Thursday, 20 January 2011

I Don't Think We Are 'Gunner' Sign Gary Cahill But I Reckon Christopher Samba Could Be On The Cards

I've seen that Bolton have finally signed Middlesborough defender David Wheater.

So I suppose many people will now assume that an Arsenal move for Gary Cahill is on the cards.

I don't think it's going to happen.

For me David Wheater isn't a signing to replace Gary Cahill. The most probable player he is replacing is Andy O'Brien who left Bolton to join Leeds United permanently only recently.

Gary Cahill will cost a fortune and I don't think Arsene Wenger will spend huge money on a centre-back this January, that's even if he signs one at all.

In my opinion Wenger sees Johan Djourou and Thomas Vermaelen as his first choice pairing at the back and an injury to our Belgian pal will not alter Arsene's long-term vision for them being a partnership.

Arsene won't jeopardise his ideas will he? We've seen that in the past when Arsenal have been crying out for a signing and it hasn't happened.

The figures bandied about for Gary Cahill are between £15-20m. Can you honestly see the Arsenal gaffer spending that much on a player? Especially a defender because I certainly can't!

That's why if we actually make a defensive signing I think it will be Christopher Samba.

The Blackburn man wants out of the club so could be available, speaks French, would be a lot cheaper than Cahill, and most importantly, is proven in the EPL.

Blackburn have apparently offered Samba a new contract to try and settle him but I think he will wait until the transfer dead-line passes or until Arsenal sign someone before he decides what to do.

I'm sure Samba would jump at a move to Arsenal. I don't know if he could make the step up in level but I do know he is a solid defender who doesn't mess about.

There is no doubt that Arsene Wenger would improve him as a footballer however but it would be refreshing to see a 'no-nonsense' defender at the club. I'd argue the last one of those we had was Martin Keown.

True Christopher Samba is no super-star but when does Wenger ever sign one of those? I think the Blackburn man is the target but whether we sign anyone is debatable.

Keep It Goonerish.........


  1. There is logic there Wrighty.

  2. Chris Samba is the new Sol Campbell - get him and set him lose on Drogba!

  3. That tight cunt won't sign anyone but will say 'We were close to a signing'. Just get ready for the excuses in May.

  4. ok if cahill cost too much then go for vertoghen who is ready for 10m..and sakho/samba 8m. any of these 2 will really boost our team to beat barc in feb ucl.

  5. Chris Samba is not the main player in that deal.

    Its Steven N'Zonzi. Who Arsene has been after for 8 months.

    Thats how long Arsene has been looking to replace Denilson in the squad. Yesterdays twitter nonsense is the last nail in his coffin.

  6. Samba does not have the technical ability to be an Arsenal player. Not happening.

  7. Pretty good candidate and saw him played against Chelsea, he is something worth to talk about as well to bring him on to the Emirates.
    His physical figure was perfect, tough, strong and with a good height.
    You have a good sense of issue about it Wrighty.

  8. Pretty good candidate and saw him played against Chelsea, he is something worth to talk about as well to bring him on to the Emirates.
    His physical figure was perfect, tough, strong and with a good height.
    You have a good sense of issue about it Wrighty.

  9. Yes Samba makes the most sense for this January window. If we could get NZonzi as well that would be swell to say adios to Denilson. Good post.

  10. Mexes is a done deal next week.

  11. Don't think Samba is good enough. Cahill for £12m plus £3-5m add ons (ie if we win the Prem, he gets 20 England Caps etc) would be fair considering Koscieny with zilch experience cost £10m.

  12. We don't buy the best players, we buy the CHEAPEST players.We have money available, but still we don't spend it on players who can make a REAL difference to our chances of winning something.
    All the board and Wenger are satisfied with is to finish top four, not to actually WIN anything.Let's get some ambition.We can start by forcing Wenger out.
    " In Arsene we rust."

  13. ArsenalForever200420 January 2011 at 13:38

    Tell me the replacement you want then. Who is available right now who is good enough to replace Wenger especially when we are about to win one trophy at least? Not to mention the scouting network and stability we could lose.

  14. Where do these mugs come from??

  15. i laugh when i see some people comment that says chris samba is not an Arsenal kind of player it just so funny,say u kn squillaci isn't as well in fact he is the worst Arsenal buy ever chris samba will be wayyyyyyyyyy better than him,n i see him and thomas v doing great in Arsenal defense

  16. jesus
    what it with arsenal fans fetish over samaba

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