Monday, 6 December 2010

Adebayor Has F*cked Himself

I'd love to say that I feel sorry for Emmanuel Adebayor but I just can't.

The man has completely and utterly fucked himself. His career at the moment is right in the balance and it appears that nobody wants him.

It seems Manchester City, his employers, do not want him and even that shlaaaaaag Harry Redknapp, who tries to turn all his clubs into mini-Arsenals, has turned a blind eye.

It could have been all so different for Adebayor.

Had he stayed at Arsenal I firmly believe that he could have progressed into one of the worlds top strikers. Honestly.

He can say all he wants that we should be grateful for receiving the sum we did for him from Manchester City but deep down I'm sure he regrets leaving Arsenal.

Of course Adebayor earns huge money at City. Those earnings probably soften the pain from the splinters in his arse gained from the bench, but surely playing regularly is what most professional footballers want to be doing.

Under Arsene Wenger he could have become an Arsenal icon. Instead he saw pound notes waved in front of him and took the bait.

His career and reputation is in tatters and I remember all those City fans coming on here to gloat when they signed him.

Now they curse him.

When at Arsenal Adebayor needed the right guidance. He isn't the brightest bulb in the box. Instead he got the wrong advice and look where he is now.

I know almost 99.9% of Gooners were glad to see the back of him, I was one of them. But he had talent and nurtured the right way would have made the most of that talent.

The money maybe greener but the grass isn't always greener and Adebayor has truly mangled his career.

Keep it Goonerish...........


  1. or maybe wenger realized he's a lazy, arrogant, over-confident and unpredictable player and shoved him out. He's a wanker and I really doubt he'd have become an arsenal legend. I'm glad AW took the money for him. I just wish he'd got Chamakh a bit earlier with a bit of that money :)

  2. Spot on, f*ck that greedy slouch, one good season and he bigs himself up in his own head to be Henry. He can ROT.

  3. Very correct Wrighty.

  4. karma is a bitch. karma does exist. too bad for Ade? nah, this is the most sensible thing happens on earth. he ditched us, now he's finally got what he's done before. im glad he's not a part of us anymore, he doesnt deserve us. so yeah enjoy your life, Adebayor! :)

  5. So thats one more player joining the cue of players who regret their decision of leaving Arsenal

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  7. I went to Paris recently - sat in an economy seat, and sitting in front of me was KANU and 2 of his mates. They were polite, friendly, laughing like 3 mates going on a little holiday together. But there were in ECONOMY.

    What I'm saying here is - do you think the likes of Adebayor, or Cashley Cole, or John Terry - or any of these Greedy Classless Cunts would ever deign to sit in Economy and just get on with it? Of course not. They believe they are Gods, above all others. And none of them have ever been fit to wipe Kanu's boots in terms of professionalism and skill.

    Adebayor - FUCK HIM. You reap what you sow, motherfucker! He is a classless zero, an average footballer made good by Wenger. Long may he rot on the bench.

  8. i'm one of the 0.9% that didnt want 2 see the back of him,know why?coz he was like needl in scimz throts!everytime he faced them u just knew the net would have AD name on it,I just love every player that pulled our jersey on basically,still have his big poster on my room which says(GIVE HIM THE BALL n HE WOULD SCORE!)shame he had 2 go and shame wenger wanted the money more than him,totally agree with you he would have defoo been 1 of the world best by now.
    Won't mind seen him on the red and white jersey he loved again(althought i know its very unlikely) ut 2 have him,flamini,hleb,even lassa back would be greaaat!
    honestly on the current squad there are soo many players that need 2 go coz they aint contributn enough i.e. vela and almunia.
    anyways hope its our year!!

  9. Why keep talking about adebayor? he should move on and we should move on. First everybody was saying he's obsessed about arsenal because he kept talking about us after his transfer but now it looks like you're obsessed two. Let's talk about player who are at arsenal at the moment and not about greedy moneygrabbers who left.

  10. I do not believe Adebayor will be a 'legend' in Arsenal. His first touch is lousy and he is too flukey a player.

    His reading of the game is hopless and his shots at goals are just "hit and hope"

    All he has going for him is if he chases the ball, harasses the defenders, sadly it depends on his mood to do it.

