.

    As for RvP. I'm assuming he hasn't 'done anything' because he hasn't scored a lot of goals.

    Nor did Messi yet I hear he had a great World Cup.

    van Persie has been very good for Holland and his general play has helped them massively.

    Its not always about scoring goals.

  10. i think the most embarrassing thing 'anonymous at 10:41' is that a spurs fan like yourself is sat at home posting on an ARSENAL blog... whats that about you moron?
    backing van persie tmorrow. HUP HUP

  11. Just like you are GLAD Theo didn't make the World Cup, Spurs fans are GLAD england went out. These players do well for our club. They did well enough at club level to gain a place in the england squad. You think it bothered us that Lennon was dropped? We just see that as more rest for someone who performs well for us. Unlike Walcott who rarely performs well for you. Taht is what counts. What happens at club level. Pathetic to celebrate the fact that Holland and Spain are at the world cup. That has f-all to do with tottenham and arsenal.

  12. Danny, so you'd rather celebrate this cheap victory without being reminded how pathetic it is. Aww bless.

  13. Haha, poor little Arsenal. What next? Are you researching to see if Howard Webb has any Arsenal supporting friends to post that next?

    It seems like years of winning f-all has got you clutching at some very very thin straws.

  14. Ooh my, this is very sad indeed.

  15. I like the way you brush over the French thing or the fact that Theo wasn't good enough. You say you don't care but what motivated you to write this article.

    To pretend you don't care that Arsenal do not have any English players is just stupid. So when you look at Whiltshere (can't spell it because he's done nothing so far) you don't celebrate that he's one of your own. losers. Keeping acting as Arsene's own training complex for French players. Arsenal should change their training ground to clairefontaine.

  16. So why do Spurs fans brag so much about having so many English players then?

  17. IMO I don't think Theo deserved to go the WC on the back of the season he just had.

    I'll tell you what motivated me to write this;

    The stick we Gooners take from the Spuds about Arsenal hardly having any English players always makes me giggle.

    The stick we Gooners take from the Spuds about Arsenal not having any English players in the England World Cup squad always makes me laugh even more.

    Why does it bother you Spuds that we hardly have any English players?

    Are you xenophobic?

  18. this is rich, spud inbreds vacillating and crowing that they're glad their failures play well for the cock and ball, and not for england... Hypocrites.

    Renew your Hypocritic Oaths with your cowpat membership and receive a free 5-1 Carling Cup and 2-1 League DVD for £20.00, spud chancers.

  19. I bet the spuds don't even know what xenophobic even means.
    It's pointless trying to use big words on them.
    Face it, the spuds are deluded retards.

  20. Who cares wrighty7 at least we have won Trophy in the last 5 years

  21. Well said Wrighty.

    All we ever get from Spuds is how few English players we have like it actually matters.

    Don't get me wrong, I'd love Arsenal to have representation in the England squad but I'm more than happy that we had nothing to do with this summer's shambles.

  22. I grew up with the Arsenal team which had the likes of Adams, Rocastle, P.Davis, Sansom etc. Most of the team English.

    It's very important a major English team has up and coming English players coming through, not just for Arsenal but England too.

    Way too much money is going out of the English game spent on average players when I'm pretty sure we have English boys who could do just as good a job e.g. Wilshere instead of Denilson or even Sidwell instead of Denilson.

    Also the other problem we have with foreign players is that the grass is always greener i.e. Fab to Barca, Arshavin and even that useless twat Bendtner. Please if you don't want to play for us then kindly foff (especially Bendtner - has there ever been a more over rated player with such a high opinion of himself than him?).

    I disagree with you on England winning the world cup. I work at grass roots and have seen the kind of changed the FA are putting in place which should come to fruitition in 20 years time. I am hopeful anyway.

    I'm totally in favour of the 6+5 rule which doesn't look like it will happen sadly.

  23. no offence but the league cup does not count as a trophy really does it not when your contending for the prem cl and fa cup well see who your spuddy rabble manage when you priorties change from chasing the league cup and 4th spot the a challenge for 3 major trophies you may be laughing on the other side of your face i would urge you to use everton as an example for you when a small/medium size club tries to act like a big club and challenge for titles not position

  24. "Are you xenophobic?"

    Erm, who is turning this into a national debate?

    Who cares what happens at international level. I bet when those spurs fans who were bragging about having english players at WC, you were saying 'who cares' now you are saying who has the more Arsenal players at the world cup final.

    What a hypocrite. Pointless debate. The only thing that you have proven is that you are starved of success and desperately bitter little man.

