Wednesday 9 January 2008

Eduardo could be match winner against Spuds!

The Spuds come to the Emirates tonight in a game that I expect to be a very tight affair. It's a local derby, and a Cup semi-final. I know Spuds concede goals for fun, but they will be right up for this tonight, and I expect a young Arsenal will be more than ready for this challenge. That's why I expect a tight game.

Its been twenty, yes I repeat, twenty long games for the Spuds since they last defeated Arsenal!! It was on my 17Th birthday, way back on the 07/11/99!!!! Since then it has been pure frustration for Spuds, but it hasn't stopped the fans from being as cocky as ever!! It makes me laugh about the number of times I've heard that this is the year of the Cockerel, it's our time. Only for them to fail on the pitch, time and time again. I'd feel sorry for them, but I cant, they bring it on themselves. When will they learn? Stop building yourselves up!! U set Yourselves up for the fall every time!! You had your chance in 2006, and you bottled it. You are now even further away from us, and we are getting better all the time!! That is not over-confidence on my part, it's the harsh reality that Spuds have to face up too!!!

Right, rant over!! As I say, tonight will be a tight one. But, I feel it will be a great game. I expect goals, and although Spuds do have danger men, I reckon the form of Eduardo could be the telling factor tonight. The man is ice cold in front of goal, it wouldn't surprise me for him to score a couple in a game like this. There will be chances aplenty for the young Gunners, and he is the man that u want to be on the end of them. I swear under Wenger's guidance this player could become one of Europe's leading marksman!! He is that good at taking chances and at a team like Arsenal who create so many, he will be devastating. He is starting to settle at Arsenal now, can u imagine how good he will be next season? He has also just been named the O2 player of the month, and deservedly so.

"Eduardo was still finding his feet in the hustle and bustle of English football at the start of last month but by the end of December he was justifying Arsene Wenger's billing as Arsenal's "secret weapon". The fans certainly agree - they have picked the Croatian striker as their Player of the Month.

Eduardo only featured in five of Arsenal's nine games but still did enough to scoop 27.8 per cent of the votes. He was quiet at Newcastle and Middlesbrough but exploded into life in the Carling Cup win at Blackburn, firing the young Gunners into a two-goal lead and slotting home the winner in extra time after Rovers had pegged back Wenger's side.

The Croatian produced two more clinical strikes at Everton to turn a one-goal deficit into a 2-1 lead. It was yet more evidence that the Croatian is probably the Club's most natural finisher since Ian Wright. Eduardo has staked an early claim for the January prize too after goals against West Ham and Burnley, taking his recent tally to six in just four games."

Other good news, is Robin Van Persie is available for selection and will properly feature at some time in the game from the bench. Arsène Wenger was delighted to have the 24-year-old back in the fold at last.

“Yes Robin van Persie is back in the squad,” he said. “He had a little set-back coming back from his knee injury, it was a muscle problem. But the positive side of it is that he could forget about his knee and work on his fitness.”
Its great to see Robin back, and with Ade available as well, surely Arsenal have the most talented quartet in the Premiership?

Tonight you will see this young Arsenal side hold no fear, as proved when showing plenty of bottle in last years Semi-final to come back from two down. And with home advantage, I reckon it will be another victory for the Arsenal. With Eduardo in the form he is in, and the side playing like the first team play football, I feel it will be enough for an Arsenal win.

This is the Spuds cup final, unfortunately for them it will be twenty ONE games since they last beat us after tonight.

Keep it Goonerish.


  1. Spurs will come up with the goods tonight like they did against Pompey and Man City away from home. The kids are going to be brought back down to earth with a vengance.

  2. Sorry Wrighty7, your wrong mate. It wont be a tight game, our young side will smash the fliddo yiddos! Fuck off Tottenham, 20 games u cunts!!!

  3. Fuck off Chenelle u northern Yid drama queen cunt! Go fuck Defoe or something!

  4. I really hope that we smash the Spuds up so bad that they havent got a chance in the second leg. All they do is give it about everything! How many trophies do they have in their trophy room?! Exactley!! Fuck off Tottenham and shut your mouths! U talk too much and u havent got nothing too say! 2-0, and u fucked it up!!!

  5. I fancy a 3-1 Arsenal win. Eduardo to score 2! C'mon the Gooners!!

  6. I fancy a 3-1 Arsenal win. Eduardo to score 2! C'mon the Gooners!!

  7. I fancy a 3-1 Arsenal win. Eduardo to score 2! C'mon the Gooners!!

  8. I fancy a 3-1 Arsenal win. Eduardo to score 2! C'mon the Gooners!!

  9. I'll bet any Yids that u wont beat us again in Arsene's reign as Arsenal manager! Any takers?!

  10. Chanelle, did u know ur on page 45 in the Daily Star today? I definatley would, even if ur a Yid!

  11. Anon 15:27 that is banter! Ha ha

  12. All you anonymous Gooner pr*cks, will get Bang up yea, You dont know what id do to you fools scene, ill bop bop bop in your face with a 6mm blood, you wont be chanting your cr*ppy foreign Yid songs then, Boomberclots.....

    If you want to get loud and proud all up inm y face and sh8t, heres my crib scene,

    Im gonna BUST you up lane
    NORTH LONDON, Not Woolwich....


  13. I think its time u had your medicine mate! What are u? A demented Jamaican wandering the streets of Tottenham?

  14. you lucky goon wankers. your 'kids' were taught a lesson big time tonight. totally outplayed and outclassed. lets hope you get a good spanking at the lane in 2 weeks and show you lot up for what you are - cunts

  15. Unfortunatly u did'nt win. So that was a major lesson to our kids-u still cant beat us.

  16. Gunsmoke ya bumbacluts yeah.

    lucky lucky Gooners, played off the park at your own gaff and needed a handball/faceball combo to get anything, gutted you mugs.

  17. But you still did'nt win. Until you get over a "mental barrier" you'r never beat Arsenal. Face it, you played your best, we were poor and you still could'nt win!!! Your'e shit u cunts!!

  18. Thats it, your all getting BANG UP. BOP BOP BOP.....

  19. Wrighty watch your back when driving to work in the mornings... Im like Take that, never forget!!!

  20. And Chanelle, you can go fuck a tree aswell, your dealing with the hardman here.

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