    Good riddance to bad rubbish.

  11. i don't get it. he didn't leave arsenal, wenger sacked him. there was always a hint that not all was well between him and rvp and wenger chose rvp. He was trouble maker in dressing room due to his attitude but he never did actually left arsenal, he was sacked. He was greedy, maybe, but he didn't left arsenal. HE WAS SACKED.

  12. So Harry tries to turn all his clubs into mini-arsenals does he?

    Stupid turd. The moment the club raises it's season ticket prices to disgraceful amounts and then doesn't re-invest that into the side (whilst the manager goes on trips to France to fcuk slags) then you can have a point.

    You may have lived so long without it but what Harry is doing at spurs is called Ambition. What wenger is doing at Arsenal is called 'Nothing'.
    Enjoy the carling cup....not so mickey mouse anymore huh.

  13. To the anonymous Tottenham pr*ck. You're having your best season in recent history - we're having one of our worst. We're top of the league and you're struggling to make 5th.

    love seeing those tiny totts get excited. happens every year - its part of the joy of being arsenal!

  14. To the Spud above ... As an Arsenal Fan it is still a micky mouse cup. Don't know why Perm club is allowed to play in it when they have the FA cup. Every league has one domestic cup and can't think why england has two domestic cup competition. Don't even bring up the history crap.

  15. To the spud fan...Harry has a ambition alright, to send the teams he leaves with the liquidators!!

    Good post Wrighty, seeing ade's face on the bench every week warms the heart haha

  16. inland reven2010ue6 December 2010 at 18:03

    hal boy will be creatin his arsenal team from the comfort of his cell whilst playin football manager when the inland revenue finally catch up with im! alledegly!

  17. haha, if harry came to arsenal, i would absolutely hate the club for making such a poor decision!

    yet most tottenham fans just love it.
    don't you fellows know that he just bankrupts his clubs?

  18. He won't be the first player to have regretted leaving the Arsenal, but like 99% of fans I was delighted to see him go. Talented yes, but oh-so high-maintenance, and a proper c**t in the bargain.
    Once again a great piece of business by Arsene, and once again proof that money can't buy you sense.

  19. 61and never again = 50years of hurt!6 December 2010 at 18:32

    bournemouth....southampton....portsmouth....hopefully soon to be added the tiny totters to that bankrupt list!

  20. he doesn't even understand the offside rule. he's rubbish

  21. Never thought Adebayour was that good myself... A fairly decent sized target man, but his finishing was f*cking dreadful... He had one good season but that was it... As someone else has said he ain't the brightest of people, and was obviously badly advised 'professionally' by his money grabbing agents, who may have stuck a few bob in his pocket but f*cked him completely as a footballer... Man City is the wrong club for him, he's already being edged out, and if Citeh don't make the CL next season, the Arab owners will simply sack Mancini and bring in another 'big name' manager, and then chuck another 100 million or so in the pot, clear out the 'dross' like Adebayour at a bargain basement price and then have another go at 'buying' success. Wrighty is bang on with the subject of this thread Adebayor has F*cked himself, and will probably end up playing for a mid table side next year if he stays in Premiership, or will most likely f*ck off to Spain or Italy, for a final payday...I personally hope the ungrateful twat spends the rest of his life agonizing over the mistake he's made, although the size of his bank account will probably ease his suffering.

  22. spot on, my ass. this is bullshit. adebayor didn't leave arsenal nor did he ever request to leave arsenal. he was sold because city offered wenger big money for him. if you don't like a player, that's fine but don't make up bullshit to support your emotions.

    sure, the kid had his head turned when he heard rumors of barcelona and milan offering up to 40 million quid for him. any kid who only two years earlier was sitting on the bench at monaco would have his head turned as well; especially one who scored 24 goals in the bpl and is only on 30k a week.

    you've got a good thing going, wrighty. don't start posting nonsense.

