Thursday, 29 July 2010

It May Not Be Wenger's Fault!

There are a lot of frustrated Gooners at the moment. The main reason seems to be the lack of signings coming into the club.

Of course I can understand that because we need to strengthen the squad. Especially in defence where we are losing players left, right and centre.

I can see why people are beginning to panic but I don't think now is the time to do so. And I don't believe people should have a pop at Arsene Wenger. Yet.

If we haven't added to the squad by the time the transfer window closes then questions should be asked. But we have plenty of time to do so.

Many Gooners are beginning to question Arsene Wenger and his transfer dealings or rather lack of transfer dealings again this summer.

But are we targeting the right man here?

Of course being in the hot seat Wenger is there to be shot at. He is the easy target but he might be the wrong one in this situation.

We blame Arsene for not bringing players in but it isn't his job anymore to do so. That job is down to Ivan Gazidis.

Wenger targets the players he wants and leaves it to Gazidis to bring them in. If the CEO fails to do so then that is hardly the gaffers fault is it?

Maybe it isn't Wengers fault we haven't signed anyone and its highly unlikey he will come out and say anything. He has always been honourable to Arsenal and his employers.

I'd said before bringing David Dein back could be the answer but I doubt that could happen and I don't think he will be welcomed back. A real shame.

Keep it Goonerish............


  1. oh yes lets get dein back so his son can sell all our other playerss he acts for. Henry, Hleb, Fabregas.
    dein care about him him him him monye money money him him oh and his son etc him him him wanker and dont forget it!

  2. Wrighty who do you think runs all aspects of the club? Arsene Wenger.

  3. Anom53 you're an idiot mate Dein was amazing for the club.

  4. You could be right mate, but then he has spent all summer in SA been a reporter. Think priorities should be put in order here and for him to some out and say that we may not need to buy, when we have let so many defenders go, Fabregas obviously wants away, VP been prone to Injury, Nicky Bender who cant hit a barn door, keepers with holes in there gloves and a midfielders that have less weight on them than a girls netball team, we need more than just 1 or 2 signings. Fingers crossed I'm wrong and we win the league, CL, FA Cup etc but its looking grim at the minute.

  5. haha wrighty I was thinkin the same half way down your post that we could do with a david dein figure in the boardroom...wenger said that he needs 4 centre backs at minimum so Im confident he will bring in at least one more Cb lets just pray he is a beast.

    Im not to worried about DM because fringpong can come in a do more of a job than denilson (imo).....

    I think we will smash liverpool first game of the season like we did with everton last year when everyone taught we wouldn..

  6. Make you right about working as a reporter mate.

    He's done it for years but I think he shouldn't really

  7. Deano,

    Great minds and all that! Ha ha

    I think the same, I honestly think we will hammer L'Pool.

    There is no way Wenger will go into the season with the lack of numbers we have at the back.

  8. Dien was fantastic for the club?

    Perhaps you were not aware of the North Bank shares fiasco that pushed a lot of the hard core fans out of the club to bring in the corperates.

    Dein did a lot of good by taking a lot of the management functins away from Wenger and this has affected him over the last few years but as a panacea he is a false idol.

  9. Pathetic. The board have always said the money is there, we KNOW the money is there. Is there anything you won't do to protect the name of your beloved manager who is making a fucking massive fuck up of this club. You're like a homosexual in the closet, come out for god sake - nobody will think you're bad.

  10. Read the title;

    It MAY not be Wengers fault.

  11. Peter lawell at Celtic is the man think we approached him before and he turned us down let's try again!!!

  12. Sorry, but until the transfer window is closed articles, comment and speculation like this are just pissing in the dark...

  13. think man city are inflating the market watch deadline day when agents and clubs realise they wont get city's money the price will come down.

  14. There is an excellent article (written by a Yank no less) on The Gunning Hawk Blog, by Erik Ian Larsen.
    The 'spend spend spend or Wenger out' brigade won't like it but for the rest who trust AW but are frustrated with the lack of summer signings, it's well worth a read.

  15. Woah.. chill out man!

    It's the end of July.. why don't you judge him at the end of it all.

    This is precisely what I wrote about.. why can't we just be nice to each other?

  16. Why is it Peter Hill-Wood never gets blamed but he was one of the two instrumental board members for kicking Dein out & since then no trophies.