  25. "no offence but the league cup does not count as a trophy really does it not when your contending for the prem cl and fa cup"

    Fair enough, it doesn't count for UTD and Chelsea (who contend for those other trophies) what's Arsenal's excuse?

  26. 'Who cares wrighty7 at least we have won Trophy in the last 5 years'

    How many titles have you won in the last 60 years?

  27. Wound a few tossers up I see Wrighty.

    They must be voyeuers.

    They always try to belittle us yet we have been part of the exclusive top four since Wenger arrived.

    They are crowing about their great players playing well for them so they see our failures as a major success for themselves (Pricks).

    One of them even bigged up the Chavs and Mancs even though the Chavs are their real rivals these past dozen years as we moved on, they are also a selling club to the Mancs and nearly always throw games against them to help the cause.

    As for Theo not being good enough I reckon it was more like that fat waste of space Rooney (The chosen one) having to much to say being the real reason for him being dropped.

    Didn't take long for Capello to see that Lennon had nothing to offer in big time football.

    Yes Theo has been shit but he was shit in our team not for Engerland, and if they want to look at DVD's which they seem good at as they watch them every time they beat us or win a LC they will see that Theo was not Engerlands problem.

    For those Spud tossers who really think we are a small club and that you are bigger than us, just come to our magnificent Stadium and see the difference and before we get a silly reply that you too will have a new Stadium yes you will but it will sink you and we are already years ahead of you.

    Now to finish, please go to WHU and Chav sites and have a wind up with them as they are your true rivals now.

    El Tel

  28. 'Also the other problem we have with foreign players is that the grass is always greener i.e. Fab to Barca, Arshavin and even that useless twat Bendtner.'

    I disagree with that Joppa.

    I think that foreign players have the bollocks to try their luck in a different country or culture.

    How many English players have done the same?

    They are too comfortable in England and too be honest not good enough for football abroad anyway.

  29. Haha, what an idiot you are El Tel.

    So Arsenal don't care about little Tottenham do they?

    Hmm, interesting how you're bum chum Wrighty has spent most of his saturday afternoon belittling them. Seemingly, holding this contempt in since the squads were announced all of ten weeks ago. Lashing out in the most pathetic manner. Claiming the smallest, completely irrelevant, of victories. Rather like your hope that our new stadium will finish us like it has you. Highest season ticket prices in world football only to see you get spanked by the big clubs. Lovely.

    You guys are pathetic.

  30. to 'anonymous 11:48' i dont know a single arsenal fan who would be happy to win the carling cup and nothing else. saying you have won a trophy cos you have won that is like us saying we did the double when we won the emirates cup and amsterdam trophy... take a proper look at your club mate... arsenal are and always will be far ahead of the spuds at shite hart lane... get over it mate!

  31. "Yes Theo has been shit but he was shit in our team not for Engerland"

    Is that comment something to be proud of? Really stupid comment.

  32. once again mate, do you ever see any gooners commenting on your shitty little blog sites? or do you not even have one for your tiny club? jog on back to your shithole club rather than joining an ARSENAL site like some sort of retard..

  33. Oh danny boy, the one who mocks spurs fans for coming on an arsenal fan, yet spends all day chatting to them.

    Spurs fans should focus on their club, yes cheers mate, you should look at yourself.

  34. What the hell has this got to do with club football. Wrighty, sorry fella, get out of the sun.

  35. I do see plenty of Arsenal fans on spurs sites. We don't even bother mentioning you either and still attract your flith.

    This 'ARSENAL' site as you proudly boast it to be talks almost purely about Tottenham. Which is more sad?

    Jog on Danny, you stupid fcuk.

  36. well you would know mate, seems like your on here 24 hours a day, you probably know more about the arsenal than anyone on here, you poor man.

  37. El Tel, I think it's very rich for an Arsenal fan to label any other side a selling club.

    Are you not the definition of a feeder club? Buy them young for cheap, develop them and sell them for a profit. Every summer you sell off your best players. It's perfect that the captain of your club wants to go Barcelona but is not good enough to actually start for them. Talk about leading by example huh?

    Fabregas will go to Barca next summer. I have it on good authority that Barca have no intention of signing the player this year. They are merely putting in the ground work to get him next year. All parties know this and are happy with this arrangement. Arsenal know that their fans will be appeased that you managed to hold on him for another year, Cesc gets what he wants and Barca get what they need, when they need it.

    Bet you wish he was English now!

