Thursday, 3 March 2011

Kolo Toure - Innocent Until Proven Guilty And Deserves Our Support

I couldn't believe my eyes when I read that Kolo Toure had failed a drugs test.

And I wasn't hallucinating from illegal substances when I saw it either.

All jokes aside though, here is a man, a devout Muslim family man at that, who gave his all at Arsenal for seven seasons and I think he deserves our support.

There is no way that Kolo would take illegal drugs knowingly so there has to be an innocent explanation for this.

I have no doubt that he will receive a huge amount of stick for this episode but he won't get any from me. And I'm sure most, if not all Gooners, feel the same.

In this country you are innocent until proven guilty and I'd like to remind everyone of that.

Toure is an icon at Arsenal and I hope that he is cleared of any wrong doing. Which I'm sure he will be.

Keep your chin up Kolo!

Keep It Goonerish.............


  1. "The FA can confirm that a player has been provisionally suspended from playing pending investigation, having tested positive for the use of a prohibited substance."

    The World Anti-Doping Agency defines a specified substance as one that is "more susceptible to a credible, non-doping explanation".

  2. Listen, he cut all ties with us when he left to join that lot. It's nothing to do with us.

  3. Your righty Wrighty, we should support him until he's proven guilty. I'am confident though he's innocent.

    It’s impossible that the Kolo positive doping test can be true unless it’s some medicine for some illness. BBc said that

    “The World Anti-Doping Agency defines a specified substance as one that is “more susceptible to a credible, non-doping explanation”.”

    There’s definitely no-doping explanation because Toure is very religious and strict muslim and wouldn’t take anything that has doping effects. Doping is prohibited in Islam

  4. oi oi wrighty

    nah mate..sod him..he plays for someone else now and when he left he said he left cos we lacked leaders..
    he jumped ship mate..he made his bed let him lie in it

    i dont care what happens to him its not our problem anymore..

    weve got more important issues to worry about like winning the support is for my own players, let citeh worry about kolo..

  5. fuck him - he got caught cheating

  6. Kolo Toure was a great player for us and I do not believes this accusation for one minute and if people are to comment they should remember why he felt he had to leave Arsenal as I recall he could no longer tolerate a Mr Gallas now all loved up with spurs

  7. He will be cleared,he is King Kolo !!!

  8. I believe there is an honest explanation for the drug test. Kolo really doesn't seem the type of person to do that.

    To all the arsenal fans on his back lets not forget he was one of the invincibles and played with heart during his time at the club. He fell out with gallas and left (lots of other players fell out with gallas so its understandable).
    Henry was an invincible and left the club...don't you fans still love and respect him?

  9. I agree with the first part of your heading (innocent until proven guilty) but this is really where it should end. Time will tell if that is the case, and then it is the time to talk about support. He isn't an Arsenal player any more and any support now should come from his current employers. How many times do we hear 'he isn't that kind of person' only to find that the truth varies? Having said that I hope that his name is cleared.

  10. no offense wrighty. you lost me at "and he is a devout muslim"

    since when does being religious exempt you from doing something illegal?

    and i smoke a shit ton of marijuana, so i'm not bias. but shit, i bet kolo's bucked a rail or two off of a strippers naked tits ;)

  11. good bit of business by wenger getting that amount for him

  12. I think Wrighty Is right devout Muslims do not take drugs. Mostly likely it a performances enhancing drug as he got Malaria In AFC and was never same again until mega bucks bought him. Recently he seemed to be running around like we know him without catching his breath...Wenger knew his level of Fitness was gone after AFC incident and when Citeh came he was shipped like a hot cake. Yes Muslims and Christians do take drugs but they are not practising there religion at all....Full stop so when you add devout you should know what it means. funny dude

  13. To anonymous at 22:14 -"Doping is prohibited in Islam", so is the murder of innocent people but how come every suicide bomber kills in the name of Islam?

  14. Then that means all Christians are terrorist judging by number of abortion clinics blown away and staff killed, not to mention Wako Texas. Of course some retards would use religion as justification it no brainer, but label 2 billion people as killers for actions of few is absurd but there goes your crazy theory. It also no brainer that the reason there is issues with Muslims is the seat on 95 percent of World oil hence all crocodile tears over Libya...yet In Rwanda 1 million people where hacked to death right in front of UN and French special forces....nobody would give damn about Muslims or Arabs if there was no oil hehe...let end these here dude.

  15. tonyss, i dont know what your problem but this post is all about football.please do comment on football related issue only.don't comment on such sensitive issues. u can't blame islam for some radical muslims as u can't blame a car when accident happen if the driver who drive it was drunk.peace.

  16. So much of my respect for him was lost when he went to Manchester City. I hat manchester city, and they are a vile football club. Kolo was one of those players that was swept up with greed

  17. Peace 2 you man for such weighted response,cheers.

  18. the only thing i remember about him is that moment of madness at the african nations cup. you need drugs to get over something like that. sorry kolo

  19. African Cup of Nations put Wenger off on Africans players after that. Normally he is breathless while running for City but recently it look like he was back to his younger days....That was a good call from anti drug team...... While they are it I think Manchester United are all cheats remember Rio saga, Nowadays it even odd when most team tires towards the end they are in full strength? How was that possible? Even youthful teams Like Gunners legs start to give way. I think they are on to something and possibly masking it cause those dudes would do anything to win. I think if Armstrong cheated on tour de France what chances are others would not do same?

  20. @ Part Tw0 - I don't have a problem. I was simply replying to a post that said Kolo couldn't be guilty because drugs were prohibited in Islam - nothing more!!

  21. Great post Wrighty!

    AW just said Toure took a diet pill from his wife to control his weight.

    If that's the case I don't doubt he will be cleared sooner than later.

    Shame to see so-called Arsenal fans badmouth King Kolo, an Invincible who got us to the CL final.

  22. more concerned about Sunderland, Barca and Wigan. the rest is bollocks.
