Sunday, 25 July 2010

Trying To Rebuild Bridges Now Are They?

So it begins.

After a summer of pissing Arsenal off at every opportunity possible in their pursuit of Cesc Fabregas it looks like Barcelona are trying to begin peace proceedings now.

We've heard it all from Cesc's Barca DNA to his heart and little toe being in Catalonia already. The relentless bleating coming out of the Camp Nou about Fabregas 'going home' has been non-stop.

I think the main perpetrator has been Xavi. It appears that he has an obsession with Cesc Fabregas. He is a little creepy and his love for our skipper reminds me a bit of that film Misery.

Andrés Iniesta is another from the Barcelona school of charming Fabregas. Only now he is trying to charm Arsenal too.

“Cesc wants to be with us (at Barcelona), but he told me how close the Arsenal fans are to his heart,”

“He is a special player and I hope he wins the title at Arsenal this season. For them to win Cesc will have to stay fit and injury-free but he deserves to finish with a title.

“For all the work and effort he has put in at Arsenal it would be a shame if it was all fruitless.

“I have seen time after time Lionel Messi win games for Barcelona when the rest of the team have not been on form and Cesc can do that for Arsenal this season.

“Cesc is such a special player that he could carry a team to the title on his own and I hope he does it this coming season. It would be brilliant if Arsenal’s hero could lift the title as captain during his last season. I think that it would be fantastic for everybody.”

How lovely is that Iniesta fella? And there was me thinking he was a cunt. I was mistaken and all is forgiven. Not.

It's a little late to try and build bridges now Andrés my little cockle. You lot should have thought about that before you launched the biggest tapping brigade ever seen in the entire history of football.

If I was Arsene Wenger I would have two words to say to Barcelona. Fuck off.

Keep it Goonerish............


  1. Can't hate them enough! Twats, all of them! :@

  2. Iniesta is still being a sligh little twat. if you read it again he is saying this is Cesc's last season. For me we should bump the price up further to Barca for compensation for their unsettling of our Captain.

  3. Iniesta still had to have a little dig though - 'he deserves to finish with the title' They talk as if Cesc has only one year left on his contract (or 'loan deal' as Xavi would put it)
    Can't help feeling though the Cesc camp has had a lot to do with the drip drip drip effect we have been getting from Barca players all summer.

  4. Still what Iniesta says insults me. He's basically saying like Xavi that we're almost lucky to be keeping him for one more year and we should be almost grateful. Bollocks he's got 5 years left on his contract and if he has super season for us his price should go up and either way they won't be able to afford him next season. The attitude is what gets me about Barcelona this summer the arrogance of some of their players like Xavi, Pique and Puyol. Doesn't matter though even if and it's unlikely cause he's not that type of player but if next summer he put in a transfer request his value wouldn't decrease and they still couldn't afford him. 60 million pounds not euros and thats that.

  5. We need homegrown players or the problem will continue,players wanting to leave every season making it impossible to keep the squad together or build around, By the way are we holding Cesc hostage!

  6. LOL @ how Arsenal fans feel so hard done by all the time. Get a grip ffs. hoo.

    Perhaps if Wenger bought some quality then Fabregas wouldn't be so frustrated and feel like he has to leave to further his career. Just a thought.

    Simple fact is that if Barcelona had £60M spare then Fab would be on his way with Arsenal's blessing. As it is Arsenal can use the story to mask other inadequacies in the squad as all Arsenal fans come together in support of Cesc not going. Clever hey? Well probably too high brow for most of you lot to have thought of but no doubt it will probably appear on Le Grove or Arsenal online soon though I doubt I will be credited.

    Can we have some posts on the upcoming season please? Maybe one asking why we have no number 1 keeper would be a start.

    Much love


  7. I'd be very surprised if Cesc and the club haven't already come to an understanding to let him og next season. Even Barca are saying this will be his final season. It's Cesc's last season at Emirates.

  8. Id rather he went now. He's stated his intent to leave,problem is the club wont reinvest that money back into the squad!

  9. Joppa,

    I'm not feeling hard done by just a little pissed off at how Barca have blatantly tapped Cesc up all summer and so publicly too.

    Does it not bother you?

  10. Wrighty, I think you have to accept it is part of the game now. There are plenty of things that bother me, the gutless, spineless people running the game for one and I include our own FA in that but I do think it's all a bit double standards sometimes. After all Arsenal think nothing of taking a player when it suits them all be it less verbally.

    You know as well as I do had Barcelona come in with a serious offer then Arsenal would have sold no questions asked. By serious I mean £50M plus.

    To me Fabregas is the best midfielder on the planet now or at least in the top 3. You tell me of a better one in the prem. No wonder Arsenal have scoffed at a £29M bid - it was a piss take. If I had my way I would say start the bidding at £75M if you want to get serious (after all just look at what they paid for Ibrahimavic).