  38. No spurs fan would deny that Arsenal have been the better side of the last decade but the gap is closing at a faster rate then it took to make it.

    Arsenal are not investing in the side and Spurs appear to have got their act together.

  39. To the idiot who posted at 13:36 and to all the morons who laughingly call The Mighty Arsenal a feeder club. Ian Wright? went to West Ham at the end of his career, done nothing. Diawarra in 1999 went to Marseille never heard of since. Got £3mill for him haha. 2000 Anelka to Madrid for £23mill, best deal ever! Done fuck all until he woke up and realised his career was nearly over.2001 Overmars and Petit to the barcacuntulunyans for a total of £28mill , neither player acheived anything on leaving Arsenal.2002 Richard Wright to Everton, do not think he has even got a Club now.2005 Veiria to Juve for a ridiculous sum. Cesc mugged him in the Champions League, last I heard he is a struggling bit player at Man shitty.2007 Muamba to Birmingham, wow he is a world cup superstar now eh? nope and Henry to the tap up merchants for £16mill. Theirry is on his way to pub league MLS. OK where is this Mighty Club feeding talent to other clubs? The truth is The Mighty Arsenal sell on players AFTER they have peaked. And don't come back with Hleb blah blah blah, he is on record as saying it was his biggest mistake leaving Arsenal. Flamini ditto. Feeder club? Jeeze the spuds are a seriously deluded jealous bunch. Jaygooner

  40. Didn't Henry win everything in football whilst at Barca?

    Whilst I agree that the majority of the players you have sold have not performed better after they left, I completely disagree with your belief that this is part of Arsene's master plan. You deluded muppet.

    Most of the top players who left Arsenal, left the club from their choice not Arsenal. The reason they fail is because whilst they look good in Arsenal's team, like it or not, the Barcelona's and Real Madrid's of this world are a step above Arsenal.

    It would be like spurs fans claiming losing Carrick, Keane and Berbatov all left WHL because we planned it that way. They just didn't make the grade above spurs. I can admit that. Perhaps you need to get a check at the doctors.

  41. You deluded muppet.
    Talking to yourself now?
    Concentrate on what you have posted and once you realise you have admitted The Mighty Arsenal are FAR superior to your lot, I will help you into the doctors waiting room.

  42. Oh lordy, this article reaks of desperation.

    Not that it matters but How many Arsenal players will play at the World Cup? 1. The other will be on the bench, wishing he at home (by that I mean Barcelona). I wouldn't be too proud of Van Persie's achievements that this world either.

    The only good thing about Spain playing during this world cup final is that's at least 90 minutes where Xavi and chums can't be in Cesc's ear, talking about life at Barca.

  43. I wouldn't be too proud of Van Persie's achievements that this world either.
    Ermm he scored more goals than Rooney. He has worked his bollocks off for The Netherlands, but then I guess the spuds switched off when their pathetic losers got thumped by Germany. Jaygooner

  44. 'He's scored more goals than Rooney.'

    Yeah that's right compare him to player who had a dreadful world cup to make yourself feel better. Defoe started two games, scored one goal. Still he had a poor WC in my opinion. Like Torres and Rooney, Van Persie is playing because of reputation. He's not only been poor statistically but his general play has been weak.

    He's a top player but if you are going to start making this into a pointless international debate, then at least look to plug the gaps in this very weak argument. If Arsenal has Sneider or Xavi than yopu would have something really to be proud about. These players have contriubuted massively to their countries success. Cesc certainly has not and Van Persie has been disappointing.

  45. This sums up Van Persie's contribution quite well.

    Not only has he been poor but just like an arrogant gooner, he's got a million excuses to justify his underachievement.

  46. Defoe - West Ham lad

    Crouch - Though started at spurs, still Southampton-nurtured

    Lennon - Bough from Leeds

    Huddlestone - brought from Derby

    Michael Dawson - bought Nottingham Forest

    No wait, what?

    The only player they can truly brag about is a perma-corcked Ledley King. I little bit rich from them, much?

  47. Moronic comment.

    Crouch was a Tottenham youth player until 18. King plays for England despite his injuries. I think that's a compliment.

    Regardless, isn't that a daft comment to make in any context?Just how many of the Arsenal players were actually bought through by Arsenal? How many times are you going to try and take credit for stealing players from the ages of 16 and pretending they are one of your own?

  48. Spurs are so full of shit. They will always be on the back foot when it comes to comparing sides with Arsenal. Face it, they may win one or two games in years against us, but they are likely never ever to finish above Arsenal in the league, ever again. And that fact in itself is calming. :)

  49. The world would be a much better place without Arsenal.

  50. Why bother with this article. No one cares about the WC. I'd rather the players didn't play and remained injury-free.

