Friday, 12 November 2010

JET Wonder Goal, If Ronaldo Or Messi Did This You Wouldn't Hear The End Of It!

My mate just sent me this via the wonderful creation that is 'e-mail'.

I tells ya, this JET fella must be knocking on the door to the first team harder than those little gits banging on my door on Halloween the other night.

Just look at the size of the geezer! And too have that much skill, ability and the damn right cheek of actually attempting this tekker!

All I could do was sit there with my mouth open wide and dribble.

If Cristiano Ronaldo or Lionel Messi scored this goal I have no doubt that football fans across the globe would be cumming in their pants/knickers.

Just enjoy it. I did. Gone through five pairs of pants.

Keep it Goonerish.........


  1. This lad should now be considered to start most fisrt team games and told to 'enjoy yourself'. Theo can come on in the second half and destroy whats left.

  2. That is just incredible

  3. This better be shown on Soccer am on saturday

  4. Don't you just love a player with that skill and power and the grin that just says wow that was cool I liked doing that. Time for him to get a run alongside Chamakh Attack

  5. Awesome goal but if Messi or Ronaldo scored it then it would've probably received more attention as they wouldn't have done so against Everton's reserve team :)

  6. Potato And Leek Gunner12 November 2010 at 11:43

    Wrighty - I'm with you; JET is a monster - but let's not forget it was against Everton reserves...
    Give him another year developing with the first team and he'll be a terrorist. No doubt.

  7. yeah it's a great goal no doubt,
    and definitely worth showing on your blog

    but i just find it worth remembering that he's a tall fellow and probably not at the required fitness levels

    i'm just saying technique can be shown without extremely high athletic ability. but i think JET will get there

  8. I don't see nothing especial about the gol Messi scored better goals than that not too impressed sorry

  9. messi has never tried to be creative. i don't really get the obsession to be honest

    he's just a player who gets the job done


  11. I don't see what's so great about it. looks like a bad defensive screw-up.

  12. lol, this is the future, u just got raped by the real north london giants, and ure creaming about some 7ft nigger scoring in a reserves game,, u cunts are a fucking joke
