Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Could You Do To Gooners What Andy Carroll Has Done To The Toon Army?

Some footballers can really sicken me. Even more so than a bottle of cheeky Tequila.

I cannot believe the transfer of Andy Carroll from Newcastle United to Liverpool. It really confuses me.

The fee is as unreal as Pamela Anderson's bangers. Seriously do you think that Andy Carroll is worth the reported fee of £35m?!

Carroll is a good player, maybe worth a punt at £12-15m but not what Liverpool have paid for him.

This is a player with no Champions League experience, less than a years worth of Premier league experience and one England cap to his name.

If Carroll is worth that, then how much is Nicklas Bendtner, a player slated all the time, worth?

In my opinion the football world has gone ab-so-lutely ga ga. Lady Gaga has nothing on the money spent by these clubs.

Of course Andy Carroll is full of potential, potential being the key word here, and the fee Liverpool paid for him is not his problem. But while the the transfer fee itself makes me dizzy, the fact that Carroll put in a transfer request pisses me off.

If someone like Andy Carroll puts in a transfer request then what hope is there for loyalty in the game?

Carroll is a player who support(s)ed Newcastle United and apparently dreamed of wearing the number 9 shirt with the club. He achieved that. He also signed a five-year-deal with the Toon in November and wanted to stay with the club forever.

Andy would have had the world at his feet whenever he stepped out into the city of Newcastle and would have been treated like a God. They love a local lad up there, especially one wearing the number 9 shirt.

So why hand in a transfer request?

Carroll is now saying that he was forced out of Newcastle. I'm sorry but I don't buy that. Nobody 'forced' him to request a transfer. He could have just said I don't want to leave and that is that.

If I played for Arsenal and was as loved by Gooners as much as Carroll was by Geordie's I would never leave the club. I wouldn't dream of it.

In fact, not even a loaded gun pointed to my head and the threat of being forced to watch Harry Redknapp interviews all day would force me.

Here we have a player who has fulfilled every Newcastle United supporting fans dreams and now let them down. Could you do to Gooners what he has done to the Toon Army?

There is not a lot of loyalty left in the game today. Every player is motivated by money and I think that the days of one-club-players have gone and won't be back.

And that is a sad situation.

Keep It Goonerish.............


  1. Wrighty the football clubs have no loyalty to players either that's why they every player has his price.

    If Barca came knocking for Cesc in the summer and offered £100m Arsenal would sell him. Even if Cesc said he wanted to stay.
    Loyalty in football doesn't exist and it's not just from the players.

  2. Frank Stapleton did it. But at least then a tribunal agreed a fee of what now looks a paltry 900k.

    Fucking judas to this day.

  3. Newcastle could've said no. They didn't. Don't blame the players. Liverpool could've told Chelsea to fuck off and Newcastle could've told Liverpool to fuck off. They didn't. They bent over and dropped their pants.

  4. Newcastle wanted to sell! Mike Ashleys finally recouped some money! How much has he lost!!! The good thing about this is Barca wont be getting Cesc for anything less than 60mill and trust me Arsenal would sell. Should have brought Bartly back im gettin sick of watching Squills. He knows it we know it hes not up to scratch!!! Adetrugoon

  5. Carroll only put in a transfer request because thats what Ashley wanted him to do, he never wanted to leave the club at any point but Ashley wanted the 35mil. He's a great player but nowhere near 35mil, potential yes but can that kind of price be put on potential?? UK market has gone way past crazy! People moan about Darren Bent at 24mil but at least he's a proven goalscorer at the top level year after year (other than the 1 at spurs when he wasn't getting enough games).

  6. I think you're being a bit harsh here. keep in mind mike ashley's reputation amongst the geordies. newcastle have been shown to be liars during the keegan era, and mike ashley's reign has shown his propensity for treating statements to the fans as p.r. exercise. frankly, this just smells really fishy and what I'm not buying isn't that carroll was strong-armed out, but that he would request a transfer having just signed a five-year deal in a club he both loves and is loved at.
    the way I see it, this was the only way ashley saw he could appease the fans over his own selfish greed.

  7. MONEY TALKS! Certainly! Ok, it's always going to involve money, club loyalty aside. But exorbitant sum of money is stupid. Blame Chelsea for starting this game, and then Man City. And players generally will always be attracted to huge paychecks. At Arsenal, look at the youngsters getting paid ...how much? Well, dont even think of blaming others alone. It's a cycle.