  51. I'd rather be a Yid than a smelly, french bumming, Gooner. You guys are a disgrace to ENGLISH football. Not only do you not have any english representation. Thje foriegners you have didn't touch the ball against Barcelona AT HOME. Scummers.

    1.they both suck
    2.they blame others
    3.they will never win a title
    4.they will brag of draws and 5-1 thrashing to croatia...and say they performed like world class players

  53. To the chump at 17.13 - how bout you fuck off you racist cunt? At least there have been decent Spurs supporters on here who are dishing out good natured banter. A disgrace to "English football"? The disgrace to English football is the whole system. England don't have talented players who can perform on the big stage. Arsenal are bringing through a new generation of English players who can actually compete TECHNICALLY with the best; Benik Afobe, Kieran Gibbs, Henri Lansbury, Jack Wilshere - thats the future.

    And to all those Spurs scum who are dancing on our "grave" and licking their lips over the fact Cesc might leave Arsenal - it shows how much of a pathetic club you are. Petty and voyeuristic.

    At least Arsenal have players now, and produced many players before, who attract the attention of the heavyweights of European football. It shows that we actually have decent players. Who the fuck wants to buy Defoe? Or Huddlestone? Or Lennon? Or Dawson?

    I can see that your club is having a tough time holding on to your best players...wait a second - nobody gives a shit about your overhyped,overrated load of shite.

    You can play in the CL if you want, lets see if you can go to the Bernabau or the San Siro and come back with historic wins.

    Tottenham V Barcelona....YEAH RIGHT YOU FUCKING MUGS!

  54. this should end the 'debate':

    Spuds = Rarseclart

  55. The really wierd thing is, if England win the World Cup in your lifetime, some of the players won't be born for another 10-15 years!

    Isn't that such a weird thought!

  56. To Anonymous 17:13

    "The foriegners you have didn't touch the ball against Barcelona AT HOME."

    Oh you mean the same Barcelona team we drew 2-2 against? Shut up you racist spud idiot!

    How much did Fabregas cost us when we got him? £500,000 in compensation. How much would he cost now? £40-50 million easy.

    How many spud players are worth that much? In fact that's probably how much Dirty 'Arry has nicked from you lot in bonuses.


  58. Clearly a bit nervous, is Wrighty. Looking over your shoulder are you?

  59. lol Anonymous at 11:13 said
    "It seems like years of winning f-all has got you clutching at some very very thin straws"

    Yep the spuds won the wait for it League cup against everyone elses reserve teams, after a 9 year wait from their last league cup victory, no championship in 50 years and Fa cup in 1991 (19 years and counting)

    Gunners are definitely clutching at straws, but only to drink from our next cup which is likely to come sooner than the next one for you spuds.

  60. Anonymous:

    "I'd rather be a Yid than a smelly, french bumming, Gooner. You guys are a disgrace to ENGLISH football. Not only do you not have any english representation. Thje foriegners you have didn't touch the ball against Barcelona AT HOME. Scummers.""

    -- Go fcuk yourself. At least we get to play them every once in a while.

  61. The only fucking reason you stupid shits manage to play UCL this season is because Liverpool fucked up BIG TIME. You bastards got lucky. Whereas for us Gooners, we've played it EVERY YEAR. For Arsenal, UCL football is a given. For Spurs, you just got on the right side of Lady Luck's vagina.

  62. I dont have a clue why we gooners are even bothered about spurs,....they will come and go...its a once in a life-time experience for them,so we dont have to worry,infact lets cheer them up ,so they can do well...if they qualify into the knockout stage it will probably be the biggest achievement the club will we will find DVDS on this achieVement,"WE QUALIFIED"...and lets be serious,that should never happen

  63. Spuds will always be the curse to England. Trying hard to be all-English team but dope-obsessive with everything Arsenal the French club they said.

    For England to be really great team simply do one thing: no more Spuds, ever. Spuds is BAD LUCK to England.

    And the hell with that white shirt sloping upwards like a Tarzan shirt or something? To make things worse the Puma can't be friend to a cockerel isn't it.

    So how many Spuds in the Final? Can't even see Martin Jol in that Dutch team eh!

  64. You deluded muppet. Talking to yourself now? Concentrate on what you have posted and once you realise you have admitted The Mighty Arsenal are FAR superior to your lot, I will help you into the doctors waiting room.