    The reason I think Arsenal are always so quiet in these matters though and never look to me as if they feel what the average fan does is because they always want to keep the door slightly ajar.

    Don't get me wrong I want Fab to stay but not under sufferance, that simply can't be good for either. Barcelona know this and are trying to exploit for a cheap price. Fck them, pay up or fck off and he can go to Madrid :).

  11. I think were getting used to it Wrighty! AC and Flamini Hleb. RVP will be next season put my house on it!

  12. Swear this is true!!new goalkeeper in 4 emirates cup promise this is no lie!!! In arsene we trust

  13. Nice one Jobba.
    I strongly believe Cesc, when he does leave, and we all know he will, it will be with style. The man has never given less than 100% to The Arsenal cause and that will continue to be the case. Iniesta is the first of the chattering barca monkeys to concede that The Mighty Arsenal mean what they say, his snide "last season" comment is only to save face. Come back next year Iniesta, the answer will still be a resolute NO!. I cannot see The Mighty Arsenal EVER dealing directly with the catalans ever again. Jaygooner

  14. he;s admitting that Cesc can lead a team to a title by himself. Wenger should save these quotes and use them to up the price. when they come back next year

  15. wtf!!!

  16. Certainly looks as if there maybe something in this.

  17. If barca are willing to stump up the 50 million I would at least expect for a player of his quality he is not indispensable nor irreplaceable for every cesc there is another player waiting 4 his chance to shine ie bastion ramsey or signing players such as ozil or gourcuff or Diego there is no problem in my book if he leaves we managed without him last year and the squad is better prepared for battle sign a keeper center back and sign sol for another year and well be fine

  18. Jobba, If we had a spare 200m (and were prepared tp spend it) Messi would be an arsenal player.... and?

    Ancelotti said Cashly (and Drogba) aren't for sale, but everyone is for sale at the right price / terms.

    The problem is that Farca are so far away from the right price it's scarey, and they seem to be talking themselves into a price corner that they will look stupid crawling out of. They could end up pissing cesc off with their mickey taking valuations and he could do a cashly and lose his affection for his 'childhood team'.
    Or maybe not....

  19. Good blog again Wrighty.
    I read an Article on yahoo not so long ago stating that as the players are not involved in transfers Barca cannot be done for tapping Cesc up.

    Think FIFA and the FA need to address these problems. If things were reversed and all the Arsenal players was coming out saying "Xavi wishes to play for Arsenal", "he belongs at Arsenal" there would be an Uproar.

  20. It is rumoured that Arsenal captain Cesc Fabregas has urged Messi to join him at the Emirates next season. Accordingly Arsene Wenger is thought to be preparing a bid for the Barcalona player who is curently believed to be unhappy with the financial situation at the Nou Camp.

  21. Messi linked with Gunners move:

    The failure of Lionel Messi to deny rumours that he is unhappy at the Nou Camp have fueled speculation that the Barca star may join Cesc Fabregas at the Emirates. He has been reported as saying that he’d love to play alongside Cesc in the future, and that he has great respect for Arsenal star Theo Walcott.

  22. Arsenal in Messi swoop?

    News on the rumour mill in the UK suggests that
    Arsene Wenger has set his sights on unsettled Barca star, Lionel Messi. The Argentinian international was a boyhood friend of Cesc Fabregas & has stated his desire to play club football again with the Gunners captain. None of the parties have denied the rumours but the Catalan Club are known to be heavily in debt and
    may well be tempted to cash in & accept an offer. from Arsenal

  23. Team mate urges Messi to join Gunners

    Compatriot & Arsenal stopper, Almunia, would love to see Messi at the Emirates. He’s a world class player

  24. I read that in an Argentinian paper they're saying that as Cesc can't go to Messi, Messi is going to join Cesc!

  25. My cousin is an estate agent and he' been given an instruction to find a house in the same area as Cesc Fabregas from a 'Mr Messi!

  26. My cousin is an estate agent and he' been given an instruction to find a house in the same area as Cesc Fabregas from a 'Mr Messi!

  27. Where does all this "last season" BS come from. He has 5 years left on his contract!

    I didn't think I could dislike Barca any more than I do and yet each day I surprise myself.

  28. You have to say this has been a typically shit pre-season as far as new players coming in goes.

    FFS, we don't even have a decent GK and they are talking about re-kindleling the Schwazer deal. Fck off, he 37 and past it.

    Chamak - great and a defender no one has really heard of. Yet on the flip side we have had to put up with months of our best player leaving. De ja vu with Henry, Vieira etc.

    Fckin fantastic Arsenal. Oh, but keep charging more than anyone else.

    Arsenal really piss me off sometimes. Go out there and buy some fcking quality you tight bastards.

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