  17. ya hit the nail on the head there wrighty, every day when i get up I keep expecting to see that wev'e signed someone, CB is oviously top priority an i hope to god this will be sorted, swiftly. Still think we need a keeper, i like manonne an of course schezza, but personally think fabianski an almunia have had their chances, though id b suprised if we signed a Goalie...

  18. It's good that you are trying to counter-balance the OTT reactions going on within some Arsenal blogs, but this really takes the biscuit

    "Maybe it isn't Wengers fault we haven't signed anyone"

    What about Chamakh and Koscielny? Those are 2 signings we have made. We are currently the second highest spenders in the PL so far (behind money city).

    Clubs are not buying, therefore there is not much movement anywhere. We have no idea about what irons are in the fire behind the media speculation. When money city have finished their spending spree, they will have players who are surplus to requirements. Maybe we have our eye on one of those, which might be why we are hanging on before committing ourselves to other targets?

    Transfers are a complex business and can go pear shaped at the last minute for any number of reasons. We should just be patient and trust the people who are paid to do so, to do their jobs. After all, they are the ones who have to take the flak if they make the wrong call, not the people clamouring on websites about 'buy this one, buy that one'.

  19. same old story and same old end to a season !!!!! we will be saying the same thing next year no excuse for not adding to squad when we have lost 5 members of first team squad... no excuse

  20. marchetti is gathering steam.

    but with 2 cb physically able to handle the gig and another crocked, when do we hit the panic button?

  21. In case everyone is still asleep, We are a club still in debt !! We have not paid off the stadium debt yet so don't expect big signings just yet. We all wan't success but not at any price ?

  22. Spuds getting spanked by Villareal at the mo! Just letting u know

  23. This reminds me of the time when Wenger let go a whole bunch of defensive midfielders (Diarra, Flamini, Gilberto) go at about the same time while "hoping" one of them would stay. Wenger didn't buy a DM then, and Song/Denilson have come through in the role.
    I get the feeling Wenger was "hoping" Sol would stay this time. I just hope he does buy an experienced defender instead of someone who's going to need time to adapt. Given the way we play, we cannot afford it...

  24. Wenger is now back in the country after world cup duties and pre season tour, so i give him till monday before he makes his next signing otherwise i will start questioning his policy.

  25. dein? bought in graham then wenger, fizman hates him but is ill, lots going on you/we dont see, i know a lot of it... arsene knows better than all this fucking insane blogging rubbish, he is very close to something even more astonishing than winning the double in his first season and his first team, more than going unbeaten winning the league at the lane with his 2nd team, this 3rd team are going to do it costing basically nothing, playing total football... while he built this the best stadium in the wolrd... truly breathtaking stuff from this legend... arsene knows... you lot know how to write blah on a computer

  26. fuck that tsaci fella,,why has everybody forgot about hangeland?we could do with him,,and with the rat hodgson up in scouse land im sure he would join us now,,come on get it done,gotta get up at 5am to catch a flight to london for the emirates cup,,tiesto aswell whoooooo,,a signing would make my weekend in london perfect

  27. All this talk about bringing in players all the time

    Be happy that Arsenal can actually afford to do so and be greatful that we have a manager who spends wisely

    In the long run Arsenal are very very well positioned unless they start to adopt a strategy to purchse players due to pressure from fans - look at Barcelonas chaos

  28. The funding of transfers at a football club is the responsibility of the board.
    When will Arsenal fans direct their fury against the board not against Wenger .Arsenal are one of the few clubs in the Premier league that over the last 5 years have made a profit in their transfer dealings.Dein was sacked because he disagreed with the Board's policy of investment in the squad.Nothing will change until the Board are forced into investing in the squad.

  29. I propose that Arsenal fans World wide post letters once a week for the next four weeks to UEFA & FIFA complaining about Barcelona FC's 'tapping up' of Cesc Fabregas. Also post a letter just once to Arsenal FC requesting that they formally complain to UEFA & FIFA. I have drawn up 3 template letters that I will email to willing participants. All you need to do is type in your own Name & Address before printing off & posting. Momentum will be boosted by you forwarding the email to every one of your Arsenal FC fan family & friends, encouraging them to participate.
    The aim of repetitive letters is to create an Admin headache for UEFA & FIFA with thousands of letters received from all over the world & display the strength of feeling from Arsenal FC fans. The purpose of the single letter to Arsenal FC is again to display the strength of feeling from us fans.
    My email address for this campaign from where I will email you the letter templates is ……..

