Friday, 24 February 2012

You Can Talk The Talk, But Can You Walk The Walk?

One thing that I have noticed over the years is that there are a lot of Arsenal players who have plenty to say.

They talk a great game but they have to start backing it up with performances on the pitch otherwise it will bite them on their pampered behinds.

This Sunday is the the most important North London derby since we won the title at White Hart Lane on the 25th April 2004.

Its time for this Arsenal squad to stop talking, to stand up, and be counted.

No less than 110% effort will be accepted. Total dedication is needed.

Like a Postman doing his round, Arsene Wenger and his squad must deliver.

So far this season could be described as a nightmare for Gooners worldwide. We have been up and down more times than a pair of Paris Hilton's knickers.

And I'm getting sick from dizziness.

A victory on Sunday would go a long way to curing those dizzy spells and could really kick-start our campaign.

Some of these Arsenal players need to prove they are worthy of wearing the red and white shirt of our beloved club.

They are fighting for their futures at the club but, more importantly, they are fighting for us supporters who worship them week-in and week-out.

Like battle hardened army veterans, our leaders Robin, Sagna, Scezney, Vermaelen must lead the way. The others must follow.

This game has become bigger than Frank Lampard's 15 course breakfast in recent years.

Our 'demise' and S*urs emergence as genuine contenders (I hate to say it but that's what they are) has made the North London derby more important than ever.

The days where we could just turn up and win are over.

However I have confidence in this Arsenal squad to win this week, go on to finish in the top four AND overhaul our neighbours.

Call me deluded, call me crazy, it can happen. But only if we win on Sunday.

It's time these Arsenal players quit talking about what they are going to do and actually do it.

Prove to us Gooners you have pride in the Arsenal badge, prove you are good enough to pull on the Arsenal shirt, something we supporters would love to do.

Prove everyone wrong who doubted you and to those who said that S*urs are nailed on to do the double over us for the first time since the 1992/93 season.

Because if you don't, even those like me who would defend you to the death, might struggle to in the future.

You talk the talk, but can you walk the walk?

Follow me on Twitter @_Wrighty7

Keep It Goonerish........


  1. Reckon will hammer them. All that frustration that has been building up from previous matches is just going to come out and demolish them. Van persi for a hatrick. 3-1 Arsenal.

  2. Nice words Wrighty, but I fear for this team. Things can either go well or drastically wrong. Spurs will play us on the counter, a strategy they used at the lane and one that is very, very effective against us. We seem to struggle at full back with wingers that have zero defensive capabilities or effort to assist our full backs. add to that a likely combination of Ade and Saha upfront, feeding off the highball and things can go horribly wrong. We can win this, or we can get HAMMERED! It doesn't help me to sleep at night knowing that Arsenal have not won 1 of their last 13 matches where Mike Dean was the ref!!!

  3. Well written post Wrighty7, but I don't want the players to stop talking. Let them talk outside the pitch and also on the pitch. The strategy worked well for Mohammed Ali in his days, Arsenal players can also put it to good use.
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  4. Trouble is they've already shown they don't have pride in the badge, they don't give 100%. They've been showing that for a long time now. I can't see that suddenly changing for Sunday. The players don't have it them and Wenger doesnt have it in him to instill it.

    I also don't think you can really 'kick start' a campaign when they've gone out of everything in a week and is already effectively over. Unless you think 4th place is a trophy of course.

  5. well said wrighty. was a bit annoyed with djourrou's comments about us being better than spurs, but I'm unsure of the context of the interview so will say no more. Indeed our slightly over paid squad has to start performing..and soon...