  8. Where can you find true loyalty? It's all with us who you called gooners. That works for me till now.

  9. i think i can excuse Carroll for his actions,he is young and ambitious,he saw an opportunity of a life time that Uefa will be stopping in the next transfer windows...he made history mate..6 months in premier league...goal against Liverpool and my own beloved Arsenal....35m..hey thats history...
    On the other hand,its Torres that should be blamed for all this craziness...Years back he stated he was a Liverpool fan,so........?
    A big congrats to El Capitan for not doing to us what this football ingrates have done to their fellow clubs...!!

  10. Maybe you've hit the nail on the head, that's what AC was threatened with 'a whole day of Harry Redknapp vids'. Sorry but i would've said where do i sign, the 'loaded gun' no worries, but HR no way.
    With regards to other peoples comments about clubs having no loyalty, i totally agree, money talks and all that. Also we're talking about Mike Ashley here, the man who sacked Chris Houghton only a couple of months ago!

  11. wrighty, you must come to terms with the harsh realities of life, now mike ashley's name what dose that conjure up, yes your right vomit, so don't go putting all the blame on carroll, he has enough problems to overcome at pool.
    hallucinations akin to eating the obalo plant frequently occurs when your supply of deep fried mars bars are withdrawn

  12. How much is Nicklas Bendtner worth...? Well Newcastle made a bid of £17M yesterday, struggling to find replacement for Carroll last night

  13. Name
    Nicklas Bendtner
    Andy Carroll



    Years experience in Prem
    3 years 5 months
    5 months

    Club Goals in Prem

    Club Goals in Championship

    International Caps

    International Goals

    Worlds Cup Appearances (Goals)
    3 (1)

    Married to a Princess?

    Overal Club Assists

    Northern Bastard

    6ft 5
    6ft 3

  14. Jon Jarvis mate your words are absolute bullocks.
    Carroll has more potential and ability then bendtner will ever have.

    plus carroll is not the one to blame we all know how money is everything in football today and i wont be surprised if he was forced to make a transfer request.

  15. Strikers are usually worth more then defenders - on average i can't give you a figure but no one would pay what you would for a ronaldo or messi type for a defender.

    So in the summer arsenal brought Kos for a fee which would rise to 10 million .. yet he had no champions league experience, spent most of his career playing in the 2nd french league and has no international experience.

    Now 8/9 rising to 10 million is a long way from 35 - granted - but it is still quite a lot for an unproven defender.

    And if you consider a striker would cost 2/3 times more then a defender - lets say 9x3 = 27 so if carroll cost 27 million would it have been an acceptable transfer, even though it would have been 8 million less then was actually paid? Also figuring in his future potential and i think he is the 3rd highest goal scorer this season.

    Not that im siding with the madness which is football these days but its just a thought.

  16. How can my "words be bollocks" when every single point I made was a fact???

  17. My guess is he was asked/forced to hand in a transfer request so Newcastle don't have to pay him a cut of the transfer fee (usually about 10% I think). So the deal would have been structured between Newcastle and Carroll's agent so that that money was made up in the wages that Liverpool are paying him, reported 80k per/week!
    Ultimately he may not have wanted to leave but if the club wanted to sell he had little choice but to get the best deal for himself and Newcastle FC.

  18. I love how caroll is over-rated. Is he in the same league as the big boys? One england cap...thats it one...Taking most of the top national teams in the world, which english player would make it?

    There is your answer. atleast torres would make the bench.

    He will be amazing for liverpool as he will have the ammunition from stevie G and suarez. But the question over his price tag is immense. Will he be better than rooney? NO

    Will he ever be mentioned in the same breath as messi and ronaldo? NO

    The only logical comparism to him is bendtner..yes he has overall more potential but right now they are the same player and liverpool could have had bendtner for 20. shame

  19. Bentdners much better than Carroll much,much better! Only in the air could Carroll compete with Big Nick,But not in any other department Bentdner must be worth 40-45mill please someone tell me im chattin shit, wrighty tell me!!! Adetrugoon

  20. Seriously,Jon Jarvis is that fact about the 17mill bid for NB52.
    In 2005 we turned down a 50mill bid from the Chavs for Henry.