  30. Even Sir Alex had said that this window there is a distinct lack of deals due to oney and expectations involved.
    However, if one care to notice we take our time to buy players; I think the boss wants a certain type of player and his ability to intergrate and contribute to the team. There are lots of players out there, and, most managers just buy to slot in a vacancy. This policy has worked very well for us. Of course there are the failures, but, those are few and not that costly.
    Take the case of Villa. They were flying two years ago and needed an addional strike. Bought the great Heskey and every pundit was praising the manager for being a genius. Villa is still paying for this...their play slowed down and hence their cutting edge.
    Anyway, I still hope Le' Boss buys... give lots of hope and distraction...if nothning else matters.

  31. The blame lies squarely with Wenger. He must come and demand the money to buy players and not come and defend the stupi philosophies about being stingy. Its not fun anymore. Does he honestly think we can improve with Almunia in goals and having signed only Chamakh and Kosclieny. These guys are taking us for a ride. Our ticket prices are soem of the highest in the EPL, shirts are launched year after year and these guys cant direct some of the money to buying quality players.
    and please people to avoid frustration, just dont hope for anything this season.

  32. pls stop embarrassing urself Wrighty.

    ur posts just become lamer and lamer.

    This blog is dead.

  33. dope the money isn,t there there is a debt of about 160m thats whats there yes there is an over draft of 70M in case of a plane crash and 9 players are out 4 a season or Maradona mark2 is found in Alaska and a quick deal is needed

  34. People just need to show some patience. Clearly he is after a new keeper after bidding for Shwartzer
    and had said that we need another CB, so all these whingers need to stop worrying. Buying players (the righ players, that is) is a complicated business, maybe it only takes a couple of clicks on championship manager but in the real world its somewhat more complicated. Would all the 'gooners' complaining here be happier if he bough 6 or 7 every season and farmed 6 or 7 out in the same way that Benitez did and plunged his club into more debt that we currently have on our new stadium?!! The reason Wenger has, by and large, made spectacularly good signings for great value (I mean in terms of what they end up bringing to the club here, not in terms of their names) is that he painstakingly pinpoints who is right for our kind of gameplan

    Its only Man City who has bought anyone so far anyway and they are essentially cheating (not with a great deal of success, I might add ;) )


  35. Good man Kipmonster!! Wrighty get behind his campaign - do a blog post on it and get as many people to write as possible. Other decent bloggers should do the same as well. Barcelona should be made to pay for the way they are publicly tapping up Cesc using their players to get away with it. Instead of aimless talking back and forth let's actually do something positive for our club and the game in general...


  36. I have said this for years, I do not believe it is Wengers fault.
    When have Arsenal ever been big spenders, all the managers before him done the same.
    It is the tightarses upstairs that are holding our great club back & for me losing David Dein was a dissaster.
    Wenger is not a fool, he knows we need reinforcements but I believe his hands are tied by the old farts in the boardroom

  37. Dein made things happen..He is best friends with Wenger and he brought in the Professor never forget that!! He may have sold our former captain Vieira, but look who stepped in when he was gone and don't forget how Arsenal killed Juve the season after and Cesc made Vieria look average at that time...
    I would like to get David Dein back again bring back the glory days to Arsenal F.C.

  38. Not sure I agree mate.

    Funny how Wenger fans attribute every positive thing to him, the fact that he single handedly turned us into a world class side, the way he singly handedly built the stadium, but put the blame on him for something like not making signings, well that's someone else's fault.

    You cant have it both ways.

  39. Wenger has to buy a CB and most likely a GK as well before this window closes, and I think he will. But what urks me is those 2 signings should have already taken place weeks ago. I feel as if the new guys need time to gel with the club as much as possible before the new campaign starts.

  40. It's clear to anyone where our weaknesses are, and Wenger said, 2 years ago, in 3 years this team will be able to beat anyone. So by the end of this season, with that logic, we should be unbeatable.

    Will it happen? No, I don't see it. I see another trophyless season ahead I'm afraid. Sorry to be down guys, but I cannot see anything changing. Will the board put up with another trophy free season - we'll have to see.


  41. Anyone panicing is a twat.