  23. He was a useless striker hence why he was known as Adebarndoor. But because Man City have more money than brains they felt that a striker who had a real value of about 5-10 million was worth 25 million - we were the real winners there and now poor Adebarndoor's career is sinking faster than the Titanic we should feel sympathy for this greedy cretin...... ah diddummmmsssss

  24. Yeh but the fact is he SHOULD be playing more for man city. He's always been good whenever Ive seen him for them. Yes, he lost his way a bit, he was always better as a hardworking 2nd striker behind van persie, than an henry-like forward, but he's still one of the top forwards in the PL. Tevez is better, but they should be playing up front together.

  25. The anonymous tott fan thinks that the Carling Cup is a Mickey Mouse trophy and they are above such things? So why all the tears we saw flowing at whl at the end of the 4v1 lesson in football, they couldn't all have spent the 120 minutes peeling onoions.

  26. Wrigthy dont forget that Adebayor isnt in it for the Glory he is 100 percentage mercenary.He couldnt give shit about winning trophies he have no club feeling whatsoever even if he played for barca he would still not give a shit even if they payed him a kings ransom.So right now he is living the life of riley.

  27. Every player that leaves arsenal regrets the moment.

  28. Adebayor f*cked himself because he believed his own hype. If he would have said in the paper he was commited to Arsenal during the initial transfer speculation he could still be playing for them. Probably mis advised by some greedy friends. He still loves Arsenal - reading this post would make him cry.

    Wrong choices eh.. i bet spud boy wishes his daddy bought him an arsenal shirt at his barmitzvar..

  29. Good post Wrighty,makes my day when i see that prick getting spinters on a match day.

  30. until this season i would of loved the adebayor of 07/08 to still be at the club. Now we've got chamakh the lazy moaner of 08/09 is missed as much a pile of turds

  31. I partly blame Wenger. He gave Adebayor the chance to shine in the PL paying him 35K a week then more than doubled his wages to around 80k based on one good season, then he literally whored himself around and luckily for us,but foolishly for City he jumped ship for an estimated 150K a week.
    What he did at City last season, when he scored against us,shows his true egoistic charater and the brainless but rich arsehole he is.


  32. Tottenham fan here, as we would want to be a min Arsenal? Best ever season this year? when we came 4th last year, u prick ! Your worst ever year and your currently top, yet you've won FUCK ALL for 5 years..

    Are you all that fcuking dumb ?

    Adebayor is a cunt, but AW always buys cunts who want to leave your boring football team. I mean, do you actually have ANY characters in your TROPHYLESS new ground? ha ha h

  33. Ok, lets evaluate what Spurs have won..last 5 years...ohhhh wait...hold on....THE CARLING CUP. When did they last mount a serious challenge for the Premiership Crown? ahem.....not for about 49 years (1961), oh and it was called Division One them days. Really makes me laugh these funny spurs fans when they start comparing Tottenham to Arsenal......We won the Double Twice...Undefeated run of 49 Games...winning the league..those are REAL DEFINING ACHIEVEMENTS. now compare that to Spurs achivements...hmmm qualifying for champions leaugue after so many failed a rotten lasagne lool..a Carling Cup..(after which you sold mugs with 5-1 in the spurs shop for £8.99p), come on? we played youngsters versus your full lot are the real sad mugs..When our real boys came on... one of them scored the goal of the season didn't he?...oooooo so you won a few games in europe, what'd you want? a fucking pat on the bk? WIN THE TROPHY THEN WE'LL TALK.

  34. 61and never again = 50years of hurt!7 December 2010 at 16:01

    we've won it in there back yard takin the piss in front of them , the same amount of times in there glorious history (i just fell off my chair laughing)a mighty 2 times... 6 years without bein champs is better than 49 years me thinks? is that right spuddies? you d rather be on your history? 49 years or never again or 6 years. . . forever in our shadow .. haha...


  36. Nik, Australia
    You make your bed, you lie in it!
    FUCK HIM!!! Thats all I have to say

  37. To be fair. I think we as fans kicked him out of the club. His performance against Man u meant it was probaly deserved, but to be fair to the guy I dont think he went for the money as such.

    I remember Fergie saying his agent called him trying to engineer a move to United. I think City were the only club prepared to have him
